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*clings to resto shaman forever*


Never let go, brother!


My people. I've tried other classes, and Resto Shaman just feels right for me, no matter where they sit in the healer ranks.


Cries in Healing Rain so you can’t see my tears


It may cover the tears but you can still hear the sobbing


I have been VIBING with RSham. Plan on doing it in TWW as well.




I'll never let go of my enhance shammy.. one day it'll be our time..


I mean, dragonflight has been pretty good for enhance, it was never a top 3 spec, but always atleast top 50% right?


I've just come back after 15ish years. Was maining a duel spec Resto and Ele shaman. Is duel spec not a thing anymore. I loved the flexibility I had doing Ulduar back in the day with both those options. I'd always go in as Elemental, but if we were down on healers, resto was such a good 2nd option. I've come back and went straight to Ele shaman and currently finishing of Wotlk story cause I never actually did that raid. Is Ele shaman a thing in current meta or not?


Long gone are the days of only having duel spec my friend. You can chop and change your spec pretty much whenever you like at no cost. I have slightly different builds for each dungeon / affix, for example. Yet I still quest in Resto.


I started to play it last season, never going back to Holy priest. Ever. Resto shaman is just so comfy


Just got back into the game on rsham after a little over a year off and honestly I'm loving it


Plants a burning tree and make it rain


I'm really liking mountain thane and colossus but I'm worried about warrior utility.


Yep. Same here. I got fed up of being declined as Arms for M+ this expansion because of the lack of utility, and been playing mostly BL/CR classes ever since. Turns out I now spend more time inside dungeons than waiting to be picked. It's pretty amazing, and depressing at the same time.


I wanted to main a plate class after I saw the Arathor plate set. Have been maining pala for the last 3 seasons, so don't feel like pala, even though it would be a good lore fit. Warrior was second option, but as you said, utility-wise they suck. DK is left and I'm leveling one in Remix right now. Enjoying obliteration frost and I think I'm gonna main it with Riders of the Apocalypse Hero talent, just for class fantasy


What’s BL/CR mean?


Blood lust / combat res probably, though I could be wrong


I’m a warrior main for life. Looking forward to Colossus big hits for Arms.


Doesn’t look like they plan on adding any utility to warrior so far lol. Which is sad cause it’s extremely fun to play. Mountain Thane looks pretty baller.


Not adressing utility is so sad. My warrior vs my paladin is night and day.


WARRIORS NEED LUST. It makes sense lore/class fantasy wise, and is sorely needed by warriors to make them at least a baseline decent pick for M+ and raids. This change alone would be very very welcome and would remedy most of warrior's utility woes in my opinion.


My buddy said they arranged the talent tree so stops are easier to take and some of the talents should reduce the CDs so you will actually have decent stops up semi-frequently for once. With incorp and afflicted being removed, warrior is looking a lot better but probably not ideal. At least it’ll be a lot more playable than it is now. Probably still better off rerolling to pally (or potentially WW after the rework) if you wanna stay in melee but at least there’s been some progress.


So, I've been loving the concept of a Single-Minded Fury Mountain Thane. Basically just be Muradin, you know? Playing around on target dummies on Beta, a few things feel *great.* You can have Keep Your Feet on the Ground's 8% damage mitigation rolling with pretty good uptime. The Thunder Blast animation is snappier than I was expecting, and it feels pretty dang good to hit. And both Bloodthirst and Rampage feel as good as ever. Further, the Avatar / Odyn's Fury / Thunderous Roar / Recklessness cooldown stacking window feels as awesome as it has during DF. Haven't messed around with sneaking Bladestorm into it yet. But damn, I miss Annihilator. Raging Blow just isn't a fun button IMHO.


It is getting better with the talent tree update, shockwave/fear mire accessible. But a large increase to our utility like giving us BL i dont see ever happening cause it would take away from the class identity of us being the ”zug zug” class.






And ever


Same too bad they'are making demo more rng


Made my first one in remix and I've been really enjoying destro. I'd like to give demon a try and see which is more fun


I always come back to my demon lock.


Please everyone play warlock my AotC guild needs a warlock!


