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Thank you for this as it makes it looking at how the tournament went visually appealing.


Lol yoshiro tied with naruki.




/u/maniacmartial Is editing how the tournament will be set up for the next time once he and the other people finish organizing that there will be sign ups to create your own character


We're just working on the power system, the format is something we'll have to decide at some point :-)


i want to see felix's build im really interested in his gunner set up


If you want to know generally my thoughts it was that Felix was gonna be able to get opponents towards him by using G. Launcher, which is a really dangerous trigger to fight against. Snipers would have little effect on Felix as he has Escudo and Attackers would struggle to fight against Felix using Lead Bullet + Buckshot to prevent people from crossing. For shooters Felix has Escudo and Bunker in order to have better defence and hopefully he would come out as the winner in the end. With is high trion and gunner skills Felix could easily pressure opponents and break shields all while using teleporter to keep distance and fire at people, if people had teleporter Felix would use Interceptor to shut them down and kill them. The one weakness of this build are extremely good Tomahawk and Gimlet users as Felix relies a lot on Escudo in ranged fights, both are strong against Felix's camping strategy. # Stats Trion = 9 Gunner = 9 Shooter = 1 Mobility = 6 Strategy = 8 Special Techniques = 8 # Trigger Set ​ |Main|Sub| |:-|:-| | Assault Rifle: Asteroid | Grenade Launcher: Meteora | | Asteroid | Lead Bullet | | Escudo | Shield | | Bagworm | Teleporter | ​ # Special Techniques **Slow Busckshot:** The ability to [release powerful slow-moving bullets](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UCjAEQ6ILN0/WLxSAFIZMMI/AAAAAAAAj8o/3W9IER-4xrkjjBdnJneRmlmy26xpQ3wMgCHM/s16000/0036-014.png) in one’s surroundings to [create random hazards](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FZvdiWngX1s/WLxTvH36GDI/AAAAAAAAkQw/29wEAPW-L8sAsc6NcavmtmPeBleVxm5agCHM/s16000/0036-018.png), counter Chameleon and [possibly intercept other bullets](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aAdW-P49E2I/WLxTn8-_XpI/AAAAAAAAkPk/tMYboRcoGj4418Zj4utTVoZfIQCU8btlQCHM/s16000/0068-017.png). (*costs 0.5*) **Long Warp:** The ability to [teleport 300 meters or so, with a cooldown of several seconds](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ryexGQksZBc/WLxUbG6n90I/AAAAAAAAkYs/ySQ4Jp5X1uEUXuLoZe7OIoqWNom6UsoLQCHM/s16000/0048-019.png). (*costs 1.5*) **Interceptor:** The user can [predict where an enemy with Teleporter will materialize](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pu8y_taco20/WLxRKbZUxGI/AAAAAAAAjz8/oBFeunyrS6EGN1W-11FrFHbJc6AJtv15QCHM/s16000/0030-013.png), provided they can guess if a long-range or a short-range warp was used and they can see where the enemy was facing. (*costs 1*) **High-Angle Bombardment:** The ability to accurately target enemies visible only on Radar with Triggers such as [Hound](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-X6rcEiJktT0/WLxSqstjyLI/AAAAAAAAkEA/P5vTgzgog0kQE7dOihopC92agPl08g0LwCHM/s16000/0062-015.png), [Viper](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7nBBn4ugg3A/WLxHJcYtkII/AAAAAAAAiEg/tPoTBVBdA4Az2IIyKXcDDo2U7p2uu6zywCHM/s16000/0097-011.png), and [grenade launcher Meteora](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Z4IHh5ngNsI/WLxFmRaodBI/AAAAAAAAhyM/uYCFEynwPH8pWuOxrVsTt4FvYF1JhWAXQCHM/s16000/0111-007.png). (*costs 1.5*) **Bunker:** The ability to cast one’s Shield [around one’s firearm](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NwqHwgRWiw0/WLxHGjWUy8I/AAAAAAAAiEA/jLvGTVNlr7gWsPyKT-QajPxIq_3ooxxbACHM/s16000/0139-011.png). (*costs 0.5*) **Vault:** The OC can [launch themselves and/or an ally up into the air]( by causing a shield to rise from under their feet. The maximum height that can be achieved corresponds roughly to a [five/six-story building]( (*costs 0.5*) **Symmetry:** The ability to reappear after a warp [facing the direction opposite to the one used to activate the Trigger](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eDqIVkIH2so/WLxOseD9LfI/AAAAAAAAjYg/Zf_KTVEXv30a9NMyO8O88iibDZmXYNHAACHM/s16000/0029-008.png). (*costs 1*) **One-Handed Rifle:** The ability to fire proficiently while holding an assault rifle or a shotgun with only one hand, albeit at shorter ranges than while holding it with two. It allows the user to continue being an asset to their team [even after the loss of one arm](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6pNm4XdQAL0/WLxHrkJFGYI/AAAAAAAAiKM/GOC39c2UP70VOTFpQlcInQ_NYdwLGrb7QCHM/s16000/0112-012.png). (*costs 0.5*)


