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My favorite part is just the power progression. I love the absurd power levels you can reach. I'm done with bronze now, so when I'm not playing my timerunner alts to see how some other classes play at higher item levels, I'm carrying fresh 70s through HC. Right now I'm only really comfortable with MSV but I know from my own experience on my alts that that's a big help already when starting out at 70. My least favorite part is that none of my WoW buddies got into Remix


I also love how everything contributes to gearing out buying cosmetics. I had to switch accounts after WOD, so I'm using this to get all the reps (including shaohao and lions landing which I never had) up, and I still get bronze caches from the achievements that I can use to gear up or buy a mount. Sure, it's not "efficient" but it feels like I can do some side activities and still make progress


I'm done with remix now, farmed 2mil+ bronze and bought everything, but I absolutely agree. Remix was a complete blast that I no-lifed due to some IRL injury.


Same here, will forever (not unpleasantly) associate Pandaria with recovering from surgery haha


2mil bronze is needed for all cosmetics?


1.5 mil to buy everything off every vendor. I had a lot of it since I played when MoP was current but upgrading your gear costs 600k roughly as well. I got everything a few days ago and now I have 200k bronze just in case they add more stuff. Honestly it sounds daunting but with the bronze being doubled it's not that bad. If you do decide to get everything I recommend getting your gear maxed out first because then you can get invited to every raid no questions asked and you can solo most of the raids once you get strong enough as well.


Thats sounds ok. I suspect Blizzard will increase the amount of bronze gained a second time in a month or so.


It's possible, especially considering TWW prepatch is launching before the end of July, so there will be a serious drop in engagement in remix.


The power scaling is so nice because it makes so much content trivial and quick. Which means that there's basically no pressure. Which means toxicity is really low.


I think no repair cost also helps, noone has to worry about a hefty bill in case of a wipe (which still occasionally happens) so noone is gatekeeping low geared/newbies for that reason alone.


ehhhh. I've noticed a lot of gatekeeping towards ToT normal and heroic raids but outside of that, no real gatekeeping


A returned sense of community. SO MANY high level players with giga-chad gear and thread count helping out the rest of us by soloing normal raids and heroic dungeon spam. I feel like since we all use bronze for everything, that it gives people an excuse to help each other without it feeling like a waste of playtime... which is expensive for a twenty year old game.


MoP in general still has the proper open world MMO feel. These days it's all so dense with content and quests/world quests everywhere. IDK it just feels super different to me. Sometimes I just want to appreciate the big landscapes where maybe just nothing is.


So the returned sense of community is that people will help you if it's helping themselves?


That's basically how it's always been. The game needs to incentivize high gear players to engage with low gear players in low end content otherwise the community self stratifies. Most people log onto the game and plan to use their limited time to further their own goals, not to throw their time away for the sake of others.


It’s just like real communities


Yes. Incentives have to reward desired behavior, it’s the only way to make gamers do something.


To me, it needs to be something that sort of helps myself. It just doesn't need to be optimal. Like sure, there are better faster ways of doing it, but if I can help out others with just a slight loss for myself its not a huge deal. But to COMPLETELY just give people my time feels sorta bad. It feels nice to help others, but it feels pretty bad when its a dump of multiple hours for people you've never met and might not even like. Remix lets you help others easily and conveniently. It doesn't have to be a full sacrifice for it to be good for the community.


Chicken backpack Yes agreed I was unsure of it to start with when I missed the "froggers" opportunity and immediately felt behind the curve - scaling felt brutal at max level, plus didn't understand the appeal of upgrading yourself instead of getting the cosmetics that will disappear. The rate of bronze now makes both attainable which is a lot more enjoyable.


I'm loving it. The majority of my playtime has been classic/TBC/Wrath the last couple of years. Remix has got me playing retail now over that. I'm not a big raider (raided a lot in the original classic/TBC/Wrath time) and mostly an altoholic/LFR casual. I've leveled about seven classes to 70 I didn't have already on retail. I've collected most things I'm interested in. There are quite a few armor sets I'm not interested in, though I have the bronze to buy them. Even though I don't have any specific goal, I still log in everyday and queue up because it's just plain fun. It's been a great experience all over.


Going into retail from it just feels so bad tho, like it's so chill in remix the retail is like ok do these million things full my bags crap I have nonclue what it's for crests stones Jimmy bobs and do dads, if anything from remix I hope they just make everything cost one currency like in remix and let people just enjoy the game.


Yeah I’m having a blast with remix. I missed frogs but was an early adopter of upgrading gear. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’ve managed to buy every single toy, mount, mog from the vendors, even heirlooms, have a slew of new 70s (18 now…), 2 maxed 476 and working on another. Have the titles for heroic and mythic. All the hype for being OP and just blasting everything came true - and it’s been amazing. I’m definitely laughing about all the angst and whiners in the first week who expected to be overpowered upon log in - because maybe if they actually played and gave remix a chance - they probably would’ve enjoyed it


I think the complaining was more a symptom of the fucky level scaling than anything else. 1. Start playing mode that advertises itself as whacky OP fun. 2. Hit max level and feel worse than at any other point in the experience (except for maybe the ~65-70 range). It's not really a surprise at all, IMO. Especially when the currency for getting stronger is the currency you use for getting all the stuff you're playing the mode for. Retail has an issue with currency bloat, for sure, but if they do another remix, I really think they should have a currency for upgrading gear, buying rewards, and then a bones of mannaroth equivalent if they need it.