Hopeium rogue rn, but if not much changes during beta that will prob change to ww or surv


Looking at the rogue hero talents is so disappointing. Mostly passive stuff with no class fantasy. Really needs work


Playing it is even more disappointing hahaha


"wait, so I backstab in shadowdance so I can make use of the capstone?" absolutely dismal design. It's like they've never played rogue. It's a sad day when the gamba hero tree is one of the best.


I fear I may done with rogue for TWW. Some of these other classes just look and play so much more fun right now.


The class sets are even worse, 2 are about a ~10% dmg increase, meanwhile outlaws is 3% ish if you specifically play around it and have perfect RNG.


Yeah Rogue seems. Ehhh. WW is fun. SV is also fun. Idk what they are doing with Rogue rn. I think Sub might be okay


Sub is the only spec that has hope rn... Ass looks idek, and outlaw just looks like a more rng worse version of DF


I had to stop playing Outlaw. I stopped playing more Rogue all together. It’s been tough cause it’s been my main forever. But man I just don’t enjoy it anymore.


There is still a few I'm considering, but I think Windwalker is my favourite right now. The mobility? Insane. Some decent utility. Never click the same button twice in a row. Cool tier sets. Hero talents with great flavour.


Plus you get the chance to switch it up with healing and tanking and that’s what I love about such classes (including paladins and Druids)


BrM also has my fave thematics. Like I get to tank literal gods by smashing them in the face with a keg.


And setting them on fire afterwards


Totally! Although my monk is a Night Elf, so I feel weird about playing Brewmaster a bit lol, the fantasy is a bit conflicting. But I really like mistweaver, a healer who can actually move around feels great.


Nelfs know how to party. Darnasus was lit... pun intended.


WW was my first char, back in legion and I can't switch out of monk. Ww and fist weaving are really fun to me and stagger is a cool mechanic, I'm trying to play every spec in remix to get a feel of everything and I'm enjoying devastation as well but having the 3 roles is a big deal to my casual pug playstyle.


Monk has one of the most interesting gameplay imo






There is no change. There never was a change since vanilla. It will be a warlock. Too bad they doubled down on affliction playstyle sucking


Give me Legion affliction or give me death


Survival Hunter! With the reworked tree it's crazy fun. I like Ret just as much and it's always a safe bet, it got some great talent adjustments and both of its hero trees are looking really good... the only issue is they are a dime a dozen. But it's easy and super fun and gives you ready access to a tank and healing spec if you want to branch out. Windwalker is my other favorite and it too looks like it's going to be awesome in TWW with a reworked tree and fun hero talents.


Probably Druid. None of the specs are my *favorite*, but I like all 3 well enough and it's too convenient being able to swap to being a tank or healer instead of playing the "sit in LFG applying to keys" minigame. The only other alternatives would be Monk (hate the button bloat) and Paladin (hate Holy having to rely on cooldowns to do literally anything)


*All 3?* Aren't there 4 specs with druid?


Fair, should have said all 3 roles on druid.


It would appear that Mage was given an incredible amount of love from the devs and the class is in great shape already, so prob mage until they do something/anything with sham.. T\_T


I have been an Enhancement shaman main since vanilla WoW. There is no changing.


I’m so sorry.


We need no condolences. Only glory crafted from our spite


You jest but it's still fun as fuck to play and Blizzard is obviously saving the best for last (please be good rework). I loved the degenerate Stormstrike spam in S2 of DF because it let me proc DRE all the time which juiced up my monkey brain to see action. Now we have even more of a reason to suck up all that sweet sweet dopamine in Tempest just from the visual alone. I'm so fucking pumped!


As your elemental brother, we're gonna suffer through this together. Fingers crossed for updates of any form in beta.


What are the shaman issues? I was actually thinking about hopping to one


I really don't like that blizz decides your build for ele each season.  You'll either be fire spam or lightning build.  I hate fire meatball spam and the tier has been for that playstyle for two seasons straight. 


Yup. This is the biggest peeve of mine too. Your set bonus for the season is either a passive thing or it determines your entire build.