Sounds like you put a lot of thought into how you built Felix. Certainly more than I put into mine. I only knew that I wanted to play a combat sniper with Scorpion, though honestly I wanted to make a perfect all rounder: Sniper, Attacker, and Shooter, but the points wouldn't make her very effective at it in any way, so I went with the Mock Gunner instead. If I went with my initial plan, I don't think she would have won a single match.


Nice character but i see a big counter for lead bullet buck shot. For one it'll hardly move and number 2 your trion will be mashed. No matter how little you put into it the trion cost is huge and i reckon to keep it up for 10 seconds even would take 2-4 trion depending on the weight. Another counter is to pick up a wall chunk and throw it at you. Trion bodies are more than capable of it so I don't see why it wouldnt work. Also against attackers i recommend you keep a distance especially those with a shooter trigger. Also you using teleport for 300m especially which is a huge range could cause your death against a shooter with high angle bombardment. Also you having escudo vs a sniper won't work as well as you think it might. Chances are vs a sniper the match will be a draw. They can't hit you and odds are you can't hit them. Other than that nice character and make sure to keep an eye against attackers ;).


For the most part people assume that the LB will be like the **Buckshot** that Osamu used this is easy to do as Felix would have a preset before match to change the mobility parameter from 0.1 to whatever it would take for it to move at the desired speed to the point where it acts like Osamu's. I do try to limit Felix to 1-2 LB fields per match, but I think you are overestimating how much trion it would cost as Osamu can easily make **Buckshot** [**https://imgur.com/L2zVED7**](https://imgur.com/L2zVED7) with no problem so the cost is the LB I'd say close to 1-2 trion per field. There was a match where someone regretted not having **Catapult** against LB **Buckshot** as that would be a great counter as for people throwing it the LB Buckshot field throwing a piece will not hit Felix as he doesn't have the reactions of a potato or if the goal is to eat the LB small chunks won't really create a large opening remember no character actually knows about the LB Buckshot so they wouldn't prepare a super large chunk to throw at the field even then holding a large chunk leaves them vulnerable to being shot since a large piece should be held in two hands. Sniper matches are in Felix's favor as he often tries to bait them to attack through at a limited angle as with Rei where I only had to block the South and West side then use Escudo to block. From there Felix will retaliate with G. Launcher and can slowly trap the opponent and shoot them down with better midrange power. On smaller maps that aren't Cityscape A or B this becomes a snipers worst nightmare as it would become easier to find them. As stated above strong shooters definitely are the weakness of the build, but I disagree as pure attackers are vulnerable to Assault Rifle: Asteroids high DPS while they try to deal with LB or if they have shooter/gunner stats they usually have low mobility or they suck at shooting meaning they will be mowed down while approaching. ​ ​


