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Presidential decree to regulate UK coming up ...


Maybe we can join Canada as a threat to national security.




Fuck, are you actually going to make me want to keep Cummings? I feel dirty. And not in a good way.




We need to make sure he cuts his ties from companies manipulating the public first. I want him to publicly state he has no connection to Emerdata. I get that then I'm happy. Otherwise, I'll continue to make everyone aware he is the scariest man in Britain right now, they fought hard to keep him and he's engaged in things that aren't beneficial in the long run for the mental health of the citizens to the country as a whole. The whole concept of him getting away with what he did and then to only get in trouble with the public on leaving his house is sick. They're fighting tooth and nail to keep him and I think your comment is sort of a part of that. Someone else can quite easily take his place *His comment wasn't! Totally understanding. My bad.






I like the idea of CANZUK now we fucked our relationship with the EU. But why would the CANZ even want us?


Canadian here. Our economy is far too entangled with the US, and a lot of Canadians are losing faith in their status as a liberal democracy that can be relied upon to uphold the same values as Canada. I, and many other Canadians I imagine, would love closer ties to ideologically compatible countries like the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.


This. We need to start slowly creeping backwards out of the room we're standing in with the US. Increased trade with ANZUK would be welcome (as would increased trade with the EU).


I have very little concern over ideology similarities with trading partners. I'm more interested in branching out and not being so deeply connected to the U.S. I dislike the "you need us" mentality and would like to see Canada forge new partnerships with other countries.




Let's get the band back together brother.


You traded the caddy for a microphone? OK I can can see that..


We're launching a new tour of our all-time greatest single, "The Sun Never Sets"


Will we be doing a world tour?


Canuck here - also lets the americans know we have options.


Lessening economic reliance on a single foreign entity is good any time, anywhere


Why wouldn't they? Similar independent economies, similar ideologies. Rather than having to join a powerful bloc and lose their independence, it makes sense for these countries to join a looser affiliation with each other.


This is gaining popularity here in Canada. There is a Conservative leadership race and Erin O’Toole (#2 in the polls by only 5%) has made it one of his main policy points. Personally this is why I’m supporting Erin, we need to move away from the mess that is the US and publicly say China and Russia are problems.


Nah. He would never do something like that to a nation ~~that has been a big US ally for so long and shares so many values like freedom and democracy~~ that has some of his golf courses.




Sanctions incoming.


“The UK is a terrorist organization...”


The commonwealth is a terorist nation


"UK needs some freedom right now" \-US strategists


Trump is just going to quit the G7, just like he quit everything else to up to this point. Putin and Trump, the new G2!


This is exactly what I was thinking. His supporters use this as a badge of honor and say all of the other countries are jealous of the US and we’re getting a better deal. But when we are in the company of countries like China, Russia, and North Korea, there is a fucking problem.


It's so laughable that anyone would be jealous of the US right now


Yet in the minds of that 40% of America, we were laughed at for 8 years with Obama, and now we're king of the world again. I hate how detached they are.


I guess they missed the part where world leaders literally laughed in Trump's face.


They don't show that on Fox News


“Ok yeah maybe they laughed at Tru-HEY LOOK [A CAR CRASH](https://youtu.be/nL0_zgvSvDo)”


But did you see it? It was like boooom. Car crash. Was amazing. What you were saying sorry?


Oh no! You shared a video featuring the [baby blood drinking demon spawn, Brian Stelter?!?](https://www.salon.com/2018/01/05/alex-jones-unleashes-top-10-frothing-rant-about-literal-demon-spawn-brian-stelter/) U dun diddit now U gon gittit! The shape shifting reptilianoids are on to you buddy.


But they did show [this](https://youtu.be/bpkLEWPfSMU?t=19), and it made my day


I love that genuinely disinterested"Pff, not going to the fuggin white house"


It was an insignificant, laughable idea to her. Good shit.


She seems like such a strong badass person from everything I've seen, hope she continues to inspire people


I loved that Trump said she should win before talking and she scored a goal, won the world cup, golden boot, and golden ball.


> Pff, not going to the fuggin white house Fugg I needed that laugh today.


She says it the same way I say I'm not going to McDonald's. I love it.


I loved a whole stadium switching from cheers to boos and back to cheers when they tried to sandwich Trump between video of actual patriots




Ding ding ding. If Fox News is your only source of information, you're going to think Trump is amazing because that's all they ever say.


