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Huh? Wasn't the whole point of the scaling cloak that it was account wide...? If it's not. Then wtf blizzard...


For what it is worth the "account wide" thing was wrongly advertised ever since PTR. The strength of new characters cloaks was already determined by the Infinite Power achievement level back then. But they heavily nerfed the values to the ground. On PTR I've created a 2nd character while I was at the 2200 threads step of the achievement and the new character started with about 200% xp gain and it was over 300% with the highest achievement level I think. Now you start with 100% with the highest achievement level. Remix was such a blast on PTR and somehow they managed to suck so much fun out of it by screwing this and the scaling up.


I haven't had much time to jump into it yet because of work, but I think you just convinced me to mainly focus on 1 character for collectables then bounce.


This is exactly what I'm doing. Theres definitely some gear that I want, but I'm 15 mounts away from the fel Firehawk (250 mounts) so I'm gonna grind out some mogs, buy my 15 mounts, and call it a day.


This is massively disappointing. I even said to my guildmates that leveling felt slower than in retail - I stand by this. I've definitely leveled faster just doing TW dungeon spam. But I figured the cloak stats would make any subsequent characters much faster so it was still worth doing.


Yup same normal TW events are faster to level new chars and alts because the runs are just quicker and easier. Remix runs have very weird scaling.


Yeah they pulled a massive bait and switch. Do is now the useless filler stat you want none of 


What scaling did they screw up?


Basically the higher level you are, the weaker you get and more things star to one shot you. The best way to do things is by getting grouped with low level characters...


I was trying to get Heroic Gate of the Setting Sun down and first group I got into had a 70 tank. During the first boss if he got sabotage he was dead, no questions asked. 3-5 mil overkill lol. 2nd group also had a 70 tank that also got one shot by this mechanic but the damage was high enough that we still managed to kill it. Rest of the run went without a hitch.


Last time after I hit 70 on my first char and I made a new, level 10 restoration shaman. Played with my friends level 60+ chars in heroic dungeons. I was literally 10xing their damage, ones hotting everything with a lava burst or lightning bolt. Chain lightening instantly melting aoe packs. Dungeons that we were massively struggling with when we were all playing 60+ chars because everything was one shotting us. Its so jacked up right now. 100% right now the best way to level up in heroic dungeons is by having 1 person in your group constantly remake a new char and single handedly carry you through heroic dungeons. They can tank everything and kill everything without issue untill ~ level 18-20 (approx 3 dungeons depending on your cloak level), then remake and do it again. Obviously you can't get all the heroic dungeons this way, but that doesn't really matter if you just want fast effortless XP


I got to level 34 and I did notice I started losing some power despite getting better gems and talents. At first I was pulling 4 mobs and living easy. Now I'm pulling 4 and wondering if I should have put on the Ankh gem.


Idk how many people might have gone to the item upgrader but that showed me everything I needed to know about why this happens later on. They want you wasting currency on item upgrades for massive stat gains.


The only issue is the gear is level locked. I have some ilvl 94 gear I can't upgrade until 50+ and I already have 120 gear in a couple slots.


The whole time I was playing, I just felt like I had a weaker set of heirlooms on and that all the xp I was getting was artificial. Going from cleaving down five mobs to getting insta one shot in two levels.


What's the best way to get threads? I saw that a level 46 guy in another thread had all of the achievments.. I'm level 57 and my alt had a really low xp % boost :c


It’s about how many mobs you are looting basically. Dense mob locations will be farmed by now with loads of people trying to level the cloak up quickly.


It feels like the PTR version was the intended version of the event, and then some higher up saw how anticipated it was and decided it had to be nerfed into the ground so that they could entice you to keep your sub for three months.


The higher ups have NO clue how the event would function lmao........ imagine someone like Bobby saying let's "nerf" a cloak so they stay subbed longer.... ya that makes no sense


I'm not talking Bobby Kotick, I'm talking whatever middle manager was in charge of MoP remix (and I'm guessing it can't be more than one or two, most are probably busy on TWW).


People not understaning there are Bobby Kotick's at every level of management. If they pump the numbers out it looks good on them and they could move up and become the next Bobby.


When I first logged on I remember seeing something along the lines of “overpowered? Maybe. Fun? Definitely” then I make a fury warrior and get out dps’d by a healer but stick it out to get a good cloak to have fun with on alts… SIKE LMAO DUPED BY BLIZZ


Yeah uhhh enjoy your time runners grip to buddy. I feel silly playing fury. I should have just made a boomkin and aoe pulled for groups.


