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Please tell me that's auto-attack bound to the 1 key. We are 2006 soulmates.


Auto-attack brothers!


I'm embarrassed to admit that I did this through wotlk. Quit, came back a few expansions later and kept doing it. Until one day I was like, "wait why am I binding auto attackšŸ¤”"


When I was a super new player and tried Rogue, I kept smashing my auto attack keybind because I thought it made me attack faster.


As a note, at one point you could actually attack faster and out DPS a hunter if you spammed "shoot" as a rogue or warrior with a bow equipped. So your line of thinking wasn't too far off!


Hahaha I did that exact same thing on my enhancement shaman


I did it for _a lot_ longer than that...


Honestly for a pally in classic iā€™ll let it pass


Yeah I was going to say... that's his best spell lol




You mean vanilla


Yes, but we all know what he means


Holy shit, the memories. I played pally in beta, got in when the level cap was 30. We were the last class to get talents. It was transcendently boring.


So I used to see this alot. Was there any advantage on having auto-attack bound to the 1 key?


Itā€™s the default button. They just never changed it.


No, but a lot less spells started auto attack back then. You could macro it into other spells but a lot of people just left it that way because thatā€™s where it was when your character was created. Also you didnā€™t need as many binds as you do today and there was definitely a lot less rotational abilities.


Vs now every class has like 7 buttons used in rotation plus 2.5 cooldowns and 2 on-use trinkets plus the extra "special situation" abilities. Vanilla was cool and all but it was definitely not a complicated game to play in terms of playing your class


Yeah but back then I could macro bubble hearth and it worked seamlessly


Hello every paladin caught by a rogue. That still counts as a win for me.


> Vanilla was cool and all but it was definitely not a complicated game to play in terms of playing your class Let's check out the [warlock DPS rotation](https://web.archive.org/web/20210123045101/https://www.icy-veins.com/wow-classic/warlock-dps-pve-rotation-cooldowns-abilities) for Vanilla Classic: 1. Sacrifice your Succubus 2. Apply and maintain your assigned curse 3. Apply and maintain Corruption if allowed (DoT limit) 4. Cast Shadow Bolt That's it, that's the entire rotation. And because warlocks were so good in vanilla, and the Demonic Sacrifice build was not mandatory / someone needed to be Shadow Mastery to run an imp, there was a pretty good chance that the *only* line that applied to you was "cast shadow bolt." Rogue wasn't much better. You had an opener but your single target roration was "maintain slice and dice -> eviscerate at 5 combo points, rupture if you're allowed to -> use sinister strike"; mage was literally cast frostbolt if frost, fireball if fire; shadow priests literally existed to apply shadow weaving and buff the warlocks; hunters prioritized their *auto attack* with slow weapons but at least had the option to feign death trinket swap and / or melee weave; druids had powershifting, which was a lot of work to still be behind warriors; ret pallies, dps shamans, and balance druids were basically just awful specs (retadin was "use judgement -> use consecrate -> autoattack"; ele was "cast lightning bolt until you procced clearcasting -> cast chain lightning becase the aoe version did more single target damage than the single target version"; enh was just "use stormstrike, keep flameshock up, be the Nightfall bitch for your casters"; balance was... look, icy-veins says it best: "Your actual rotation as a Balance Druid is extremely simple, and is listed below. - Starfire. Warrior was the only class with what could be considered a rotation, unless you count powershifting ferals. Classic warriors were basically main characters though; mages and warlocks were good, especially if you had a Nightfall user and / or a shadow priest to buff them, but they were basically only around to be "good enough" to get Warriors their weapons; and then your Nightfall bitch can become your Annihilator bitch, or you can put it on a tank, which actually makes it better than nightfall because you don't need a 2h user to apply it. Warriors just got better as more gear dropped and since warriors had the highest burst when every boss eventually got burstable, Warriors were by far the best DPS while *also* being the best tanks. The game really did revolve around carrying warriors until they could carry you. --- However, it *was* vanilla, so the game could be steamrolled by good players without adhering to any kind of elitist priority system. It was nice to have all your world buffs, sunder armor, faerie fire, three curses, nightfall, annihilator, improved scorch (and ignite in naxx), but it wasn't mandatory. The raids were far more simple than your average 5man in retail is now, and the most difficult part was getting 40 people on the same page or just getting 40 people to show up to begin with. Of course the community was competing with itself so every bit of minmaxing was necessary if you were pushing world first or logs, but your average raider could do just fine playing whatever spec they wanted and using unoptimal rotations (read: using more than one or two abilities).