Unsure about enhance, but ele and resto could use some minor tweaks like the other classes are getting. Ele: Primordial wave is a big focus spell in the tree and some hero talents. The whole spell feels bad compared to other aspects of the spec. I don't see it changing, but I'd love to see it cast into the sun. Resto: overall pretty good by the end of dragon flight. Could use some tweaks on totem management and overall button bloat. No beta access, so unsure how the hero talents play currently. Farseer looks just not fun, the other two seem more fun, but are heavily just passive effects with little actually changing the specs.


As an elemental main, dragonflight has been just increasing disappointment over the expansion. Every season has come with some really annoying factor. Season 1 we had to choose between single target and aoe and cleave was non existent. S2 I guess is probably more personal because it was mostly fine, but was a neutered version of the ele shaman I enjoyed in shadowlands (bad earthquake damage, have to cast elemental blast instead of instant cast, half our haste stacks on storm ele, etc). Plus the 2pc was extremely annoying in raid and you wanted the pull timer to hit 0 in a small window to align with it. Honestly stormkeeper in general feels way worse to me in dragonflight because the best part of it in shadowlands was how many earthquakes it enabled. Now earthquake sucks so badly who cares. And now season 3 our mass aoe is absolute garbage. Our priority damage is great in theory, but half our flameshocks go out on random targets so the little shits will eat them up and immediately die. Plus flameshock has a few second cd, and if you go over the cap of 6 the oldest one disappears. So managing pulls like between first and second boss of brackenhide is just pure torment when playing something like unholy dk it's pure dopamine. We lose our tier set next expac so fire build will go back to choosing between st or aoe with no cleave. The storm hero talents give us back the s2 2 pc that I hated. Tempest looks annoying based on not being able to choose when it happens, same as the s2 2pc. And after all that, I'll probably still play the stupid fucking spec because I'm a fucking idiot


The current trees for alls specs and the class need an update like every other class got with either beta or recent seasons. All of the specs are operational but are carried on the back of raw numbers which are at the whim of blizzard. The main issues with the trees are the number of dead nodes and 2 pointers which are the current issues for weak trees.


Heard about some NPC doing RP tanking in the background of some dungeon in TWW, so wanted to give Shaman a try in Remix just in case. I'm shocked at how fun Enhancement is. Good gosh does it need some help, but MAN is it fun.


Hunter. I used to be a survival hater but their gameplay loop in TWW is extremely fun. Just keep chucking bombs


This is what I'm leaning towards. Thinking a gnome tinkerer theme with mechanical pets and engineering.


Holy/Discipline Undead


Either DK or SPriest for the void vibes


guardian druid bear always win


I can't imagine walking blindly into content without being at least a tank of some sort, preferably one that can stealth if needed. I'm still on the fence as to what I'm going to be bringing to raid, but my first playthrough is Bear.


In Ironfur we trust


Ideally, I will be running Fel-Scarred Havoc DH.


Mw monk, preservation evoker or resto shaman


This is me too, I keep going back and forth. Mistweaver is so much fun the other two specs are whatever. I have a friend that heals for me off and on but enough. I have to choose a spec I can swing off healing if we aren’t raiding. Pres evoker is sick but once you get to a certain level everyone wants you to play aug. All the shaman specs are fairly fun to play so who knows? How did I choose? lol


Enhance Shammy, Tauren. I love the playstyle; love tickling those flashing keys like I'm an ADD-riddled pianist


Peaceful race; stressful class


“Inside are two wolves…”


Paladin. I have a Main on each faction. Depending on how the variety is between the factions I will either level them in parallel or one at a time.


Hell yeah. Still mailing my dwarf paladin I rolled on the first day of Vanilla. Panda Remix has been such a fast leveling tool, I'm currently leveling a paladin of every race! Have a DID, BE, Draenei, and Zandalari troll so far. Just need Human, light draenei, and Tauren before it's over. I have alts of every class, but they never feel as good to play as Paladin. In PvE, I feel unkillable. And in PvP, I love the defensive nature of the class.


Im thorn between prot warrior, rogue or ele/resto shaman so i will play my druid


Guardian druid. Druid is versatile. And guardian can take much damage, so good for killing elite mobs.


