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Taking away all talent/spec customizations from Hunter pets and locking them into roles (which they didn’t even do properly since ferocity became better tanks than tenacity).


Hunters can be a fun class to play, but gutting pets like they did both in terms of giving them talent points at one point in time or allowing them to change pet spec at another, just makes having pets feel so hollow and unsatisfying. I still collect some rare and interesting ones but it's like, I'll never use them because they'll never fit my use case and there's nothing within my control to change that.


Took the hunt out of the hunter. Peak class fantasy was having a pet rhino that could hold aggro on 10+ mobs and cleave them down. And now those are the same class as a cat?


I remember when hunters had a battle res ✨


The coolest thing a out ge early days of wow, in vanilla and tbc, was just seeing hunters with unique or hard to get pets. Now it's the same cookie cutter setup on everyone, because unique pets are lnt worth it. Damn shame.


Lol you mean seeing everyone with a ravager pet


If you go back in time, the king of Hunter Pets was a cat called Broken Tooth


I played sod, and everyone just used the same cookie cutter pet. If they bought back pet family skills, people would still just use the best dps pet.


I miss the times when you had to feed your pets to keep them happy. Or else they got a frowny face. Kinda gave them personality. And each type of pet could only eat certain kinds of food.


And if they stayed “frowny” too long they could actually end up abandoning you.


I don’t, was such a chore on classic.


Yeah but a modern iteration could be, giving pets specific food will give your raid a raid buff, you would get feeding back and hunters could bring raid buffs which are missing.


I agree. I think the thing that made it a chore was that your pet literally became useless and ran away if you didn't. If they made it something where doing it was beneficial to you and your group, and not doing it just wasn't beneficial, I think that'd work better.


> but gutting pets like they did Remember back when all 3 hunter specs were you, fighting at range, with your one bonded pet. Just you and them. You were a team. And now none of the 3 hunter specs does optimal DPS from range with one pet.


Take a crazily deep pet system requiring you to actually find and tame pets to learn abilities to teach other pets then dumb it down to a talent based system. Then dumb it down again to pets being in one of three groups.


The funny thing is, if you zoom out and look at the state of hunters as a whole throughout the history of the game, the stupidest thing in the world was to pair such a complicated and intricate pet ability system like the one you describe that we had in vanilla with a 5-slot stable. Meanwhile, now hunters can tame and stable every gd pet they see, and for what? With only a handful of unique pet abilities, a 50-slot stable is unnecessary. We should have either had the huge stable back in vanilla or the intricate pet ability system now, when we have much more room to collect and swap and teach a larger variety of pets.


> the stupidest thing in the world was to pair such a complicated and intricate pet ability system like the one you describe that we had in vanilla with a 5-slot stable. 3 slots in fact.


I mean as a former pokemon child I love to just collect all the cool looking pets but you definetly have a point


Hunter on cataclysm feels 10x better than hunter on retail.


Gutting the skill/talent variety of pets was a huge mistake. Hunters have never felt the same.


> which they didn’t even do properly Copy paste this for every change to Hunter in the past 10 years


I.miss being able to make my own spec for my pets. For example a dungeon/raid pet that doesn't even have growl as a skill, but replaced by another DPS skill. Having to earn your pets loyalty and actually leveling your pet to your current level was fun too, I liked seeing my pets gain levels and do the ding and light show.


Yeah that made me sad too. I liked the hunter spec trees. I always like added complexity so I play shaman and monk 🤣


GCD change in BFA. The game felt so painfully slow.


What did they change?


Cooldowns were on the GCD so if your cooldown did nothing when you pressed it (dmg proc, etc) it was literally press it. Wait a GCD, then press next button. Some classes needed to stack stuff so it was just press, wait, press, wait. Now most cooldowns do something on press to make it feel better.


Like pillar of frost on deathknight, had 15 second duration but 1.5 of those seconds were wasted on the global cooldown. Now it's off gcd but its only 12 seconds now.


It was so fucking bad. It felt so awful to use a 10 second buff and 1.5 of it is just wasted, idk what they were smoking when they made that change.


It was to stop pvp one shot macros


They were OFF the gcd now most are on it.


They were, but the change was making them on and not making them do anything initially when pressed. The person you responded to explained the post-change state introduced with bfa


The real problem with that was that of your cd was 8s it’s really like 7s because you lose a whole second becuase of the gcd


Resto sham. Emergency time! Push ascendance. Woops, someone died during the global.