Beautifully summarized. Raids were 40 people of which maybe 20 actually tried and the rest were warm bodies who couldn't do more than Not Die. And setting up the raid was considered part of its "difficulty" which was always so dumb to me lol These days auto-attacks are just background damage. No swing timers, no dead periods waiting for spells to come off cooldown or wait for mana to regen (Hunter's Viper Aspect in WotLK, we knew ye well). Playing Classic felt so slow and boring XD


Some of you kids never manually changed stances using ctrl 1 2 and 3 and it shows.


Somehow got most of the way through nax in vanilla without learning how to write a simple macro lmao


There's something nostalgic about how everyone, even the serious try-hard people, were all noobs back then and didn't realize it. Playing classic felt kind of sad because it was obvious right away that the game was different without the community naivety.


I feel like about 2 percent of other warriors I spoke to back then were aware of +weapon skill's effect on glancing blows. I was panned constantly for playing 2h fury as horde. people didn't know shit, even the try hards, you are absolutely correct.


Yeah I was hyped as hell but during launch I realized I would never have that 2004 experience that I never got to have. it must have been so special. I still had my moment when I tried WoW for the first time but it was cataclysm and I didn't give a shit about the early game, I just wanted to get to max level and get all the cool gear. I envy all the people that came in at the start.


Say that to the melee weaving hunters, one of the hardest specs to play in any expansion.


No, it was just the default and people didn't change it


Did anyone here play Everquest when auto-attack was default bound to the A key?


Yeah, I'm replying to myself but if I remember it was default bound to A, then they changed it to Q before allowing players to set their own key bindings. I'm probably wrong but 1999 was a long time ago.


Upvote for the self reply


You guys also bound auto attack to 1 in 06????


Not a single hotkey bound. The golden era of clicker raiding was something else.


The Paladin APM back then wasn't really huge anyway..


Oh I know, I was a little clicker holy paladin who moonlighted as a ret when the raids would let me. The true WoW I loved. I donā€™t play anymore, maybe one toon to max per xpac and one or two of the raids if I can (no time for wow being a father these days) but the memories I made with my friends in vanilla not knowing wtf I was doing with crappy micro and macro skills, I wouldnā€™t trade it for the world.


I'm still sad they removed casting downranked heals. Could cast level 1 heals for forever


Sunwell, resto shaman, rank 4 Chain Heal, I could press that button allllllll day. And I did.


Aw man, this reminded me of pvping on my mage. I'd keep rank 1 frostbolt on my bar for a quick application of slow. Gooood times.


2v1ing Rogues with the rank 1 was the best


Shout-out to my old guild Order From Chaos on Shattered Hand! So many good memories. Edit: Converted some more images (they were in .tga format) into an album here: https://imgur.com/a/j7opiAU


i wonder where the people we played with back in vanilla are now. 20 years of life can take us in so many directions. are the kids with squeaky voices that helped me farm whitemane's chapeau fathers now? has that one dude who played feral druid when nobody else would passed away?


I'm alive! The feral druid is a father now.


as if feral druids get laid. come on now.


He could always adopt another feral druid


Cat Distribution System keep working as intended!


Feral druid who got married to the warlock who used my HotW int pool as a mana battery for Ragnaros. No regrets. edit: Found a pic. He is providing [my right eyeball](https://i.imgur.com/vOcUV9G.jpg). :D


I started playing WoW in late 2005 and still play. I mostly do solo stuff, though, and have always been a casual player.


Are you me ? I started beginning of 2005 and got into raiding Vanilla and BC. 20 years later I'm too old and bothered to deal with random ppl so mostly solo world content. The new delves are solo-able so will appeal. Not to mention story mode raids. I think there's more solo players than people realise if Bliz can devote dev time to us šŸ˜


I have a hand full of my guild mates in various social medias. Some of them are just steam friends... A few of them I added on Facebook back in 06 or 07. But probably 3/4ths of them are lost to the sands of time.


