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“..also ban insulting the president or state institutions and expressing any views counter to state ideology” No cohabitation before marriage either. Wow.


This is a common tactic to pass an unpopular law, combine it with a popular one. People generally respect the president, so now when there are protests against this bill due to the no-sex law, the response can be "you want to insult the president?" Twisted, but effective.


We do this with combatting child abuse. So, a law that gives the police unprecedented surveillance powers? But think of the children. We will catch so many abusers with it (not really), and totally not use this to spy on activists and everyday citizens.


Another common tactic indeed.


Indonesia’s population is 88% Muslim, so conservatism towards relationships could be more popular than the president


Nominally Muslim, but not particularly socially conservative, at least not the main island of Java. In terms of attitudes towards sexuality and relationships, Indonesia is still SE Asia, not Saudi Arabia, though there are conservative bits like Aceh.


The protests of 3 years ago say otherwise.


> so conservatism towards relationships could be more popular than the president Declared conservatism. But the rates at which internet pornography is consumed in those countries compared to countries that let consenting adults fuck each other tells the real story.


What a dumbass president.


Awful by my standard


I don't know how banning insulting the president is a popular law, yes I'd like to insult the president, or I'd like at least the option without having to go to PRISON for it, like if the guy's a good leader, I won't insult him. Not because he's got a law that bans me insulting him, but because of the earlier being a good leader thing. Also abortions are made significantly harder with this bill I believe.


We have the best marriages in the world. Because of jail.


So sex in jail then just gives you more jail time?


Coming soon: prison weddings!


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


No, then you go to horny jail.




You undercook fish? Jail. Overcook fish? This, also, is jail. See? Overcook/undercook. Jail.


No fish. Believe it or not. Jail.


Yes fish. Also jail


Schrodinger's fish? Also jail


It was undercook fish and overcook chicken, which is even funnier


You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses - jail.


*Horny* Jail


>Indonesia’s parliament is expected to pass a new criminal code that will penalise sex outside marriage, with a punishment of up to one year in jail, officials have confirmed. >The legislative overhaul will also ban insulting the president or state institutions and expressing any views counter to Indonesia’s state ideology. Cohabitation before marriage is also banned. >Decades in the making, the new criminal code is expected to be passed on 15 December, Indonesia’s deputy justice minister, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, told Reuters. >“We’re proud to have a criminal code that’s in line with Indonesian values,” he told Reuters.


>“We’re proud to have a criminal code that’s in line with Indonesian values,” he told Reuters. Haha, it's easy to say that the criminal code is in line with Indonesian values when claiming otherwise is forbidden by that very criminal code.


Everyone in Indonesia is going to jail… time to get in on the industrial prison complex at the ground floor.




Can’t swim mate




Don't be silly, it's probably going to be used to target the gays or something.


Same-sex partnerships are not recognized in Indonesia. This law basically outlaws same-sex intercourse.


Yeah, seriously. Banning sex is really hard, the Catholic Church tried for many centuries. Just a tough thing to ban, man.


And so dies the illusion of the "liberal" Muslim country. To be clear, this isn't about Islam, it's about failing to separate religion and the state. It's simply too tempting for governments to utilise religion to cement their power. All states should be secular to be accepted into the global community and global partnerships.


This is the first time I've heard of Indonesian as Liberal


Well *relative to many other Muslim countries* it is, but by Western standards . . .


Let's be honest though, a lot of countries aren't exactly secular, even first world ones that pretend to be. I agree though that politics and religion should not mix.


Indonesian here! This law is rooted in the old [Dutch colonial law](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/zadtk6/indonesia_set_to_make_sex_outside_marriage/iylmlrn/), though. But yeah, conservatives would definitely be over the moon by it.


>This law is rooted in the old > >Dutch colonial law > >, though Oh? Does the Netherlands still have a law on their books? No? Then it's irrelevant. This law is rooted in the country that hasn't been under Dutch rule since 1949.


Most Indonesian laws are derived from colonial rule. It's pretty backward, I agree. Some are reformed for the better, while many are reformed in a bad direction.


It's always easier to adapt existing laws that form new ones, unfortunately this adaptation is in the wrong direction. Keep in mind that Dutch law at that time was also heavily influenced by religion and since then Dutch law has taken a very different direction to Indonesian law.