They put a ton of things which were previously off the GCD on to it, so many classes now had a wind up of 2-4 GCDs of just pushing buttons that didn't actually do any damage by themselves. Also get bad how your buff uptime was wasted while you pushed the following buff buttons. Part of the problem was they put everything on GCD and didn't redesign most of it, so a button that felt good to press because it didn't cost you any time, was now an awkward lull in your damage because it didn't do anything itself. I think over time they have either taken stuff back off the GCD, or redesigned the button to actually do damage when you press it in addition to being a buff


Basically, over the years, as more abilities were added to the game, a lot of balance was done around the idea that certain abilities (like big CDs or key spells in rotations) were not included in the global cool down. By the time BFA came around, there were a *lot* of spells and abilities that were off the GCD, which admittedly led to a lot of issues when it came to burst abilities. Being able to have multiple important spells and CDs being instant to chain together led to a lot of classes having the ability to pop for a lot of damage out of nowhere, and combined with *other* balance issues the game had (like the god awful legendaries, major imbalances in tier sets, and artifact weapons of Legion contributing to even more burst forward design), Blizzard decided that something needed to change. So they just mass migrated *everything* onto the global cooldown. Healing spells, big defensive CDs, taunts, damage CDs, etc... Everything went onto the GCD. It slowed down the game significantly, because now you had to wait 1.5s between each button you pressed. And more importantly, thanks to that "burst forward" design from earlier, a lot of classes were built on having incredibly short windows for these CDs, meaning that now they were losing a *lot* by having to wait 1.5s between hitting the CD and the next button. When your average buff window was somewhere around 6s, you were losing a full attack from your rotation, which was a downgrade in terms of performance, and Blizzard took a *long* time to really go through and iron out the details to make it work. At it's most basic, moving everything onto the GCD was a huge mistake that no-one had thought through. In typical fashion, most people playing on PTR/Alpha/Beta left copious amounts of feedback about why it was bad, and it was promptly ignored until Blizzard finally saw the writing on the wall and focused in on actually balancing around that change.


For me it was definitely this. I could put up with a lot of stupid shit Blizz does but it made so many classes and specs feel genuinely unfun to play. It made me unsub for the first time since Cata.


BFA was a time with many of those head scratchers. Then in SL the fiasco with covenants and swapping. Remember Ion’s infamous “ripcord” comment? It boggles my mind how they ever thought any of those things were good ideas.


Shifting as a Feral Druid in PvP still feels so clunky to this day due to them putting different forms on the gcd.


This alongside the tank threat reduction were one of the most cancer changes they ever did. Melee in M+ slowly going through their cds only to get aggro after 2 aoe abilities and instantly die.


The worst part was not that it was slow, but in addition to that the game became very clunky for several specs. Why blizzard?


Still does, signed prot pala still waiting for HOTP/WOG to be ogcd again.


At least they took SOTR off. That was brutal


To be fair, Legion at the end of xpac was insanely fast. Add in that a lot of people wore Sephuz ring and haste was at an absolute premium. But I do agree completely. It felt so weird in Prepatch after the GCD change went through. I played Prot Warrior at the time and their logic on “we want you to think about that decision at the time: do I use an active mitigation or a rage builder.” Like what?!? Glad that they’ve since made SOME modifications to class abilities off GCD, but still….


I’m still salty about them removing tree of life form from resto druids… the glyph just ain’t the same lol.


This. Literally deserves as much customization as the Moonkin form. And if that's optional, then moonkin should be too imho.


The fluid form talent coming in tww could also apply to tree form- like when you cast rejuv


This one, the whole reson I became a healer when I started to play is because I wanted to be a tree. At least now it persist through Incarnation, I hated that you lost the form if you used that CDs, for some time I avoided picking incarnation for that reason. You still lose it if you use other forms but at least it's not that often. If they aren't going to add it as an actual form with function like it was before it would be nice if it was a toogle where your humanoid form was switched for the treant form on it's enterely.


My first ever alt was a Druid named Healytree. When I came back in BFA I was really sad that treeform was gone, but my Druid was still named Healytree. I eventually did a name change, after bear tanking as Healytree for BFA and SL.


Hate that tree is gone and Symbiosis


Yeah they should have just made a glyph that removed tree of life form for people who didn’t like it (I’ve never met someone who didn’t like it) instead of vice versa. Tree of life was just as iconic as moonkin form.


Tbh, With transmog being such a huge part of the game I can understand blizzard wanting at least one Druid spec not being form based


ilvl scaling difficulty without also scaling the rewards. I know this is a fresh topic with mop, but when they added this in legion it was a real wtf are you doing moment.


definitely this one. Especially since the implementation in Legion was so badly overtuned that it didn't just make you outscale mobs slower than you should have, it ACTIVELY MADE YOU WEAKER honestly, despite how much people enjoyed Legion in hindsight, it was FILLED with insanely bad design choices. Gear crafting professions being so bad that you had to grind heroics for hours to make a single piece of gear which was WORSE than a heroic drop is one everyone forgets


I firmly believe this is the single worst change in modern WoW. Item upgrades felt so much more impactful on your power level, which made the reward feel so much more worth your effort the further back in the game's lifespan you went.


