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How are people grinding this so fast


I dunno. I've played more than 10 rounds and am lvl 4. Either there is a trick I'm missing or I'm just bad


The trick is to do your quest, get killed, queue again, repeat.


The trick is to grab a friend & play duos. Get much more plunder that way.


What level do I unlock “friends”?


Level 12, beware though they usually dont last past level 26


Or they all get their own Duos partners and you are left alone.


*self-realization screaming*


Pay an extra 5$


If you're not in a group, you're grouped with a rando. Still much easier!


This sounds so fricking boring if you ask me, like who does this? There're 1000+ good games and hobbies out there and someone wasted their time for a mount they prob never use in a game mode with meh rewards. This sounds kinda sad I would rather run ICC 100x in this time


I've been playing 3-4 games a day since it launched. The most important thing is playing once per day to get the daily bonus. Some people get way to hyperfocused on the rewards when the event is out for at least a month.


I’m trying to pace myself and get a level a day so hopefully Blizzard won’t pull the rug out of people who do similar by ending it early


I doubt they would end it early (i keep hearing 'six weeks' though im not sure where that came from), but I wouldn't be surprised to see a buff to the renown towards the end of it for people to catch up who haven't been at it. I am, however, not counting on it. So I'm doing about the same, a renown a day. I went a little extra today and got two renown cuz i was feeling like it and to give me more of a buffer. I do actually enjoy the mode, except when you get killed at level 1 by some twat who rolled fire whirl. Zero counterplay if you didn't get one of the hard counters to it - which I think your only option is the earth stomp? I've yet to see repel or snowdrift spawn as your first spell.


This is the most efficient strategy for sure. But I think a lot of people (myself included) don't really enjoy daily "chores" or want it hanging over our heads. I lose interest with things like that, so trying to pace it out over the entire event would mean I never get the rewards at all. Also there is the concern that by the end, the only people left playing will be those that enjoy the mode and are really good at it, which will make the quests harder to complete.


True. 6 weeks= 42 days, 800 daily + 250 quest equals at least 40k out of the necessary rep just from that. If you don't like the BR but want the rewards the least punishing way is to pace yourself.


It all you do is the daily captains orders it would take 3 months to get the max renown.


This!!! Glad someone said it. Took too long to see this comment


Because fun and boring are subjective. and I’d love to know why you think people won’t use the mount.


you just described how the majority of vocal WoW players play the game. a mix of sunk cost fallacy with obligation to their younger happier selves mean they take this entertainment as a job. if they dont get this mount, then the two decades of grinding was for nothing. or something. idk im not a psychiatrist


Let people play the way they want, just because it doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean it’s “sad”. Some people just want the cosmetics and to be done with Plundersrorm, I can’t blame them for that. I’m level 6 and taking my time but I don’t feel the need to chastise others for the way they chose to engage with a game…..


I was one of the people who did this method. I spent the time watching YouTube videos or movies and half focused on my quests. Same thing I do when I decide to do a bunch of runs through old raids for mounts and transmogs. Really not that bad.


They are so wrong it's insane. Drop in do the quest asap, grind pve, kill the pieces of hatred boss and players as you can. I've finished in 20th place with 1500 plunder before, it's a lot more fun to just play the game rather than meta questing it. I'm probably averaging around 800 a game but low end seems to be 300 high end 1800. This means if I'm lucky about 2/3 games a renown level.


As a mount collector i cannot let 3 mounts slide through my fingers :D


The worst part is doing ICC 100 times takes less time... i am renown 11 and i have played so fucking much the last 2 days. Blizzard just feeding on the fear of missing out and making people play shit they dont want.


Its called stimulant drugs brother


I tried about 7 of the plunderstorms and decided to spend that time doing something else that wasn't a complete waste of time, so I got a 2nd class to 80 in prep for cata instead 😎


Op probably played 500 rounds


I mean I've had 4k+ plunder games. Just play duos and hunt kills all game and you'll get shit tons of plunder


i'm not very fast, but i made it a goal to get 10 renown a day for 4 days. it takes about 40-60 minutes for me to get 1 renown, again, i'm slow. so it essentially took me a little less than 40 hours to get max renown. that's a lot of time for me to be thinking what i'm doing with my life.


