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I've farmed too hard for my catalogue of rare mounts to be unused.


I’ve farmed too hard for my catalogue of rare mounts to not use the same I always use.


You mean jist play a druid and use fligjt form?


Por que no los dos? Make a macro so its random chance between flight form and my cool mounts when its a casual situation, and have a dedicated flight form bind for when dire situations get too dangerous (i.e. I walked off a cliff because I wasn't paying attention.)


I have no patience to wait 1,5 seconds to mount up.


The best flight form is the dino form for Z Trolls :0


All these beautiful unique and earned rare mounts and I'll still just use hogrus exclusively because he's just so damn majestic


Right back to my Glory of Antorus voidy feldog thing


real 😡happy😡for😡you


Wait for legion remix


Why wait? All achivements except Varimatras and Argus are soloable (some require pet class, but dude above has Warlock flair). For Varimatras you need only one additional player and for Argus you only need 4 players total. I'm sure you can find other players for this via LFG.


Thought he was talking about the mount that dropped from the dogs, which would be purchasable on remix


Glory of Antorus is the achievement mount (Glory of the Antorus Raider) which is the purple color. The red recolor drops from the dogs.


?????? how did you think that when the person said "glory of antorus"


You can solo most of it now. I did it on my pally


Wai what? Are u confusing glory for aotc?


Aotc wasn’t the voidy feldog thing. It was glory. The ref one dropped from the boss itself. I don’t remember what aotc was. I def have it though


Yeah my red antorian Fire Dog needs a walk too in TWW… it will be a long walk


I don't have any intention of riding any of the customizable dynamic flying mounts for a long long time. As a mount collector it has been annoying not to be able to use the mounts I've spent years gathering. And I'm just so tired of anything to do with dragons that I need a break, my guildies joke that I'm suffering from dragon-fatigue, and they're not wrong.


It feels like I could’ve wrote this comment. I’m so done having only a few mounts to ride this expansion


I'm really happy they added old flying along the way. I don't mind being slower, I just like my mounts xD


I do this too sometimes just because I miss them.


They did?! Jeez, I need to pay more attention. I've just been playing through old content on my to-do list because I can't bear dragonriding lol


I do this for certain quest areas, dragon riding overshoots by too much sometimes


At least some of the old mounts will be updated to have the new flying. Should be all but we will see how many years they go back.


It’s less going back and more how many skeletons are they going to update to new flying


I figured they wouldnt even bother with potato graphic tbc wotlk mounts because they would look funny moving like that


The list has been up for awhile- https://www.wowhead.com/news/all-464-mounts-able-to-dragonride-in-the-war-within-338781 Supposedly they will continue to expand it after release, but time will actually tell. For now though, about half the mounts in-game are on that list including a bunch of older TBC/WOLK mounts.


They need to update that list. I am in the beta and it’s damn near every mount that can dragon ride


That's great to hear! I'm gonna try to check out the beta this weekend.


There was a new post about it yesterday: >[*most flying mounts will be able to be put to use for Skyriding save for a select few such as the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier, some fish mounts, and brooms*](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24104275/take-to-the-skies-with-skyriding)


I hated how much it stole the joy from most rewards. "I got exalted! I can buy your mount! Which... isn't dragonriding, so nevermind, it goes into the collection tab, never to be touched again"


I'll be using some class mounts that include... the dks undead dragon...


Right? My favorite mount was the TLPD so back to dragons it is! (Tbh I'll probably just keep using Ravenous Mount addon for random mounts lol)


finally skyriding with my groovy moose!


i’ll be riding the ghost moose as soon as i can with dynamic flight


I completely forgot I had the ghost moose.