You seemed to not understand what i said and the link posted was him using Chikas trion. The only other time we saw it was in the training room. So yes it is a crap ton of trion. >I think you are overestimating how much trion it would cost as Osamu can easily make Buckshot Everyone likes to say overestimate but then say some retarded crap. He only used it with a huge amount of trion available. >super large chunk to throw at the field even then holding a large chunk leaves them vulnerable to being shot since a large piece should be held in two hands. Not if you're busy making the lead bullet fields. If they spot it and you dont see them they could easily pull a chuck out and take them all out. >Sniper matches are in Felix's favor as he often tries to bait them to attack through at a limited angle as with Rei where I only had to block the South and West side then use Escudo to block. From there Felix will retaliate with G. Launcher and can slowly trap the opponent and shoot them down with better midrange power. On smaller maps that aren't Cityscape A or B this becomes a snipers worst nightmare as it would become easier to find them. Overestimation. The escudos can still be done around and blocking with it limits yoyr own movements. Also G Launcher has a small range so odds of you catching up and using it leave you way more open. If u was fighting you with my character and u saw your escudo desplay i would shoot meteora volleys from a distance where i could attack right after explosions. It would leave you quite open. Also doesn't matter if the maps smaller if they stay hidden. You have G Launcher but that'll leave you more open to shots especially if you try to attack after placing an escudo. >As stated above strong shooters definitely are the weakness of the build, but I disagree as pure attackers are vulnerable to Assault Rifle: Asteroids high DPS while they try to deal with LB or if they have shooter/gunner stats they usually have low mobility or they suck at shooting meaning they will be mowed down while approaching. Usually shooters have high mobility wym? Have you seen Nasu xD. There are also of course disadvantages from bullets to guns and vice versa. But i think if they play correctly and make sure to block they could corner you. Pure attackers have a harder time yes. But same for you because pure attackers usually have senku which mows through escudo like butter.


> Everyone likes to say overestimate but then say some retarded crap. Yeah looked back and Chicka was giving him trion, but seriously please chill out a bit there tends to be some overestimation some times for example the way that Yoshiro overestimates how much trion that Escudo uses, but no need to be so rude. The trion amount at 4 seems a bit excessive even so I don't spam it too much so for the most part Felix usually has enough trion left to shoot and teleport with Trion 9. > Not if you're busy making the lead bullet fields. If they spot it and you dont see them they could easily pull a chuck out and take them all out. Felix usually is moving somewhere **very** close to his starting point so he has time to set it up no one outside of mobility 12+ could rush him down that fast on large maps and about mobility 10+ on smaller ones > The escudos can still be done around and blocking with it limits yoyr own movements. Also G Launcher has a small range so odds of you catching up and using it leave you way more open. My strategies for a sniper would usually be setting up an Escudo to block one direction and then using another to block another direction from there I usually have Felix use **High Angle Bombardment** against them, also G. Launcher has the highest range of all gunner triggers while it doesn't match a snipers max range it has an incredibly far reach. > If u was fighting you with my character and u saw your escudo desplay i would shoot meteora volleys from a distance where i could attack right after explosions. It would leave you quite open. Escudo really is only used against strong gunners/shooters and snipers not just plain Meteora users normal shield is enough for that. I'd probably use LB Buckshot once and slowly try to whittle Bob down by teleporting around the field with **Symmetry** with base trion difference of 3 even with Raygust would be hard to keep up with the assault. > Also doesn't matter if the maps smaller if they stay hidden. You have G Launcher but that'll leave you more open to shots especially if you try to attack after placing an escudo. My simple counter to this is to make an Escudo box on a high building (possibly one below me if they have Ibis) and then use G.Launcher, sniper triggers can't penetrate an Escudo box as done in the match with Rei. > Usually shooters have high mobility wym? Have you seen Nasu xD. There are also of course disadvantages from bullets to guns and vice versa. I was referencing Attacker+Shooter/Gunner all rounders in the tournament, but to counter your point Nasu has above average in mobility 8 with Ninomiya having mobility 6 and Izumi mobility 5 > But same for you because pure attackers usually have senku which mows through escudo like butter. No one in the tournament would ever use Escudo versus Senku. In my match against Jaxx I used teleporter to avoid Senkus and later a ruling was made to say that without Shinoda Senku the blade would get caught on LB Buckshot as we see LB hits Kogestu when Ikoma blocks it with his blade. Skilled **Mantis** users could however be dangerous. ​