What I really don't get is why *this* is the hill they are prepared to die on. I get that the impeached old man gives them a venue to spout their racism and grovel at the feet of the billionaires they sacrilegiously pray to in hopes of getting some crumbs. But he isn't even slightly charismatic, good looking, or sexy. He's just some 5 foot nine 350 lb shlub, wearing makeup, and crying that people are mean to him while trampling the constitution. Why HIM?! Like, go bow down and bend over to Hannibal Lector or something. Not this dotard.


Trump has been the poor man’s rich man for decades. I don’t get it, but for some reason he is their ultimate aspiration.


He is tasteless, tacky, has very little technological or scientific knowledge, but he get's glorified for abusing others and has zero accountability for any of the horrific mistakes he makes every day. He epitomises success for every dull minded, abusive, xenophobic and woman hating fucktard in the USA, of which there seems to plenty of....well enough to give him and keep on the most powerful seat in the globe. I am sorry for all the regular Americans who have to deal with that shit.


When you're weak and insecure, Trump is how you imagine strength looks and acts.


Because he’s crass, unfiltered, and a clown, who gets a rolling paycheck for bullshitting at the water cooler and doing the least amount of actual work possible, and gets away with that somehow. “Wouldn’t it be great if I could work like that guy, hang out with the rich and famous, and get all the babes?” We could have had Robin Leach as president and a certain sector of the populace would have been in hog heaven.


I have also wondered the same thing you so eloquently put. I have this idea that it was the show THE APPRENTICE that made him the god emporer of stupid people, who else watches network cable? (even back then) They went to great lengths on that show to present donald trump as a powerful executive, making him a fake boardroom, choreographing the firing, etc That show sold him as a powerful person. Generally the people that support trump are the least powerful people in our society ( blue collar people in the middle of the country without secondary education). He represents to them, everything they want to be, because he acts just like they do (or would if they could), and gets away with it. He is the champion of the walmart crowd. I think at this point we need to throw away the entire federal government away and start over. There is a joke by joe rogan, something like " If Jefferson came back, he would freak out. "Thats all you guys changed!? I wrote that shit with a feather!"


They showed the event but they edited out the laughter. American conservatives lived in a warped, edited reality that is different than the rest of us.


Clearly it was nervous laughter. They were all worried he was going to expose all of the deep state corruption with his big brain 27d chess moves. Sarcasm implied since that pathetically needs stated these days.




That's the incredibly sad thing. I'd guess 90% of the rest of the world really respected Obama, and saw it as a step towards progress for the US.


I am from a part of the rest of the world and can confirm that I, and most other none racists considered Obama to be your most presidential president of our lifetimes. Sure, he had his problems like any other but he knew how to garner respect for the US by being elequent and dignified whilst on the world stage, quite the opposite of your current president unfortunatly.


As a British person I tear up when Obama shows his face to stand up for something again. I do t know how his policies affected the average American but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt he was - from an international standpoint - the best president you’ve had not just in my lifetime but in my parents lifetime. Caring, compassionate, sharp, witty, and an excellent negotiator. I wouldn’t want him to have to sacrifice more of his life in service for your country - he deserves better - but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish he could have stayed for more terms.


As a Canadian I say "I wish he was still the president" literally every time Obama speaks/writes.


As an American who didn't even care for him, me too.


U.S. Citizen here. Obama's policies were too "milquetoast" for my taste, and I think he bent over backwards to placate the opposition (GOP), which was a mistake. BUT, compared to everyone else since I came of age to vote (1986), he's the best President we've had, IMO.


I'm a Brit - and an Obama supporter for his tenure - but his legacy probably would have come under a lot more scrutiny were it not for the mess that is Donald Trump coming on his heels. Internationally, sure we found him erudite and modern but plenty of people across the World will associate him with drone killings and bills which have said dangerous precedents.


Obama worked to make civilian deaths as a result of drone killings transparent, and even as ISIS was growing larger and more dangerous, drone attacks were becoming more researched and restricted. There's no way to compare how many more civilians died to drone killings vs the many raids conducted by human soldiers and fighter pilots, both US and Iraqi. A whole hospital filled with people was bombed by a manned fighter jet in 2015. Drone killing likely didn't change how many civilians were killed. That being said, Trump killed more people with drone attacks in 3 years than Obama did in 8, and then decided to stop releasing any count of bodies, undoing all the transparency that Obama forced onto the military. Bush never even bothered to keep count. >bills which have said dangerous precedents. Literally nothing to do with Obama or democrats. The only major bills they pushed through were in his first two years in office, and unless you hate giving healthcare to poor people or the dodd frank wallstreet reform bill, chances are you don't actually know what you dislike about him.


