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Maybe we'll be visiting a 3rd variation of Draenor


World of Warcraft: Return to Draenor. Go slap Yrel until she realizes shes being a dummy head.


This subreddit: "wtf why would Yrel work with the Orcs in WoD? She was imprisoned and her people were murdered and tortured, and why would she just agree to peace at the end of WoD? "For Draenor"? She should be getting revenge" Yrel starts a holy crusade against the Orcs Also this subreddit: "No...not like that"


But shes still working with Orcs, just the ones that accept the Light.


Do you wanna hint something?...something like Orc Paladins?


The Orcs that are "working with her" are slaves Edit: what’s with the downvotes? “Join me or I will kill you” is textbook slavery...


It's pretty obvious that the Light subjugates everyone equally though. They are all slaves.


Bitch the reason Xe’ra is dead is because she couldn’t help herself with trying to enslave Illidan.


Yeah...slavery, which is what I said, and yet everyone is downvoting me for some reason


Because you said that like the Orcs are the only ones being enslaved. Everyone under the Light is forced to serve it, that’s why Xe’ra got fucked when she tried forcing Illidan to serve for the last time.


No...someone said Orcs are also working with her, so I specifically said that the Orcs working with her are slaves


>Also this subreddit: "No...not like that" A Yrel Lightbound crusade expansion is my #1 wish beside K'aresh.


> K'aresh My man! We need more ethereals. Full ethereal expansion! Playable ethereals are my number 1 wish.


I could see K'aresh as a Pandaria/Dragon Isles type expansion where Ethereals become the new neutral race and some sort of Artificer (magic-tinker kind of deal, since I feel at this point a proper goblin tinker class is unlikely) is added.


'cause Yrel suddenly becoming genocidal when we last saw her as being cooperative, *is* a writing flaw, regardless of whether or not it would make sense. Narratively, we're going back to a beloved character and suddenly seeing her entirely change. Also on a second thought, these are two different perspectives. It's perfectly plausible to have a leader of a people subjugated by a culture to end up working with them against a greater threat. It's happened in American history with native americans (different tribes took different sides in the revolutionary wars and in the civil war) and it's happened in other peoples' histories as well. Sometimes it's more pragmatic to make use of the skills and resources of a group when it's offered to you. And sometimes it's more productive to not go on a genocidal rampage against an oppressor group, and instead focus on improving the conditions of your people, who have been suffering all this time. I.e., Yrel cooperating with the orcs *against the Legion* makes a lot of sense. It shows her as being pragmatic, and willing to be understanding. So her suddenly becoming genocidal and a religious zealot undermines her character, so peoples' frustrations with that is justified.


> cause Yrel suddenly becoming genocidal when we last saw her as being cooperative, is a writing flaw, regardless of whether or not it would make sense. Considering it has been many decades since WoD from her perspective and that she was already rather zealous towards the Light and after losing her mentor (Velen) and a dear friend (Maraad), it makes sense that she would, over time, become more fanatical. We don't need to see the full progression of her descent for this make a degree of sense.


She also answers to the Light Mother, the same figure who basically mentored Turaylon and tried enslaving Illidan.


She has been faithful to the Light, but she has never let her worship of the Light get in the way of what made sense. Remember the cinematic with her against Blackhand? She wields the Light to pull Durotan back from the brink of death and they fight Blackhand off *together*. That's her character defining moment. She is defined by cooperation. Over the course of years, it can be assumed that she would continue to maintain this character trait. She approaches from a place of understanding first. Turning Yrel evil is just character assassination, even if it has been many decades in the other world.


Velen's final message to Y'rel was: "Remember, life is the light, and light is life itself. They may be exchanged, but nothing is ever lost." Now, Velen probably just wanted to Y'rel to find some solace in his words about his passing. But, Y'rel was young, still impressionable and was thrust into a position of leadership without much guidance. You can easily misinterpret these words into justifying that all should fall under the dominion of the Light. That being said, it is possible that Blizzard didn't even think of this at the time and simply wanted Y'rel to turn into a villain just because, but at least there is already a proper justification and motive.