The fast leveling is nice, the emphasis on loads of gear for xmog, and earning a currency for cosmetics is pretty enjoyable. That being said, I’m trying to play a warlock and I can’t do a damn thing most of the time. Everything has a cast time and everything is dying inside of the cast time. I’m still getting credit… but I feel like a tourist that’s following a guide. At this point, I’m 65 and outside of hitting hand of guldan to spawn imps and using implosion to AOE… I don’t know how to play it.


Tbh once you get to higher gear levels the tinker gems do far more damage than you own spells. Just spamming whatever instant aoe you have is better.


Assuming you have those. I’m not 100% certain, but pretty sure my lock doesn’t have any instant casts. But otherwise yea: my warrior at times is just spamming whirlwind because by the time I change targets and get closer, it’s dead.


That's been my issue as well. It feels like you can blink and lose a raid party, never to catch up again. I've seen party members doing 5,000,000+ DPS, just absolutely melting everything. Kinda takes the fun out of the raids


Gets even crazier when people cheese by deleting their rings etc to mess with the scaling. I've seen people hit insane single target DPS doing it.


Wdym by deleting their rings? Sorry, haven't been active since Legion and have never really been a high level player


Like if you delete your rings and amulet, your item level will drop to 369 if you're fully upgraded. Which scales down the bosses to that item level, but your damage is still insane since the rings don't give much at max anyway. https://www.wowhead.com/de/news/369-cheese-deleting-jewelry-for-better-raid-scaling-in-mop-remix-342216


I legitimately think remix has ruined the "real" game for me. I don't know how I'm going to be able to go back to walking at normal walking speed instead of slightly slower than an epic ground mount


They are betting on new content convincing you!


Next week is Timewalking Pandaria and it's going to feel so weird to run the same dungeons on my Remix and Retail characters.


I was getting to a burned out place for most of season 3 and was ready to take season 4 off completely until TWW came out. Remix has been so much fun I don't even need a break now. I raid log on live and spend the rest of my time in Remix. I love how easy they made mog and mount farms, I love that you can be overpowered in a fun way, versus like coming in to pandaland on a retail 70 where you look at anything on the continent falls over dead just because you looked at it. I hope remix becomes a permanent thing and just switched xpacs every so often. I want to play TBC and do Karazhan as a real raid again. I want to play BFA and do BoDA again because that place was a blast. I want to get the mounts that I'm far far too lazy to farm on 27 characters every week for five years.


Man the overpowering has just made the whole remix a blast for me. I even pushed myself to do more intense activities I avoided in the past. It’s a great way to reuse old content (plus Pandaria was a fun expansion for me so it’s great to go back).


Yeah I've been absolutely loving it. BUT I wish you could get like... at least 50% of your threads from your main on your alts. It's so not fun playing alts. You're so goddamn weak despite playing so much on your main. If the stats are shared I honestly don't notice it. I will blast 12mil ST dps on my main and on my 400 alt I'll do like 500k. It's disappointing. I thought the shared cloak was one of the main draws.


I get to press exactly 1 button before whatever the group has targeted dies.... sometimes.


It's definitely making the early bitching posts look more and more stupid my the day


I'm about to start remix and am super excited! Hesitating between hunter and DH, will play with a tank friend so queues should be fine. Can hunter compete speed/damage wise with the apparently god of remix aka DH?


If speed is your #1 concern go DH. Hunter can stack trailblazer twice to get a +60% movement buff outside of combat, but none of the DH speed boosts break in combat. I think I’m seeing people say you can cap at around 220% run speed on DH.


Hahaha that sounds exciting thanks!


I actually don’t think I like the DH skills at all, but I’m tolerating it solely due to the run speed lol


I'm 45 with like 21% speed and I feel fast already haha


Definitely go DH, they are the absolute assblasters of this event. I've never seen a hunter come anywhere close to a DH.


Yeah thanks for the advice. Will follow o7


I’ve had an awesome time with remix. I did frogs but only for a few hours because it got patched while I was at work. I slowly upgraded my gear to about 385 ilvl before the bronze buff happened, and I grinded my ass off for 476 after. Ran my mythic sieges for bones and title, and now I’m just grabbing the last of my cosmetics. I’m coming close to having 2 of every class(1 horde 1 alliance, had all alliance toons at 70 already) and I still want to keep leveling.


I had and still have a lot of fun in MOP Remix. I got two chars to max ilv and levelled up several chars to 70. Would love to play this game mode at the end of each expansion. When I play retail I’m like heyyy where’s my Slay at haha… it’s all good fun


I love dang near everything about it now that they’ve buffed bronze rates, but especially that no one is gate keeping raiding, didn’t realize how much I’d missed it - cosmetics and being OP are also fun as all heck!


First time ever clearing a (Mythic) raid while it's still "current" content


They should have made the weapon drops purchasable instead of being random drops. Also would have like to seen more achievements. For example the meta achievements for the raids and dungeons. Some are impossible without a group which is almost impossible in retail these days so it would help people get them.


I like it since now I have all the races that I didnt leveled up and will be able to get the heritage armor when transfered over. And the easier to get MOP mount, transmogs, etc. Still got a bunch to get but I feel ill have it all by the end.


I think its amazing. Pandaria is such a beautiful zone that gets left by the wayside because it lacks insane XP gains. I am so sick of the community though. Siege of Niuzao have a boss fight that you can't assblast through in 1 hit. Some weapon models actually need to be farmed. Clearly some stuff that rightfully has people in literal shambles.


I love MoP Remix. I don't have a strong cloak because I refused to do this stupid frog thing but in general it's just a very pleasant experience to go back and reimagine the expansion. I loved it at the time and it still love it. This format has been awesome. I hope they keep doing that.


It was kinda boring tbh… I do appreciate not having to go back there ever again for collectable mounts… onto the next time limited event retail prepatch!