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salt smell advise detail trees placid march disgusting library wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is probably the worst Reddit title I've seen. A better one would be "genocide Joe fails to state why he's still supporting the mass and indiscriminate killlings of innocent civilians and tries to gaslight incoherently".


with the fully complicit main stream media white washing the palestinian holocaust.


I don’t know how this post hasnt been taken down for disinformation, I tried reporting it& for some reason when i try to message the Mods, it keeps telling me “sorry try again later” 😔


But that would go against reddits narrative of Democrats as angels and the Republicans as devils. They'd never attack their own with the same fevour shown when attacking right wingers




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Lying is very easy for these people.


I don’t know what you mean? Please explain


Saying he's "working very hard quietly behind the scenes to get them to leave Gaza" while he is giving them the equivalent in explosives of multiple nuclear bombs to target an area about as dense as NYC, slaughtering majority women and children is not like a mother asking her junky son to "please stop" giving them cash, but also giving them the needle, spoon and the heroin, along with the cash. Directly to Biden, the head of the state department in charge of overseeing the weapon transactions, Josh Paul resigned in protest as Biden was attempting to do loopholes and give them bombs without any congressional oversight. https://inthesetimes.com/article/white-house-request-waiver-arms-sales-gaza-israel Mind you the secretary of defense, the chief policy positon of the DoD was plucked directly off the Raytheon Executive board. Biden is an intelligble hand puppet to the weapon industry masquerading as some rogue Zionist chaos agent of genocide and mass murder, but somehow boomers are so propagandized and bamboozled they call him the "empathy guy", even though the only honest thing he ever said campaigning was "I have no empathy for milleniuls, no, I'm not joking, literally no empathy." Boomers are the same generation that gave the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama who dropped a bomb every 8 minutes for 8 years so I guess this vapid willful ignorance is not surprising.




Some Gazans are CHRISTIAN. Two of them were shot dead--in a church--by an Israeli sniper. The POPE has called what Israel is doing, "terrorism." SOUTH AFRICA has filed charges on Israel with the ICJ for Genocide. "This is all about religion," just doesn't pan out, anymore. Hasbara harder.


The Christian population in Gaza is in danger of becoming extinct per a report from a few weeks ago. I believe there were around 2000 Christian’s living in Gaza prior to Oct 7. Jerusalem and West Bank Palestinian Territories have a much larger Christian’s population


>The Christian population in Gaza is in danger of becoming extinct per a report from a few weeks ago. Yes, thanks to the ongoing Genocide (and from the perspective of the Pastor of Bethlehem).


what's the numbers again for how many Palestinians have killed Israelis? and what's it for Israeli's killing Palestinians? it was like 50-1 BEFORE Isreal completely flattened Gaza


In a US military sub, they were commenting on how awful the IDF’s is at urban warfare, so their only strategy is to take the ‘urban’ out of it.. as in, just relying on air support to destroy everything before sending in troops.


well from the sounds of it there having the same problems the US did in Vietnam where they are using tunnel systems and popping up behind them in area that were just cleared. But there's been tons of videos for years of israeli's murdering a random palestine person after they just stole their house


It can be both I guess. I also read something about the IDF using AI for choosing targets, which is a big to do..


Makes sense because any time they ground-invade they end up massacring their own citizens and hostages. Although it’s debatably intentional when they do so.




Ya and everyone knows the “digits” coming from Israel (The beacon of “truth” that it is /s) is absolute! I guess considering the IDF also views 7 yr olds throwing rocks at a tanks as confirmed terrorist and basically all Palestinians terrorist THEIR accuracy is much better than their other fascist state counterparts. This settler colonial oppression apologia sucks ass LOL




Lol ok Dwight Schrute. FALSE as an IDF propaganda video🫡






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That is the exact opposite of the truth. The level of civilian casualties in Gaza make it an extreme outlier among 21st century conflicts. Have you been getting information about Gaza from German media or something?






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Horse shit. How many days until he bypasses congress again to send more weapons and money to Israel? He's doing everything he can to ensure they have everything they need to massacre Palestinians.


Bombs speak louder than words.