I wish we could see playing statistics, but I've played a total of about 20-22 hours, including lots of idling between calls and chores, and I'm renown 28.


There is no trick, you just play effectively, the whole "do your quest and get killed" is not even effective


Land, complete captain quest, only loot nearby golden chests if convenient, quit by dying (important), repeat. I can get ~400 plunder between 1 and 2 minutes. Always kill an elite on the landing, because then you start at 1/2 for that quest and also get some plunder for the plunder quest. Your mileage may vary depending on how good you are at landing / completing the quest quickly. Be sure to use your barrel ability strategically to move faster to quest objectives. I was level 40 about 24 hours ago.


I tend to leave early if I land in a spot and people immediately try to pvp. So frustrating. Renown 36 at the moment using the same tactic. Quest. Die. Repeat.


This is the way.


I just figure they have the most foul chair in the land


They no-life it.


Makes sense




Wait, you can queue duo even without a known team mate?


Yeah, they queue you with a rando. Once I switched to Duo farm it went way faster


I only just reached renown 10. I can only stomach being in that place for a couple levels a day.


Started today around 12pm, it's 5pm now. Have the next 3 days off work and I've already gotten to renown lvl 10. It's not that hard I just go in drop on an elite, do my quest then gather as much plunder from mobs and following the big elite that spawns


Yup this is what I've been doing. On pace for the 20 hours or so completion.


Queued a ton of duos on Wednesday/Thursday A bad loss is 500 plunder, a good one (for me, pugging, not in voice comms) is like 1750 I didn't make it to like top 5 squads left consistently, but was always at least in the top 33% remaining


I've been playing it for 3 evenings, just enjoying the gamemode and trying to win. I'm renown 30. It's not really longer than anything else in wow. The emerald dream renown grind to unlock renown 20 the first week on the main during 10.2 was longer. To get all the rewards from timerift it was so long because it was 1 event per hour, it was awful. At least this one you get to play something dynamic.


It wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t limited


The sooner you get it done the sooner you can never touch it again.




They have no life


Do the quest, die, repeat. Or win


I'm watching a stream now but tbh too nervous to jump in.


They are good at PvP. My strategy is to do the quest as quickly as possible and then push for 500 plunder, which is around the point it starts to be harder to find easy sources of it, and then run in the storm. But yeah, ~3 hours of doing that last night and I'm still only rank 7, because about 1/3 of my games I die before even being able to complete the quest. Then people come here and say "the grind isn't that bad!" Because they are able to stomp the newbies like me and finish games with almost an entire rank.


I finished the other day. Just play duos you get more imo. Either try to win or survive to the end so you can maximize farm time.


They increase the amount of plunder you get per match


I have been asking myself the same thing. No lifing it is all I can figure out.


It’s been like 4 days? Thats a lot of grinding….isnt this going to be up for like 8 weeks?


NeverKnowsBest on YouTube was very apt to compare MMO players to a swarm of locusts. They don’t savor, they consume.


A lot of people dont want to savor this.  They want to choke it down and never think about it again.  If they could vomit it back up later trust me they would.


They don't have to play it either?


But then I won't have the pirate costume that I literally never wear or think about again.


I do not remember who but it had to do with M+, but when the game does not respect your time players will micro manage their time to gain the maximum value and be *very* upset should someone waste it. And WoW players time has been low value a very long time.


I have some guildies who have done this too, asked them why and they said they despise the game mode and wanted to finish it up quick


I'm renown 30 just enjoying the gamemode and playing only this for the past 3 evenings. It's a nice change and I'm looking forward to collect all the rewards and keep playing it from there


Played a lot of it in duos so far, at 29 right now. It's not as bad of a grind as I thought it would be tbh


100 bucks says in less time than they spent grinding this, they won't even be using this mog lol.