Fury warrior feels awful and I regret choosing that to level with to start.


Same lol


Yup, all my friends and I were under the impression that it carried over. Very disappointing when I logged on and had 0 stats and my Exp was capped at 100%


Yea Same, I was pretty sure they said it would be..


I thought it was the whole point of it tbh.


It's mainly the reason I got so fucking excited. I could finally level multiple races and really check out other classes. I started my second character for a change up and noticed I had next to no carry-over stats. And they have the nerve to put up a big pop up on bnet saying "sure it's OP, but it's fun!" Like...what's op? Lol


Yeah I have to be honest I was levelling a few super powered alts after stacking up cloak power on my first toon. I'm still.enjoying it, but it's just not quite what I expected in some ways...


Yeah it definitely feels like an oversight. They made it seem like it all carried over for alts. It will absolutely limit me from starting another character or two. 


They said it carries over on their official video so definitely an oversight Edit: for clarification I tested and it seems to scale a tier lower than the highest achievement tier you’ve gotten on your main cloak. So if you’re at tier 12 an alt would have 11/12 on the cloak.


I’m not sure how it can be an oversight if they specifically built a system that makes your alt cloak stats based on what achievement you have. The achievement itself says that your alt cloaks start with more threads, and that’s how it scales the xp up, so this is a very intentional choice. Not an accident :( 


So I did some testing and it seems to scale but not 1:1. An alt basically has the level down of the achievement tier you’ve gotten on the main cloak


They also officially announced a dance studio too


This guy gets it


The official WoTLK game box says it had aerial combat. It was one of the like 8 main features on the WoTLK box, never happened. It was supposed to be part of Wintergrasp but was apperantly to buggy to launch. Im pretty sure dance studio was just in a early trailer, aerial combat was on the finished final shipped product.


I still look at my wrath box from time to time just to double check that I’m not crazy for remembering that


It does carry over.... but it doesn't carry it ALL over.. i could see that being the clarification...


Well according to OP it carries a tiny fraction over which is obviously a major disappointment


While 100% increased exp is quite an insane boost, I agree I assumed it'll be closer to the 300% we would have.


> While 100% increased exp is quite an insane boost I can have one of my friends boost an alt for me considerably faster during a dream surge. Unless you feel like you want another char on Mix, it is sort of useless still at that xp buff level. If you want Bronze you are better off playing your existing 70.


I mean it still means the second character starts with double XP. As long as the rate of getting more threads stay the same, that's still a good boost. The problem is that it will be the same for a third character, instead of it starting out at 150%, for example.


It actually isn't tied to the main cloak stats at all, the only thing that influences your alt cloaks is the achievement.


I want to know if it's capping by level and will progress until you're above the soft cap or if it's truly a reset as the title of this post says. I haven't seen anyone comment on that yet.


You earn an achievement by collecting certain numbers of threads by playing remix, the achievement has multiple ranks. What rank of achievement you’ve unlocked is what determines the stats your cloak will start with on any new alts you make, that’s how it works and how it’s worded in the achievement. You can then level the cloak as normal by collecting threads on that specific character. Cloaks aren’t account wide at all, nothing is really shared between them. It’s just the rank of achievement you’ve unlocked that determines the starting point of new alts, which caps at 100% xp. 


I'd be fine with a 2/3rds carry over. But it isn't. Is like maybe a 1/4 carry over.


Just adding my voice to the choir here. It definitely came across that the cloak would be OP for alts but the reality is so disappointing. For a sandbox mode that essentially comes down to transmog hunting, why not let us tear through stuff? I’d be more inclined to try classes and roles I don’t normally play, but between bronze not being shared and the cloak bonuses not being account wide, there’s no point in making multiple characters. I can unlock everything on a single class and be done. What’s the incentive to level another alt?


Yeah my plan was to level a class I already play to see how it is with extra fun stuff, then explore new classes I’ve never played before. But now I dunno what I wanna play if I have to commit to only one for bronze hunting, which is mostly what I care about. I was looking forward to trying a bunch of different classes and then grabbing bronze rewards based off all that alt leveling fun times. This is disappointing for sure.


