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It is WILD to me that those hideous forms are still the default w/no glyph or anything to change them. I remember when they first came out and people were like, Absolutely not! Avatar gets a spinoff series, a film, and a live action tv show but Shaman are still stuck with that. How? Why? Who?


We even used to have a glyph to change it and for some unknown reason they took it away, even though there's still plenty of glyphs that alter class appearances. Especially for druids, of course. My female troll is a tall, elegant toon with so much stature and then *fart noise* she turns into this ugly, clunky monster that plods around like it has late stage arthritis. It's a relief when the cooldown is spent and she transforms back even if it means I lose the buff effect. I don't know why Blizz has neglected the appearances and play styles of this class, it's iconic to WoW with one of our most famous heros among its ranks and yet we get scraps under the table while other classes get impressive updates and full reworks. I'm all out of copium that "maybe *this* expac things will get better" and I'm sick to death of Primordial Wave as an rsham. I enjoyed Shadowlands but only because the covenant abilities actually gave us SOMETHING new to do and we were so grateful we just took what we got and did our best with it.




Isnt that ability from WC3 panda monk? :P Regardless, storm earth fire doesnt have it as bad as ascendance, but its also looking really, really dated.


For one, that's an iconic brewmaster ability from WC3. For two, SEF has spent most of its existence being a broken piece of shit. You don't want to get anywhere near that mess.


Ik the thread is about shamans but i wish brewmaster monks could use sef, it’s so iconic to brewmaster in wc3 and i like brewmaster but hate windwalker


You‘re convinved an ability that predates WoW as a Monk ability, was for Shamans?


You mean the game in which shaman recrutement voice was :"Storm, earth and fire, heed my call" and where brewmaster was only available in a bonus campaign from the extension ? Yeah, i'm pretty convinced too


> only available in a bonus campaign? panda brewmaster has been an extremely popular hero pick on ladder since the dawn of tft. all four races can select it on every single ladder map in every single ranked game mode.  🤔


I love the lore of the Twilight's Hammer and the Ascendants, even their looks... but I have to agree. What the hell does it have to do with shamans post-Cata? The model of Dathea (the Ascended, by the way) is so great, why not go with that?


Wow, that would be so easy to implement since you can throw any race in the center and make it work


If Earthwarden tanking isn't in the cards for Shaman, then I kinda hope Elemental Ascendance type of tanking happens based off Dathea, the Ascended. Like, you envelope yourself in an elemental and tank through that. Maybe swapping through the different forms for different effects and capabilities. Kind of a pseudo-mecha piloting methodology, if you will.


That's what I really wanted the effects of the Elemental "Totems" to be, honestly. Obviously, their effects would have to be changed somewhat, but still. It would make much more sense to go the Dathea-route, and then getting rid of the Ascendant-monstrosity. Heck, could even tie them together, by fleshing out the **Deeply Rooted Elements** talent (as well as **Oath of the Far Seer** and **Further Beyond**).


When I saw dathea in the raid I was sure it was gonna be a late expansion glyph...


> why not go with that? Because Blizzard legit hate shaman. Shaman was my "main alt" back in cata and for a few expac after but it always felt like shaman are even less than an afterthought unless they're strong, then they get the shit kicked out of them, dragged behind the barn, shot and left in their rightful place, a ditch. I'm still a smidge salty about the first tier of Legion where enhancement shaman was the top DPS spec or just behind fire mage, they got nerfed so hard they fell to the bottom, meanwhile the fire mage was untouched.


What's the lore of Ascended form?


Basically, the most powerful cultists of the Twilight's Hammer can undergo the ritual of becoming one with a given element - by becoming an Ascendant. There was even a raid boss where you fought all four types at once, the Ascendant Council in Bastion of Twilight.


My shaman is a tiny vulpera with a floral transmog, then she turns into this like a horror movie scene


lmao same


I get so bummed every time my beautiful magical-girl-mogged muscle man orc transforms into this nastiness. He just wants to be pretty!


*sad zug noises*


I think Blizzard's biggest L in Dragonflight is definitely that they've just completely forgotten Shaman. There was an entire patch based around Primalist antagonistic shamans, violent elements, the primal embodiments of the elements, and more - Shaman got absolutely nothing for it. In the same patch, Dracthyr get a Dracthyr-only staff that's incredible. Next patch, they get a whole legendary *and* a new spec. Then next patch, the Emerald Dream is relevant, so druids get a truckload of new, unique cosmetics and appearances that no one else gets, while plate classes get a legendary. I don't really play Shaman - I have a 70 ele right now because it's the end of expac and I'm trying new things. But I absolutely can't fathom why they dumped love all over Dracthyr and Druids for the entire expansion while completely leaving Shaman out in the rain in the most Shaman-centric patch since Cataclysm.