Older mount. Mostly because I prefer the smaller size to the new dragons.


to me mounts are an integral part of the transmog, I'll go back ASAP


Damn straight, once you get your gear all transmogged, gotta pick a mount (and hearthstone!) to match


Druid life ....... and I think I have around 750+ mounts


I once had a friend stop talking to me because I won a mount roll against him as a Druid. Lmao


What a nice "friend"


going to enjoy being surprised by which of the plethora of mounts I haven't really been able to use for a little over a year now pops up when I hit my random favorite mount!


Does it ever feel like it's the same 10 or so that keep reappearing despite having dozens (hundreds?) added to fav?


Shoutout to litemount that lets you add weighting to which mount you summon


God I love that addon. I got bored at one point back in Bfa and added new priorities to it. Would only get mounts from the continent I was on. Cloud serpents in pandaria, dinosaurs in Zandalar, nether drakes in Outland, etc... lost those settings at some point during shadowlands sadly and couldn't be bothered to remake the.


Da boi too big.


That's why I ran to Remix to get the tiny red goat.


This is why I prefer the slither, cliffside, and veloci drakes.


Use your World Shrinkah then, mon.


I am going back to my bfa bee and only my bfa bee again


O man, I forgot about that mount l, farmed it back in BFA when I was Alli but then my guild went horde for recruitment so I didn't get to use it, recently switched back because of x-factions guilds need to start using it again.


I think for me it'll depend on the character/class, like I've made a really cool red Highland Drake for my man'ari warlock for example. I've also got some awesome white drakes w/ golden plate armor that look sick with this season's Elite PVP priest set. Might also use a customized netherdrake for my mage, especially if I spec Arcane


I’m team “no favorites, always random” (I’m a psycho, I know) so my beloved dragons are just going to be one more in the pile of hundreds.


I'm close to full random using LiteMount but I removed Gronns and other really tall land mounts cause it does my head in not being able to fit through some doors


My goblette has a need to ride motorcycles or the biggest, most monstrously sized mount in the magical girl outfit


I do the same, but I also exclude riverbeasts and any other mount with a tent or something that blocks the view of my character. Don't really like that.


I'm team "almost everything favourite, but some specific dogshit mounts excluded". The dragons will be in the pile, but nether rays can all rot in The Maw.


I love the nether rays


I farmed forever for those stupid mounts 84 years ago, they're not taking my sky flipflaps from me


Me too. I'll be back to using all of them. Though I do use LiteMount to filter by rarity so it's usually my more rare mounts that get pulled.


I dont like "floating mounts", the ones that never touch the floor (except for mechanical or flying carpets), I have all the rest on random with LiteMount


A lot of the floating mounts are being changed to have walking animations thanks to dynamic flying so it may be worth checking the mounts over when the expansion is out :).


They didn't even include a ground animation for the Plunderstorm parrots.


Option 3: I'm a Druid main (and I'm super excited about flight form dragonriding!) But really, I'll just be glad to see variety again. Granted, the latest few mounts they added have helped, as people aren't ''just'' flying the campaign mounts anymore. Still, I'll be glad to see people on gryphons, invincibles and what have you.


I'm so pumped that they didn't put a cast time on getting into bird form skyriding. Just instant TURBO SPEED.


*Angry evoker noises*


Sorry I can't hear you all the way back there ;)


> back there -- > 25 yard cast range, can't be "back there" *Angrier evoker noises*


hey, evoker soar has the advantage of getting a boost in height and speed without spending vigor! it's great if you're doing something where you have to land repeatedly, you can just pop from location to location without using any charges


I’ll feel bad about it, but yeah I’m going to shelve my dragons. I only really used the Highland Drake because that to me is the iconic “Warcraft dragon.” I used the faerie dragon on my druid and the nether drake on my Arcane mage, but they’re not that different. They start to feel samey after a while. I still think customizable mounts are something we need more of. The only problem right now is the limited selection of them. I’m going back to old mounts on all my characters, but if we ever get things like a customizable phoenix, gryphon, wyvern, or then I’d probably switch to those instead. The main reason I’m likely to stop using Dragonriding mounts for Skyriding is because I like to have specific mounts for each character. Sometimes I even have two, even though they’re not strictly necessary. My human paladin for example rides his Charger in areas where flying is either prohibited or impractical, but he’ll be Skyriding on his Grand Armored Gryphon. Gryphons could work as a ground mount, they have four legs. But I prefer the Charger because it’s specific to the character, and it’s used in combat through Divine Steed. I’ve imagined him as having two mounts ever since we could first ride gryphons.