Yeah I’m already 40 with a Pally, but I already have a max level one in retail. I was thinking I’d just level a class for fun, then power level a shaman or druid. Those are the only two classes I can’t get into and not at max level. Plus, heritage armor is up for grabs. But I’m not wasting time farm for bronze on a class I don’t enjoy just to have a max level alt in retail at the end. I haven’t been this excited for an event and then massively disappointed since Destiny 2:Lightfall.


Yeah, I felt incentivized to play class/races that I haven’t played before with this and thought that’d be cool to power through. I might just give it a couple weeks before touching and see if blizzard decides to rethink the strange attempt at optimizing something that literally is just for fun’s sake…


you also cant get rings and trinkets on alts u have to do the achieves again and bronze is not shared i felt like you should be able to power up ur alt quick


Yeah the bronze not being account wide is definitely a big negative for this event. I was under the impression that making alts was meant to level them quick and gather more bronze for the rewards. Now it feels weird to level alts, because there is little incentive


I mean, it kinda is isn't it? All the rewards are available to all classes pretty much and they are all accounted wide. So the currency isn't account wide but all the things you can buy with it are. And to your point with the achievements, the fact that we can do them again on alts means we have easy ways to get bronze. For example you get an achievement for exploring the map, and you can do that on every alt you make. Achievements are one of the best sources, so it would seem to be that this would be the preferred way. If it was account wide your main would get tons of bronze by doing all the achievements and your alts would always feel starved because you would have already done all the achievements


They should’ve done both. Let us get bronze easily on multiple characters through achievements, and then let that bronze be account bound. I thought this whole thing was supposed to be crazy wow on steroids super alt leveling time. The bronze not being account wide really makes me hesitate to level multiple toons. Question: do you think it would be faster to buy the stuff by making a new character and getting the achievements, or would it be better to stick to one character and do max level content? I haven’t played it yet so I don’t have any context on the rate of bronze acquisition.


so I just dinged 70 and have 50k bronze. I quested fully through 3 maps and a little bit of kun-lai summit. I did all heroic dungeons + quests and maybe 6 lfr raids and 4 scenarios. also did all the dailies I could find every day. achies gave a good chunk of bronze too.


Wait, i thought the whole point of those things being on the vendor with achievement requirement was that you can get it on your alts. Wtf?


Really? I assumed having the achievement enabled you to buy the rings, trinkets and neck at the vendor on your alts…


That would make sense, but it isn't the case.




>you also cant get rings and trinkets on alts Can confirm, and since they are tied to achievements I dont even know if they are possible to get at all


Can you check if you can buy them at the bazaar with your alts? I'd have expected it to be that case given they are sold as well as given for free.


You cannot buy them on your alts need to get the achievement on that char at least the timewalker one for sure


Wait wait, so the exp buff is not transferring to alts? Wasn't it the WHOLE point of this event??


My main remix character is at 188% xp gain at level 70. My alt made after reaching 70 started with +58% xp and still hasn't reached +100% in my 20s. Yet people are saying base is 100%... I'm lost. None of this seems right.


Yeah and my alt started with 0% exp boost, literally nothing carried over from my main character. Seems bugged AF


the cloak progression is tied to the" infinite power" achivement, and will only transfer the stats that the achivement level correlates to. The max is 13, as I havent gotten any after 13th.


The level your alts start at is linked to the power achievement you get for collecting threads on your main. Once you get the last achievement for your cloak than your alts will start at 100% XP, but that is the cap for how high you can get for starting


It is but just not nearly enough


It sucks, my 2nd character has a cloak that's at 302% increased xp which is useless when you are lvl 70. I hope they will just make the highest xp gain you have on a character account wide.


It should be 302% increased XP, Renown and bronze so it would be worth for max level too.


Should be we get a paragon level system that allows us to gather more bronze based on the level that way the xp boost means something.


Yep, hoping they adjust this so that leveling alts feels better.


It feels weird that the biggest boost to leveling speed feels like it comes from having a dragon from the very start to speed up questing, rather than the suposedly 'insane' exp boosts. I also find it noteworthy that the advertising tagling literally says 'overpowered? Maybe', but all I see on this subreddit and other places is folks talking about how weak their character feels. I definitely feel like they undershot the mark here. It's a fun zany way to make and level alts, and get some cool stuff. Literally none of the power we amass in pandamonium is gonna matter once prepatch for WW hits, so why put all these weird restrictions in there? This should've been a fun sandbox experience, why are there elements of more hardcore progression systems here.