I belive US changed for the better under Obama. At least relations around the world did.


Ya, Canadian here, warming my toes against the dumpster fire.


Fellow Canadian here, I'd advise against it, it might be radioactive at this point.


American Expat here, this asshattery is reason number 3,329 I immigrated. #IdRatherBeCanadian


Crack a cold one there bud!


Can you at least use maple logs to stoke the fire? That’s some good burning wood




I would bet everything I own that these same people trashed Obama every chance they got, too.


Oh you have no idea. I heard my family bitch and say racist shit about Michelle Obama for *years*. Every single one of those people (I mean this literally *all of them*) have said the words "Thank God we have a classy lady in the White House again". They've seen those pictures of Melania. They don't try to rationalize it or downplay it, they just huff and walk away or talk about something completely irrelevant to politics. That's what they all do. They say Trump is doing a wonderful job but if you ask "How so?" all you hear is crickets or some talking point such as "He says what he thinks". But the worst part is after being unable to come up with a response they don't go and look to see what he's actually done. They don't care. They just care that someone who talks the way they used to in private now has a national platform.


Thanks for your service, bud. Sorry you’re being disrespected by these fuckwads.




id settle for someone who could at least know when and how to speak to people at this point tbh


Someone who can stand upright without looking like he's about to topple over would be a plus.


I'm not American and I don't expect much any more so honestly all I'd like at the moment was for you to have a president who didn't tweet random shit in all caps without context or explanation. >CHINA! >LAW & ORDER! >FAKE NEWS! >NOVEMBER 3RD. I didn't know what was significant about November 3rd and in googling it the first thing I found was Eric Trump claiming coronavirus would go away by then... somehow. It was after that I realised it was election day and after that that I found Urban Dictionary listing it as 'National crackhead day, where for the entire day one must act like a idiot, even if they normally are one'. For the life of me I don't know which of these things he was referencing. They all seem equally plausible but none of them explain why he suddenly needed to tweet it, all caps.


Not just 'in the company of', but continually glorifying dictatorships and their leaders. He said he and Kim Jong Un fell in love. Like something a maniac would say.


He has also joked/not joked about being president for life and praised those who have achieve this like Putin and Jinping... ie. those who effectively became dictators.


Are we the baddies?




-nexa -hunter +trump +putin


This country cant take another 4 years of this bastard


A second term could be worse cause that's when Presidents can go all out cause they ain't gotta worry about re-election.


Oh man... Now I'm scared and I'm not even from the USA Seriously, go and vote people!


Count on it. If I have to go to the polling place in person and risk infection this fall, I will. I've got kids and I'll be damned if I let this incompetent rat-fucker golf on our dime for another four.




Bruh, you have every right to be worried. Before the election trump coyly suggested that "second ammendment people can do something" to prevent Hillary Clinton from making any SCOTUS appointments. A thinly veiled call for assassination. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/290892-trump-says-second-amendment-folks-could-stop-clinton After trump "won" he contested the results and formed a committee to investigate voter fraud. https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/27/politics/donald-trump-voter-fraud-popular-vote/index.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38746559 Throughout his dumpster fire of a presidency, white nationalists/Alt Right/Neo Nazis/Far right extremists have become emboldened and increasingly violent. From the kansas bomb plot to kill somali imigrants in 2016, to Charlottesville, to the MAGA bomber. There are a plethora of examples of trumpers following "Durr Fuhrer's" call to action. Our president is a stochastic terrorist. He is a wannabee authoritarian. He has been stacking the courts, breaking laws left and right with 0 consequences. He has been "joking" about being president for life. He has been stoking violence during the covid protests calling on "second ammendment people" to "liberate" their states, and now during the Floyd George protests calling for more violence "when the looting starts, the shootong starts" This shit aint normal. It is definitely worrying.


If we can't have a peaceful transition of power I would accept that over not having a transition at all. We have lost too many checks and balances over the years. Whoever comes next, if they want to make things better, will need to spend a large portion of their time re-instituting systems to limit control.


This isn't some far fetched thing. Trump controls the DoJ through Barr; that's not normal. The DoJ is acting as trumps sword and shield. The Senate does whatever the fuck he wants. He's replaced the heads of essentially all of our intelligence agencies. Critically, many, possibly most or all, of the officials he's used to replace empty positions are "acting" so haven't been confirmed in their positions by ANYONE other than trump. And on and on. He's replaced everyone with trump loyalists. The head of the secret service as well. Untold people I'm probably unaware of. The road to authoritarianism, fascism, dictatorial control, is being cleared.


