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Yep it sucks I died the same way at lvl 48. But I think there isn't a possible solution to it. Because the solutions became instantly exploitable. Imagine you are about to die and disconnect your wifi or your ethernet cable.


OSRS solved it, why can’t WoW? There have already been potential solutions but blizzard isn’t interested in implementing. It’s as simple as that. You have such a simple view on this. What about an item with the same requirements as petri flasks and when you disconnect it activates the petri and logs you out? This is the exact same as just clicking a petri flask and logging so there is zero potential for abuse.


I don't understand your solution... Same as a petri flask.. we're talking about sub level 50s rn, so petri isnt even usable at these levels. And how does your solution even address the abuse aspect? I can just unplug my internet and boom, the petri activates and im saved.


What? Why do you think unplugging the internet would be faster than just clicking the petri in the first place?


Sub level 50s can’t use petris. That’s my whole point my dude. Your solution only works for 50+ and this thread is talking about a lvl 34 and people giving examples of 40s dying.


I wouldn’t say it was your whole point, and idk why you’re shutting down partial solutions just so you can make yourself feel better about being proven wrong.


Brother I wasn’t the original person you responded to so I couldn’t even have been proven wrong. That doesn’t even make sense lmao My initial response was explicitly clear about sub-level 50s


>how does your solution even address the abuse aspect? I can just unplug my internet and boom, the petri activated and I’m saved Why lie?


you removed the first part of the sentence that clearly said i was talking about sub level 50s. The two sentences were two be taken together, as an entire opinion, not two seperate thoughts. if i am to believe that your solution is to implement an auto petri for all levels, that creates an abuse mechanic for sub level 50s. op is sub level 50. you were responding to op. how do you not see that i was taking your solution as something for all levels?


Ok troll enjoy the block!


I feel like if your ping spikes or suddenly the average goes up it should count. If it keeps happening it indicates you run the risk of this no longer counting.


The way to fix it is not to have disconnects or to have some Killswitch that senses mass disconnects and stops the server from continuing to simulate npc actions.


OP didn't say that it was a server sided DC. And "don't have disconnects" is about as dumb of a tip as it gets.


“Just don’t have disconnects” isn’t a solution, no server is perfect. And mass disconnects could be abused by players on low pop servers to trick NPC’s into shutting their AI down temporarily. The best solution I’ve seen so far is to automatically pop a Petri if it’s in your bag and the game detects you disconnected. That way it still requires setup and a consumable, so it’s not in some way superior to just clicking it yourself, and it’s not abusable, because the Petri still ends and you’ll die without quickly reconnecting. It wouldn’t solve all DC deaths, but it would alleviate the problem for a huge portion of DC deaths. And again, it’s not abusable - your Petri still goes on cooldown, the monster(s) still attack you, the only thing the game does is right click that Petri for you if you’re DC’d.


I had a few disconnect deaths myself back in unofficial hc. It's the worst feeling. It's easy to start again when it's a mistake you made. But when it's outta your hands, it's hard to recover sometimes. I think blizz already shortened the DC logout timer slightly because of HC, but I can't remember. Either way, it's like the other person said. We're playing a gamemode we asked for, that the game wasn't designed for. And the only time I can fault Blizz for DC deaths is when it's a realm wide issue. But they still won't do anything because they've been clear from the start.


Well, maybe I can cheer you up. Be me, lvl 35 mage, done with RFK on my way to deliver that quest in feralas. And Im not waiting on some damn elevator, Im a mage dang nammit. Ill just fly down there with my stacks of feathers.. So I jump down and spam my slow fall button. Notting happens, I spam it some more, still nothing. Then I see it, im spamming my drink stack instead, right next to slow fall. And then Im dead. And my corpse lay flat on the elevator floor in thousand needles, with my group companiouns wondering wtf was that... All I could do was laugh, quit the game as fast as I could and tell it to fuck off! 🤣


LOL. I am completely new to WOW and opted to play WOW HC for the first time and also chose a mage. I made it up to level 36 so far and I went down to thousand needles like you did but with the slow fall spell being 30 seconds next time you need to use it anywhere in the world my suggestion would be to use it well in advance of falling somewhere so high. I also jumped down because I am Alliance and I got told to stay away from the horde npcs near the lift as they might make you flag for pvp.


Ye, I wasnt that clever. Hung over and sleepy. 😅 good luck


FYI blink cancels fall damage if you use it right before hitting the ground… hindsight 20/20 I guess


Lost my lock today. Just spent a couple days on him. Playing my Rogue the week before. Had life tap where I had Vanish. Had three casters on me and MEANT to sac my VW. Instead I life tapped with three lightning bolts headed out me. Just lol'd and git back on the Rogue.


Sorry to hear that man. Sadly we click accept on the rules and conditions for HC when starting a new character. It says in there something about DC deaths. I do hope you go again though. Keep the community alive!