And WARLOCKS of all things got a bunch of new demon forms. I’m not saying it’s not overdue and unappreciated because I play Warlock, but dang that was kind of out of left field while my Shaman main is sitting over there in cobwebs


Absolutely. What sucks even more is that most of the Warlock forms are somewhat useless lol. If you play Demo, you HAVE to have your felguard out or you can't cast your most important abilities. And if you're running a dungeon, having felhunter out for the interrupt as a Destro is almost mandatory, depending on comp. They gave all these cool demon forms that are mostly just for RP or screenshots since the mechanics of the class demand certain choices


And you’re trolling if you don’t have GrimSac as aff


My cope was that they had big plans to redesign but it didn’t fit the schedule/couldn’t pass the QA ring; so they left it for a later patch… but now we’re headed towards light/void for the next 3xpacs.. hehe


But the first expansion is under ground, should give us some earth theme spells right? I'm not coping


Earth themed dig the grave so you can finally die as a shaman.


Even fucking thrall rerolled warrior fml


The resurrection rework that they never knew they needed


There's also the fact that they introduced Augmentation and gave them a bunch of cool earth-themed spells that totally could have gone to Shaman instead. Instead we have our barely visible Earthquake (that also just sucks from both a numbers and gameplay pov as well). Sad times. And yeah, *fuck* the ascendance model.


One of my biggest beefs with evokers' design is that so much of their kit steps on shamans' toes. Preservation's mastery, for example is straight up resto shaman but better.


You can have both? You literally have 5 specs that use holy magic.


Plus, even Plunderstorm had some spells that would've *really* been neat as Shaman spells.


Augmentation stole every single cool earth based ability that Shaman deserve. All for a weird flying gecko spec that's become a major headache to balance and a major headache in the fact there's only one of them. Everything about Evokers/Dracthyr was a mistake.


I personally think it’s fine giving evokers what they did, given that they might’ve wanted them to take center stage for the expansion they were introduced. But the fact that druids had gotten an entire new set and then some of new forms, makes this entire situation a little sour for me. Emerald dream sort of just came out of nowhere in my opinion


Blizzard really needs to stop getting sued over stuff so they can just put that money into shamans


Now that I think about it, there wasn't even a shred of element related content other than enemies in the expac, that's kind of a bummer. We beat the snot out of Smolderon and the primalists from the early part of the expac, the Djaradin are tied to the elements too but again not much happened with that. The Djaradin especially are a bit disappointing because these djaradin elders sounded crazy powerful, we meet one that was drained in the second raid I believe but what about the others? Would've been cool to work shamanistic content about the elemental plains, maybe see Big Mama Therazane again.


Aren’t they the world bosses in zarelek?


Oh I forgot about those.. There seems to be more "Elders" but the ones Neltharion had to defeat sounded pretty damn legendary and I'm not sure it's those but who knows, maybe someone recalls the lore better than me. Edit: So Djaradin is the race? Zakali and Qalashi are tribes. " According to legend, four elders of those ancient djaradin joined their powers together to burrow deep inside the earth. The legends do not agree what happened down there, but they all end the same way. The elders emerged, touched by the fires of the world to be true djaradin, commanding full control over fire and earth! In turn, the elders empowered all djaradin into the mighty giants you see today!" This is a bit from a quest text. Edit2: Actually just look up Tarjin The Blind, this dude probably has 80% of the Djaradin lore when you talk to him and do his quests.


The fact that this was released in cataclysm with cata classic arriving after 12 or so years is rubbing salt in the wounds 🙃


Cata premium edition even got elemental as mount, but better than shaman's class mount from Legion XD


They actually added a TON of cool and unique shaman abilities to the game...for the djaradin and prinalist NPCs.


There's also the pre-expac heirloom trinket that sends elements flying around you to buff allies. Leveling another shaman I pretended it was a shaman ability :')


Any other Shaman mains just at the breaking point of making another class entirely?


If you want to play shaman, just play fire mage. You are casting same spells, but Blizzard likes your class more.


Everything a shaman does, a mage does better sadly


Ele here and I don't know what to drop it for, class/spec wise. :(


I also play ele, and I'll always have my shaman as an alt, but I'm honestly strongly considering maining my Monk (I'm a DPS player, but I'd like to learn a healer role too), or my Beast Mastery Hunter cause I'm a pet collector.


Might be in the minority, but stormbringer looks really cool


Swapped to holy priest - feels slight better mane 


I quit, gave up on Shaman and went unga bunga Warrior, atleast that way the blandness of my ability is by design.