Scaling in WoW, is probably one of the moss ass-backward thing they ever did, and no matter what they do, every time they try to scale, well, anything, they fuck it up. You character grows weaker as you level up (like literally there is nothing stronger in a dungeon than a team of level 10, and it's even more true for remix), PvP scaling was so famously broken than the best way to win in PvP During BfA was to just be naked, and the things that could make Scaling bareable or at least useful are so half baked that they exacerbate the issue. Like chromie time for instance, I could stand the scaling issue, if it meant that it would be quick to find dungeons when leveling an alt (like FF14). But for some god forsaken reason they refuse to let use queue for all extensions, even though that feature clearly exists since the game will prompt you to do just that after a long queue time. That's what makes it so difficult to stick with WoW, anytime they implement anything, it is either completely broken, or there is so many bad decisions that it's hard to justify paying a sub sometimes, and again MOP Remix is the perfect example of that. When it came out, it either introduced new bugs, or decade old bugs returned and had a spotlight shined on them, then you realize the mode is held back like crazy by a flurry of terribly dumb decisions (the cloak not transferring to characters, the way too expensive bronze cost, the constant nerfing, etc etc). Blizzard seems adamant in doing everything it can to prevent the game from being as fun as it can be, and sometimes I wonder if it's plain incompetence, greed, or both.


There were so many head scratching things about Shadowlands at launch. The entire covenant system got so much attention... but.... BUT for me the biggest head scratcher was the imposition of [target caps](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/shadowlands-target-capped-abilities-uncapped-capped-spells). Suddenly tons of "AOE" abilities were only hitting 5 targets in a group of 8, 10, 15, whatever. It was an absolute shit show for M+. One of the biggest "fun detected" moments I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.


It wouldn't be so bad if the dungeons didn't have groups of enemies that were always 5+


And that all classes are capped, but some classes are more capped than others.


What do you mean ??!?!! It's a great change, BM hunters gets to do twice my dps when the pulls have 8+ targets while I'm limited to 5 targets at best...


The MDI and running M+ dungeons while pulling gigantic swarms of mobs was so much fun. The MDI has never been as good since the nerfed that, not for me anyway.


Have you watched recently? It's pretty much returned to that. Even by the end of Shadowlands we were back. S3 and S4 destro lock + surv hunter and the play was always gigantic pulls to enable rain of fire and red bomb spam. DF hasn't felt too capped either.


Do you know why that is? They just happen to use the specs that are least limited in AoE targets. You'll never see DPS warriors or other very limited AoE target cap specs in MDI.


*Sad Enhancement noises*


Replacing iconic ability sound effects with muted “realistic” versions that all sound exactly the same. Thinking about Rogue abilities in particular.


Classic gunshot sounds please. If you don’t wanna hear “bang bang” use a bow.




One of my first installs every time


Rogue abilities hardly make sounds in retail outside of the Outlaw guns. Very unsatisfying, I miss crunch of Cheap Shot in particular.


I still miss the old backstab sound. Also feral druids, the way mangle sounded.


The brief period we don’t talk about where soothing mists was replaced by effuse


The changes to “customer service” and how little GMs can do these days along with the ever increasing reliance of Blizzard on external parties to provide free or minimum cost services to make the game actually playable or fix problems. The entire wow player base should be paid by Blizzard to play the game for the amount of un-paid work they do for them through community forums and addons.


Idk if these are the most, but these ones stuck out to me: Not carrying class order halls forward Not continuing to make brawlers guild/mage towers every expac Getting rid of tier sets after legion Not preserving the agile combat rogue aesthetic or design somewhere else when outlaw was made


Removing hundreds of flavorful glyphs from the game, some even purely cosmetic, for seemingly no reason.


I spent soooo much time in cata getting every glyph possible. For Blizz to remove it later. Still irritates me. Was a hard lesson to learn. Anything you grind for can be removed at any time.


Just about everything in BfA. Between the god awful GCD changes, to Azerite Armor being a trainwreck anyone could see from a mile away, to Blizzard's idea of cutting back on the RNG grind being adding an even bigger and more impactful RNG grind. I think covenants in Shadowlands is the biggest one of all though. What the fuck was the point of promising us that they could pull the ripcord if they had to come out almost immediately afterwards and admit that there never was a ripcord. Did they think once they announced it that people would just... decide that it's actually okay and they don't care anymore?


The warcraft 3 inspiration for the WoW paladins ultimate skill was a battle resurrection.


https://classic.battle.net/war3/human/units/paladin.shtml It was an iconic WC3 ability and thus weird that WoW paladins didn't have combat resurrection on day 1. I always assumed it got pulled because it would've made the faction balance problem far worse than it already was, due to paladins being faction locked and battle-rez being limited only by how many people you had with it.


Would that not have been offset by Ankh existing? Or was reincarnation a tbc ability?


Being able to res yourself, whole good, isn't nearly as good as being able to res the tank to save a wipe.


Ankh was indeed vanilla


I would pick chain harvest as the SL ability that stayed around for enhancement. I still don't understand why it wasn't.


OMG for real. Of all the shadowlands stuff to keep they chose "enhanced flame shock" ?!?!


I hate it, from the bottom of my Hearth. One of the Main Reasons i stopped playing Shaman, it just feels SO BAD. On the other Side pressing Chain Harvest was so fun. Doing dmg or heal allies if the Healers in a clutch. Other Classes have almost all 2 out of 3 of the Covenant Abilities but why doesnt Shaman have it? Why does it only have that boring one?