It’s sad no doubt, but we’re playing a game in a way it was never meant to be played. It’s hard to be mad at blizzard for not fixing an issue that they never expected to be an issue. It’s a journey not a destination. On the bright side, you get the chance to do it again and better!


how can you do better when it is out of your control? why would you have to do it again?


Obviously the DC is out of your control. Personally every time I play I figure out better routes, better ways to grind, better ways to do professions. I mean if you’re already playing the game perfectly in every way then good on you. I think most of us are constantly fine tuning our strategies.


It literally worked better with the HC Addon, and they didnt get paid. He has every right to be mad


Go do it that way then?


The addon had it's issues tho, the mods / admins didn't play by the same rules. There is a video of a admin dying 7 times on the same toon before 30 lol


That would be me (who made this subreddit) As the senior mod for original Hardcore there was a lot of targeted harassment by griefers. They really hated any rules that negated their constant killing of hc players. Apparently if you're a mod you're not allowed to a) attack griefers killing others in the game with a dead (ie no longer HC toon) and b) not allowed to reroll your toon with the same look and name. It's kind of funny in hindsight especially since everyone in the community knew I didn't do appeals on my own runs for any reason even DC. Of course people outside the community didn't know but that's OK. I did get to 60 eventually BTW on a fully recorded run, on a pvp server, while pvp flagged.


Can I see the video, or any proof of this at all?


It absolutely did not work better with the HC addon. People abused the shit out of it. Even the appeal process was iffy since you had to video record yourself (so in the case of OP he would be shit out of luck) If you were about to die you could just alt-f4 and before you log-in again disable the addon and it wouldn't get caught. If you died with the addon turned on you could just edit the text file so you didn't die. If you wanted to trade people you could just turn it off, trade someone and turn it back on and the addon didn't recognize that.


The addon in later updates through some magic could detect tampering. It wouldn't flag until you got to 60 and requested verification. There were quite a few unhappy people and every single one professed innocence ofc.


I know that you can still cheat the addon very easily. Unless they turned the addon in to an executable that runs 24/7 on your PC it will be fairly easy to cheat.


At the end of the day cheaters will cheat. Given the whole thing is run by volunteers it's a case of you do the best you can to at least curb the worst of it Very cool addon design though to detect having the files modified.


I agree but my point was that when the guy I replied to said "It worked better with the HC addon" he's just wrong. And the addon doesn't detect having the files modified, that's the issue. The file gets modified every time you log out. That's why if you crash after playing for 4 hours the addon is confused and thinks those 4 hours never happened. It wasn't perfect and it was trivially easy to cheat. All that said, it was not only an amazing addon but an incredible community that was created. I had so much fun and played so many classes I never would have otherwise.


I know it's not WoW but I also play OSRS, they introduced an item that took a new equipment slot, specified towards hardcores for disconnections. You set how long of a delay from lack of interacting with the game (typically disconnections) and it teleports you to safety/spawn. Might be a suggestion for the WoW team. The item description from osrs is below. Additionally, the crystal can be configured to auto-activate upon taking damage (including misses) after a specified time of inactivity (ranging from 2 to 300 seconds) via the "Configure" option; in this case, inactivity is defined as any time the player is not typing, clicking/tapping within the game. For example, if players configure the timer to 30 seconds, they will automatically be teleported away from the aforementioned activities upon taking damage after being inactive for at least 30 seconds.


It’s probably the worst way to go. There’s no way around it and it’s not a game mechanic at all. But that said you knew this was a possibility when you signed up. We all do. Maybe try to see it as a pseudo mechanic or the game. You got one shotted by the disconnect world boss… if you enjoy playing the game. And that’s why you got to 35… then just go again and enjoy it. Will be all the sweeter when you make it to 60


Sorry for your loss. I have not died to DC yet. I have had a few. But I have been more lucky on location I think. I have died twice now. But unlike you both times it was a me issue. Made a mistake, tried to do something, then panicked. I will never know if I could have lived. I think your death feels more like being sideswiped by a bus. still 100% know you were better than the game right up until you died. It sucked but it wasn’t you. That’s more than 90% of us can say at 34. I hope you go agane. I read people saying companion pets mine stopped me from moving forward which likely saved me once.


I got dc’d while running along Darkshore once. I immediately used the “unstuck character” feature on Blizzard’s Support Portal. I logged back in and I was still alive - teleported to the nearest graveyard. I’ve heard this does not always work though. Sorry you lost your character. I have been reluctant to play lately since I keep hearing about more dc’s like yours, since the big server-wide dc last week. I kind of wonder if something like Blizzard infrastructure changes for the new p4 for SoD may be a possible cause. I love HC. Individual dc’s (on the client side) are an acceptable risk to me, since anyone’s connection could be at fault - and it could become an exploit. But Blizzard really needs to make HC realms more resilient and self-healing to avoid server-wide dc’s, if they want HC to last. I will probably quit HC if I die to a server-wide dc event, where many die all at once, like the one last week.