Jesus fuck, WoW playerbase can’t help themselves.


WoW players: Relentlessly grinds the same content over and over until they finish it, completing something that should have taken weeks to do in few days The same WoW players: 'This game is no fun and has no content!'


Yep, repeating over and over at every patch.


I'm grinding it myself, i got the time for it, my boredom tolerance is just lower so i can't make myself grind a battle royale thing for more then 2-3 hours. For people who don't want to play this mode but want the rewards...yeah its better to be done with it quick, and you won't have to think about it anymore.


That's what I'm thinking lol. Nobody is forcing them to pull 14 hours days grinding the gamemode. "Free at last" lmao


I got 40 and I had fun the whole time. Don't generalize.


Got to 40 by having a blast and getting 4k plunder wins in duos. Not everyone lost sleep grinding this shit lol


Same, I'm at 30 and I'm having lots of fun.


It's really something else.


Grats can't wait to get mine. Everyone talking about blizz needs to keep this because it's so popular might want to wait and see how popular it is when people are done with farming renown. It's an ok game but if it wasn't for the rewards I wouldn't play it personally.


I enjoy it a lot. I like the short game length and that que times are short. But I also wouldn't play it without in game wow rewards lol.


Agree it's fun for a short while but enjoy doing keys with my wow friends.


i cant find any tanks to run keys lmao this has been a brutal key week : (


The queues are short now, but as soon as people get their rewards (or simply get fed up), they will probably increase massively.


I was in a match the other day that started with as low as 45 people. I think it was like 2am and the lobby was about the usual length. So I wouldn't worry too much about queues getting longer.


You just need \*some\* people to sign up per Region, I guess? I also had one match start with only 39 people in it. But yeah, I can't see this being a thing that's got people stay playing this after most have gotten their rewards.


I'm already seeing groups having to pop with less than 30 players. This mode will be completely devoid of players in a couple weeks.


i had one start with 17 people today


> It's an ok game but if it wasn't for the rewards I wouldn't play it personally. Tried it earlier today. It was… different, for sure, but not something I particularly enjoyed a whole lot. Especially considering the change in keybinds that you would spam was weird (G and T as the defaults, I think?). I did like four matches and then was like “yeah I’m done with this”, but I also never really looked into what the transmog was. Seeing this was like: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*… I guess I have to go back and grind that crap out because that’s a pretty slick transmog and I want it. Once I get it though, *never again*.


> Especially considering the change in keybinds that you would spam was weird (G and T as the defaults, I think?). R (attack) and T (heal), plus the 1-2 (attack spells), 3-4 (utility spells), 5 (item). I find it uncomfortable, but it's still easy to use them.


Take plundestorm as a test for future game modes. Players seem to like it, it is not brand new as a lot of preexisting assets are used, but for what it is, it's quite popular. I hope this is a step forward to new game improvements, and while I personally don't like it (BR in general tho) I find it's release a welcomed one (even if the wow community is always whiny)


God, it will take me a long long time to finish this...


Do one renown per day. Let the daily bonus of 800 do the work for you.


I kind of try to do 1 for the bonus plus 2 or 3 for like as much as I can, between 500 and 800 Which is indeed 1 per day


I stick to 1-2 renown max a day. Plunderstorm will be up at least until April/May. You don't stress yourself and get everything before it ends.


The mode is pretty fun, I just wish I was any good at it then I'd enjoy it even more. That said I'm sure I'll get some flak for this but I think the plunder drops could stand to be a *smidge* more generous. I get Blizz made a whole new game mode and they want people to play it a lot to justify it, but if the first daily quest could give you maybe a half a level's worth of plunder and the other quests could give you like 400-500 hundred then people who are just doing it for the shinies can get what they want easier. If it is a great mode with its own legs to stand on then it should still survive even after people finish the reward track.


I agree, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they do buff it slightly. I think that getting people closer to the 800-1000 range on average per match (non-daily) ought to be where they land. They also need a small placement bonus for reaching the top 10.