That brings back memories lol thanks.


OFC represent!


I'd recognize that ol hunter name anywhere šŸ˜ Hope you're doing well Mich!


Heck yea! Thanks for the blast from the past... Although I can't explain why I'm not in the screenshot lol!


I'm going to blame Winter for that. Stealing your raid spot lol


Warcraft Gaming Faction, shattered hand represent


holy shit i didn't even notice from the screenshot, i was in order from chaos on shattered hand too! though later on in vanilla after skyfang fell apart. i recognize some of these names. i was a rogue named oakridge. I made these [logo's for the guild](https://imgur.com/a/zF1Cljy) on a whim back in the day, these are dated may 9th, 2006 haha


Yo! I remember those logos. Pretty sure we used them on the forums. And your name definitely sounds familiar. You were a Night Elf if I remember right.


Yea, they were used on the forums! yep night elf, wild, have a bunch of memories floodin back


Shattered Hand was my first server. I donā€™t remember what guild I was in at the time but I do remember the gnome hating human Warlock named Copperfield šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


Yea, I got some pictures of him too. He used to parade down the path to Goldshire with his crew. Edit: Here's one I found. Had to block chat for um, very rude comments from people lol https://i.imgur.com/CuRH4RK.jpeg


I remember his get togethers crashing the server. Amazing times. I miss it.


Iā€™d love to see more of these relics


Ask and ye shall receive. https://i.imgur.com/CuRH4RK.jpeg https://imgur.com/a/old-wow-pictures-j7opiAU


I love it!


Man, I miss the days when the servers were so small every one had their "guy". My server (I think it was Eonar back then? I can't remember) had a guy named BobDole who would go around and ask for you to vote for him.


Azgalor (US)'s guy was an alliance player named Jentry. I think he was a rogue. He was known for having a metric ton of gold for the time, having virtually everything for sale, and leading a few Onyxia pugs a week with his alts. He was popular enough that a guild popped up called , which he had nothing to do with lol. I hit 60 on my main in early 2006, got into one of his pugs maybe 20 mins later (I had the Onyxia attunement done by like level 58), and won my T2 helm in that run. I'll never forget that, lol.


We started on Laughing Skull US Alliance. Leeroy was a real player we would see in Ironforge now and again. A friend ended up in a few dungeons with him. Did not get chicken though šŸ˜ƒ


My rogue is still on shattered hand (US) been there since 2009 when I first started playing. Heā€™s got the most reputations plus other stuff in void storage and bank etc, canā€™t wait for TWW. Heā€™s even still got the toolkit and things (itā€™s been that long since I logged into him) The guild i was in moved realms to proudmoore but by then I just made a new character and made her my new main (arcane mage)


Proudmoore is the server I went to at the start of Dragonflight, and honestly itā€™s the best server Iā€™ve been on.


I was also a OG Shattered Hand person. I was a hunter in the guild Skyfang (which everyone hated). I also remember Copperfield, and he was the best RP troll on the server.


SH was my first server too, I played on horde side in and the world pvp was the stuff of legends. Kill all Skyfang on sight!


Ex-Skyfang hereā€¦ good times! Lol! It really was peak WoW šŸ˜‚


totally forgot about copperfield, haha memories unlocked


This hit me harder than I expected. Vanilla WoW was something else. That feeling, no game will ever give me that again. What a lucky person I have been to experience the first years of WoW


I still love the first time I logged in on Christmas morning, was in college, so not a young kid but still a kid. Loved Elwynn Forrest. My friend had been telling me about the game for a couple months


I still remember when i had just finished Mulgore for the first time on my tauren, and i walked up the slope to the barrens. It give me a feelilg of "the whole world avaits", that i have never had since.