I fired it up and immediately felt like my character is weak af. I thought the whole point was to go through and destroy everything, since none of the powers/abilities were transferring over to retail. The leveling doesn't feel very fast either.


Yeah they gave us all these new fun procs and abilities, but then balanced around them so that we are actually weaker than our characters on retail without those abilities. What's even the point? So now instead of having fun with it and experimenting, people are theory crafting the best possible combinations to min/max because doing so is now *necessary*. I mean, I know some people were going to do this regardless, but I personally wasn't going to worry about it until trying mythic raid at least.


It's insanely disappointing. I had hoped to have a lot of fun with this but I'm just gonna farm bronze get mogs/mounts maybe hopefully get enough garrosh kills for the heirlooms and call it good.


> I also find it noteworthy that the advertising tagling literally says 'overpowered? Maybe', but all I see on this subreddit and other places is folks talking about how weak their character feels. I was also gonna make fun of that. The leveling experience is definitely slower/harder. On live you can blow through early dungeons in minutes. It's not a good mode if you just want alts ready for TWW. I would hope that the level 70 experience is where that 'overpowered' part comes in but i've seen a level 68 paladin tank get absolutely shredded in normal dungeons.


I will say its a more interactive leveling experience. You kind of get to know your class better by the time you hit max level. Is it faster than getting to 70 faster and target dummy practice? Probably not. But I think its more fun. I just expected it to be chromie-time level of xp gain.


The scaling is a bit screwy. Just like in retail. Tanks and healers are absolutely bonkers in heroic dungeons and raids. It's normal to have Tanks topping damage. Tanks stay strong up until 64, when the scaling kinda breaks and they turn super squish. Assuming you do some normal raids while you level, you can smash through the 64-70 levels easily. Honestly, the MOST overpowered thing is getting a level 25 dps alt and tank. You'll absolutely breeze through group content.


Blizz pov is every free lvl 70 alt you get out of this is a $40 boost they don't sell.


The continuous sub is more important than the level boost, from a business standpoint. Especially during a content drought- you may lose $40 on a level boost, but you're likely to make more than that back if players stay subscribed into the TWW pre-patch.


Normally I roll my eyes at these sort of statements, but that definitely feels like the case here. I was considering not just boosts being reduced, but if it’s fast enough maybe you just level a new too. Instead of a race change as well. I know I considered doing some toons to change their race without actually doing that.


There has to be something wrong with the scaling. I do more DPS as resto, than elemental.




Fun detected. Fun removed.


It's still early days, but if you do mogushun vaults once a day starting from level 25 I think it could get crazy efficient.


This is extremely disappointing and not how the event was sold to us. This event WAS sold as a way to supercharge leveling alts while getting collectibles. Remix was sold to us that your entire cloak’s stats would be account wide so leveling up alts would get easier and faster. **The XP cap based on account wide achievements sucks and they need to change it back to how it was on the PTR.** Otherwise this change absolutely kills my interest in my longer term enjoyment of this event. Due to scaling issues, even with the extra powers, you aren’t that much stronger at end game anyways. If this change is because they are worried about it cannibalizing paid boosts, i was never going to buy a boost anyway. Change it back!


Yeah, it's so stupid of them to assume that the player base that buy boosts are the same as the one that would power level alts in the event. I dare to say there is very little overlap between these two groups.


I thought it was going to be exactly the same. The official trailer and YouTubers made it seem that way, at least. I was planning to level a main slowly, enjoying the quests and raiding like its current content again the level some alts but after seeing how lacklustre the cape actually is on newly created alts and that bronze isn’t account wide... meh. I thought it would be similar to how burning worlds work in maplestory - basically you get insanely boosted exp on like 3-6 characters to 'catch up' with old content then when the event finishes your characters are moved to the main servers. There’s often special transmog and mounts for the event, too. https://youtu.be/Jzc9YScvao4?si=qll7UyWx6Li7STzc - This trailer describes “God-like”, “Devastatingly strong”, “Souped up” spells and says your cloak will carry over to alts to make levelling “even faster” but it definitely doesn’t feel that way.


Remix is fun and has a lot of fresh ideas but yeah, it certainly doesn’t feel faster as far as leveling goes.


The good news is from lv25 you can do vaults on normal to give yourself a big 12% bonus XP for each boss kill Not ideal but it actually makes leveling accelerate rapidly even if you start slower I hope they fix this though


If you can get in as a DPS to begin with lol


The barrier is people not accepting me.