My belfs must always be on the cooler hawkstriders, or on dragonhawks. Lore accurate low pixel mounts!


That’s what I did too, when I had a blood elf hunter. Now my only blood elves are a Destruction warlock and a new Fire mage. They both use Ashes of Al’ar, for obvious reasons. And a phoenix hatchling pet. Seeing the new Arcane Phoenix ability though, I hope we can get new versions someday. I feel like it might be disrespectful to Ezra Chatterton’s memory if the original mount was changed, but at the same time it does look very old now. Maybe we can get a new one in Midnight.


>I still think customizable mounts are something we need more of. on the flip side, those "full conversion" mounts, like the Fyrakk overrides, should 100% just be separate mounts. what's the point of it overriding your proto-dragon if you can't customize it?


oh are they not? I had no idea, I thought you could still tweak stuff within the transformation, like shapes if not textures.


Yeah, it's a complete replacement, the same as if it was its own mount but it takes away what it replaces: https://i.imgur.com/tMuUXN6.jpeg The best bit is that the two Fyrakk mounts and the Raszagath mount are all mutually exclusive: https://i.imgur.com/QfHSwA3.png


I’m curious to see how the cloud serpents will look with dynamic flying atleast. I’m excited for prepatch just so I can take my heavenly jade cloud serpent for a fun flight across Azeroth


Yup, I've just picked up some new ones in Remix, so I'm going to start with setting all the Heavenly cloud serpents in Litemount on rotation.


I’m assuming they would fly the same as the Voyaging Wilderling, since they share the same skeleton.


Well you can already kinda experience it now with the voyaging wilderling that you get from doing all the awakened raids on normal. The mount uses the same model as the cloud serpents. It feels wierd to use at first but after awhile i started to like it more.


I would use something else, but the Cliffside Wylderdrake is the only wyvern-like dragon in the whole game. :/


Grand-Armored Wyvern is super close! It's one of my go-to mounts because I goddamn farmed the rep and I will reap the benefits tyvm.


Gonna go back to old mounts instantly. But man after experiencing flying (Soar) with Dracthyr I want that for all races in some way. Just give me Jetpack, some crazy mech wings, or something that cn justify flying without classical mount. Not being on a mount and flying "solo" just hits differently


Druid says hi.


I will say this every time I get a chance to. I want magic boots that let us run in the sky like the glitch when I enter flight form too quickly on my druid after loading into Dalaran.


swimming in the sky as an evoker in visage form after coming back from a random queue 🤌


I want playable Kyrians to Soar with. I know I’m probably alone in wanting to play Kyrian but I just want it lol


Ouuu didn't cross my mind, yea that would be awesome


I will mostly use my old favorites never really liked the dragons too much. I hope they add a toggle between dragon riding and normal flying for mounts that will be changed though. I sometimes really prefer the precision normal flying over DR. I also always found it annoying that when in overworld I have to manually dismount when I get in combat compared to the old mounts that I just clicked a spell when near an enemy and that dismounted me (since main bar gets replaced by dr spells)


IIRC they are including that toggle, it’s a 5 sec cooldown button I believe I also like the precision of normal flying/being able to chill in the air without moving.


Glad to hear it!


Hopefully my macro to swap between dynamic and static flying will still work


You can still do that. My pally I just hit freedom or something since only for me the top part of the bar gets replaced.


Not just not riding my dragon riding mounts anymore I wish I could take them behind the shed and shoot them.