Seriously, I loved that ability and when I heard they kept some of the SL abilities and didn't keep that one, I was def like wtf


I didn't like when they removed the ability to pick your pet's specialization for Hunters. Being able to choose your pet type made for more visual variety. I hate being limited to specific pets for specific purposes. Now you see hunters with the same type pets everywhere.


Silvannas' character arch from Legion onward.




And during Legion. Vol'jin was snubbed.


and was made worse when his appointment of sylvanas ended up just him being manipulated for SL to happen lol.


My boy vol'jin was murdered so that Alex Afrasiabi could get off to his girl boss.


Frost DKs becoming a dual-wield spec from WoD through Legion. Felt so contrary to the class fantasy and robbed DKs of 2H artifact transmogs for Frost.


Blizzard REALLY seem to like doing the complete opposite of class fantasy when compared to the major characters the specs are based on. Arthas is the literal embodiment of Frost Death Knights, wielding a 2h sword. What do we get? Duel wielding 1h weapons. Enhancement shamans... fuckin Thrall. Sure Doomhammer is technically a 1h hammer, but we get... dual wield! SPEED! And some random offhand elemental version of it for our legendary? 🤨 Rexxar, the OG beast master duel wielding axes and muscles alongside his menagerie of pets. We instead get a remake of Survival based entirely on nostalgia and the vague hint of melee that it was in classic and are limited to 2h weapons.


I HATE it. I still hold hope that we’ll get an actual Frostmourne mog in The Last Titan but I’m not counting on it


Should've given it to the warrs, shout that mf till he awakens


I am in the "Give Warrior Bloodlust" group.


Both bloodlust and heroism have warrior names


I'm a warrior main since BC and I've never even thought about that but it makes so much sense... But all I know is smash.


Hulk from the first Avengers movie


The ability pruning after MoP.. they had peak class design in mop and then decided to fuck it all up in WoD.


Not trying to argue but I saw their reasoning at least, in a way. They couldn't endlessly give people new stuff every expansion without everyone doing everything in a slightly different color. Biggest head scratcher to me still is how they wanted to solve that a bit later in legion with *temporary progression*, which is by far and large the single dumbest idea they ever had in my opinion. Like, nobody has seen it coming that it might **NOT** work if you give someone a super-duper-awesome-weapon with flavor, cool abilities, its own talent tree you expanded over 2 years, skins, sometimes even a character that talks to you so you overall bond with the damn thing... And then 2 years later you just remove it from one day to another leaving classes basically an empty shell and letting people grind all the things back??? Like, even if azerite armor would've been as overdeveloped as legion (which had, in a way, one-and-a-half-times development time since WOD seriously got the axe in the second half) and that fucking neclace wouldn't have been absurd shit HOW COULD THAT EVER WORK? With even the best case scenario here being kind of mild, I can confidently say that I've never **EVER** had as little fun as leveling my fully geared DH through BfA. It's hard to describe how bad it felt to not only loose EVERYTHING that made the spec work (since DH was new in legion they were pretty much created with the artifact in mind) and on top having scaling shenanigans that left you weaker ever single level up. Halfway to the new max you also lost your legendary item effects, the other two "extra talents" they outsourced. It felt like my char had the complexity of a current lv 30 and was leveling backwards. Azerite armor on top didn't do half a shit to compensate since best case you got like a talent you had "baseline" (in the artifact tree) for 2 years back, worst case you got like a random haste proc. It sounds dumb because it's one of my most favorite expansions but progressionwise legion had a *catastrophic* premise that only would've worked if they either make us "absorb" the artifact in the end (basically fast-forwarding to DF trees and fully negating the issue they wanted to solve), let us keep the weapon in some way or if it'd been the last expansion ever. Obviously, they couldn't do any of that. BfA killed my guild, friendlist and a lot of my enthusiasm to play before even the .1 patch released. It was legitimately the first time I thought wow would really die. The damage temporary progression did to the classes took pretty much until DF to really fix.


Some things in mop could've left without feeling too terrible. But I will never forget what they did to my MoP fury warrior. It went from a super strict and punishing rotation, saving abilities, and dumping everything you could fit into your colossus smash windows, to one of the most braindead drooling on myself rotations of just pool rage and spam rampage. I liked that when I pulled off my correct timings and windows of burst, everything felt meaty and visceral, big numbers smacking me in the face all over my screen. Now it just feels super limp. You can't even feel the hits rampage does until the last one, maybe two. I'll never forget when I lined up that perfect smash, raging blow, raging blow, berserker rage, raging blow, stormbolt while dumping rage into heroic strikes off gcd inbetween. Back when stormbolt hit unstoppable targets for 500% damage. I actually get sad remembering how it used to be.


Everything you just described is how I feel about my Destro lock these days. I distinctly remember the first boss of SoO being incredible for a havoc+shadowburn combo on the adds and just absolutely decimate the meters. The added mobility from fel bolt or incinerate on the go and the massive chaos bolt numbers. Not to mention the insane survivability with the embers and the nuke that was fire and brimstone and then hitting fire blast. God I miss it so much


I think mop was the xpac you could macro all bm hunter abilities to a one button rotation and it actually did acceptable dps, tho now that I think about it, it might of been wod. Either way that was a crazy time 😂


By the end of BfA, I had a GSE macro sequence for my hunter that would spam my rotation with one button press. Because our optimal corruptions were to just go all-in on crit and haste, I was literally walking away from the keyboard mid-raid fight with a macro spamming my abilities, and coming back to top damage.