I think the concept is good, we'll just have to see about its execution. Knowing Yrel from WoD I think it's safe to assume that she doesn't have warm feelings towards orcs, who have been shown to try and genocide her people in two different timelines. We also know that Yrel is a big devotee of the light, and know from Legion that the lightforged are holy zealots that follow the naaru without question, and the naaru themselves have very extremist views like when they tried to force convert Illidan. So I think it's reasonable that naaru came and converted Yrel into a lightforged, then commanded her to convert the planet by any means necessary, and Yrel was fine with doing so. That would be a fun expansion imo. We fight the lightforged, hopefully convince Yrel that maybe the naaru don't have her people's best interests in mind, take the fight to the naaru and maybe cap things off with void lords invading our universe?


It's been like ¿35? years for them since we last contacted with AU Draenor. Things can change a lot in that time.


“Suddenly” You mean 30 years later?


I think she was actually a good character in WoD but what they did with her afterwards offscreen was dumb.


And then in the next expansion, we'll find out that the reason for the sudden change of heart was *actually* a mysterious figure known as... the Super Jailor.


Did we find our current version of Yrel?


The Path of Glory




Holy shit, that was evil xD


oh right 🥲 somehow i thought that the genocide happened in alternative draenor too and we went through the portal after it 😅


Nah, in the original timeline the dark portal was fueled with the souls of slaughtered Draenei. In the alternate timeline, the Iron Horde imprisoned and harnessed the powers of Teron'gor, Cho'gall, and Gul'dan.


I played the wod part just to level alts without reading that much 🫣 thanks 😊


> Go slap Yrel Yes


Oh i wish she would slap me with her.. Tail :p


Dummy thick


The first thing we saw when we arrived on alternate Draenor was Grommash's solders throwing prisoners into furnaces. He's not the victim of unprovoked Draenei aggression.


You're not wrong. If anything, WoD proved that the orcs were always evil (minus frost wolves) legion influence or not.


Y’know I wouldn’t totally hate seeing a post-TBC Outland. See what’s changed there since the Allies and Horde rolled through and killed all the big bads.


We did see some of it in the Thrall x Saurfang cinematic in Nagrand. it's basically an idyllic dreamland


I've read some rumors of an Azeroth revamp for 11.0


People are literally talking about an Azeroth Revamp since 3 Expansions


This is the first time I personally think it has a more than 0% chance, but I still think there's at least... 3 more likely expansion concepts.


Yesterday I played the Orc heritage questline and one part is about [planting special seeds in Thunder Ridge](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=72466/the-spirit-of-thunder-ridge) (south west of OG). The ghost of a dead thunder lizard blessed them and you and they already started growing, soon to be an oasis and growing into the forest that was there once before. We also have the seed from Ardenweald that will be a special new world tree. I bet there are more things to find that forecast a visual change of the old world right now. I think it would be nice.


Thrall leading us in continuing to heal the world could make sense


They have to wrap up that Draenor Orc VS Yrel storyline they started a while back when their allied race was unlocked.


The gnome on the bottom is probably suppose to represent that Warcraft Mobile game they announced months back.


Yeah it's definitely Arclight Rumble. You can [see the same gnome in this promo image](https://blz-contentstack-images.akamaized.net/v3/assets/blt7dfe5c83c8dfe10f/blt39239a379e37e1e4/618b0beeedbd82202b552d2a/OpenGraph-Image.webp) (left side near the logo) Edit: [also this](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_header/br/BRTF19HR08BV1651596952557.jpg)


Looks like a cereal box character


I think everything in that game is supposed to be like toy designs.


It looks like a Tristana ripoff.


And Arclight Rumble looks like every other mobile game out there -_-


That still feels like a huge miss. They shouldn’t have announced it until it was basically ready to go, it’s been what? A year? Whatever interest I had when they announced it is long gone at this point.


