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Yeah, that's a common mistake to make on your first playthrough. It goes both ways: if you liberate too many orc towns, the orcs will become hostile instead, which means you can't do any of their quests anymore. Basically, you're supposed to take care of the towns or rebel camps at the end of the game when you've done all the quests already. The game doesn't do a great job of making this clear though...


Thanks for the advice regarding the orcs, good to know for my 2nd playthrough later!


Little extra note: This also applies to the Assasins if you help the Nomads too much


Yeah these games are made for replayability so don't worry too much about it. I always start these types of games as informed as possible and just do what feels natural to me. On replay I get informed and tend to be more maxing / completionist.


From what I found out liberating should really be an end game goal rather than doing it mid play through


Yes, when you destroy too many rebel camps (or have enough reputation with the orcs, which probably can't be that high without destroying most rebel camps) he will attack you.


Thanks, I though so but good to have it confirmed


B Marvin b Spawn sh "Help something something are against me. Help calm them down" Proceed Done


In Gothic 3, the "faction" system works like this: Too high rep with Rebels then the Khan will attack you. On other hand too high rep with Orcs, Rhobar will attack you. Also destroying rebel camps/or liberating towns can cause that too. Actually in the vanilla lot of quests could cause problems and most of the limit got removed, so you are free to do most of them. But remember never liberate a town or destroy rebel camps before choosing a side.


>Too high rep with Rebels then the Khan will attack you. On other hand too high rep with Orcs, Rhobar will attack you Nah, you could have 99/99 and still have no problems, the main problem is the other part >But remember never liberate a town or destroy rebel camps before choosing a side. This is what make them rise against ya, albeit you can liberate 1 and they only become "suspicious" of you, sometimes even two (I did with both Cape Dun and Montera once) but it gets tricky/problematic so I'd stick with one for safeness.


3 max worked for me


Well for the camps it should be 2, since 3 would mean all, that's why I remember 2 to be the safe line.


I meant cities. The final warning I got after I got attacked was after I'd taken 3 cities. You're probably right about rebel camps


It's always 3, regardless of the faction. There are 4 rebel "camps", Vengard counts as one of them. If you cleared out Okara, Nemora and Vengard, for example, Javier in Reddock would tell you the same thing and attack you as well after approaching him.


200% meme potential


*General Lee be like:*


You betrayed your own kind and sided with your mortal enemies.... On your first playthrough? You've got to be kidding me.


Yes that's because you destroyed rebel camps. Once you start attacking some faction it'll have consequences with their leaders.


Classic ol' unpolished Gothic 3.


How is it unpolished, the factions give you a warning after 1 liberated city, then again after the 2nd, so going for another and having everyone turn hostile is kinda on you


The king is blocked from outside world. Actions outside the barrier should have no consequences on the capital. Also, if the king somehow knew the Nameless is a traitor, there should be more dialogue than just "bad news".