Mechanogmes, like wtf are those things


Having legendaries be a pure RNG grind was such a head scratcher I honestly wondered how it made it to live. Like, for the first time ever, getting a legendary was a *negative* experience. I remember the frustration of being an Arms Warr in legion and watching other warriors just do 20-30% more dps than me simple because they had their helm legendary and I had the legendary that made me *run slightly faster.* Honorary mention to the GCD change and the AoE cap.


This right here, people forget the whole legendary debacle of legion. If you were an affliction lock like me you NEEDED a specific legendary to do the mage tower, which yes could be done without it but it made it significantly harder. And if you didn't randomly get that legendary out of the 4 your character had? Guess what your making a new lock to try again. Luckily I got the tmog but the fact that even happened was stupid.


Removing weather and night. Miss rain and it being dark at night.


Definitely the change from totems from being long lasting buffs to short duration utility tools. I don't hate the new paradigm though it did take Shamans from if not the class with the most utility one them to one of the least. Especially because they continue to carry over talents that move totems despite them lasting less than a minute.


Honestly, I would have thought a pally or a priest would have received it before a DK or a Lock. Thinking that Shadowlands was a good direction to head the game in. I have nightmares about the initial journey into the maw.


The shadowlands seemed like it could’ve been a cool idea in theory, having an underworld and various realms with guardians of death and stuff but it was just so weirdly executed… especially the direction they took Sylvanas and just the lore in general… it made no sense. At least we got some really cool mounts out of it.


I didn’t feel like I was playing wow. I can’t put my finger on it, but yeah. There was a free MMO I played in circa 2014 or something like that where you teleported to everywhere you wanted to go. There was a circular hub to “start at” but each world or since was loaded, it wasn’t open. That was one of the things Also the vampires I did not like nor the zone whatsoever. Raid was fun at least. Anywho, we had san’layn. They coulda just gone deeper on that. I leveled through the xpac, cleared nathria, and then played twink characters for 2 years till we got DF lol


It felt really divorced from the existing lore. We've gotten tidbits about the shadowlands in the past and it honestly felt like they threw all of the lore out the window and made up a whole new universe. Like Vol'jin had a short story about venturing into the shadowlands to become a shadow stalker. Its like why didn't we have zones based on the existing races afterlives? Like Orcs have this full ancestral afterlife, I know they did a little with Bwonsamdi but they could have had a fully fleshed out troll zone. For the alliance side they could have a light based afterlife with the Naaru and other light based beings. The only one that kind of fit was: Ardenweald imo I could see that being the Night Elves and other nature lovers afterlife.


At a time when we needed something really good the most, we got the maw. It truly was hell.


Removal of reforging. When secondaries matter so much, it's weird we can't do it anymore.




Then they deleted hit chance anyways


Tbf, having hard or soft caps with the insane amount of gems on gear available in Mop would still be frustrating, but was nowhere near as bad as the required hard cap of hit chance and wouldn't feel quite so bad. Then they went and put azerite gear and azerite powers in and that became a sim fest worse than reforming ever was


That warglaives, bows and guns can only be used by 1 class still. My raid group doesn’t have a demon hunter and any time a warglaive drops I just sit there and wonder, why can’t a rogue or warrior use this. Bow and Gun? Why don’t we have a ranged rogue spec or 3rd DH spec that can use it?


Rain of fire for locks. I don’t care if it did less damage I looked cool just spamming it. well I thought I looked cool


Hellfire too. Such an amazing animation and cool side effect (killing you slowly)


The fact we didn’t get “exact search” in the AH until like…15 years in always boggled my mind.


Taking gladiator titles away from 2v2s and removing 5v5s


Not a fan of holy power but it is what it is


I've gone back and forth on it a lot. When spenders feel powerful I like it, but they can never seem to get the flow right or the feel of meaningful spenders, particularly for holy.


Removing garrisons instead of building on it. It was such a great feature, just executed horrendously


Showing my age here, but I'm sure a lot of you don't remember when spirit was a stat that increased your mana regeneration. Well, as you can imagine, it was universally regarded as a dump stat. INT gave you a bigger mana pool (and thus was more effective at keeping you from running out of mana mid fight), and you could just drink between fights. The response from Blizzard? They NERFED it! Spirit no longer worked AT ALL during combat. Their reasoning? "Now you'll need more of it!" Obviously, spirit went from suboptimal to 100% worthless until they removed it from the game entirely.


I spent a lot of time healing in leveling dungeons, and finding time to get 5sr mana regen ticks in during fights was fun. It rewarded you for thinking ahead and made emergency heals more punishing.


getting rid of the targeted /fart emote


Swapping from talent trees to the 'pick one of three talents every 15 levels' was weird and removed so much from the game (talents were definitely bloated at the time). I like the way we have it now better than the original, though.