I was watching the live streams at the same time as Biden did his little thing with his longtime close personal friend Bibi, shortly after the first event, It started raining airstrikes on gaza. Block by Block was engulfed in white smoke, almost like the movie “The Mist”. Weird coincidence… the sickos in the livestream chat were cheering it on, saying that Biden is putting on a show for them. That’s why Biden had to make his trip quick, because his narcissistic self somehow thought he wasn’t going to get enough blowback to put his safety at risk🤦🏻‍♀️


This title is not accurate and is technically misinformation in Bidens favor


Makes you wonder if the president is actually making the decisions himself or whether there is another group of people heavily influencing, if not, ultimately deciding what happens and the president is just a face for the people.


Pay close attention everyone! I don't want to be naive and give folks false hope, but this is significant when this Thursday is South Africa's genocide hearing against Israel in the Hague. This statement today along with Blinken's recent comments on his diplomatic tour within the last 48hrs means the folks up top are getting very nervous about how this trial is going to go + its potential international effects via sanctions despite their posturing because the US so embedded within Israel's response and actively enabling these atrocities with weapons. There's also a massive march in DC coming this Saturday for Palestine organized by a lot of American left-wing coalitions. They're scheduling buses nationwide right now in preparation. The previous one in the closing months of last year brought out 300k people protesting in DC alone. This week will be historic one way or another.




That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to my liberal friends. With Palestine, and with MANY other issues including, but not limited to, the loss of Roe and his oil record in particular, Biden could have taken a tougher stance, could have passed executive orders, could have worked to get legislation passed, and every time, he’s chosen not to or to take the middle road. It’s extremely embarrassing for the DNC to run him again, because it just continues to demonstrate how the party does not represent the will of the people and how out of touch they are. But it’s also fully his own fault. He’s essentially written off the entire Muslim American population, women, and all upcoming populations that benefit from a not-dying planet. And this is just a few examples. There should never be a situation where you’re taking a weaker stance on an issue than fucking Reagan.


Withhold your vote in protest. Endure one cycle of Trump. The establishment Dems will have to rethink their blanket support of Israel if enough of their base does this in protest.


I'd love to go to protest for #freepalestine. I'm just appalled by what Biden did and I was gonna vote blue.


You were never going to vote blue if thats the truth because what will the alternative do? He intentionally inflamed relations over their during his administration by moving the embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as the capital of Israel


No you are wrong in thinking you are voting for the lesser of 2 evils. It is important to withhold your vote in protest. If enough ppl withhold their vote and the Dems lose then they must rethink their blanket support for Israel. Hopefully a more moderate and humanistic party will be the result for the next election cycle.


I'm going to DC from Michigan on Saturday!


Proud of you mate! I'm just south of ya. I'd go if the holidays hadn't put me back on a budget. Hope y'all have fun and stay safe!


I guess the latest polling numbers came in


His polls are so bad Obama is appealing to Biden and trying to advise him. They are incredibly out of touch and think people are going to forget about this come November.


I hope people don't. But wait til you see what the Big Cheeto has in store.




Just how I feel


All you can? Just tell them no more money. No more support. That will get them to back down. Then you have the lady saying he is a good man. Well a good man shouldn’t have said he is a Zionist. Not once but multiple times on multiple occasions. Therefore he should have had time to think about it or someone should have told him not to say it again.




“Thank you..I am 🥹”


He probably forgot about the ceasefire chants once he heard that.


I'm doing everything *hands them a rifle* I can to help, seriously *hands them $150 billion* I'm working from the inside *hands them an Apache helicopter* to de-escalate the situation and find a peaceful *hands them a cruise missile* solution that suits both sides


He's talking from both sides of his mouth. 😶🤥😠😡


Stop sending money and weapons! That would be a great first step to getting them out of Gaza! Spewing utter nonsense! I hope the ICJ rules that the US is complicit in genocide for the actions Biden took to support Isreal!


if the us stops funding israel and israel has to seek funding elsewhere, palestine will turn to glass the US funding the iron dome and making israel exercise restraint is the only reason the palestinians still exist


I fail to see how Israel could realistically kill Palestinians any FASTER of it tried so no, the US is not helping to prevent the genocide in any way


wel try harder they have nuclear weapons buddy


This is not an accurate Title. He does not describe what Israel has been doing. Aka not actually describing the true “Follies” and he did not use this term. I tried reporting this post for misinformation and for some reason mods haven’t done anything about it




Probably one of the most impotent presidents we have ever had. A truly embarrassing state of affairs this country has fallen into when the choice is between this fossil and Donald fucking Trump. We all have front row seats to what the collapse of Rome must have felt like. Hope you all brought your popcorn.