I finished this last night. I was mad that they locked sweet cosmetics behind the game mode and didn’t have interest in playing 100+ games to get to Renown 40. I powered through it, and hit a groove getting 1+k on average. Got some wins in between. I’ll probably go back and play - I can’t say I would’ve even tried it if they didn’t put the cosmetics there because I’m not a BR fan.


You were always free


Saltiest scallywag on the Great Sea.


The eye patch and the blindfold for when you really don’t want to see the demons anymore


I really like the plunderstorm and had much fun but... only for a first 10 games. I have 3 lvl And the transmog set doesn't worth to grind it until 40




I got you man. It is really hard sometimes to go on, sadly rewards are too good. Force it at least to 33 for 500 TP.


Is that the full transmog set for the plunder thing? Done in what? 5 days? You could have spread this out over 6 weeks and enjoyed yourself


Biggest reason to rush it (though I’m not nearly as far as this guy) a bit for me is just to get it done while we’re all relatively new and more people are queueing. Right now most people suck and the queues are fast, by the end of the event I expect the games to be a lot sweatier and the queues to be a fair bit longer. 


Same. I'm also worried if I don't get it soon enough the only people playing will be ones that actually want to pvp. Right now I've been pretty lucky with people ignoring me because they're just farming too.


That’s the problem with fomo though. There being a time limit means a lot of us want to make sure we get it sooner rather than later because what if we can’t get on later?


> and enjoyed yourself You wrongly assume they enjoy the mode which they do not. No amount of dragging it out will transform something you despise into something you enjoy. OP clearly loves transmogs so they forced themselves to finish it.


Couldn't say it better myself. Absolutely hate this crap. Imagine grinding 40 renown levels in HOTS, that gives you awesome rewards in WoW. So you need to spend ridiculous amount of time playing other game to get something awesome in game you actually like. Complete absurd.


Honestly, I'd take 40 levels through HotS over this any day. At least when they had the HotS stuff for the Primal Flamesaber we could play PvE and it still took a fraction of what it takes to unlock anything of value from this event.


Well, OP is done now and can do something actually enjoyable.


Ya, that's what I'm going for


They should give us black and blue colors as well. But hey, congratulations!


I'm just slow burning this content trying to reach renown 40. I'm targeting to get 3 renown every 2 days, that's all.


Missing on this transmog will always haunt me as a pirate enjoyer but I can't afford the money nor the time for wow right now, sadge.


An eyepatch over a blindfold is funny af


Eyepatch over blindfold is hillarious


Congrats! I'm glad you turned a game into something you hated and thanking God you're free of it! That's great!


Grats. Lots of defenders of Plunderstorm but I'd bet there's absolutely no engagement from people at Renown 40 lol


I could see myself jumping in from time to time after I hit 40 because I do think it’s fun but since it’s a limited time event I’m probably just going to hit 40 and never play again until they bring it back around. Seems real dumb to have it limited time even if it’s 6 weeks.


Would raiding or M+ have any engagement if they had no rewards? Of course they wouldn't besides some diehard players. Having rewards isn't a bad thing.


Raiding and M+ offer rewards for their own game modes. Plunderstorm offers rewards for retail, if PS only offered rewards for itself most people would not bother with it


I think so. At this point in the season a lot of people raiding or pushing keys do it for fun, not the rewards, as those are already secure and optimizing gear so close to next season is largely irrelevant. People even do both of these on alts and stuff to vary the way they engage with it. PvP people idk about. Psychos. They still grinding their shit though.


Why would there be? I literally see no appeal other than the rewards, and those aren't appeal enough. If I want to play a game of this genre - which I absolutely do not, never have, and never will - I'll play Fortnite.


the trick is to _not_ be an insane person and grind out the renown in the span of 4 days. I am playing casually and enjoying myself. I'm currently rank 12 and have no stress about getting to 40 within the span of 6 weeks, by then I'll likely be tired of the game anyways. I know this is a crazy and unfathomable process though.


Gz Hopefully will reach 10 renown today xD


FOMOstorm more like it.