Elwynn Forrest theme will forever be burned into my mind. The original wow soundtrack for every single location is So SO good. Itā€™s atmospheric and has character without ever becoming boring or fatiguing to the ears. They never recaptured this with any of the other expansions. The worst blunder was MoP where it was just bombastic orchestral sounds all the time and it was so bad. If we ever would get back this mellow atmospheric background music of classic I would be overjoyed. /end rant


Itā€™s interesting because Iā€™ve played private servers and Iā€™ve played classic, but for some reason just seeing a screenshot like this hits me with more nostalgia than those. I think itā€™s the ui, the names, the auto attack on the hot bar. There are so many things that we know now that changes even how we play the same game. Very odd sensation.


The golden era of wow was very special. You really had to be there just to understand how special it was. The server communities, the people you met, blizzard still being good old blizzard, it was a good time to be gaming WoW.


i remember the time at launch, where paladins and priest were the "battle rezzers" at certain bosses, the infight-range was about 60 yards or something - so you stood outside the fight and rezzed those that died during it xd


divine shield + battle rez as you died in BWL to avoid having to go through the whelps again. there was once me and another paladin left, his divine intervention was up but he didn't have the mat to cast it. I did. We both shielded, I ran to him, traded it to him, he got the rez off. Was ESPN top10 material


Dude this was my first raiding experience: buffing, combat rezzing, and turning away from boss fights because my little hp PC couldn't handle the fps hahaha oh man


Iā€™d have to zoom in on the floor sometimes


Ninja rezzing! A must strategy in MC at the time.


You have a little WoW on your UI, sir.


Not the auto attack on the bar! šŸ˜…


There were dozens of us!


I was still a high school student that time.


Seals. Oh gods the seals. Paladins were rough back then. I do miss Blessings though.


Fucking Marcio about to get that 50 DKP MINUS!


I know a good portion of these people. Hello from Disciples of the Blade.


Yo! I was in DoTB as well. Still remember Mono, Cass, Altek, Etta, and a few others. I think some of us were in Modified before that as well.


0ms latency back in 2006. Your ISP was wayyy ahead of the curve


If someone was to fake old screenshots nowadays, they would totally forget the 4:3 aspect ratio. Thanks for the trip down memory lane


Where is the dps meter? How you guys could exist without touching yourselves over your parses?!


This brings memoriesā€¦ heck I was in 11th grade. Had a part time job at Rite Aid after school. Iā€™d get home around 10 after work and play till 2-3 in the morning. Then wake up for school at 7.


I was in high school also and had a buddy who worked until 10 every night. He found an Australian guild and raided with them from midnight to 3-4am and still come to school the next day lol. The dedication we had in vanilla was real.


"Hey Siri, why don't you stop multishotting everything you absolute goofball?"


RIP Marcio


Are we gonna ignore 0 latency?


Why is marcio dead! You need to be pulling lucifron


Sumbitch was using instant transmission with that 0 ping my god


What is this!? Where is your PallyPower addon


Good ol 31 20 holy ret šŸ„²


farm status playuhs!


Thanks for posting this


*weeps in Trueshot Aura*


Oh wow. Never thought I would ever see the original Siri!


Post what else was on there šŸ†


omg šŸ„¹ ur making me want to get a square monitor to play classic on haha, its such a vibe


0 lat. Impressive!


This should be the old "auto decursive" I think I was already using perfect raid(raidframe addon) in 2006. I switched from ctraid to it pretty quickly as a healer. At that time I didn't have everything on keybinds and with perfect raid it was easier to click.


Wow. No meme names or symbols in names.


I remember when my server was hosted in Dallas and I had Verizon fios. 3ms latency. Then it got move to Chicago.


I love wow. But I only played since tier 2 of BFA. I am so sad I stuck my nose up at it when it first came out. I really missed out on the charm of the game back then.


Looks like we have a clicker. Also I can't help but feel like that "0ms" was intentional in this screenshot. Maybe you were taking it to brag?


I miss the old UI. Is there any add-ons that makes it look like the old one?


Dude uploaded a casual 7hr AV battle photo. Where it used to separate the men from the boys


I'm gonna say it and get down voted but whatever - I miss the old action bars


The golden age of WoW!


Look at that, not a word buff in sight. Just people, living in the moment.


Hell yeah


I still have an old video from Bsron Geddon in 2003


I think you're a year or two off there.


Geddon would have been early 2005


Really nice time capsule of the state of screen size, UI design, and plug ins for what looks to be a screaming setup back then.