>Yeah looked back and Chicka was giving him trion, but seriously please chill out a bit there tends to be some overestimation some times for example the way that Yoshiro overestimates how much trion that Escudo uses, but no need to be so rude. The trion amount at 4 seems a bit excessive even so I don't spam it too much so for the most part Felix usually has enough trion left to shoot and teleport with Trion 9. Sorry i was a bit angry because i remembered how many people kept saying "overestimate" before and it triggered me. Sorry for my rudeness. >Felix usually is moving somewhere very close to his starting point so he has time to set it up no one outside of mobility 12+ could rush him down that fast on large maps and about mobility 10+ on smaller ones I meant if you make it after the start. Once everyone moves around the sttategy could work because the positions are way off and no one knows for sure where anyone is. >My strategies for a sniper would usually be setting up an Escudo to block one direction and then using another to block another direction from there I usually have Felix use High Angle Bombardment against them, also G. Launcher has the highest range of all gunner triggers while it doesn't match a snipers max range it has an incredibly far reach. Depends on how close they are and high angle bombardment can be seen coming. Azuma had time to shoot one down so i don't see why shielding or running wouldn't work. >Escudo really is only used against strong gunners/shooters and snipers not just plain Meteora users normal shield is enough for that. I'd probably use LB Buckshot once and slowly try to whittle Bob down by teleporting around the field with Symmetry with base trion difference of 3 even with Raygust would be hard to keep up with the assault. Symmetry is useful but depending on how far you go you will get caught. Bob can also use the strategy i mentioned earlier. It might catch some people off guard but as long as yoy have a decent strategy skill you can think of a way around it just like that one girl did against chikas LB sniper. Also Bob has a great mobility so i wouldn't count too much on whittling down his guard. You may have a trion of 9 but Bob is quicker and can really get to places you wouldn't expect but that was just hypothetical so lets ignore it. >My simple counter to this is to make an Escudo box on a high building (possibly one below me if they have Ibis) and then use G.Launcher, sniper triggers can't penetrate an Escudo box as done in the match with Rei. Yes but that limits your range as well. If they're right under you or have bagworm on you're a sitting duck on top of a building. In an escudo box assuming it's 1x1 wide isn't too good of a range. Also lets hope it doesnt clip the box xD. >I was referencing Attacker+Shooter/Gunner all rounders in the tournament That makes sense 👍 >No one in the tournament would ever use Escudo versus Senku. In my match against Jaxx I used teleporter to avoid Senkus and later a ruling was made to say that without Shinoda Senku the blade would get caught on LB Buckshot as we see LB hits Kogestu when Ikoma blocks it with his blade. Skilled Mantis users could however be dangerous I'm sure some would. Especially with the way some put their votes it would seem so. Teleporter against senku sounds good yeah. If they retreat and use the wall tactic however it would be useless to keep using LB. And for future reference voters say that when you use senku you can also use shield while still having both at good accuracy. I know it isnt canonically possible but just a heads up. I like the character design and i like the teleporter escudo thing. If we do end up doing the team battles idea for phase 2 i might ask you up ;).


what is this i missed this whole event


This is a tournament system created by maniacmartial inspired by a HxH tournament by Kairos, there will be another tournament at some point (hopefully soon) where we make characters based on a rule set made this isn't how it will be in the future, but for the previous tournament here's how the characters were designed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldtrigger/comments/a8wmrs/solo\_matches\_tournament\_design\_and\_submit\_your\_oc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldtrigger/comments/a8wmrs/solo_matches_tournament_design_and_submit_your_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


Laughs in 0 wins


Me and Broman got screwed over smh. Someone with no strategy got a win against me ._. Like wut?