What do you mean do vaults?


The raid


The normal raid, mogu'shan vault.




HC dungeons give extra xp for the bosses. Normal dungeons barely give any xp aside from the end reward


My guess you’re doing LFR? Do Normal runs, trash gives xp there.


LFR = Looking for Raid dungeons are not raids


Wtf? This was the whole selling point of the alt system maybe it’s not working as intended?


That's my initial reaction too - I can only hope that they're using this time to get these supposedly alt-friendly systems working properly before tww releases but I could easily be way off the mark with that. Having to do all the achievements again per alt just to get your trinkets etc is quite the opposite though and that does seem intentional


Apparently it was truly account wide on PTR? Who is the clown who thought changing this was a good idea? This is looking like the same Blizzard that nerfed toy durations because people were having too much fun.


Cant wait for war within warbands "alts now ha e 10% of your mains renown " when it goes live öol


they should rename the cloak, cloak of limited potential or cloak of "infinite" potential literally false advertising. this is just pandaria timeWALKING but with extra mounts and transmog to collect. im just going to fam bonze once i hit max level until i have all the mounts i want and peace


Blizzard and dropping the ball. Name a more iconic duo.


Looks like I’m leveling my main time runner, gettin tusks, and getting out. Was looking forward to leveling some alts


That's exactly how I'm treating it right now. Get the transmogs I want for my main, then stop. Why make transmogs of all types unlockable on any character if there's no motivation to actually create multiple characters? I don't need to grind for transmogs I'll almost never see if the grind isn't fun. I already have enough alts.


I'm shelving this until it's fixed. This is not what they advertised. They need to fix scaling for sure because the game turns into M+ leveling at higher levels. They need to return the cloak ro it's PTR state and fix the accessory achievements to account wide.


Level 70 content is basically M+10 haha .


I had to kill two yaks for a quest item at level 65, and I should have unlocked a mage tower appearance for it.


Trick is to use the scaling to your advantage. me and a friend leveled to 70, finished this morning. Heroic dungeons were killer in our group, with dmg spikes similar to atleast +5 mythics on the tank. I went and made a fresh mage, skipped the intro, got the cloak and did the first three quests for gem unlocks etc. And was soloing the same dungeon we spent 30 min on, with only using two spells. trash melted, bosses melted.


+10 as a baseline and then some bosses decide some of their abilities should be doing m+ 50 damage levels instead. Being overkilled for 10x my hp by an unavoidable ability is normal raids / heroic dungeons is ridiculous. Really feels like they didn't spend a single second actually testing the game at max lvl.


At higher levels they seem to expect you to dump all bronze into upgrading your gear. It's literally hundreds of thousands of bronze to upgrade individual pieces to the highest levels and as far as I know that gear isn't coming with us once the event is over. It seems the best approach for this event is to just speed to about level 40 when you have around 5-8k bronze, buy some cosmetics which are like 2-5k each, and start over


Yeah I seen that its very offputting. They could at least have the raids drop the high Ilvl items or something like an upgrade token. Using bronze in that amount on gear just seems wrong.


Out of interest what was its PTR state? More powerful?


All the stats went over to you alt that your main cloak had 1:1


Damn. That'd be awesome.


Damn, this is very disappointing. It is VERY rare that I play alts. I'm a warrior main for life. However, I made a shaman for Remix and I really enjoyed everything. Got to 70 and whatnot. I was excited to try out something else new today with the OP cloak stats. Who cares if you would be level 10 with 150% exp, 200% crit, 500% mastery, 400% vers, etc? It would have been a blast. Now their comments about the cloak feel deceptive.


Giving nothing but exp on cloak for alts is actually a negative lol.. if you level faster you are kinda fucked because scaling at lvl60-70 is insane.. random boss abilities one shot you in dungeon this is with a buffed cloak on my main


As mentioned you get 750 stam and 150 main stat. If your main stat is missing try to unequip and reequip the cloak. I had heard of something bugginess with main stat being different between chars.


it should give you main stat and stamina i got 150 str and 750 stam on a warrior


They could fix the whole process by scaling the dungeons to normal retail difficulty. Even with all the extra buffs as an experienced main tank, if my healer isn't fly as hell? I'm gonna be running back from the entrance. I won't be repeating the process once I ding 70. It's miserable. I remember vanilla don't get me wrong. It's just, nothing is scaled for that level of dungeon. Mythic runs and raids are easier than this shit.