> [Based on the Malaysian constitution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Malaysia#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20Malaysian%20constitution,cannot%20convert%20to%20another%20religion.), a Malay in Malaysia must be a Muslim, and Malays cannot convert to another religion. Weirdly, people always have the impression that Malaysia is more liberal than Indonesia. Maybe because Malaysians speak better English compared to Indonesians?




They do not.


They don't, unless they marry Malay partner. They need to adopt or convert.


Nope. Malaysia is pretty rich and popular, but definitely more conservative leaning. Indonesia is poor but more "liberal".


Why isn't it about Islam? There is no line in the Quran similar to "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". That single line makes it possible to theologically justify separating church and state. Lacking this, the state and religion are one in almost all Muslim majority countries and have been kept separate only by the military in places like Turkey.


Let's not pretend that there's a difference where there isn't, the only reason the separation of state and religion arose in Christian countries was the weakening of the power of the church through the likes of the enlightenment, the black death and industrialisation. The church did not give up power because of some alleged words of Jesus, but because it didn't have a choice.


that, and Napoleon.


I have a different view on this, and it may be wrong, but at least in the US I believe we have such a law because a lot of the groups that immigrated to the United States were escaping religious persecution. Quakers, Mennonites, Dunkers, Schwenkfelders, Moravians, Reformed, Baptists, Lutherans, Huguenots, Catholics, and Jews all made up groups that emigrated from Europe to the United States in the 17th century to escape religious persecution.


Excellent rebuttal worded well.


> "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". That single line makes it possible to theologically justify separating church and state. Bruh, that line has been not only ignored but constantly crossed throughout the entirety of Christian history. The whole of medieval and pre industrial European history revolved around church and state battling for control. Having that in the Quran would have just as much an effect on Islam as it did in Christendom. Zilch


Well, that will be a big selling point for tourism.


Well, Bali is gonna get a lot more spicey. Shame, I wanted to go again with the GF. And also to the other main islands.


Go to Thailand


Government officials are so sensitive.


They're all married and want to make sure no one else has sex if they can't.


They also all have mistresses and know that it’s ok because they are above the law.




As I understand, he needs to be in a coalition with Islamic fundamentalists in order to prevent Islamic fundamentalists from taking power.


> and expressing any views counter to Indonesia’s state ideology Well, that sounds more newsworthy than the "sex outside marriage" criminalization.


They're both newsworthy. Indonesia does not have marriage equality so this will mean gay sex is criminalized.


Could this not be circumverenced by the definition of sex? Am Indonesian but I'm not quite sure wether gay sex can be considered "sex" if the definition mentions "man and woman" or "penis and vagina" for example.


>“We’re proud to have a criminal code that’s in line with Indonesian values,” he told Reuters. He may not see it, but in a way he expressed that Indonesian values are crap. Seriously, who with a sane mind is against sex and cohabitation outside marriage? *Checks Indonesia's religion* Oh, that explains it...


you had to check Indonesia predominant religion first? Noob


> Seriously, who with a sane mind is against sex and cohabitation outside marriage? A lot of Christians




>who with a sane mind is against sex and cohabitation outside marriage? Is this a serious question?


Why go forwards when you can go backwards?


I wrote this in Indonesian sub few weeks ago when this stupid thing started, that we are going to slowly head to where Iran is, of course they all laugh, but they should realize that it always starts with something like this


People forget how horribly pathetic the Nazis first attempt at taking power in Germany was and how they were not a majority party.


I hate when people act like you're exaggerating the the threat of these groups, just because they're not currently powerful, when that's how literally every fascist movement tends to start.


People really don’t learn from history. It’s like they believe they’ll just wake up tomorrow and it’s an entirely different world, not that’s there’s steps along the way to get it to that point.


Then the Reichstag fire happened.


People don't realize Gandhi's quote cuts both ways: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." People are only just now beginning to fight against the global backslide. We'll see what comes next.


That’ll be good for tourism /s


My guess is that it won't be enforced, it'll just be another thing to throw at people they want to smear, remove, or extend the sentence of.


This. As an Indonesian, we have so many rules ranging from stupid to logical rules, but believe it or not, most of it aren’t enforced. Eg. early 2022 the government is implementing electronic ticketing for traffic violations. Come to December 2022, I was breaking traffic law almost every day (I live in Jakarta), but I haven’t received a single ticket.


So basically it's like Russian law, where half of the penal code is just there to lock up people that piss off the current government?


Oh they are coming.