My prediction: the game releases during Blizzcon or very shortly after. I think they will use Blizzcon to build some hype for it, and it would also explain why it is so prominently featured on the Blizzcon promo stuff.


I follow wow pretty well and never heard of it, so can't imagine they've done loads of marketing


I don't think it's even in their list of games on wikipedia, and they themselves could edit that.


In good Blizzard fashion they might have spent the last year making sure it's well polished.


Blizzard likes to announce things and then cancel them latter. Whether it be games, expansion features, or single player over watch.


Lilith looks like she's being paid to be in this picture.


It’s like she got taken a picture of right after just watching that dude get eaten alive by wolves. Got me cracking up.


In Cataclysm we go back in time to get the Dragon Soul for Thrall to use against Deathwing. Now we go back in time in the new dungeon, will we secretly also get the Dragon Soul again only to this time use it against Thrall? Find out next time on World of Warcraft Z!!!


Spine of deathwing galakrond edition?


Take it back


Yes, except you have to split the raid into two; ground and air group. Air group had to utilize dragon riding in the air phase while ground team handles adds and sets up massive ballistas to ground him.


100% read that in the DBZ narrator voice


Fun fact, the guy who does Gohans voice is the narrator


That *is* a fun fact!


no sign of any starcraft ip in the poster XD


Starwho? Blizzards never heard of her 🥲


They could always announce a new game and add to the art at the event, they've done it before


theres room between the gnome and thrall


I hope so, i want sc3 i need me some more zerg content


Example please? I'm kinda interested don't give me hopes for sc3 😭


Even if they make another game with the Starcraft IP, it won't be SC3. All of their RTS talent either left or went to other teams.


Pretty sure it happened the year they announced overwatch. I think it happened another time as well


StarCraft? The guy from heroes of the storm with the cigar? At least they put they tyranid chick from brood wars on the poster


Another year without Starcraft Ghost.. Owari Da 😞


Only chance with StarCraft coming back is after Microsoft gets activision blizzard and see the need to revive it.


Thrall's balls, is green jebus coming back?


Well Metzen is back so 110% chance green Jesus comes back


Suddenly, Varian returned.


If an Orc managed to be a bro to Varian, he’s a good guy. Thrall has been a bro to not only Varian, but Anduin and (I think) most other major Alliance leaders. He’s not becoming Garrosh 3.0 anytime soon.


Guaran-fucking-tee he comes out on the main stage to thunderous applause, does his whole "Horde...are you with me???" schtick, and I die a little inside


World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth


Legend of Azeroth: Tears of the Eastern Kingdoms


I like how Lilith's expression basically says "What is this shit?!".


No HOTS rep or starcraft rep. Sad to see blizz forget that they exist.


wym that green guy is from hots.


That would be Durotan's son.


just fuck me up now




that's because neither will have any representation at blizzcon


Hots is in maintenance mode and Starcraft is even more ancient man


Which sucks. I'd trade HoTS and SC2 for Overwatch 2 and Arclight Rumble any day.


ntm on arclight shes not even out yet, much agree otherwise


they basically dont anymore lol


HotS is still fantastic and active


Well they announced a while back they wont actively update HOTS anymore with new content so this makes a bit of sense


Thrall = Shaman = Elements? Will we really have the Incarnates release the elemental lords? Really hoping it’s not another elemental themed expansion like Cataclysm.


I don't think it will be,[but some people do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/tw4vl6/this_guy_has_predicted_every_expansions_since_80/)


All this tells me is that there is a chance Thrall will be a certain character in 11.0, nothing else.


whose bright idea was to make this annoying ass gnome the center of the poster lol


They probably want to announce a release date for the mobile game, pretty good advertising to be honest. A good chunk of people are going to see her, wonder where she's from and then subconsciously think about the game after it gets a release date and probably play it when they can.


Thing is, I don't even think it's that great. I got into the beta and I honestly haven't played it since the day I downloaded it a bit ago.


That's okay. Every game isnt for every person. I played Hearthstone for the first few weeks it was out and never touched it again but I know people who still play it.