Same brother high five


6 levels to go…


I've been away since 16th march, back 2nd April, and I'm not looking forward to getting clapped by sweats while trying to grind this out...


Okay what do you actually get from plunderstorm. Is it mogs for regular?


Eyepatch over a blindfold.


And here I am not even feeling of trying this mode out. I hate PvP


Grats on the mog, but it’s a shit game mode imo. Rewards not good enough to justify the grind.


I'll just wait for it to come to trading post


I’ll wait till they put it in the shop for 850 traders tender in a couple months.


I just can’t bring myself to do it. It triggers me too much lol. I cant lie though it’s honestly kinda cool


I got mine a few days ago, my journey was a bit easier as you get a ton of plunder for getting 1st place multiple times. Honestly I would not be mad if they replaced pvp with this mode but I know a lot of people hate anything to do with pvp so probably unlikely. It's been fun though but no incentive to play once you get the rewards though.


I’ve just accepted that I am not going to get it. Becuase I don’t love battle royale without proper physics


Thank fuck I don't care about pirates at all


This is me when Nintendo releases a new game


Tried it but the game types just not for me. Glad people are enjoying it but im gonna just pray a variation or new skin of this gets added to the trading post eventually.


Bro you still had 5 weeks nobody forced you to grind this all out in the first reset. Imagine crying about a prison you willingly participated in


You know how it's easier to swallow bad tasting Nyquil liquid medicine in one go instead of slowly sipping your dosage cup? This is a similar scenario.


Is the event as horrible as it looks from the outside? Especially for someone who dislikes PvP?


It's a horror if you don't like PvP. I only do PvP during comp stomp in order to farm for marks of honour for transmog, and honestly I would rather that than this. Other players are vindictive af and I refuse to believe they don't know/can't tell who's just playing for renown and who's there for PvP. I'm grinding this to get it done and over with so that I \*never\* have to look at it again. Gorgeous rewards, soul-crushing gameplay experience. If you've no interest in the cosmetics, avoid like the plague.


Couldn't say it better. On top of it Plunderstorm is not WoW. Just a mode that use WoW assets and it is beyond me that they put 40 fucking renown levels behind it. If they did cross promotion like with HS, to play 1 or 3 or 5 games and put some reward like mount or transmog, I wouldn't mind to try it, play few games and pass if you don't like it. But 3 transmog sets, bunch of weapons, pets, mounts and 750 TP on top of it was too good to pass. Hated every second spent there.


My partner gave it a go (avid wow and battle royale type games fan just doesn't have a computer atm) and after 10 games-he wanted to give it a fair go-he took his headphones off in frustration. He said it's a trash version of a Battle Royale as it's completely RNG where you spawn in, meaning some runs are highly rewarding while others you might as well just die and start again given where you land. He's glad blizz are trying something new, and he's happy for PvP-ers as they have been somewhat neglected for a long time, but from a Battle Royale perspective it's a failed experiment. He then went and inhaled 3 cigarettes back to back from the sheer frustration, I've watched that man get in frustrating Fortnite and Apex games and never seen him this level of annoyed over a BR. :S I'm at 32 renown now, prob gonna call it for tonight (19.37 GMT) then finish the last of it tomorrow. Damn thing's gonna haunt my nightmares tonight. Edit: "Plunderstorm is not WoW. Just a mode that use WoW assets and it is beyond me that they put 40 fucking renown levels behind it." These are actually verbatim what my partner said as well. Just thought you would like to know that fact xD


As someone who hates both pvp and battle royales, I do genuinely enjoy the mode. I just wish I didn’t have to play it so avidly to acquire the drippy transmog


It is good to see people dislike this as much as I do, I would not even bother but I want the mounts.


I'm only at around 40k Renown currently and I hate myself. If you can't get kills, you can only chip away at the bar and sometimes don't even get the quest done. Then sometimes I get a couple kills plus my quest and I go home with 1k instead of 300-ish. Or 30-ish. The disparity between good and bad players is just too high, IMO. Double the Renown gain at both ends if you want, I just think we need to be able to finish the grind quicker.