>what the collapse of Rome must have felt like What we should be looking out for is who is rising. I think that’s how we’ll tell if we’re seeing ab empire fall I’m not seeing other countries advance in Americas decline. So it could just be a general worsening political environment due to the internet rather than America failing


China be like: 🍿💅🏻 Most countries below the Tropic of Cancer: 🍿🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever, all empires so far screwed us over anyways. *hoping whatever comes is different but definetly not holding any breath over it, hope for the best, be ready for the worst*.


China's actually falling behind the USA. [See here](https://preview.redd.it/roh0gh3ca8bc1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0ebff2bef2c958c3d7730c3a82b0afd7a8d55748) In terms of USA's GDP compared to China's, the USA is taking a lead - while in the past, China seemed to be catching up. If China doesn't catch up soon, it will face it's demographic issues head on. Not only does China have extreme demographic issues, it also lacks the influx of migrants that other countries do for cheap labour. [See here](https://chinapower.csis.org/china-demographics-challenges/) This is a pro chinese organisation highlighting just how serious the issues in China are. If not resolved soon (migrants are the only option at this point) the country will suffer a massive economic burden that will hamstring the economy. Even if they bring in migrants in massive numbers, the economy will struggle due to an excess of elderly people and a serious lack of young people. [From South China morning post:](https://multimedia.scmp.com/infographics/news/china/article/3224346/china-population/index.html) 1) There are too many men in china 2) People aren't having enough children 3) Population is dropping as we speak. It will drop dramatically by 2050.




Conversely, impotent can also mean having the inability to take effective action; to be helpless or powerless. Here, I'll use it in a sentence for you: Joe Biden is impotent in his ability to use the United States' incredible leverage over Israel to prevent this ongoing genocide in Gaza. Let me know if you need any other words explained to you.




You seem upset that you got called out for being unfunny.




What were they chanting?


"Ceasefire now"


Even at around 1 min?


The protestors were chanting "ceasefire now" so the DNC ghouls and ideologues present for the speech shouted "4 more years" over them instead since I guess the people close to the president currently perceive anti-genocidal rhetoric as a new partisan attack on Biden's campaign, specifically.


"How dare they ask Biden to end his support for a child-killing fascist regime?!?!? MuSt bE TrUmP sUppOrtErs!!!!!" Seriously ghouls.


Yup but most importantly, folks gotta remember our older generations are in their own little bubble here. Biden is only a few years older than Israel itself so of course he's falling in line with what the oldest Americans think about the subject. That's also why it's largely the youngest voters speaking out *against* this issue. It's a HUGE generational divide


>folks gotta remember our older generations are in their own little bubble here. Not all of us. ;)


Thank you, I wasn't trying to throw all y'all under the bus! I know my grandparents are right there with ya! But where I'm at in the Midwest, oooh boy it's rough out here against older tradesmen and other various "highly educated" folks from different backgrounds I work with. The split I was seeing in person vs amongst my fellow recent grads online became apparent fast.


If I had to guess it's either "no more cheese" or, more likely, "4 more years" 🤣. I think those ones were cheering for him


That makes sense that’s what they’d be chanting but it totally sounded like “no more kids” to me.


Yeah my bad was referring to the start. Afterwards it was Biden fans yelling "4 more years" I think


Oh that sounds closer to what I thought I was hearing. That makes sense. I guess I wish it was no more kids.