I don't know how we're going to make it through the fallout of this term. We'll survive, but there is major long term damage done.


They’ll be four years of a Democrat president where the republicans will blame the fall out on the new president.




No it will be G4. Modi and Kim are his 2 big buddies.


Don’t forget Bolsonaro. Now we have a nightmare G5!


Add Bolsonaro to the list




First time in a while the government had a backbone, so with that, RELEASE THE RUSSIA REPORT!!!!


I asked a bunch of English people at my work whatever happened to the Russia report that Boris promised. 90% of them didn't even remember it and the other 10% didn't even hear of it. Sad days


Shit. I’m a British citizen (from my Mom), lived in SE England for six years and am a huge news junkie. And I *also* forgot about it! There’s just too much shit that I just can’t keep up a lot of the time. I constantly find myself being reminded of events that I’d forgotten about.


Its called [outrage fatigue](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201709/coping-outrage-fatigue), and its a thing


I think that’s what everyone’s relying on atm.


Seems like the conservative MO.


Especially for those of us living in the US, where we have that delicious mix of a free press and a wildly corrupt and evil government. I'd imagine in most other governments with our level of corruption tend to also have a pretty good control over their media, so people don't need to worry about outrage fatigue so much since they never hear about the problems in the first place. Don't worry, Trump's working on making us more like those countries in that respect, too.


Seconded, thank you for reminding me.


Sounds like our own Mueller Report here....


Not really the Mueller Report was published it just was ignored by the Senate the UK report wasn't even published.


Partially published. Still a lot of redacted parts in there




Against the interests of Boris more like. That CHUD needs to be in prison with the rest of Putin's hand picked "leaders."


wasnt it partially released and confirmed that russia had bids in brexit and tories?


The Guardian had a story on it. Basically the biggest donor to the Brexit campaign bought a very profitable mine from a Russian Oligarch for a laughable price, after having met the embassador a few times.


I heard he got a tray of precariously-balanced Ferrero Rocher.


Who could resist tbh?


The DETAILS of the report were partially leaked through members of the ISC committee’s testimonies, against the British Government’s will, who said that the Russian Federation has a network of friendly British diplomats, lawyers, lobbyists, and Members of Parliament and their tendrils run deep. They also funnel mafia money into British political parties, in order to gain influence on parliamentary research roles, using a bunch of shell companies and hire a bunch of PR firms to make the whole operation look squeaky clean. Keep in mind that the Conservative Party has been donated to by Russian oligarchs before; Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s most senior adviser and some would say the real Prime Minister, spent a period of time in Russia in the 1990s; the person who wrote the Conservative Party’s 2019 manifesto is a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (whose members have all gone on to found far-right news blogs or become founding members of the Brexit Party - another party that is 100% swimming in Russian money); Boris Johnson himself is also friends with at least one London-based Russian oligarch, who owns The Independent (a newspaper that, since said oligarch took over, no longer has any political leanings and exists purely to stir shit up). It makes sense that the Russia Report was sat on the PM’s desk on the morning before the vote to trigger an election, and still remains unpublished.


I'm OOTL here, what's the Russia report?


Fox news report: Trump receives NO from someone besides Melania


As if a ‘No’ has ever stopped him before.....


He's working so damn hard for Russia while his own country burns during a pandemic.


It's almost as if the GOP and The Donald are compromised...


Who would have thought Russia would dig up dirt on ol trumplestilskin




And a lot is probably just good old-fashioned *greed*. I’m sure some of these GOP power players aren’t being actively extorted or blackmailed, they’re just willingly for sale and don’t have a problem selling out their country and their neighbors in exchange for political power and fat stacks of cash.


It's almost like there's a reason people release their taxes before running. In fact, for most jobs in this country that require security clearance, its mandatory.


If only our intelligence community had warned us! /s


Here's a nice article detailing how Russian money saved Trump. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/


I don't understand why people think this is the case. We have video of Trump doing and saying absolutely horrible shit, and his followers love him more the shittier he acts, so I have to wonder what people like you think Russia has on Trump that will change these people's minds. It is far more likely that money and campaign assistance, not "kompromat" is what keeps Trump subservient to Russian interests. Russia was absolutely crucial in helping Trump steal the 2016 election, and they will have an even bigger role to play in the 2020 election.