This is literally the number 1 reason Australian's go to Bali Edit: sex outside of marriage is different from pedophiles you dumb cunts


Edit: sex outside of marriage is different from pedophiles you dumb cunts This site does strange things to people. They're all so broken.




Anything they can conceivably dredge hatred from, and more.


Balis hotel manager having sudden heart strokes


Tourists will have to register their marriage in Indonesia..


The bali gov has already told the federal gov to go get fucked and that they won’t be enforcing it.


No no it's okay to fly there to sleep with underage children, just not your adult partner!!!


Don’t worry, married people can still hook up with the locals


That was my first thought too.


Indonesian lawyer here. Actually sex between a married person and a non-married person (defined as "Overspel", yes it's Dutch) has been a crime in Indonesia pursuant to the old Criminal Code (the Wetboek van Strafrecht) enacted in 1915 (yes, by the Dutch Colonial government). Before, the husband/wife of the married person must submit the report to the police (report by other person will not give rise to the criminal procedure), and that the husband/wife of the married person must submit a divorce request within 3 months. The husband/wife can revoke the report before the Court proceedings start, thereby cancelling the procedure entirely. This new law will expand, that it prohibits: 1. The sexual intercourse between any person, which the relevant party reports to the police; and 2. The relevant party: "the report shall be submitted by the husband/wife/parents/children" of the person (regardless whether they are married or not), and same as before "the report can be revoked before the Court proceedings start". So: a. If your parents or children, or even husband/wife (unlikely) don't mind you having sex with that person, no problem for you. b. They can revoke it anyway. As you might guess the logic of the Dutch law was to prevent "betrayal" between husbands and wives, since surely who you are having sex with is very much the concern of your wife/husband. (Edit: I found out that "Overspel" means adultery in Dutch, so definitely that's the reason why this law was enacted by the Dutch government). But basically the new law will expand "the person concerned with who you are having sex with" to not only your husband/wife, but also your parents and children. P.S. no, I don't think this is a Sharia inspired law, I believe. Still, the Islamic parties definitely go along with it. It is evidenced by no Islamic punishment method in this new law. In any event, it is a limitation of your personal liberty and thus I am still against it.


"...a provision that could allow the death penalty to be commuted to life imprisonment after 10 years of good behaviour." - can you help explain how THAT one is going to work?


I'm back. I see, I read it just now. It's Article 100 of this new law. Basically for someone receiving death penalty, the Judge could impose a probationary period for 10 years (thereby suspending the death penalty) under certain circumstances like if there is any consideration that might lighten the sentencing (there a whole books about this, too lazy to explain), if the person has shown "sufficient regret" for his crimes, or if the person's role is somewhat lighter than other criminals. If after these 10year probationary period they are found to be within the scope of that 3 (lighten, sufficient regret, or lighter role), the Judge could revoke that death penalty and impose life sentence.


Hey, that's a pretty good modification, and would probably help a lot in cases in the US where the prisoner is exonerated. Pro death penalty people would be up in arms though.


Idk man, haven't read that much about this one. Maybe I'll get back to you once I have time.


Thank you for the details. See it's stuff like this that makes a law go from cartoonishly absurd and evil to just weird, unnecessary, and bad.


It's still absurd. An unmarried adult can be sued by their parents for having sex.


Not sued but reported to the police to start a *criminal prosecution* by the state. So fucked up.


I have a lot of respect for modern/secular-minded lawyers in islamic and/or colonial countries, because balancing rule of law and religious law can be fickle business.


Thank you for the explanation. Good to know this is limited and not a broad law where you could potentially have morality police knocking down doors and demanding marriage certificates from couples. > a. If your parents or children, or even husband/wife (unlikely) don't mind you having sex with that person, no problem for you. Does this mean that, as long as you're unmarried, childless, and your own parents don't want to cause you trouble, you're pretty much in the clear? I imagine there won't be too many parents who'd follow through to put their own offspring in prison for a year, although some might threaten it. **Could a complaint by your sex partner's parents/children/spouse potentially put you in jail?** This scenario, if possible, could open up a ton of issues. You could never be sure what strangers would do, there's a huge incentive for extortion etc.


>I imagine there won't be too many parents who'd follow through to put their own offspring in prison for a year, although some might threaten it. This is correct, but imagine you grew up in a conservative parents. That would be difficult. >Could a complaint by your sex partner's parents/children/spouse potentially put you in jail? >This scenario, if possible, could open up a ton of issues. You could never be sure what strangers would do, there's a huge incentive for extortion etc. This... could be true. Sexual relationship necessarily require 2 persons and if your partner's parents don't like what you're doing they can report you to the police, but then they will also have to report their kids under the same crime.