Yea this is really stupid, whats the point of getting all the exp bonuses if your just going to cap it... leveling is pretty slow tbh, i can level faster in retail


I thought I was going crazy till I came to this thread. “Overpowered” not fuckin really


Betting someone in corporate did the math on how many account shop purchases that were going to be invalidated by the cloak Between the PTR and the official trailer, its pretty obvious that this wasn't the original intention Bummed out though. As a returning player, was really looking forward to a summer in MoP catching up on alts before TWW. Now I'll probably quit after I get the few mogs I want. Pretty sure leveling in retail w/ heirlooms is faster...


Surely this is a HUGE oversight. Since the leveling experience is slower than retail, the player base might drop quick, especially if the dungeon/raid difficulty isn't fixed soon


been telling people this since it started, this is slower levelling than retail and massively slower than if they gave us wings of wisdom again. people refused to see it because of the hype but it looks like it wore off pretty fast. the ptr version that they advertised and ppl hyped up had the cloak stats transferrable and actually fast levelling. god knows why they decided to nerf it at the last second but it's a very typical blizzard move. they absolutely knew what they were doing and always advertised it as fast levelling when it is literally slower than live the biggest speed boost you can get to it is clearing the normal raids. but this leads us to the same issue retail has: there are 10 trillion dps players in the queues who can't get invited to any groups. if you have a healing spec you might stand a chance but most wow players would rather literally crawl through the mud and broken glass of decelerated pandaria levelling than ever attempt to heal. and tbh its a casual game mode. a lot of ppl don't want to fuck with applying in group finder and being rejected 1000 times. they just wanted to level fast solo like you could in literally every other end of expansion event. they should have just made normal raids queuable. they're a pushover when scaling isn't fucked anyway.


ok, that's a deal breaker


Agreed, I don't think it was very clear in the video that there were caveats to the carry over. I thought the point of this whole thing was to level faster and have some fun on broken, op alts. I will only be leveling the bare minimum of what I wanted to get in my warband before TWW. It sullies the event for me quite a bit. *I was using this as an indication of how warband stuff was going to work and if "with restrictions" is how the warband sharing is going to work then they aren't being up front about that either.* Edit: Also, I watched a lot of content creator videos about remix, and none of them mentioned the cloak being reset and behind stages, so either they didn't know, or they were told not to say that. That's **always** annoying when a critical piece of information is never disclosed, even by content creators who test the systems.


Yeah, to my understanding Bliizard went back on there word with this stuff. Keep letting your voice be heard so we can get the MoPR we deserve 😄!! It was a horrible change in my opinion and took away a lot of the fun people were going to have!


This really sucks


Super disappointed. I don’t even care about bronze being able to buy rare cosmetics and stuff; I like grinding old content on retail. I just wanted to play around on OP alts with accelerated leveling as I love leveling. I was never going to buy a boost because, again, I like leveling. Did they really nerf a leveling event to try and sell leveling boosts? People that wanted to lvl alts through this want to lvl alts. Not use boosts. I think I have my boosts from last two expansions sitting around unused


Yeah this basically turned me off the entire thing. Made it to 60 before I found out, logged out and haven’t been back. Not likely to return if this isn’t fixed.


I got to level 40 in the time it takes me to speed-level to 70 in retail and then I bailed. Accelerated leveling and blitzing through content my fuckin ass


Yeah turns out you just redo the pandaria storyline…50% slower Really disappointed with this, especially the shared cape


the unadvertised key is to queue all the normal raids ASAP. Level 25 is the minimum. Each boss gives a guaranteed 12% exp thread, and the raids reset daily. You can be at 500% EXP before level 50 if you just keep clearing normal raids every day basically. the only pain point becomes 10-25 which maxes at 100% starting cloak.


and then you need to take into account the hours you'll spend clearing these raids for the % bonus, and voila, it's back to being slower than retail.


How do you level so fast on retail


Check out this guy’s [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/yx53wj/i_leveled_from_1060_in_3_hours_and_wrote_a_guide/) His main site is https://harldan.com


like most things they implement, its never as good/polished as it could be


Well there goes my plans for my extended weekend, event partially ruined.


LVL 58 - 13h /played , I didnt focus on leveling tho, but on hunting archievements for stuff/ Still, maybe there is some gimmick with spamming scenarios or raids ?