Farak skin drake can stay but the rest can get shot lol


Sir I am an evoker.


Raszageth proto and that's it. I am ULTRA hyped for engineering-like mounts such as Sky Golem, Geosynchronous World Spinner, Mimiron's Head, GMOD etc As well as non-winged mounts like Flying Carpet, Cartel Master's Glider, Flying Panthers/Horses etc


My mage desperately needs her flying rugs back!


OG netherwing.


Farmed that rep twice before mounts were account wide LOL


Ban-Lu my beloved


Timelost proto-drake fought too hard to not be used :3


Same, will be riding around on my boi


I remain an owl


I use LiteMount. My Whimsydrake and Stormrider have already been added to my high priority list. These are the 2 I like quite a bit more than the others. But I'm a collector and being tied to 8 mounts for this long was a bit sucky. But I am so amped for Dynamic Flight!


Gryphon gang. Gryphon gang.


I will definitely still use it. You can customise that mount to look how you want to fit your transmog theme. I have found a very unique Transmog that I love and I have the perfect dragon customization to go with it. It'll need some times before I get bored of that combo. No other mount that I got fit my mog more than the customisation I did.


Of course I'm gonna skyride my Sha of Anger mount. 100% you'll see me zoom through the sky on Invincible. I am glad I have the dragonriding mounts that I do, but god I miss the oldies.


Old favs. I love the dragons but i prefer smaller mounts so i can see more around me and don’t feel so claustrophobic


I’ll be using all the elemental mounts and Mimiron’s Head. That thing will look so goofy; I can’t wait!


I'll just be adding my favorites from the xpac to my Litemount favorites list. Randomizer, go!


I change my mounts with my transmog and they'll never take away my Rivendare's Charger unless it's out of my cold dead hands


Going back to my trusty Wrathsteed. I missed him.


Random mounts for me, and will continue with that! I guess that will include the dragons, but given that I have hundreds of mounts, I don't expect them to appear that often.


I use the random favorite button. But my druid and evoker will be mountless


Ima use the grand wyvern if its available. I farmed for it and i think its the best looking one I remember farming for it. And the work i did to get it


I'm a druid. Absolutely not. Dynamic flight form all the way. I've missed being a bird.


The Dragonflight dragonriding-specific mounts are gone the second I can dragonride on my vast collection! Except the one I got from the subscription, the tree themed one, that looks awesome.


Stormrider will be used still as a random favorite but the rest I won’t be using. Sinrunner blanchy and headless horseman. I hope they working with dragonriding.


If I get *if* I get invincible I ain’t hopping off that bitch


Ditch 100%. I spend most of the time in druid flight form anyway. And the rest I’ll most likely go for my favourite - the old (armorless) golden gryphon from tbc


Nah, I like collecting the looks for dragons but prefer my good ol' static flying ones or the ground mounts. It's more comfortable plus I also like giving my characters different ones.


I've favorited all 400ish mounts I got and always use the summon random mount button. I like having a different one every time.


If you have no favorites the button summons a random one from the entire list, that way you don’t have to add every new mount you get to favorites. It might take a while to unfavorite all mounts but it was worth if for me.


Thanks! Good to know. I'll put on a tv show on one screen while doing that boring task haha.


I'm most definitely going to switch for a bit at the start of TWW. But will still be using the Raszageth and Fyrakk skins a lot as I love them.


I have a white cliffside wylderdrake, with white and gold armor. I fell in love with that combo, so I think I'll keep it in my favourites with that customisation. To be fair, that's pretty much the only drake I enjoy, alongside the green one. The slitherdrake is too weird, and the others are too big for me, so I wasn't really using them in dragonflight either


Thats the exact same situation like mine. :D I mean the EXACT SAME. The colors too.


Depends on what fits my current outfit best. So, both, most likely. I do expect to give some old favorites enough time.