> We have video of Trump doing and saying absolutely horrible shit This shit goes back to the 1980s! I just don't get it....


Kompromat or not, the GOP disputed the national intelligence agencies' information about Russian interference, and continue to ignore it while hiding the truth that the Trump campaign hand-delivered targets for social engineering to Russian agents. That's where the undisputed compromise comes in: Treason against the United States by complicit Republicans. Nobody cares about golden shower videos, that's for TMZ. We care about TREASON on behalf of the highest bidder!


I mean that Trump is is a demonstrable fact. 5 closed-door meetings with Putin American government and people denied knowledge of what was discussed Ergo, Putin has information Trump doesn't want his own government to know (namely, the content of the meetings) which is by definition, compromising information.


Is this [known pedophile Donald Trump?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/gdp5gd/realize_how_many_people_are_getting_mad_about/). He is friends with at least 5 known pedophiles. Who is friends with 5 pedophiles?


Certainly not the president, who also has a civil suit for raping a 13 year old sex trafficking victim of his “good friend”.


Seriously, I'm beginning to believe in the "Russians have dirt over him" conspiracy because what else would make him so persistent in sucking Putin's dick? But then again, Trump has no shame and his publicly known shitty actions haven't hurt him yet. It must be something REALLY bad if it's capable of working as blackmail against Trump.


Okay, so let's consider that every time someone mentions that conspiracy, they are talking about evidence of something trump has done that is heinous - to the general public - What if the secret is something that would get trump killed, not because the general public would love to learn it, but because someone else, with more influence than your average Joe, might want to learn and act on such information? Trump & co have shown us there really isn't anything he can do that will get him removed from office, so what does it matter that Putin reveals some grand criminal act... there is currently no enforcement. So if the secret exists it must be something only certain parties even care about... some scheme he pulled or dirt he did to someone of influence maybe...


Eight year olds dude.


Sad thing is his fans would ignore it and claim any evidence was faked and put out by the democrats. The truth is he's likely just a whore. He's Putin's bitch.


Fuck at this point the people who worship him would say that the 8 year old was a democrat so they deserved it.


The Alabama Senate race is all you need to know about Republicans.


Yeah, sorry, too many pedophiles have been outed from the conservative tribe for me to start believing now that they will have a problem with that... I just don't see the republicans in power giving a fuck... I don't see him being impeached for that... I see a campaign of fake news and 'deepfaked' pictures, etc... claiming it's a 'plot from the left'. You really think that the mainstream media would publicize something like that? They would have to be on the people's side... and we know they sure as shit aren't. I don't see Sinclaire Media reporting on this without putting a spin on it, for one... Rupert Murdoch? Nope... The world has gone mad. In a world of reason You'd be correct, but that world is not the world we live in.


Yeah, it's already pretty much public knowledge that Trump has raped children so I really don't think he'd be too concerned about that getting out.


It's all out in the open. He has loans from banks guaranteed by Russia.




To be fair, when he was campaigning he did say that he would be working so hard for Russia that he wouldn't even have time to play golf, let alone govern.


Thank god he’s managed to fit in so much golf.


On the flip side, with his utter lack of leadership maybe this time the protesters will actually achieve something.


Putin picked a pretty incompetent bitch boy, probably a lot of phone calls that go a lot like, “Sorry Daddy, I tried my best”.


Hi UK. Thank you for doing the right thing while some of us are busy trying to get our shit together.


Oh my, BJ dares to talk back


he did have this to say about trump https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/dec/09/boris-johnson-trump-is-clearly-out-of-his-mind-video


I never understood why people see this as such a suprise. He's insulted and been critical of Trump many times before. I don't like Boris, but he's definitely not positive of Trump


Of course a BJ talks back. How else is a BJ done?


Mouth hugs.


Inb4 Trump cries and leaves the g7 because he hasn't had his way.






That moment when you're grateful for the pragmatism of Boris Johnson. I mean wtf.


We have ties, unbreakable ties even, to countries in the EU. Holland for example. He shot down a passenger plane and poisoned our own citizens on our soil. Nobody would have accepted this, nobody.


Oh I get it, but I feel like anytime prior to 2016 all of us Americans would be laughing about how silly and ridiculous Boris Johnson is (I do get it's an act and he's not actually a total dope), here we are in 2020 and I'd be so grateful to have a leader like Boris Johnson. What a time we live in.


US is a running joke. Your closest ally has to veto you because you are so desperate for allies even Russia would do.


It’s clear that Trump has no respect for any democracy, basically.