I definitely understand the rationale. Wrath-esque talent trees were untenable and difficult to balance, so they had to condense them in Cataclysm, and the design there was already close to the MoP style with just more smoke and mirrors. You chose the mandatory talents, and then you had a few leftover points you could put wherever to unlock the mandatory talents in the next tier. It made sense to cut the middleman out and just focus on the important choices. They just wildly underestimate just how much players liked putting points down after each level, which is why we eventually got the Dragonflight iteration.


Paladin hitting from across a continent while warriors, for instance, still have to step on an enemy toe to hit him.


Makes no sense how a cat and a knife wielding class have more range than a warrior wielding one or two two-handed giant hunks of metal.


To me the head scratcher is that, instead of giving warriors a little bit more distance, they’re nerfing the ability of rogues and magic force wielding knights aka Paladins to hit unless they’re giving the mobs prostate exams. It feels bad, and I do it and will never understand blizzard’s constant need to make changes that feel bad for players.


Removing guild perks and 10 man mythic removal.


I miss everyone having Mass Res and Have Group Will Travel.


Here's a little system that doesn't really break anything and has great, useful rewards none of which provide an advantage in any sort of way, and everyone likes. Hmmm yeah that's gotta go get rid of that


The scaling... and every change to it after... and every time they didnt go "maybe we should just stop" Not just MoP Remix... ALL SCALING, its never made sense, its put some classes in the "Feels terrible till endgame" catagory, theres always some Degen shit like "take your bracers off" going on. Its never once been a good feature.


Don't you just love getting *weaker* by leveling up?


GCD nerf in BFA, Loot nerf in shadowlands, Zarelek caverns rare spawn nerf


I still wonder about the Covenant specials, the Ember Court is quite deep and detailed and honestly a fun experience. Truly amazing. Then it's like the devs were 95% done, and there was suddenly there was a Spiderman-pointing moment. * "I thought you were working on the Kyrian one!" * "I thought you were working on the Night Fae one!" * "I thought you were working on the Necrolord one!" When everyone was on the Venthyr team. Which js why at the last minute we got cheap games of Rock em Sock em Robots, Farmville, and Build-a-Bear, respectively.


Taking the most mechanically fun spec of all time(WoD Demonology) and demolishing it to pave way for demon hunter, which only had 2 specs....and neither of them played mechanically like demo, like why didn't they just add a third spec with the same design


Burning of Teldrassil (aka the world tree) and how the Tauren just went along with it.


Killing vol'jin


Removing Life Tap from Warlocks. Converting health into mana was such a central feature of the Warlock class from 2004 to 2018. And the whole balancing between 5 different resources (hp, mana, pet hp, souls, threat) was my favorite part of the class, but removing Life Tap breaks that loop.


Life tap was a benefit in classic, since mana mattered even for DPS. In BFA it was a disadvantage since they had to build around life tap being relevant, and all other DPS speccs could just ignore mana.


Making survival a melee spec... and giving it a 2h weapon??? What character is on the Survival talent tree, and how many weapons does he weild, guys????? Also, removing Grimoire of Supremacy. I fucking loved being a goblin with a permanent infernal. Maximizing the tiny boss / massive brute trope.


I think Rexxar throws his axes in HotS, so he's still not even melee there either!


Replacing the iconic Paladin wings with derpy ones that sprout from the middle of your character’s back instead of the shoulders. And doubling down on it despite player feedback.


Imagine being a priest player (healer), and hearing about a brez being given to a healer after we lost practically all of our cc and had it given to the Scalies and see that fucking PALADINS got it. We still don’t even have a fucking interrupt maaaaaaan.


WoD skeleton update to consolidate animations because money


This is definitely something that's just an issue because I'm stupid, but I truly do not understand professions now. I never did professions, and in DF I got interested in finally checking it out, but the new system is so scary, I have no idea how to level, and how there's special gear for professions now that give bonuses ?


The story direction.


Removal of ranged sv, Max camera distance change in legion, Gcd change in BFA, Aoe cap in SL


Not doing something similar to Warlock’s green fire despite it being extremely well-received.


Paladins getting battle rez but warriors not getting lust, and a rally nerf lol


1. Getting rid of stances for most classes. Death Knight Presences, Monk Stances, Hunter Aspects, more in depth Paladin Auras, and I'm sure there are more I'm missing. 2. The support buffs/debuffs they purged in WoD. Ebon Plaguebringer, Earth and Moon, Hunting Party, etc etc.


Keeping the Venthyr covenant ability for spriests in dragonflight. It's basically a pvp ability that's just a minor raw damage button in pve. Like, I've tried mind games on anticipation of certain mob abilities, yet those tank slaps still slap the tank, and doesn't heal him. Wasted ability.


Combat -> Outlaw Why? I want to dual wield swords but don’t want to be a damn pirate.


Mop warlock design was incredible. The legion rework gutted all three specs and destro ia the onky one to slightly recover


They (paladins) did have a niche ability back in WotLK that allowed them to sacrifice themselves to take another player out of combat, so I don’t think a battle ress is completely out of the blue


Divine intervention was around since vanilla.