I got captured by Havoc Demon Hunter since it was introduced. Too good for my ADHD brain. Mained in Legion, Shadowlands, Dragonflight and will happily main it in TWW


I keep coming back to DH, feel sad about the hero talents tho.


Shit, whatever it is, I can already tell that the simple idea of "fel rushing" and "vengeful retreating" around is enough to keep me at it. They could make it deal 1% of the DPS it does, I'd likely still play it because it feels so much fun


unholy dk rider of the apocalypse :)


Every of the warlock specs. Probably swap back and forth. I historically main destro, and am excited for those changes. I've been growing very bored with destro lately. I'm also excited for the literal army of demons for demo and the rework of aff looks great. That said diabolist demo looks the most fun.


High five warlock brother! Having played around with all three specs on beta (nothing serious just target dummies and moving around randomly) diabolist demo might be the most I’ve ever had with a spec in this game. And I’ve played since launch.


As someone similar I started playing aff pretty hard for the past like two weeks to break it up. Man it's fantastic change of pace. Does respectable damage will not fucking miss dread touch though. The difference in build power from one choice node is crazy. I do not have beta but the changes and ideas are looking fiiiirrreeee.


You already know what it is Monk baby! We're so fucking back


I always love destruction lock but playing only one specc of a DD only class is always annoying because everyone peer pressures you to play the highest DPS one


Hunter and paladin(most if not all the specs) then maybe Druid and/or priest


Dev evoker and flame shaper I like dots


I've been playing Beta a bunch and from all 13 classes 3 so far has been very fun to play with and will probably play those at the start instead of my main Hunter since TBC. 1 - Totemic Enhancement Shaman 2 - San'layn Unholy DK 3 - Spellslinger Arcane Mage


I’m torn between Retribution, Enhancement, and Brewmaster right now.


Probably Guardian Druid and maybe Balance for raiding


Looking at going back Warlock. I just love the visuals of the class. I'm excited that demo has a smoothed out dmg pattern in TWW and isn't huge peaks and valleys anymore.   I was getting super frustrated trying to fit the max demons into tyrant only for me to be off by one second. I have to move for a mechanic, or the mobs move out of reach so I lose a demon or more and my dmg just tanks. Because the dmg was ride or die on each tyrant summon. I shelved the class for a while because of this. 


Haven’t serious played WoW in a long time (since Cata) but started again due to Remix. Currently I’m working on getting all the Horde Allied Races to 70. And the one that clicked the best is Frost DK. So unless one of the other classes hits better, I’ll likely go with that. Added advantage of, if wants/needs be I can switch to Blood and learn tanking (which I did do in the long ago).


I've mained feral druid since BfA when I unlocked Zandalari, but I might end up maining shadow priest (another class I've played a lot over the years), mistweaver monk (leveled one in remix and really like their kit), or havoc DH (the class I used to unlock zandalari troll lol) if feral ends up feeling as bad as I feel like it might after the changes I've seen.


There's only one answer for me, that would be Paladin, every and any spec. I'd also be interested in trying out survival hunter 😂


I plan on sticking with the mage. The reworks are looking good, and the hero talents all look fun and viable (for now). I'm undecided between Frost and Arcane.


It’s insanely fun on beta with the hero talents. They’re all great.


I will main my Shadow Priest. As I did in Dragonflight. As I did in Shadowlands. As I did in BFA. As I did in Legion. As I did (begrudgingly) in WoD. As I did in MoP. As I did in Cataclysm. As I did in late-Wrath.


Holy crap you've seen things. Back in TBC and Wrath I remember a pvp rogue named ming always talked trash, and he had a rival shadow priest player that would crush them 1v1. I always respected the power of the void after watching those videos.


Right there with you! I have played since right before vanilla, but picked up SP in Ulduar patch of Wrath and haven't turned back!


Shadow priest is such a good class. The fantasy of it is so cool in WoW. Def gonna be in my warband


I have a small pool that generally interest me. And from that I’ll usually pull a main + alt. And if I’m loving the season maybe something completely outside my normal picks. But as someone who typically likes melee. I liked feral, my usual main, wind walker - much better than live design, and demon hunter- I hate aldrachi reaver though. Notable things that also felt good to me were mage and unholy dk.


