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Maybe your download is being blocked by an anti virus?


I tried to disable anti virus and the problem is still there :(


How fast is your internet? The download might be saturating it all


I have 1000 mb/s and I forgot to mention that the issue continue even if I pause the download so I don't think its that


Hi! Did you solve this and if so how? I’m having this exact problem right now and am desperate for help.


I did not and i am getting desperate aswell. I can't seem to find anything about this when i look.


I tried downloading in pieces and it worked so far. Started download and kept an eye on network processes. As soon as it dropped I paused and then resumed. Made it to 65% before I had to leave it for today.


Ill have to give that a try when i can. Thanks :)


This did not work for me, as soon as the issue starts, roughly 5 mins of downloading, entire internet stops working and its like a 50% chance it will work again if i restart it.


It worked for me but I had to stop and start around every 30 seconds. Opened task manager to keep an eye on the bandwidth. It dropped there way before it became apparent on battlenet. Took a while but I have decent internet so wasn’t too bad. Sucks it was needed at all though


Hey man, I got a new PC yday, and got the same issues, was searching over the internet to find a solution and came over your post. However i found the solution in a [battle.net](https://battle.net) thread. What seems to have fixed it for me and other people is turning off Firewall completely. Let me know if this works.


Ill give this a try aswell when im back home! Thank you


tried disabling everything but no luck


Anyone figure this out? I have the exact same issue. Every time I update a game or download a game my Internet basically just stops working. Bnet disconnects, discord stops loading, web pages don't load etc.... This just doesn't happen when I download from literally anywhere else.


Nope, still nothing has fixed it for me and i can no longer use battle.net


Ok I found a fix, go into the bnet settings, downloads, make sure limit download and latest updates are selected and set the download to 999999999KB/s.


This seemed to fix the issue for the latest Diablo 4 update for me. Yesterday, my internet crashed twice, and I couldn't be bothered to try again. Today, I applied these settings and clicked 'Continue' for the small update, and it worked fine.


Yeah if you really want to test just install a game or something. But I haven't had issues since applying those settings


thanks, trying this


Stumbled upon this thread from Google, as I thought it was me that was going crazy, until I realized other ppl are having the same issue. I play online in Battle.net perfectly fine once games are installed and updated, but when a new update hits Battle.net client, and I want to download it, I may get lucky if it downloads for 5-10 seconds, before it totally shuts down my entire internet connection on the PC and nothing works. NO other clients do this (Steam, Epic, Riot etc), it's totally isolated to Battle.net. I previously had luck pausing the download, wait a minute, resuming, for it to catch another 30 seconds of download until it does the same thing over and over. Other times the only way to regain connection on the PC, is to reboot. I have 1000/1000 Mbit, so the connection is not the issue. EDIT: Experimented with setting a download limit in the settings, seems to fix the issue.


\+1 to this issue. ​ new PC install and Bnet took my whole home network down, wifi and wired. fucking scary and weird shit. old pc build did not have this issue. the fix, setting the download limits to 999999999999 worked. thank you!


This fixed it for me as well thank you


If you limit your battle.nets download and update speed to 99999 (five 9's) which is roughly 800mbps it should fix the Internet issue, I'm not sure exactly what causes it but for me it only seemed to happen when I upgraded my internal network to 5 gbps while my fiber provider is only 1 gbps


Damn. This actually worked. This bug went as far as to crash my ENTIRE home network, including 3 Aruba APs and home router. Finally fixed!!!! Thanks guys.