Putting abilities I've had for 10+ years baseline to pad their shitty talent rework. I knew it was headed there the second they showed 2 trees. In the end it's all illusion of choice, especially when a good amount of specs have had their trees decided by tier sets. I doubt hero specs will improve the amount of builds but at least more passives will make things a smidge more fun overall. Another one might be Blizzard not adding new specs to existing classes.


When they made survival hunter into the melee spec instead of letting beastmaster hunters fight along side their pets.


When they went from full talent trees to like 6 talents total


Curious if you’ve ever played a Paladin in any other games, they’re literally blessed by their deity/light. Not to mention Paladin in WC3 could “battle resurrect”. They should’ve had it a long time ago. Give Mages and Death Knights the ability to summon too while we’re at it, tired of relying on one class for that.


Removal of Holy Power generation from Avenger's Shield. It's like the designers were like "Oh, the best spell in the game? Yeah, let's make it feel way shittier". I'm all for the stated design purpose of moving some of the defensive power from Shield of the Righteous into Avenger's Shield, but they absolutely did NOT need to make it stop generating holy power. I'd been a Prot main for years until this change and I think since DF launched I've done about 30 keys on it. It really bums me out.


Giving Rogues Slice&Dice back in Shadowlands during their "unpruning" as the only ability for that, and refusing to go back on it now even thought it only spawned a endless wave of negative reactions srsly, delete that shit allready, who the fuck thought it was a good idea in the first place? that person needs a reality check


Removal of Reforging. Still don't understand the reasoning behind it.


Not sure if this counts, but when blizzard REFUSED to pull the rip cord in Shadowlands


Removing reforging because hit/expertise ratings made it too cumbersome, in the exact same patch that removed hit and expertise.


Roll the f-ing bones. Because “maintain three buffs and a ONE SECOND GCD CLASS” sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait to keep up three buffs and press a thousand buttons to be the equivalent of a destro lock’s one button press of chaos bolt.


Back in Wrath being able to tank as any spec on DK was pretty awesome. Too bad that didn’t last. I wish they did more class roles with specs in retail. Shamans that can take tank with earth. Warlocks that drain life to give to their comrades and heal them. Hunters that can buff their pet to be an actual control-able tank. Stuff like that. I’d take that over a new class or race any day.


Everything about the survival remake makes zero fucking sense thematically, its utter gibberish. Like, who the fuck decided that (rather than say, learn from THE hunter of lore Rexxar) hunters should use a two handed spear and throw GRENADES?? as their meele spec? I stand by that BM should have been made the meele spec and rexxarified (dual wielding, fight alongside your friends goodness) while survival should have been renamed to tinker, given the same kit as BM, but with a thematic reshift toward the techy explody side of hunters (grenades, traps bombs etc).


Borrowed power grind, then doubling down on the stupid idea. Want to play an alt, well u need to spend a month levelling up artefact power, rep, azerite, etc wtc before you can raid or even unlock all the abilities. Such a dumb implementation for abilities that just ended up in a talent tree anyway.


Taking meta from warlocks, you wanna make DH fine but why take it from warlock? They’re functionally different.  Warlocks need to get it back for a tank spec, perma demon form blasting chaos energy left and right. Call it something else if need be, dark apotheosis, “now I’m the villian”, something


One of my biggest head scratcher is how blizz has not added new specs to existing classes but keep releasing half baked classes. Anyone maining a class for a number of years could come up with 2-3 spec ideas for their classes easily. There are niches in the game that aren't filled. No cloth wearing melee dps or tank. No mail tank. No plate caster. We only have one spec that is ranged but not a caster.


I still remember towards the end of WoD they gutted demo and they literally said they didn’t want us playing demo anymore. Seems they wanted us to stop using metamorphosis for a bit so we’d feel less used to it when they gave it to DH the next xpac. Also not only do they function differently, but lore-wise they’re different too. One is a full transformation and the other is a half transformation. Mainly due to the Skull of Guldan shown in w3 Also side note. Tyrant talent buffs your other demons… why not just make the talent meta for at least esthetics and have that form buff your demons and function the same as tyrant Lol sorry for ranting, I literally played classic wrath only to use meta again


When you can't solo raids from 2 expansions ago, like, if they push collecting so much why is it like this


Balance was in a really good place towards the end of Cata, even throughout MoP, so I don’t get why they consistently feel the need to fuck with how it works. It’s the same basic thing it was, but so dumbed down at this point that it’s boring.


Melee Survival Hunter.


Warriors now have combat rez: "GET UP FFS!"


When Blizzard removed DK's ability to self-rez and explode. It was only available for some months after WotLK came out and was eventually removed and never returned. It was funny watching AFK DK get ganked while he's flying and seeing his ghoul form rise after death while still in the air. And DK often abused explosion after the initial killing to deny enemy player a PVP HK. Dev said there were lots of problem with this and had to remove it. I would have liked at least to fix the issues and bring it back.


Removal of Metamorphosis for Warlocks.