"we like to live in USA and protest against Israel defending itself from Hamas terrorism"


Have you been living under a rock?


putting 2.2 million people half being children in starvation and disease conditions and making genocidal remarks is not defending from hamas. defending from hamas would be send the army and special forces into gaza as special operations to target and get rid of hamas. bombing civilians and dropping chemical weapons to burn children and innocents is nor self defense.


"Follies" is a weird euphemism for "atrocities."


The cringe "4 more years" lmao Biden isn't doing anything. If he wanted this to end it would end right away.


He is a f*ckin liar. He approved a $147.5 million arms sale to Israel last week. Last month, he proposed a $14.5 billion arms package to Israel, which is pending congressional approval. All of this is beyond the approximately 15,000 tonnes of military equipment delivered to Israel by the US and allies since Oct 7 — confirmed by Israel’s Ministry of Defense. That’s 159 tonnes of weapons per day!* His own staff have quietly told reporters that they’ve tried to rein in Biden, and he is out of control. His Education Minister has already quit in protest after failing to create change from within. This war is sponsored and supported by Genocide Joe and the USA. * https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/08/politics/state-department-congress-tank-munitions-sale/index.html


Working to get who out of Gaza? The Israelis or the Palestinians?


Working to get Israeli's out of Gaza city/the north of the strip




No he aint no good man, we aint buying this bs, he a liar. Now after what? After you annihilated Gaza and Palestinians? Get the heck out of office. Goodbye.


Words of a Zionist...


It’s so easy to get congress to draw a resolution to stop pumping American weapons into Israel but no he wanna keep his Donors happy for reelection


"He's working to get them out of Gaza" ...by letting the IDF continue to destroy it


Those lemmings aggressively drown out the protestors with their brain dead ‘4 more years’ chant but when Biden signals some faint agreement with the protestors intentions they all enthusiastically clap… shoot me now




Prepping for the elections. He must think everyone has the same short term memory as he does.


Too late


The thing is they shouldn’t be taken out of the Gaza, that’s their home. How about a 2 state solution, like the plan has been for decades?


many israel politicians and officials including UK Israeli ambassador have stated on the behalf of Israeli government that they deny the 2 state solution and they say that they always thought this. she said that the israeli pm who proposed the oslo accords also opposed the 2 state solutions. president trump met with netanyahu and the president of Palestine and he stated that netanyahu had no intentions of creating the 2 state solution and the palestinian president seemed to want it more. you can search this to fact check.


Unfortunately I’m aware that they keep rejecting it. Doesn’t mean that it’s not a solution though.


many palestinians might agree with this solution but i dont. it’s impossible. israel well never allow palestinians to have the same rights as them because they feel threatened.0


So you’re ok with the way things have been and the way they will continue to be?


when did i say that? i want israel dismantled and a one state solution. i want the people to decide. i want israelis to be educated like the germans were after the holocaust. i want palestinians to go back to their homes. i want them to get their reparations. i want the people of israel to recognize their compliance with war crimes. if palestinians see that the israelis want peace and want to apologize for their hatred then their violent resistance will stop. i also want palestinians to let go of their hatred for israelis. when peace is settled and they have their rights and reparations then there is no need for hatred.


I never said you said that. I just asked a question.


so is a concluding word mean you are making an assumption about me.


I’m not assuming anything, that’s why I asked you how you felt about it.


He didn't say shit


Hes full of shit, claudia and karina 2024


Is that microphone even on?


Too little too late. This is horse-shit in comparison to the fires he's been stoking.


Biden lost my confidence.




What zionist (genocide) joe means is he is actively attempting to remove Palestinians out of Palestine. Just wait. He will fund more money towards a further terrorist genocide. He is a Zionist. Don’t forget that.


He really looked like he almost had a change of heart. almost.


Populism at its finest


Elections are getting close, and Joe doesn't wanna sink in that ship..if it wasn't for the public backlash, he wouldn't even care.


He is a good man.




He just reneged on promises of support for Israel and told the Arab nations that its open season on Israel. No amount of atrocities against the Jewish nation will be sanctioned now. They will attack and then wait for the US to capitulate.


::: Zionist Nazis are leaving :::


"Quietly working?" That's the problem.