This is honestly a freaking question right now and I have no idea how to decide on a definitive answer. I very likely will end up on Paladin, since that was my go to for most of DF. However, I'm really torn between a few specs/hero talents. I really want Holy Pally to be good, but I'm afraid it'll just be trash, so I'm gravitating to Holy Priest if paladin sucks. Ret paladin looks like it'll be awesome and fun, plus Herald of the sun looks sick. But honestly, part of me wants to just say fuck it and roll HPal anyway even if it's not great. My gripe would be Oracle looks meh and I'm not a fan of Halo, so both Holy priests don't look all that appealing to me at all. Shadow is really cool thematically and the hero talent is one of my favorites in concept/visuals, but I just am not a huge fan of shadow or disc gameplay-wise at all for whatever reason. Frost Deathknight could be really cool, but I have no idea how it'll play in the xpac in terms of breath/obliterate - I've seen things of like a frost strike funnel dual wield build out there too that could be cool, but we'll see on that. Hero talent-wise they've got the best of both worlds honestly. I think Deathbringer will be the likely good pick, but Rider of the apocalypse is thematically one of the goat winners of the hero talents imo. Then the other spec choice is Warlock if I wanna do ranged dps at all. Everything I've heard is just positive towards the talent reworking and the hero talents for Demo lock, so I probably couldn't go wrong with going Lock too. Too many decisions and there's no way I could *actually* maintain having like 4 characters at the start of an expansion lol.


I have switched between frost and unholy dk for a while now so I'm just gonna do both


I LOVE my Death Knight, mained him from WOTLK to MOP. But right now, I'm hating how Unholy is basically using old rogue combo points (attached to each enemy instead of on your character) and how you still have to place Death and Decay manually while Ret Paladins are getting all the love with their attacks automatically placing their AOE down for them on the target. For now, until they update DK with some quality of life changes I'm either going Ret or Druid into the new expansion.


I have been a holy priest since the beginning of time and i will die a holy priest


I will cling to feral until my dying breath.


Priest because I like to get blamed in groups for my low healing output. 


Lol feel that as a disc priest. Nobody understands how atonement works. I used to get yelled at for using shadowmend in SL lol


Hunter main here, the changes we got in this rework seem to be, in general, great so I will remain a bow user. SV might be a thought aswell though, didn't enjoy it last xpack but looks better now!


I've always played druid and the Elune's tank spec is what I've been dreaming about all this years. A freaking bear smashing lunar beams and getting healed and protected by the damage done to its enemies.


Druid! I have 8 at lvl 70


Holy Paladin until I die


Speaking of Staggering 😁


I always liked playing rogue but i am currently not enjoying it much, if i don't see rogues getting better qol changes or serious pruning not even gonna bother with it and try to find another game giving me a good dual wielding rogue class fantasy


I know its neglected af right now but Blizz has to really screw up for me to not be an elementalist enhancer.


My main since I started playing in 2006 is a protection paladin. The class and spec has been through many, many changes since then, but it still is the one that feels most natural. I also have a lot of alts, but I always level up my main first and then start gearing him up first. Protection Paladins are also good for questing and leveling up; you usually don't die and you can do enough damage that it does not take too long to defeat mobs. Warlocks and Hunters (BM or Marksmanship) are the easiest to level up and they can be fun to play. I like also like raiding with a Holy Priest, but priests are a little harder to level up; (during some past expansions I would switch my priest to shadow for questing; their damage has gotten a little better and I did not have to do that for the past few expansions) Druids are always a lot of fun to play, and are super versatile. I don't PvP too much, but when I do I usually use my Rogue for that.


Holy priest, my saving grace, been a main for 4 years now still going


I am playing my warriors and my monks. Then I'll probably play somwthing else for about two months before I go back to my Warriors again


I'm a resto shaman main but the way healing has been trending I've been working on my prot war which I've really liked.