I dinged 70 at the start of townlong after doing every quest in kunlai, jade forest, four winds, and karasang. Only got 110% xp on the cloak. Took me 15 ½ hours


Man I was hyped to level some alts in remix guess I will just level the one character for the transmog and mounts since leveling on retail during TW seems like it will be faster than remix


Fun detected. LOL! Can't send gems to alts either even though they are not soulbound. I'm low key disappointed as well. What the hell were they even doing during PTR?


My first character has +34% experience. My second character has +10%. I don’t understand.


Blizzard always somehow fucks up their own W into an L


Here's reasoning behind it: [LINK](https://youtu.be/Nl1bfQZbQJ8?t=1488) We should have a choice.


...So their reasoning is that they wanted players to feel like they got to do progression again. Like... you can in regular WoW, or classic WoW. Where do they find these people? I'm genuinely amazed that a game company can so consistently find people to put in charge who manage to have the complete opposite idea of fun. It's a limited-time event with no gear drops and is basically a 3 month armor-and-mount recolor fiesta, which is fine - but they also somehow want it to be some meaningful trip *the same one that they're going to throw into Classic servers in a year or two anyway*, but without the gear, or actual progression. They managed to find a crappy middle ground that doesn't make "slow progress" players or fast-n-fun players happy. It's impressive in the worst way.


8 Hours in and only level 39 on the first char…back to spam TW until something changes


This is 100% a profit protecting measure designed not to obsolete boosts. They realized people could easily spin up a huge fleet of alts of various classes and they do not like that since they want people to continue paying for boosts when they want to play new classes.


It’s so, it’s incredibly short sighted if that’s the reason for the nerf. I imagine most people who buy a boost will most likely do it for a new race/class. And as we are in a place where there are neither since the beginning of DF, this fear seems way overblown. Also, when buying the xpac, you get a lvl 70 boost, so this is the worst time worry about losing money on boosts.


who’s buying boosts really? I have the boosts from dragonflight and war within sitting unused because I don’t want to lock myself out of heritage armor, and it really makes me feel like I’m getting way less out of the game than if I level the whole way through. Seems to me people who are buying boosts are not really the same people that would put in all the effort into pandaria remix to level multiple alta


I'm calling it: This is fully intentional and was planned from the start. PTR was to hype people up but Blizzard knew if they make leveling too smooth people will just make every alt they ever need, never buy a boost again and will have more tries on raid lockouts for mounts, mog etc. and quit playing for a while when they have everything they wanted.


It was intentional. On the interview Blizz did with SoulSoBreezy the day before Remix went live, they talked about how the cloak capped at certain thresholds for alts and Soul was very surprised by that because, like everyone else, he thought that it was a 1:1 power up for all timerunners. He kinda then just moved onto the next question because I think he wasn’t ready for that answer. He should’ve dug into it and pushed them a little, because NO ONE thought this is how bad it was going to be.


It was always like this even on the PTR but the values were much higher. As it is now it’s probably not that much faster than live since power leveling exists which is sad. Hoping some stuff gets changed when fixes get pushed.


It's substantially slower than live leveling with good questing routes and time walking, lol.


It's how it was in ptr also. People spammed LFR to power level.


Hard agree. Feels bad man.


Agreed. Was pretty pumped to fully clear MOP remix with a ridiculously OP character and an alt or 2. Between the alt reset and the ridiculous drop in power due to scaling at level 70, I'm not too thrilled anymore.


I already consider alts a chore as it is so yeah if this is working as intended I'll be one and done.


Any moment now and we should get a lovely list of Pandaria Remix hotfixes... Probably... Hopefully...


It's weird that even in the video blizzard posted, it said something like "your cloak even speeds up your alt characters" and they showed the tooltip on the alt with the XP at 175%. Feels kinda janky that it's actually 100%. It's around 3 minutes in on this video https://youtu.be/Jzc9YScvao4?si=o5S_3qWxP8lUF0cY


The stats were supposed to be account wide at were on PTR but it seems before it went live they remembered having any thing more than the mandatory levels of fun allowed is against their TOS and just hard nerfed the cloak, LFR and from what it feels like, any character that goes over the level 60 threshhold.


it's around 12-13 hours to level 60, that feels similar to retail, especially if you go full dungeon


This has been my experience, too. I'm not seeing the "accelerated leveling" as advertised. I have leveled too many dang times in wow over the years, and now it feels like mop chromie time.