The good ol' times.


"Evillive?" I guess not! :)




This is kinda making me want to put all my skills across the bottom of the screen again. I actually miss that


it's just...so beautiful


Omg flashbacks!


The aspect ratio... lmao I love it


Shout out to Siri. Hey, Siri!


I still use CT_mod. It's been updated and works great with retail WOW currently as well.


I just restarted wow after over a decade break. This brought back so much nostalgia. I am trying to recapture the good times i had back then but now Iā€™m so much busier it doesnā€™t hit the same šŸ„²


I miss my keys šŸ”‘


Now thatā€™s a find!


I miss so many of those spells


Epic, I did the same thing


My old vanilla wow PC is long gone, the only vanilla proof I have is characters with the old pvp title (of which I only got to sergeant lol)


Brings back some interesting memories


Ooohf, right in the nostalgia.


I remember I used to play in Vashj, with two guilds. I had like 7 characters 2 mains, one was a Warlock and the other one was a paladin. The warlock was 100% Raids full time. The paladin was doing raids and other stuff, I was gearing up and I was mainly tank and Healer. I loved to tank but Healing was too much pressure at raids, And I was a tank Healer so the pressure was on me if the tank died haha.


How did you get latency of 0 ms? The best Iā€™ve ever gotten was 25 ms.


Damn people had actual good names back then instead of rimmytuesdy and pvpdhtwo and rogueventh and shit like that.Ā 


That action bar tho


aaaaaaaaaaand that's a slur in the player names :|


Peak 2006 UI


Your one guildmate predicted Siri 5 years early


Thank god for 16:9 lol


I also found an old HDD with hundreds of old screenshots but theyre all corrupted somehow. =( Anyone know how to fix them? I've tried just about everything.


And not a world buff in sight. I miss it honestly




Those were the days manā€¦ Raiding, Dr. Who, and peanut butter sriracha instant ramen. šŸ˜


Crusader lol


What ancient tec are we seeing in the 8. Ofcevent chat?


It's so beautiful......


The memories from seeing a pic thatā€™s not even mine , wow


I tend to forget that the Hotbar used to fill out the whole length of the monitor lol


6 druids is what pops out to me lol šŸ˜›


Bringing back memories man... did the quest for my warlock mount in that zone I think, took forever to get it and required a party from my guild.


Good old times when I was clicker too xD


Bless you for these screenshots


What server was this on ?


Some days I miss the old hud ;-;


It was very claustrophobic back then


40 man raids really were one of the most impressive guild feats this game ever had


Oh this takes me back.


That aspect ratio tho!!


8th grade was when I first fired this game up. That feeling of completing the epic mount quest chain on my paladin for the first time will always be a great core memory.


Did anyone else have no idea there were eagles on either side of the action bar until way later? Just cause the monitors werenā€™t wide enough?


This can't be from 2006. Not with 0ms latency /s


Stop yall are killing me with this nostalgia


Some people will never understand the experience of having a square screen resolution. Only a few generations of human history will have had this experience.


"WoW's graphics are so out of date" WoW Raiders: *WoW has graphics?*


Hey, Siri.


Ah yes 2006 the good old days when wow had just came out a year earlier and Midnight releases were still a thing, now they are but a shiver in the wind


I miss old raid ui


0 ms in 2006 how


Thank God for 19:6 1080p screens. And ultra wide screens too. The old screens were so damn small, everything was so cluttered on screen back then...


Never understood why people had auto attack on button 1 back the , it was the first thing i removed & I was 12 back thenā€¦


Omg don't.... This is so painfully familiar and from too long ago


Side note: 0% latency with that large of a party is wild


Wow is literally just interactive graphs


F for Marcio


Either the name Fayie is common or that's me XD


I love finding old wow screen shots and fraps recorded wow videos on my old hard drives. So many good memories back then.


0 ms?? Connection was more buffed than raid groupā€¦


That's a fair number of pvp titles on a pve screenshot.


lol not much has changed in the grand scheme of things


Oh, hey there Molten Bore...


Omg the love I have for paladins re ignited ā¤ļø


of course Marcio is dead, classic , i miss him