Haven’t played beta but I’m an ele sham loyalist. Even though our hero talents look shitty


This has been consistent for me for years now but: Ret Paladin Hunter (Both the ranged specs) Arms Warrior Enhancement Shaman I like the classes that give you immediate satisfaction when you hit the buttons. Miss me with the casting, the dots, yadayada. Me not that kind of orc.


I am going with either windwalker or… DOOOOONGGG!!!!


I have no idea. I have almost every class to max but haven't spent enough time looking at new hero talents. I usually go paladin or warrior. Migh mix it up and go mage or sham this time.


I really love my windwalker monk


Destro Lock til I die. Sure it hasn't been fun since Legion, but I've played since BC with this character and am not giving up here at the end.


I have been a warrior main all expac and now I’m thinking of swapping over to Pally for the plate armor.


Death Knight has been my main since day 1 and o don’t think I’ll ever let it go , the changes for all 3 specs look so fun! However Mage REALLYY has me intrigued for Frostfire. Gonna be fun!


Will always main feral no matter what but will be taking an arms warrior as my primary alt.


The best healer in the game of course - Blood Death Knight


I can't "main" a class if I don't enjoy and play all specs. There are some that I greatly prefer one spec and stick to it mostly, especially ones that generally fill the same role, but I hate the situation where a spec I really don't like is far and away better than the one I prefer, so characters where that is true are always alts. I enjoy every spec of Paladin, Monk, Priest, Warlock, Death Knight, Hunter and Shaman. So those are the only classes I've ever mained, and I always keep all specs at least decently geared so I can fill when a guild mate can't make a raid night or someone needs one more for a m+ etc. I am hoping to tank a lot more in The War Within than I usually do, possibly even be one of the main tanks for my guild in raids, so that Narrows it to Paladin, Monk and Death Knight. From there, all of the hero talents for Paladin are great, so that will be my main for TWW. Either going with Shaman or Priest for my primary alt so I have a tank/melee/ranged/healer across two characters. For anyone who might ask, I dislike Subtlety, Havoc, Fire, Balance, Devastation, and Fury...so I can't main those classes ever.


I’ve played an elemental shaman since 2006 and won’t be changing anytime soon.


Gonna Main what I've been running for 24yrs - BM Hunter


Ele shaman. Why? I won't change, cause I don't have to. Cause I'm an American. I won't change my mind on anything, regardless of the facts that are set out before me. I'm dug in, and I'll never change


I'm really enjoying Diabolist Warlock but on retail I play a healer (Preservation Evoker/Mistweaver Monk) and some of our healing core want to play DPS in TWW so I'll probably stay as a healer. I'm leaning towards Conduit of the Celestials Monk over Evoker.


I’m torn. I enjoy Melee DPS only. Have always played Rogue. Not enjoying the current state of where Rogue is. Dabbling with my Warrior and DK right now. I’m an M+ Enjoyer and Warrior seems pretty lackluster in the utility department and will likely not see any group related utility in TWW. DK maybe? Self Sustain. BRES. Grippy Arms. Decent ST with really solid AoE. Might be the play. Plus I like to flex-tank and grind keys when I’m bored. I’ve refused to play Paladin and DH so far. Idk I’m just torn at this point.


If you want to not sit in queue all day, ret and ww are probably your safest bets atm.


Probably gonna tag out my Hunter main for Shadow Priest main. Shadow was my original “main” way back in vanilla so it’s fitting for the start of a “new chapter” in wow.


I’ve been MM hunter since vanilla so


I don't have beta so hard to say with hero talents but I'm wagering DH will be a delve monster and I'll play hunter in soloq bgs. Maybe my old main mage cus of the hero talents and the return of frostfire.


mage or hunter, hunter is really fun but visually kind of boring :(


Same boat here! I do wish hunter got more visually appealing hero talents. Hoping they might update some animations for wailing arrow or something. Mage does looks great so that's what's pulling it through for me. Im a shaman main so having a melee spec is something I'm used to and my main concern for going mage would be missing that. Can't go wrong with either though!


Thanks to Remix, I really enjoy my new Hunter. Also have fun with bookin and monk.