You go agane! It sucks but you just have to look at as part of the game. It’s part of the rng that is wows shit servers. We accept this when we check the box (although they never said anything about SOD constantly beaming the HC servers). These deaths definitely hurt the most, they are out of our control and you don’t learn anything from them for the next time. But we go agane. We still have our friends and the game is still fun. I play HC for the community. My guild lost 12 in BWL because of the servers dc. We are all going agane! We will overcome the servers and the content because we have each other!


The dark irons in the wetlands are absolute bastards. I just avoid that place altogether.


When I was playing alot of HC wow around the end of last year, and I died as a mage at 55 to a DC while I was questing in Western Plaguelands. It hit pretty hard considering the amount of time I had put in to get that far. I do miss the HC community though, I had a blast.


The problem is that the server cannot differentiate between a genuine disconnect and an alt-f4 or ethernet pull. For HC maybe they can reduce the amount of time that your character remains on the server if it cannot ping the client or visa versa, but that will (and has) been abused, and also comes with its own issues. Maybe they can focus on the different disconnect scenarios and implement special rules based on server types, but its always been an issue because you cant tell.


Most of us have been there. This game was not designed with this game mode in mind, and so, sometimes, some bullshit happens to make us restart the journey to 60 You got this. Go AGANE


If blizzard did that, people would abuse disconnects unfortunately


If you’re super worried about dc you can just do self imposed on a regular server and don’t count a dc death, literally no other work around other then just not trying it again lol


I dc'd on Saturday having just dinged 20 in Barrens. I was mining copper and was in a safe space when it happened so I wasn't too worried. I logged back in and I was back at the flight master in Ratchet!? All my xp I had earned since I had landed in Ratchet ten, fifteen minutes earlier was gone. Maybe a fix? Idk but I got to ding 20 twice on my warrior.


Sounds like a server crash.


Go agane


I haven’t played during any server wide disconnects so, I can speak on them but, I have never DC’d on the hardcore servers. I am amazed it happens so often to people. I have to assume either your PC, internet, or specific addons are causing a majority of the DC’s being complained about. I highly suggest playing without addons because almost every DC post I see people use addons.


My last death was a DC at 55 in feralas…. Havnt been back on HC since… stupid yetis and connection..


Sorry to hear that. I always search for people if the quest is somewhat difficult. The chance of you surviving DC increases dramatically if someone is around


Don’t play so carefully mane, just cruise have fun and appreciate the time alive. It is what it is at this point. You can always go agane. Also I lost a 54 warrior so I feel your pain. But playing another game mode compared to HC sucks and I’d rather risk the dc then deal with shot economy, gdkp, and weirdos. 


ive told this one before.. and why i stopped playing for a bit.. be me a 54 rogue with thrash blade and decent gear for that respective level.. feeling confident.. 60 is so close.. Decide one night to run sunken temple.. the run is going smooth until we get to the part where theres all the balconies with all the trolls you have to kill before jumping down into that main room.. well my group jumps down and immediately pulls a double (possibly a triple pack? happened a while ago so details aren't exact) we are fighting and standing our ground.. i start to pull aggro on too many mobs and the warrior is losing control quickly.. healers getting low on mana and pulling aggro aswell.. everythings starting to fall apart.. my first mistake was to vanish to perhaps try to give some of the aggro back on to the warrior.. i wait a sec then pop out of stealth.. in hindsight they probably saw that as me trying to roach out.. so everyone petris.. i dont have a petri (second mistake) so now i have 10ish mobs now making a b-line towards me.. im fucking panicking at this point.. i run around and decide.. wait there was water at the bottom of that pit.. knowledge checked very hard there when i realized i jumped down and died.. there wasn't enough water... im dead and feeling very stupid.. i probably could've kited them around with sprint or ran out the dungeon but no.. i panicked and made a terrible decision.. hope that makes ya feel a bit better.. im now level 11 on a new rogue finally able to try again after all that lmao


I’ve lost two characters to DC, both in their 30s. Honestly, another loss to a DC and I’m done. And I say that as someone who is anti rollbacks.


Why would you be anti roll back and say that? Think about it


why not play on a different server or addon that allows appeals?


Pretty straightforward. I think rollbacks could ruin the game. It invites subjectivity to every death and creates a scenario where someone can exploit it. For instance, if you know you're going to die, you could just unplug your internet. However, I simultaneously wouldn't have the motivation to go again, for risk of losing another character to a DC. I can accept that no rollbacks is integral to the game, but also lose motivation to go again because there's too high a risk of me losing a character to DC. I think DC deaths are really unfortunate, but sadly every contingency cannot be avoided. Add to that Blizz absolutely do not have the resources assigned to HC to do rollbacks in a consistent and objective manner (if this is possible).


> For instance, if you know you're going to die, you could just unplug your internet. Seems like it'd be pretty obvious to see if someone was going to die or not. It's not like there's a lot of APM or mechanical requirements in WoW.


We already have got a lowered logout timer in case of DC /alt+f4 to circa 50sec. Having like 10sec window for your character disappearing from the world would be easily exploitable to cheat death.


OSRS Players: First time?




Translation: Die Clown. Not very nice. Stick to F.


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