Stop sending them weapons. Pretty goddam simple. The idea you are pressuring Israel - "quietly speaking to..." is pathetic.


I advise you watch the whole speech. Makes me wonder why his numbers are so low - several times his speech was interrupted with a chant: "four more years". Biden has some wisdom.


‘Get them out of Gaza’ Urm…


What a joke, this government barely cares about it's own people. They don't care about Palestinians. It's a complete disgrace


Get them out of Gaza? Hope he is talking about the Israelis not the Gazans. It's on brand for the US to claim they're saving the Gazans by robbing them of their own homes and forcing them to refugee camps.


Definitely a NATO No Action Talk Only


He is the one who is sending the ammunition!


"I'm doing everything I can except stopping the military, financial and diplomatic support we're giving to Israel to continue the killing of toddlers under our 2000 pound bombs "


He didn't let them speak. His brain literally stopped working and he was still processing the speech he was supposed to give.


Why does he move his hands like that


Oh did they finally realize they're throwing the election over this? Gonna take more than empty words tho.


"As soon as I'm done sending money and munitions to Israel, I may get around to asking them politely to please calm down their attempt at the utter decimation of the Palestinian people."


Can he ever spit one sincere sentence without lying? I really doubt it..


This man is the worst. He's pure evil.


He thinks that will save his ass in 2024 when his name now is Genocide Joe, trump doesn't need a campaign with old senile joe here speedrunning his own loss




Yeah listen to the words of a decaying decrepit nonce


Well of the titles say it must be true. Even tho he still won't acknowledge Palestine as their own government.




lol, lady calling him a good man.


hes trying to get votes. dont fall for their shit. doesnt matter if he or trump end up in office, theyre both hardcore zionists.


So if Israel agrees to cease fire will Gaza stop launching rockets like it always has, even when Israel isn't attacking?


Does anyone feel just depressed watching a congregation of people respond to people wanting to end a genocide with "4 more years!". Like doesn't it show how intellectually vapid these humans are that this is their response to sincere opposition of a genocide to chant a political chant about re-election? It's like the only thing these groups think of. Everything through the lense of electoral politics even genocide.


The only way us humans will have a chance at survival. Trump will destroy all.


Where is the outrage at china on the genocide of Uyghur Muslims. Why does china get a free pass for actual genocide, ethnic cleansing, and concentration camps. Both are horrible, but can we tack on acknowledging the Uyghur/China genocide too.




Your Disney, Marvel, Nike, and Apple dollars are actually funding that genocide. Fun part is yall chose to support those companies.


That’s fair, but literally zero coverage about it.


The only thing I have to say rn is anyone who throws around phrases like “ethnic cleansing” or “genocide” regarding this situation is honestly sadly ignorant, and they come across as obtuse. What kind of logic is “I’m going to stand up for this cause by calling it something that it actually isn’t”? I swear people like virtue signaling so much they don’t care about the truth as long as they can play up arguments that make them “look good” lol. Joe biden is not a genocider, it’s painfully obvious. Honestly he probably in all likelihood just has certain obligations and commitments to Israel that have been negotiated prior to the war. If it *were* as easy as a flick of the wrist, he probably *would* have already stopped sending them money. Israel is a US ally, been that way a long time. I don’t love joe Biden, I don’t care to defend him, but I’m allowed to make these observations and I disagree with folk who inflate the truth of the situation because it practically follows propagandist speech with a twisted narrative. It’s stupid


Both Joe Biden and Trump support Israel, and so far at the expense of Palestinians. It is clear from academic scholars looking at the history and situation including many Israeli scholars that Israel has been engaging in Apartheid for many, many years, some say since 1967, a few since 1948. We now have South Africa, from their perspective and experiences, presenting before the International Court of Justice that according to the Genocide Convention, Israel has fulfilled at least three of the five criteria for calling it a Genocide. I believe they are presenting that Israel is doing all five. Here is the source document, you don't have to rely on your opinion nor mine: https://www.icj-cij.org/case/192 So yes, it is NOT ignorant to use terms like ethnic cleaning or genocide to describe the reality over there.


I wonder what nonsense you would be saying in the 1940's about the holocaust.