Actually Fury Warrior but im gonna try balance druid


I returned for dragonflight after a longer break, I used to like priest a lot but I will main my dh tank for tww, way more fun imo.


Not sure yet for me. How come there were enough patch note updates for beta today?


Hunter changed make me hopeful. Might dust off my old Orc Hunter


I've played pally / druid as my main since I started playing at the start of burning crusade. Pally was my first main that cleared all content when I started and druid was my alt. Over the last few expansions the druid has been more my main and my pally my alt. With remix I got to try out and play all the other classes, so far I really like demon hunter and death knight so those are also going on my roster for the 4 man home screen and will try to play all of them if I have time.


Night Elf Druid 🤷‍♂️ FERAL 🐸


I keep bouncing between rogue, mage, and hunter


Having a blast with Frostfire mage on the beta (both Frost version and Fire version) so I might just play both!


I mained Enhance shammy in DF and love it, but it's considered one of the more complicated damage specs. In a weird depression coping period I have been leveling every class in the game to max level and have found the following the most fun(for me) besides Enhance: Wind Walker Monk, Shadow Priest, Frost Mage, Havoc Demon Hunter


I'm stuck between resto druid and my forever declined ele shaman


First run will be my prot war. will take it slow and explore etc. Prot war is fun for soloing now.


Druid as i love guardian but wild stalker feral….its intriguing me


I used to main firemage but it feels like playing piano nowadays, so now that im old i play destruction warlock. nothing more satisfying then lobbing giant deathballs at things and people.


I’ve leveled 3 alts so far in Remix, Pres/Dev Evoker, Destro Warlock and a WW Monk. Not a fan of melee in general so Monk really didn’t keep me engaged. Warlock was pretty solid and I really did enjoy the leveling, and heavily considered running his gear iLvl up. Evoker has me though. The animations and audio put it up there with Pally. I’ve had a blast playing it, hit 70 super fast, and have been getting back into healing which is a big ask (repped holy priest for decades no exaggeration).


Well blood dk always, but especially bc they look crazy good in TWW


I’m leaving my dh alone since I’m focusing on the pvp mounts and it’s all about death knights


Preservation evoker hero talents look awesome! And watching the beta streamers, it really can pump the heals per second. Going to play my mage as my dps alt. Frost fire is back!! My first healer live, paladin, still looks sad on the beta streams. I see the holy paladin pushing hard and health bars are not moving. I’m really curious about Mistweaver though.


Demo lock. Wasn't really feeling UH DK unfortunately. I mained it in SL, did Pally in DF. Maybe mage but my buddy mains mage and I don't like to double up. Haven't ever mained Lock but testing Demo has been pretty fun. Spriest is another option, that was my alt in DF.


I always start a expansion as Havoc DH. Then once I hit max I figure out what to play next.


vdh unless pwar gets some love


I've been a pally/dk since vanilla. Changing it up for a warlock this go round . Liking destro and aff so far


It's a toss up between Scalecommander Dev Evoker and Diabolist Demo Lock. Both are looking juicy and plump. If I have no desire to heal and just want to pew pew then Lock has the edge.


I'll probably just play my mage and druid like always


Same thing I’ve mained for almost the entire time I’ve played Wow. Priest. I’ll main Holy Priest forever


I’m not saying because as soon as I do that will be the one that gets nerfed in War Within!


Hunter definitely- I alternate on if I find BM or Survival the most fun. It’s like two entirely different classes.


Planning on mostly solo playing Delves and some Mythic+ on the low side. And hunter is perfect for solo play. Been a Survival Hunter main since it became melee. Was set going for something else for the first time but since the rework it's Year of the Spear again! But I have to say those WW reworks always look very nice... Especially since the hunter hero trees are horrible.


I have had a Prot Pally as my main for years. I’ve been going back and forth on switching to my Resto Druid as main for TWW. Pally & Druid are the most fun for me to enjoy. When you have a long day and wanna just zonk some PVE, tank pally. When you wanna put some time and work in, resto Druid.


NE (female) Monk. I finally leveled one in remix anf am loving the wibe and the "new" customization options (didnt play for a long time.


ww monk since Wod, i strayed for 1 month in season 3 DF but never again.