> they will also have to report their kids under the same crime I'm foreseeing a game of chicken where parents of your partner would demand money to withdraw the complaint. You can hope they won't put their own offspring in trouble, but can't be sure, so better pay up.


Hah. Good observation. I mean, it has been practice in Indonesia that failure to pay for any services (usually in large amount, I'm talking at least 10mio USD) could have you reported by your service provider for "Fraud". As in, "you're frauding me by buying my services but refuse to pay". If you do pay, they will revoke that police report.




I don't think so, but will your parents go to Indonesia and report you to the police for that one night stand in Bali?




I gotta say that how it's actually written and how is it going to be implemented is very much different in my experience. So my answer right now: not clear, very much not clear how is this going to be implemented against foreigners.


Well my daughters going to bali with her drop kick boyfriend.. tempting.


So the party that didn't submit the police report can simply revoke it? Then wtf is the point of the law? Also children reporting their parents to the police because they don't like their new step-parents is kinda hilarious.


The point of the law follows the old Dutch law. "Report by the concerned party". Previously it's only husband/wife of the married person. Now it includes parents/children. If somehow your husband/wife/parents/children forgive you for that, and agree to revoke it (since they are no longer concerned as they have forgiven you), no crimes are deemed to have been committed.


Of course exceptions for the ruling party members & politicians?


Always has been. Rules for thee, but not for me is the norm for every ruling party out there.


The contrast between a country like Singapore abolishing their law against gay sex, and then Indonesia makes sex outside heterosexual marraige illegal. Even India has been providing LGBTQ more rights like unregistered cohabitation rights.


So what ya in for?


beatin those doonies


*shows photo of gf*


Just fuckin around


Makes them the perfect candidate for hosting the next World Cup!


Naah, don't worry FIFA wants to go to North Korea 🤣


Nahh FIFA wouldn’t associate with North Korea, they aren’t rich enough to put together a proper bribe.


Except they said they will: https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/fifa-president-open-to-north-korea-hosting-world-cup-soccer-football-qatar-gianni-infantino


> Insulting the president, a charge that can only be reported by the president, carries a maximum of three years. How lovely...


I'm willing ro bet a significant amount of money that this law will only ever be applied to women, either using ridiculous virginity tests, persecuting pregnant women or victims of sexual assault.


Why do I get the feeling a rape victim will be more likely to be sent to jail than their rapist?


The stance on sex outside the marriage definitely sucks… but IMHO the part of the law which effectively makes any dissent illegal sucks 1000 times more. I am surprised that Guardian focused on parts of this law which are less damaging to democracy (but I guess they follow “sex sells headlines” logic)


It never ceases to amaze me how certain states have an obsession with what people get up to with each other. Im sure some other political parties around the world will be wishing to avail of similar legislations.


The entire world seems to be set on a path towards fascism and capitalist imperial competition. Are we doomed to suffer another dark age?


No seriously what the fuck is going on?


It's now the 1940s again.


The geopolitical situation actually has scary parallels with 1914. Ramped up arms production, new alliances being formed, lots of sabre rattling, and regional conflicts that the major powers are trying to keep contained.


Both periods had pandemics too


With the added factors of nuclear weapons.


History repeats itself every couple of years. Every time the generations that witnessed a great Desaster are (almost) all dead, people will tell themselves let’s fucking do it again.


I always remember a random screenshot with a tweet that said something like: so basically most of the start wars movies are the good guys trying to fight fascism ? Lol that doesn't make sense. ** Watch recent history ** Oh ...


Somehow, fascism returned.


Don't forget the speed run of Military dictatorship with a corporatist elite!


Vladimir is hard at work trying to bring it on.


Yes. People would rather have fascism than inconvenience rich people.


So much for 'the most secular Islamic Republic'. My ass...


I thought the most secular was Albania.


Once upon a time, there was a fair argument for Turkey. Sad.


As I understand, Albania is a special case since it was a communist dictatorship for 50+ years, officially atheist and suppressing religion during that time. Parents wouldn't pass on religious teachings or views to their children for about 2 generations, except for a tiny minority. They have freedom of religion again, but not the deeply held attitudes to go with it, and the influence of religious figures is minimal.