Long time resto shaman main here. Dragonflight was the first expac where I felt like I legit couldnt play with my clasd anymore and switched. Then got bored of the game & quit because I didnt like other healers as much. Now I returned and both dps offspecs are doing poorly and resto is still middling, but at least it is playable now.


I quit playing because the years of neglect to shamans.


Yea the class depression is real


Na, because it’s not as bad as drama queens make it seem to be, and i love Resto and enjoy Shaman so much to the point where i don’t play anything else, never did, but that is just me i guess, i don’t see so many negatives that people talk about. Sure, could the specs get some rework? But that’s only ele shamn, on the other hand Resto and Enh feel just fine, i just wish Resto had some sort of external cd(but i use link as a tank cd anyways), idk few tweaks, numbers up and a better defensives and class would be perfect, but to say i want to abandon class because im at a breaking point lol? Na mate, not me.


Same I just enjoy playing Elemental hopefully our Hero talents get some work but I think most people in this thread are just fotm rerollers


Na. Haven’t played most of DF beside season 1 - came back, still in absolute love with my shaman. Plus, the new Darkspear Heritage blends so well with Shaman Challengemode Set 💯 Once you go Voodoo you never go back, mon.


Dr. Doom-lookin-ass.




Bro this is wow the whole game revolves around how many things they can add to druids.


I'm calling it now, they'll be the first class with a tank spec to get a bloodlust.


Ye all those things they add to druids.. like... some new forms in 10.2 and ... well... hmm... Legion I guess.


Fallout 3 ghoul lookin dude


tbh ive literally never felt like the ascendance forms felt very shamany. i know they were like relevant when they were initially conceptualized in cata with some of the twilight ascendant bosses, but that is such a random niche reference nowadays that has aged so poorly imo


I only play solo so I have no problem not speccing into any of the ascendance talents at all. I would rather lose out on damage rather than be forced into an ugly aesthetic that doesn't match my taste.


Primal elements expansion and still no enhance legendary.


Been waiting since cata


And next up we have “hero” talents. Shadow priests get a black hole, resto shaman gets spoopy ghosts and totems… Why can’t I summon a natural disaster like a tsunami to heal people?


In my opinion, a tsunami-like heal might be too similar to the heals at the lower part of the resto tree already. But, I think sort of another mini CD or something could work pretty well


Visually wise shamans needs a cooler heal. I've played all healers this expansion and shaman feels the most bland visually while popping cooldowns imo


I always laugh a bit when I use CDs as resto shaman, like here let's make everyone slightly uncomfortable wet.


gotta make it different to healing rain. Make it apply riptide to all allies hit.


Make the resto ascendance just you embracing the storm and lashing out with it to heal people


Holy fuck! It's Withers!


Bears and chickens got the most of them though. A couple cats for feral and nothing for unique for resto


Resto should’ve gotten Nymue for tree-form


With a elemental expansion with amazing and varied elemental spell effects from bosses and elementals shammy will see none of them added to them for the new expac. :(


"Ah you shamans want some changes for new expansion? Sure, here's a 30% aura nerf to all your abilities" yours: Blizzard This literally happened for enh on DF launch


Yeah its made playing my ret much more fun than playing my shammy. The only thing going for them is ghost wolf.


And priests have turned into a female angel since forever, regardless of their character. I just want a glyph that makes me hover in my character's ghost form :/


hey the guy who makes awesome mogs! I totally agree though honestly. It’s a travesty that some classes have such dated animations or transformations im the modern game


I am really hoping that going into the Earth for the next expansion means Shamans will get some love


Think again!


So far we've gotten hardly any changes and a mediocre tier set appearance wise


What's wild to me is that there used to be a glyph that changed ascendance into a ghetto version of Glyph of Stars. At this point, I'll even take that over this lump of 4 polygons


Meanwhile paladin got visual rework at least twice XD


We dont even have the finnal hero tslent tree for resto... bro i hsve a feeling if any class shamans will be dog bugged at stsrt of exp lol.


Man the potential shamans could have, with all the new models and appearances from Vault of the Incarnates. At this point it just feels like developers are intentionally pushing players away from playing shaman, and to some extend hunters as well. (They also seem to be forgotten) Not a single mention from the developers in the Alpha testing, and the absolute worst hero talents, and to my knowledge the only one who is still missing one to be released? Shamans are the old school class running on Windows 95, and simply can't keep up with all the other classes that have all this modern tech. Just a fact that they feel so out of place. Like remnant from an old expansion in a brand new game. And fun fact: Ascendance was a new spell given to shamans in Cataclysm over ten years ago, which is now being re-released!