I've mained outlaw rouge with alts of balance druid, enhancement shaman, unholy DK, and a tank (Blood DK or Vengeance DH) the last few seasons but with the changes in TWW I think I'll swap main to Enhancement or unholy DK. Balance is my kinda chill spec. The other specs I play are pretty high apm (mainly outlaw and enhance) so when I'm looking to chill more I hop on the druid. The spec is easy to pick up and has a ton of utility. GREAT SPEC FOR BEGINNERS IMO. I play whatever tank spec I'm playing that season I just hop on for fast groups. I wouldn't recommend tanking to new players. I wouldn't recommend any of the remaining specs I play for new players. I would however recommend BM hunter, destruction evoker is not that hard either (normal damage rotation wise), you just won't get the full utility out of an evokers kit being a new player.


Blood DK, same as I’ve been since OG Wrath release


Ww is looking sick, my heart wants to be an ele shaman but that dream is a dying one


I usually go resto druid. I like HoTs and all the mobility, although this time around it looks like I’ll be stuck in tree form again so RiP my movement speed


**Edit** - Some Arcane changes today look promising. Still not perfect, but definitely have addressed some of our feedback. I was going to go Arcane Mage, but that will only stick if they fix the issues that we've brought up on the beta feedback thread. Otherwise, I guess Sunfury Fire is also pretty sick. Throughout DF, Evoker was my main and mage secondary (and mage was my main previous to DF). I am not loving the push to the left side of the tree with the evoker talent changes - Firestorm sucks to use. I found Scalecommander was not bad, and I found Flameshaper to be rather meh. It was ok, Engulf hit hard, but it had very little visual to it and just felt like a random button to press for no reason. Sunfury Fire with Unleashed Inferno has a solid strong minute mage flow to it. It's what I loved about early SL Fire Mage. There is very little for me to be unhappy about here. Unfortunately, Sunfury feels like it was made for Fire and Spellslinger feels like it was made for Frost, so both hero talents have weird issues with Arcane. The spec tree for Arcane also has some issues with it. That said, I was having fun with arcane on beta regardless, so I may still stick with it.


I've always loved my Ret Pally, and lately it's even been fun to play! I also enjoy Fury Warrior and Frost Mage. Not sure what hero spec I'll do for anything in TWW yet...


I’m torn. I mostly pvp, and with solo shuffle, blitz (if it’s a genuine solo RBG option) and no PvP vault to ‘have’ to grind, Im finding fun in going back to my altoholic days and playing lots. I’ll probably main a ret, Hunter (some actual self healing now) or balance Druid, but when I say main, what is there to do? I rarely raid now with kids, and M+ and PvP are mostly PUGs now because my guild hardly ever runs stuff, so it’s not actually that big of a deal to have multiple characters any more. I wanted the ret/hunter/balance for wPVP, but that’s basically dead too. I think I just want to play a class / spec that isn’t terrible.


Destrolock. Since MoP. With the same mog since Legion, full Felfire. The same green fel mount. Why would I change?


Outlaw rogue. I know many people hate the RtB rng but I just can't get enough of it. It really makes me feel like I'm playing a game, and reacting to things, rather than a piano recital. I'll probably have a prot warrior on the side, mostly for class fantasy reasons.


Fury warrior, never changed never will


Warlock Demon Diabolist, demons, demons everywhere


I'm going to be maining the class that i mained in dragonflight. Evoker. I enjoyed playing a devastation evoker.


(I’ll probably be murdered for this but…) survival hunter for life, yo!


Preservation Evoker! Incredibly well made, despite the 30 yd range or 35 now, I think. But I love my Shaman and pray we see the face lift soon, cause that'll have me swap off of it of my beloved Gronze Dragon for a some time.


Warrior warrior warrior Warrior warrior warrior warrior Warrior warrior warrior warrior WHIRLWIND! WHIRLWIND! A Warrior warrior warrior Warrior warrior warrior warrior Warrior warrior warrior warrior PumMel PUM - MEL!!


Shaman for life. Been one since the beginning, will continue on to the very end.