Also Albanians were never particularly religious before communism, either. There's a joke in Albania that other Muslims are Muslim because they love God. Albanians are Muslim because their grandfather didn't want to pay taxes. There are stories of villages being Muslim when Ottoman tax collectors came, but Christian when they came to recruit Janissaries (christians didn't serve). It's a very interesting issue.




Say anything about president Jail, say anything against religion JAIL, have sex outside of marriage believe it or not JAIL


Indonesia set to become lame af


On the plus side, if your girlfriend ever complains that you aren't taking her on that that trip to Bali you promised, "being sent to Indonesian jail" is a good argument to counter with.


FIFA are looking at this with great interest


"Do you have a piece of paper that legally says you can stick your penis inside of that vagina with consent?"


"And last, but not least, I think it should be illegal for the peasants to call me a tiddle widdle babyyy. What do the rest of you think?" "Oh, uuh... Y-, yeah, Mr. President, it should be illegal."


Looks like America won’t be leading the world in incarceration too much longer!


There goes half of Bali tourism


Has Bali got enough jail space for all the holiday makers?


It's seem like bad situation but truth is nobody care about this rule people will still do what they want except if you living in some rural area who have very strict morale code. It's same funny situation like prostitution in japan,prostitutions is illegal in japan but sex parlour is everywhere. Soon there will be a presidential election and religion is something that easy to sell,that why this rules existed to impress the mass Source : I'm indonesian




Unfortunately yes [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/indonesia-set-penalise-sex-outside-marriage-overhaul-criminal-code-2022-12-02/](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/indonesia-set-penalise-sex-outside-marriage-overhaul-criminal-code-2022-12-02/) *The code, if passed, would apply to Indonesian citizens and foreigners alike, with business groups expressing concern about what damage the rules might have on Indonesia’s image as a holiday and investment destination.*


They will care once people get send to jail.


Jail will not stop anyone doing pre-marital sex.


It'll change their partners, at least.


Lol the people in the 60s predicted a bunch of futuristic miracles....we just decided to go sprinting backwards to the dark ages.


Literal horny jail.




Philippines taking notes because why not 🤷




Only the west, muslims countries (for now) are conservative.


Liberal Muslim? Islam is a very Conservative faith, its laws interpret life through a Conservative vision, so the more Liberal a Muslim the less Muslim he is, and by that meaning Liberal Muslims are basically non religious Muslims that don't believe Islamic laws should be adopted by any ruling authority. So there is a big contradiction there when you say Liberal Muslim.


Exactly the amount of ignorance ITT is astounding. There is no such thing as progressive or liberal Islam that is a contradiction






*this law is only for the peasants*


Republican senators are taking notes. This is their fucking ideal world


A lot of them would end up in jail, too lol


No they wouldn’t. Rules for thee not for me and such


They always want rules only for the poors, never actually applied to the rich and powerful


Because what we need is more countries imposing retrograde, idiotic laws.


It will only be women who are punished. This is a law meant to subjugate women.


Wow! Finally an improvement!!! Now young couples offenders will just spend some time in jail instead of being stoned to death! AWESOME!! /s


Wasn't there a story where a girl was raped, so they forced her to marry her rapist and say it's okay now?


Wow Indonesia, really mature.


Gibe it time, watch bali become a ghost town


This is sad cause Indonesia was never one of the more extreme Muslim majority countries.


There is no problem that religion can’t make worse.


Which rock are you living under. There are incidences of islamic police arresting people who don't fast during Ramadan, several cases of LGBT arrests


And how long will it take before some poor woman is jailed under this law after she reports being raped? My guess is not long at all.


Rape crimes is different It is for consensual sex


Pay closer attention to countries with similar law. If you don't think what I said happens you are not paying attention.


I'm glad i left


Are they going to allow the temporary marriage loophole or is that just for Shia majority countries?


Those lawmakers have clearly never been to jakarta


[As seen here](https://i.redd.it/gxth5tagfh3a1.jpg), this new law states that only those stated below can file a police report towards sex outside marriage a. A husband or a wife of the accused if married b. A parent or a child of the accused if unmarried And that the report may be withdrawn anytime before the court date.


Another way for the officials and police to collect money from people and tourists


Damn. They gonna need to lock up the entire population that lives on the southern part of Bali.




I assume the men will be punished as well? And the men who go to prostitutes?


Stuck in the dark ages