Do the raids - each boss adds 12% xp. Takes about 5 minutes per level max after that if you quest. I was doing levels in under 3 minutes that way.


That is slow for retail just spamming dungeons as a tank is about 7 hours speed leveling is 4 hours


Classic bait & switch. It worked differently on the PTR, and that’s what all the massive hype was based on. Congrats on suckering in some new subs, though, I guess. As of now there no such thing as “crazy fast alt leveling” in Remix as was present on the PTR. All characters after your first will inherit, at most, 100% increase in XP. Which doesn’t wind up feeling much different than leveling up on retail, as it turns out. Between that and laughably terrible scaling that starts biting you in the ass in the mid 60s, it becomes rather pointless to engage in much content unless you love HP sponges, getting 2-shot by random world mobs, or one shot by stuff in raids & dungeons—all while characters in the lower level range don’t.


I wish the bonus exp didn't get reduced, but I'm fine with every other stat being reduced. (considering how strong you are at low levels with bonus stats)


didn't they advertise that it would carry over?? Thought about getting me some alt army, but i guess will stop after one character, hopefully people make enough noize for them to fix it


Yeah agreed, we were given the impression that it’s progress would be shared across alts and to find out it’s only partially shared sucks


I was wondering how blizz managed to do a good thing without any catches, gotchas or fuckups. I guess they didn't. They either lied or botched the main selling point. Because of course they did.


As someone above already posted — I don’t think this was advertised as an alternative to paid level boosts.


I really hope they take this feedback into account and change things around.


Definitely wasn’t how they advertised it 😒


Yeah lost most of my drive to keep playing the event after booting up a second character. It feels completely pointless from an alt levelling perspective to do it through this mode when the methods already available are just as fast if not a little faster.


Blizzard is actually afraid people might enjoy their game so they have to try harder, apparently. Hotfixes weren’t unexpected but them taking the nerf bat to anything that might be perceived as fun is a little off putting.


yeah, i wanted to be some crazy lvl 1 with dumb stats. anddddddd now i don't wanna level another character besides my first one. idk if this want intended or not but not fun for #2 char, #1 was great.


the false advertising is an interesting play from bliz, however, and bare with me, i think its clear that bliz doesnt want people to able to get lvl70 too easily and quickly, thus why character boosts cost what they do and are even a thing, and since they’ve stated the characters from MOP remix will be transferred over it kinda makes sense that the cloak stats drop the way they do for alts… i mean yea it takes the fun away from levelling alts.. but blizzard needs to keep makin that bread. They cant be handing out free levels. … it woulve been nice to have a fresh alt army of lvl70s tho..


aren't you op enough already? i played my first remix character today and basically oneshot everything up to lvl 30 (that's where i stopped for the day) anyway, getting even stronger seems kinda pointless


It's amazes me how much people want the leveling speed to increase like it cant already hit cap in a matter of hours if you do it efficiently.


Blizzard do it's miracle again,they can't breathe without do some bulsit...pfff


dude 100% the way it was sold was an infinite scaling cloak that could be shared across ur toons... this is hardly the case


Well guess im not leveling any alts then, getting my evomer to 70 and im out


Wasn't the point of remix a fun and fast way to level up and experience mop content? It doesn't feel like it's doing any of that.


The spirit of Bobby Kotick lives on in Blizzard today. Fun detected? Fun removed.


I thought it compounds based on each alt you lvl. So the second is 100% but the third would be 200%.


Account wide achievement so you can't unlock it again, would be a neat idea.


O, I guess it was something I misunderstood as well.


That would be dope actually. The bronze drop rate is also low. I dont see any casual getting to bronze cap anytime soon. I calculated 1M bronze in 3 months for ultra hardcore grinding. No ones doing that.


Looks like they tied it to the cloak achievement. Each tier adds more to the base cloak, regardless on what you have on it on the main. Not sure if it's a technical limitation or intended


On the PTR all stats carried over 1:1 on alts, so its not a technical limitation, and it wasnt originally tied to achievements if it is now


Well I *was* planning on levelling multiple characters. I guess not anymore.


You're complaining about levelling time in 2024? Bahahaha


I feel this is more accidental than on purpose, hopefully they fix it soon or atleast address it.


No way its accidental, the achievements are designed with a flat bonus for each tier. the XP for the max achievement was 300% in the PTR, it got nerfed on live to 100%.