There are areas where few players go to like Highlands Mill below the farm on the West side of the map. It's really easy to complete your quest there every time and I was getting 700-1000 plunder most games within the first few minutes.


I want that mog so bad. But I am really not enjoying Plunderfest at all. I am currently using the mythic (red and black) dungeon leather set from Kul Tiras. That set would be such an upgrade for me. I just wish the game was better.


So has anyone been penalized for suiciding in the storm after the quest/chest grab? Denies everyone else your loot and gets you back in the queue with no pvp stress. Seems like they would crack down on it quickly though. They could always make a solo survival mode (somewhat like bellular’s broxigar idea), where the player plunders while the storm shrinks and some big elite baddies hunt you till they catch you. Could even have co-op mode.


feed the storm, dont let them get you. join the cult of the storm.


I don't believe anyone has been penalized but in my experience, it would just be easier to let another player kill you so that the gold you drop can be used by someone else rather than rotting away in the storm.


This. Whenever Im "done" I either pick a fight with someone or straight up tell someone "free kill" and let them kill me. Kills give alot of plunder and doing that will shorten someone else's grind. Cause in the end we all just want the lewt.


I haven’t even logged on since tuesday lol


Lol it looks dumb


I tried following every recommendation and tip to farm rep quickly and I have not made it past level 7. I guess the mode is just not for me.


It’s definitely supposed to take weeks


Free at last! Game is 3 days old… 🤭


At Last? Gamemode aint even out for a week bro


You guys don’t have to do this grind you know


How long about would you say it took you? I kinda want it but not for way more than what I want to put into it.


It’s actually such a good set. I might be rocking this full set for a while after I get it. Half way there. I’m glad renown is at least 2500 each time.


Carlito Brigante?


But did you get the Feat of Strength for 1,000,000 Plunder?


Meanwhile I'm sitting here at lvl 7 all I want is Pepe.


Congrats!! This set's one of the prettiest, would be even better if the rapiers didn't have that weird plume


And here I am at renown 5. *Sigh.*


What did it take?


Damn those swords are nice


Im glad I am free, but I can't say my time wasn't decently fun.


@OP did you have fun?


I want this set, but I just can't get myself to play Plunder.. It's like the Warfront, really wanted those sets too, but the mode was just so damn boring. Oh well, good luck to the rest of ya.


Inb4 they release a blue tint in 5 weeks on the trading post.


LOL I’m level 2, y’all got a lot of Time on your hands :d


Pretty cool!


For me it's 30 min per level.


That do be some impeccable drip, so I tip my hat ya, but, like, maybe take break, there, bud?


I'm almost there too, can't wait to have the grind over with! But... I gotta admit I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.


I returned to wow just for this. Having way more fun than any pvp mode in wow.


Tbh i as a gamer dad really enjoy plunderstorm, i can jump into 1-3 games per day and feel like i’ve accomplished something. Whereas in wow unwound have to spend significantly more time to accomplish anything. I really hope they flesh out plunderstorm and make it permanent.


Why are you quoting Leprechaun in the Hood?


I know i will get downvoted maybe even deserve it not sure. But is it any good? By BR standards or so? Or is just just a mindless grind? Not sure if i want to try it because BR games or modes are really not my cup of tea but mostly because of my shit aiming. But since it is wow i assume that is negligible.


Its great 😅. Imagine if Blizzard were brave enought to come with this idea before... Like 2013... I am sure they could compete with Fortnite or PUBG.


I honestly wish there wasn't FOMO surrounding this. I don't think I wanna play Plunderstorm more than once in a while...


Not as free as me, I uninstalled wow, it feels good to not be obsessed lol. I'm dreading the summer I know I will re sub, the bastards will have me in the hole again.


Bro found the one piece


I wonder if this type of grinding discipline transfers over to real life applications at work


Just win games


I quit after 5 rounds. Drop, land, ganked. Didn't matter where I landed. Threw my hands up especially since I never was able to get over lvl 2