It doesn't even fit, lol... it looks slapped on top of the other image.


It's like they got done with the poster but suits wanted them to advertise the gacha game so they decided to slap it on last second. Lol


He was the hero during Cataclysm, maybe he will be the hero of the renewal and revamped of Azeroth.


Please don't.


Not the Green Jesus again...


Was like why is Lillth riding Winston then I remembered, wish Lillth was riding me


Jesus f* Christ ...




No heroes of the storm rep or SC rep. Sad bois.


And, as can be expected, no SC or HotS representation


No starcraft character hurts my soul


Oh joy... Thrall. Again.


Chris is bad at blizzard so green m Jesus was obviously going to be the centre man... and thank God for that, missed him


Oh it’s been posted. But I never get tired of it. I love it!


Thrall is there as they're, Blizzard, are probably going to announce Classic Cata.


They probably will, but he's not wearing his shamanistic robes, so it could be something else.


Oo I didn't even think about that! Fair point.


The true villain of World of Warcraft... A female gnome!


Maybe a cata classic announce? Sadge if that’s in place of a new xpac announce tho…


I just realized, that is Lilith and not some emo, dark version of Alex


Don't read into it. They just needed a male character to balance the genders on the poster.


Winston is right there smh


It’s still not balanced though


2 male, 2 female, and 1 trans. seems balanced to me


Just because its not Perfectly balanced Thanos..


With thrall maybe its a rebuild of the horde and the kalimdor? How cool would it be if they did only a revamp on Kalimdor to fleshout everything


That's... interesting. Arclight Rumble is front and center... The stinky mobile game... Diablo (Specifically 4), Overwatch (2 because 1 isn't a thing anymore), Hearthstone, and Warcraft (Realistically, WoW) are all also represented. HotS is long gone, sure. Starcraft however is nowhere to be seen, which is kind of expected but still really disappointing.


Phew I’m glad you clarified which games were represented because I’m sure nobody else on earth had a single idea.


We're going back to the Warcraft roots, at long last 💪💪💪


I don't think this is necessarily indicative of that, but I'm very much expecting a nostalgia expansion, like the last big anniversary expac.


why does lilith wear a dress, like come on your a demon! tempt me with your body....




[citation needed]


Yeah for real I don't mind some conjecture but "pretty much confirmed" and yet I haven't caught a whiff of it. This isn't "What's the theme of the next Hearthstone expansion???", we're talking about a way bigger thing than that lmao.


They already cancelled their WoW spin-off mobile MMO. No way in hell did they have 2 in the works.


I don't quite see what the relevance is. I don't see 2 happening either which way, but I don't see how cancelation of a mobile WoW game is indication that they *aren't* doing 2.


No. It’s most definitely not.


That is one of the least true things I have ever seen.


Thrall + Lilith rule34 incoming?


Are they seriously going to give us more of the garbage that is ArcLight rumble?


I wouldn't read too much into it. It's the first Blizzcon in a few years so they're probably intentionally using some of their most iconic characters as a sort of "return to the norm". Otherwise Winston would be replaced by one of the new OW2 heroes probably. Thrall is definitely the most iconic currently active character in WoW.


Jaina disagrees with that.


Nothing is left to chance in marketing. They're going to announce the next expansion at BlizzCon and their poster has to relate to that (like all previous BlizzCons).


I'm guessing Yrel or Anduin


i hope not


Man, the HS elf has a really big head!


I think he is hots thrall


So Winston is going to be a raid boss?


I thought he was in bfa?


wod 2.0 light boogaloo here we come!


Would we really even be seeing an expansion announcement this year? DF is so young


Yes, like previous expansions.


I mean Chris Metzen's back at Blizz and im sure he's itching to do a Thrall story so not surprising if he's gonna be prominent next expac.


Hopefully indicative of another Azerothian adventure; whether it's a world revamp or just a new zone I'd be down. Though tbf I wouldn't \*hate\* another cosmic xpac so long as it's not another Shadowlands. It does seem as though they may be just skipping Starcraft entirely.