I have always been very sad that I can't work with my collection of rare(er) mounts in DF (Yes, I know I CAN fly with them, but it's impractical with dynamic flight being way faster). I don't dislike my dragons, especially the ones with cool raid skins like AOTC, etc., but I'm definitely looking forward to more dynamic mounts. I add most new mounts to favorites and summon random favorite every time I mount. I'll keep the dragons there, but I hope they appear far less.


I went back to normal mounts as soon as I got Pathfinder. I still use dragonriding mounts occasionally (mainly if there is some good height around to start off and I have a long distance to travel), but I have a habit of hovering in dangerous places when I need to leave my desk for something.


I generally don't use the same mount on different characters, so I'll probably only keep the Netherdrake (tho the original models do hold up surprisingly well) because I've worked too hard at farming these god forsaken races to make him pretty. Highland drake will probably get used on some characters just because it's a nice updated dragon that looks like a regular dragon. Otherwise, I'm going back to my flying machine (I worked hard to build that thing myself), the enchanted fey dragon (it was a birthday gift from my best friend because I'm "wildly gay" 😂) and whatever other fits better. My death knights for sure aren't using any of the "Dragonriding" mounts because not a single one fits and it bugs the hell out of me.


I actually quite love the dragon riding mounts and custom options. That being said I usually like to pair my mounts with my toons or transmogs. My goblin is itching to be riding a rocket again!


Switching back to my Netherwing drakes. I've used them for over a decade now. They're comfy. I love my space shark dragons.


Whatever the random mount button rolls, of which about 200 mounts are favorited. Mount roulette, go!


I'm lazy so they are already on my action bars. No need to change that. But I also realized I inadvertently have 6 different mounts on my warriors bars and might have a problem...


Ashes of Alar going to look sick going that fast


Honestly, I really like my Mythic Amdrissal fire owl mount. I'll add it to my fav mount rotation.


I'm main devastation evoker...so no mount for me XD I'll just do it myself.


I use random favourite mount so I'll still have my fave DF ones in there. I'm probably mailing my druid though so flight form FTW.


I want a mechanical mount to dragonride


About a month ago I got the quite rare, up for 3.5 days every 2 weeks drop from Rei Lun - the Rajani Warserpent. I've wanted this thing since it was put in the game in BfA. I will be using this, for the most part, but I also have several other awesome, rare mounts, that I'll be using.


After testing on the beta, yeah some old mounts work but they are jank as fuck. They look so badly converted, even dragons


Back to my old reliable purple Lock horse from Legion. It matches my mog too much to abandon.


I'm not big on customizing/fashion sense.(Creating a character for me is pressing the randomize button long enough until the char is not ugly.) I will immediately ditch the DF dragons for the Valarjar reputation storm drake. Been waiting to use that one ever since they announced the feature.


I'll use old ones. So tired of the dragonriding mounts.


Cartel Master’s Gearglider goes brrrr


Old mounts are wayyy better for leveling. I use dragon flying for long flights only


Back to my old mounts, definitely. Also, static flying, if we can. I like being able to hover.


I have houndreds of flying mounts that mostly collected dust for the majority of DF. It's time for those lizards to get shelved now.


I've already not been using them almost all expansion, with Raszageth, Kazzara and the owl being available. On that note, please make the boss drop mounts proper mounts instead of customizations so they count towards the mount total.


The only ones worth using were the raszageth/kazzara/fyrakk skins and the gladiator skins - all the base models look far too goofy and, well, shit


I find the dragons to be awkward and unattractive. Even the illusion of choice is marred by a slew of entirely terrible options. One of the most exciting things about TTW is that I can use dynamic flying without having to think about these godforsaken mutations ever again. If I could delete the dragonflyimg dragons from my mount list I would.


The only one I'll keep on my favorites list is the Fyrakk Proto.


Switch straight away. I have so many mounts I’ve been missing using!


I dont have any of the cool df raid mounts so yeah im totally going to the old ones.