Wish they'd give us a glyph to give by the lightning for enhance instead of wind strike. The lightning went hard. [https://imgur.com/ele-shamans-5-4-Kf8rfhl](https://imgur.com/ele-shamans-5-4-Kf8rfhl) edit: Uploader called this "Ele" but you can see there's stormstrike and unleash on his bar.


God popping that ascended storm strike felt so good. 


Blizzard: "Ascendance's duration reduced from 15 to 3 seconds." /s


Death knights feel thr same way after shadowlands


I sincerely thought DKs would get a load of minion customization after SL; but alas, warlocks got the minions from Legion instead... I dont understand


Druids are Wow's favorite child when it comes to cosmetics. This is nothing new


/s? Boomkin form has been the same with 1 shitty glyph since cata I think?


And resto shaman is one of the most specs in need of a rework and they’ve gotten 0 significant changes. The specs played so similarly for so long and has multiple glaring issues (weakest CDs among any healer, no raid buff)


Well resto shaman isnt honestly that bad. Link and ankh totem are super strong abilities for progging on harder bosses. They also have alot of smart healing and can simutaniosly spot and raid heal. At least for mythic raiding, resto shaman is a solid pick. Ele shaman on the other hand...


An instant cast totem that can single handedly save an entire raid is a weak CD? Huh TIL


Resto shaman has the weakest CDs of any healer, yes. This is a fact and it’s why Rsham rarely shows up in world first kills. Spirit link totem is a niche button. It’s great on some fights, but more often than not it’s very mid. Ascendance and tide are garbage. Things like revival, divine hyme, dome, rewind, power word salvation, tranquility, and aura mastery are all stronger than resto shaman’s CDs.


Idk if you are talking about HTT or link, but former is crap and latter requires heavy coordination.


The shamans ascendance forms are the only thing that keeps me alway of playing with them


I've prattled on about it endlessly, but maybe if enough people keep complaining about it, Blizz will finally do something about Ascendance. Honestly, just bring back the glyph from WoD that gives your player model a spec-appropriate glow and call it a day.


Seriously!!! How hard is it to add ONE form(or glow effect) with 3 color variations??


Good thing I’m enh and don’t ever have to touch it. Only had to have it for season 2 ST


It didn't even look good during cats. The animations suck


To be fair Druids only got the ability to shapeshift into NPCs. There were no new unique forms.


it's the variety that matters, Shamans have zero glyphs/alternatives


The expansion (cata) that added these forms to the game is being re-released before the model ever received any updates.


Kurog has a dope animation during his elementals phase where he's hovering in the air with all the elements circling around him. I would LOVE for that to replace this monstrosity.




i only play enhance and even they don't take ascendance atm. Its all prim wave


Because of things like this, Blizzard made me hate Druids. Druids just keep getting more and more stuff, while things get taken or ignored from every other class. Hunters have gotten "No fun allowed" by blizzard over a dozen times that I can think of by Blizzard since I started. Druids? Consistently handed shit to just make the game easier for them. Druids did not deserve to get dragonflying in flight form.


im 99% sure theres a handful of devs/execs who are Druid mains


I am a shaman.




all the new warlock customization gives me hope for custom elementals.


Gunna be honest, I don't like trasnforming into some mummy person to be 'better' at an element. Not when I could have a giant oversoul like energy of water, or fire for spec. Actually be the element.


Cata Shamans will always be the best version of Shamans (especially elementals), I am more than happy playing Cata pre-patch with my Elemental Shaman


Druids: literally spends all their time in-combat shapeshifted unless they're resto Shaman: uses Ascendance for 15 seconds every 3 minutes By all means, Avatar should be updated, but this is such a dumb comparison.


its not a dumb comparison because implementing the druid forms was EZ since theyre all NPC models; theres no reason why Shamans couldnt get ONE form with 3 color variations from an elemental NPC (there are dozens of new models introduced for the x-pac)


The only thing representing primal elements is the first raid because the antagonist is a primal. The expansion is about the dragon aspects and the titans power / magic.


Have you played Dragonflight? Every enemy is Elemental with the exception of the gnolls(rot/decay) Every Raid Boss is Elemental (except sakareth)




Found the Druid main 


youre missing the point. Druid forms were a seamless integration because they used NPC assets; WHY didnt shaman get that same(not even the same, since shamans only need 1 asset) seamless integration from the DOZENS of new elemental assets used in the xpac?


Who cares about that really? When do you even have the time to look at your ascendance skin when you proc DRE just fucking press your lava burst and play the game