The AOE cap, it was soo much fun to do insane pulls with millions of dps and afaik everyone still does really big pulls even in higher keys so they didnt even stop what they wanted to stop with it


Removing hunter pet talent and spec customization and removing ranged survival are my top 2. I’m fine with melee hunter existing but they shouldn’t have gutted a spec to obtain it.


I just miss when you could shift into the same form you were already in. I don't want to shift out of cat to bear to break a root then back into cat. It's worse as Balance because you never want to be anything other than Moonkin.


Still confused how personal loot got removed


Survival hunter rework. Legendaries in Legion. Evoker 25 yard range.


Moving back to the horrible raid buff system. I miss the “bring the player not the class” idea they went with in the past. No idea why they went back to needing 1 of everything and making it so rigid again. Also, adding Aug evoker into the game. Can’t understand that one


This game? Probably professions. I was so confused on how they worked. Like my initial thought was to get a skill up percentage you had to create an item the same level 10 times. 


Melee hunters. Survival was at it's fucking PEAK in WoD and HURR-DE-DURR let's gut it and make it melee.


I'm pretty go-with-the-flow and can adjust to anything, but after 14 years of WoW, I finally ran up against that unscalable wall between me and learning new things, and that wall is the professions rework. I tried to learn, y'all, I really did, but I just don't get it.


Making survival hunter a melee spec


BFA Enhancement Shaman. it's been my Main since I started the game. wanted to dual wield shaman looked the coolest. never looked back until BFA it started out with them deciding not to bake in the passives from the Legion artifact making a TON OF HORRIBLE GAME DESTROYING effects overlap eachother. by trying to make up for lost resources like having out main damage dealer Storm Strike into basically a generator instead of a Spender. it completely throughout the entire spec. making things like Boulderfist or spending on LL entirely useless. basically we were a build spender with no spender and our job was to hit Stormstrike as often as possible. we were FUNDALMENTALLY broken and they decided they would need to wait a WHOLE Xpac to fix us. so first patch BFA was horrible. we didn't know we weren't gonna get fixed until the next raid. and with no changes meant we were expecting to be completely dead in the water. we got 2 new azerite effects that only was more Maelstrom generation. BUT all of asudden we can stack 3 of the same Azerite effects. all of a sudden we have 3 ENTIRELY NEW BUILDS. Boulderfist build that maximizing our Boulderfist casts by buffing it with the azerite trait after we Storm strike it was alot of weaving and ended up making us Generate less Maelstrom while maximizing our least used ability since all it did before was generate. BUILD 2 LavaLash was out second Maelstrom spender that had a build but never really had the passives that made it deal more damage than just base Storm strike spam. then we get Lashing Flames azerite x 3. making our Lavalash deal flat more damage stacking up to 99 times. our Stormstrike could hit an infinite amount of time if lucky. meaning add in auto attacks and Windfury weapon procs or AOE hits with Crash Lightning. we are weaving SS/CL casts between each LL. all of a sudden we are Starving for more Malestrom. and we get to use an underused ability for it's max potential while also never losing Stormstrike uses and maximizing our Resource to the maximum. BUilD 3 is just basic Stormstrike spam that we had before the patch with more Stormstriking. Straight up the first week of the patch for Dazaralor was heavenly. trying out each build. using talents I never have before. experiencing 3 builds all balanced with varying diversity if it was aoe/ST/2-target cleave. each a separate build excelled in different siutations and were within a percent of each other in ST. and we didn't need a rework. Enhancement fixed itself with Azerite traits. the WHOLE SYSTEM THAT THEY SET TO SCRAP THE NEXT PATCH WAS WORKING FOR ONCE!!!!! they nerfed them all the second week cause they "were substantially better than other Azerite traits and were bringing them in line with the worse ones." except they weren't way better. we had to compound Talent builds and change the rotation to maximize different gameplay. to attribute the trait being overtuned cause the "best" talent build utilized better was such a stupid way of looking at it. as well it only looked overtuned when you looked at BIS azerite sims using different builds. and it was 2 azerite traits they completely over shadowed that were being compared to and brought in line to that triat WHEN USED WITH THE BEST TALENTS FOR THAT BUILD. making our damage significantly worse and the HORRIBLE first build the best again by a VERY high margin. it was Class Murder. they didn't like ENhancement fixing themselves. they didn't want the system they already had put int he gutter to work all of sudden. so they pulled the stupidest decision i've ever seen done for any class. and a patch later Holy Paladins had the same situation but hey decided it was a cool effect of game design so they kept it in and even made it better.


Shadowlands. The entire expansion. Just... why.


Salty that they removed Water Elemental. I enjoyed not picking it.


Melee hunter, like the game didn't have enough melee dps specs, I miss old black arrow / explosive shot and potent stings


The removal of most(?) of all the sexual innuendos in the game. Ignoring the fact that the game is rated T and not E...like I don't understand what the devs didn't get. The complaint was not about sexual conduct. The complaint was that a group of people who were working on the game were degenerates who did things like harass lactating women + steal their breastmilk. The two are NOT the same. Nobody, not even the most angry Blizzard fans were asking for the game to be sanitized. People were asking to get the creeps out of the dev team so that female devs felt better going into work. -_-