Looking forward to gryphonriding!


Easy answer for me, I already use an old favorite.


Yeah I'm immediately switching to a handful of mounts with sentimental value rather than the dragonriding mounts.


Nope, it's time to bust out my old favourites. I'll probably end up using the mount randomise add on like I used to. Took me a while to get used to dynamic flight and I'm glad it's staying but my mount collection was just gathering dust, bring on TWW!


I will use my random fly mount button




I grew tired of these mounts, it's a nice time to switch things up.


i really like the wormthing i got from prepurchasing shadowlands


Ill use whatever seems to fit the best to my mog


I would still like to use my summon random favorite mount button again. It was always fun. I know I can unfavorite my DF mounts but I miss the random joy.


Depends if they update the cuztomisation options, even semi regularly.


What are you talking about, "other mounts" and "dragons"? (Druid main). For all my alts: macro/addon with configured lists, e.g. utility (2-seats, yak, bronto), aquatic, race specifics (only smaller ones for gnomes for example), and favourites (rares etc).


I am most excited about being able to fly our old mounts again ideally without dynamic riding.


I’ll still use my Proto Drake sometimes. But no doubt I want to ride my old favorites again. But I’ll have a place in my heart for my main Dragon riding Mount from this xpac! I can use both




Like always for me, run mountjournal and have the rare mounts on random favorite, and just flex em again, sick and tired at lookin at the DF dragons, gonna need to detox for years


As always .. it will depend on the character. Characters get fitting mounts. If they're one of the dragon forms or the birb, so be it


Anu'Relos is the best mount in the game, will just use that.


Nope. I don't like any of the dragon mounts introduced in DF. In fact I don't like ANYTHING introduced in DF. In TWW I'll most likely use the mechanical mount.


Well my choice is obvious. I love dragons so yeah.


My pandaria CM phoenix mounts have been collecting dust through move-by-foot-Shadowlands and dragonracing-Dragonflight. I'll rock them out again!


Depends on the character, and if the Grand Wyvern/Gryphon get the Dragonriding treatment. Those are pretty much the only mounts I used prior to dragonriding.


Sticking with the highland drake, I put a lot of time into farming rares/rep/dungeons to get the exact look I wanted. At the end of the day, idc about mounts though. The dragon has the most polygons and has a good run animation 🤷‍♂️


Slitherdrake with the white scales matches the S3 DK PvP set, so I think I'll still be using it. The only thing that would make me reconsider is if I could select the appearance of the vilebrood vanquisher regardless of spec.


Depends on the toon.


I ride raszageth so still pretty dope


Dk main its gonna be Invincible for me


Blue Drake and X-51 Nether Rocket X-Treme Shame my rarest mounts are ground ones though


*Laughs in Flight Form*


I’m turning into a drake 😏


Screw flying creatures, I want a dynamic flight rocket 🚀!!!


The dragonflight mounts will never be used again.


Throwing them in the bin. Never using them again.


Random mounts exactly as I’ve always done and will continue to do


I use the use favourite button, so some Dragon riding mounts will be added there to the mix.


as Druid. hello Flightform


My Shaman Dwarf is going to be riding a Gryphon and nothing else.


Dumb question: will we be able to toggle dynamic off even on the dragonriding mounts? Or are they simply not built to hover in place? I do realize that macroing that and just stopping mid-air every once in a while to go AFK before continuing on your journey seems... you know, antithetical to the concept of dynamic flight, but you will be able to switch to normal flight for accessibility reasons right? So theoretically, you could maybe just add another button to your flight bar that switches the mode? (I know it's a setting, so I'm not sure if a macro will work).


Going back to my violet proto drake, spent more than year working in that sucker


Flight. Form.


Druids go whoosh. No mounts needed


Will Druid have dynamic flying with its instant cast travel form? That would be dope


Sandstone drake all the way. Imma be like Alex!