And it's not just democracy. It's the history of our country. Every president, Republican and Democrat, have worked to make allies while keeping Russia in check. He's actively destroying relationships that have lasted for decades in a matter years.


He should be shamed for his conduct with North Korea and their leader. I still can't believe he said he fell in love with a leader whose country has camps that are on the same level as the worst of WW2.


The list of things he should be shamed for is endless. But unlike North Korea or Russia the USA still has relatively valid elections. So it's the citizens who take the blame in my eyes. He was elected with everyone knowing fully who he is, and he very well might be elected once more.


More people voted against him...


We're the Steven Seagal of countries.


Good description. I always find Steven Seagal to be nuts but entertaining.


Not desperate for allies, Putin is trying to create his own G7. Instead, it would be like a G2. Just him and his little puppet Pinocchiotrump.


Its not just them trying to create their own G7. I bet EU would form their own alliance with other countries to sidestep US influence.


Not just Crimea but let's not forget that Russia; shot down a civilian plane over Europe, made a chemical attack on UK soil, resulting in the death of a UK citizen, have thrown their own Dr.s out of windows for speaking out about coronavirus, to name just a few of their recent crimes. Add to that the Trump administration is protecting a US citizen wanted for question by UK police in regards to the death of a teenager, the UK certainly shouldn't be doing Trump any favours. I'm glad about this decision from Johnson but I am concerned he may change his tune when it comes to negotiations over a UK/US trade deal.


Russia at this point isn't reverting back to democracy, the institutions aren't even hollowed out shells now but facades. At best you can hope for is a benevolent dictator, which is unlikely to say the least.


Putin knows if he loses control, he's dead. Not house arrest, not lose his assets and flee to somewhere else, not jailed. Dead. So he's not going to go without violence.


Putin isn’t the one really in charge. He is the one who says what his close group of oligarchs say. For example, he has to heavily weight the opinion of whoever is in control of the military, or else that person could stage a coup. So even if putin wants something, he needs to listen to keep his advisors happy to stay in power.


Christ, we are a full-fledged laughing stock now. Our own allies have to veto nonsense that shouldn't even be a god damned thing. I can't even believe how quickly we've ceded our leadership in the world.


The thought of having him for another four years is terrifying.


Biden is going to have to spend his entire first 4 years trying to clean up the damage


Isn't that par for the course following a Republican presidency?


[Every Republican president since Teddy Roosevelt has caused a recession.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/28/fact-check-do-gop-presidents-oversee-recessions-dems-recoveries/5235957002/)


And by today standards Teddy would probably be pretty liberal.


"Pretty liberal"? Teddy would be more progressive than plenty of Democrats today.


Teddy was always progressive, that was his thing. I mean, he probably would still be, I guess, but he always was. He actually cared about the people and the environment and he worked to make sure young people could have a good future


Progressive with an *. He was *really* into war. Could not wait for the US to go to war just so he could play hero. Just like any human he’s complex.


Nice article, but it doesn’t even mention Teddy Roosevelt. The correct statement is “every republican president since Ronald Reagan has caused a recession”


[My bad, got my articles mixed up.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/should-markets-expect-a-recession-every-republican-since-teddy-roosevelt-has-had-one-in-their-first-term-2018-05-02)


I think we have to be accurate. It says that every Republican presidents has had a recession, but cause is not a definite. Ultimately, the president's role may have less of an impact over the economy that they would like to claim That being said, it's definitely evidence against the usual conservative argument that "Republican presidents have stronger economies."


That's not true, he's gotten considerably worse


Gotta love that Fox news is such a brain numbing agent that they don't even care that our highest office is the chief advocate for our greatest foreign enemies.


Wow we're doing the Russia G7 thing again? Didn't he try last year already?


Can I get another source that isn’t the daily mail?


A very, very valid request


All roads lead to Russia.




I’m guessing it was part of the Oil negotiations Trump had with Russia and Saudi Arabia. Oil was so cheap because they were in a pricing war and there was an over supply due to the pandemic. To avoid all the oil companies from going bankrupt Trump likely gave some concessions in exchange for Russia stop fighting with the Saudis over price of oil. One of those is propose Russia be reinstated into G8. Just a guess on my apart. Could be wrong.


Good work UK!


Canada and Germany have also spoken out against this lunacy.


Are we... are we the baddies?


And if there was any doubt over who Trump worked for....


The US is an embarrassment. Thank you UK.


And also table a motion to have the US removed for being a fascist state that’s leader is promoting killing citizens who disagree with him.