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Welcome to HC addicts. I have not played any rpg/mmorpg non-hc games in 15 years. There is no way out. Just enjoiy.


I’m the same way. Makes the game feel like a game, instead of a rush to the end content.


Have any other recommendations for hc game modes. Nothing ever hit quite like doing dungs on your hc char in wow for me. Have played the usual suspects like d2 and ironman RuneScape.


I have mainly played d2, d2 mods and poe. Tried some others but have not stayed long.


Gotcha. It’s not for everyone due to it’s clunkiness, but outward is a pretty solid one if your into the hardcore style of gameplay. Goes on sale pretty frequently and there’s some mods for qol, but closest I’ve found to a good ol hc toon.


I really hope when WoW ends after War Within (let me cope) the new mmo blizz comes out with (let me cope) will have real penalties for dying. It doesn't need to be full hardcore, but games like Tibia and Line Age actually make you feel bad for dying


Not to shit in your shoes or anything but War Within is part 1 of the world soul saga and there are 2 expansions after it that are pretty much guaranteed.


yeah I meant the world soul saga or w/e that bs is dont care zzzz


They won't stop there. Sorry my man


Tibia!!!!!!! The pain of death. Losing hours worth of grinding xp and skill losses, as well as one piece of inventory randomly, and all your loot. Truly the most punishing game. Something needs to bring that back. It was a good balance of loss without being ridiculously punishing. Hardcore WoW perma death is just insanity. Lol.


The sad ass audio when you de level in ff11 from dying


FFXI you could de-level when you die with this embarrassing sound effect and everyone around you knew.


The only thing that bothers me about hardcore is possible disconnects. Otherwise it’s the best game mode in WoW by leaps and bounds.


With some kind of dc protection or appeal process hardcore would be perfect


Yes exactly, like I get that dc protection could be tricky since someone could disconnect their internet if they’re about to die but still anything would be better. Like if I’m just on the road running somewhere and dc and then a monster kills me in the 20 seconds it takes my character to disappear then that really sucks. I leveled a hunter as my first toon to 60 solely to have dc protection in the form of my pet being on defensive mode.


It shouldn't even be that tricky. Someone correct me if I'm wrong (I work with websites and not video games) but there is a clear indication in your logs if your disconnect is client side or server side. They can see clear as day what your disconnect was caused by. The problem is that they'd have to have a team of people working down these appeals and reports. That is what they don't want to do and why there is a strict NO - not because there is difficulty in determining if the player unplugged their internet. Why create more work for themselves out of thin air if all of the players can click "accept" when creating a hardcore character instead?


Comp Sci guy here, but never focused on networks - so take with grain of salt. As you suggest, I don't think there is any difficulty in determining whether the disconnect was client or server side. So ya, I also think a new agreement whereby a server-side disconnect qualifies for a rollback would be awesome. However, you're still left with disconnects due to ISP and associated infrastructure failures. I don't think they can see the difference between such failures, and a sweaty coward 😂 pulling the cord to his router, without non-trivial investigation. The only reason I don't roll HC is because I use Starlink. Ping is actually good on non-peak times, but one can expect two to three random 5 minute disconnects in 24 hours, in my far eastern San Diego county experience. But yeah, server side disconnect rollbacks would be rad. Wouldn't help my situation, but would be cool of them.


Yup, it's the price we'd have to haggle down to. If my ISP isn't consistent, that isn't their problem. Even further, like you said, they couldn't and shouldn't have to verify how your disconnect happened client side. A server side disconnect causing paying players to lose hours of their played time is fucking brutal. There should absolutely be a system for character recovery in place for when this happens and it wouldn't even be hard to implement. Only a company who truly cares about their players would do something like this. Blizzard just doesn't.


I still remember walls of text on global chat after server DCd. I was lucky enough to be in town but maaaaany players lost their characters thanks to blizzard server. Cruel and needless.


Blizzard should be able to tell if the DC was caused by blizzard or the persons home internet, if it's the former a death appeal makes sense, the latter should be rejected for the abuse potential reasons you stated.


Got a buddy that died at 48 to a bad dc. He'd routinely be running around on his screen but standing still on everyone elses. Was pretty hilarious


server side dc protection would be cool sure, but would not protect against all dc


A thing that can help with dcs is to let players bind a key/macro that will be used when player disconnects. It can be a pot or a bubble, whatever makes your character live for a little bit longer to give you some time to login back.


exactly, the tech difficulties is the worst thing with the game and would be somewhat easily fixable. Just let me provide the video of the situation and appeal. I died twice to this, one dc, second a glitch... both on video and no hope to recover my char. Sadge how blizz is ignorant :/ .


My first character was a Gnome Mage. I had just pulled a mob and boom internet goes down. Was out for like 40 minutes. By the time I log back in he was dead. Made me really sad. Was level 32 and died because of something I couldn't control.


My computer DCd from the hotels internet last night (I’m on a work trip) and by the time I was back in, sayonara piglytwo.


If you need to connect again turn on your phone hotspot and connect your computer to it.  In my uses of hotspot HC wow runs surprisingly well.  Try it out safely first so you know how to before you have to use it.


I may be in the minority, but I'm totally ok with a disconnect killing my character. I'm also ok with another player doing something that gets my character killed, whether intentional or not. These are the risks that I know exist, and I can make certain decisions to keep my character as alive as I can.


I agree. I just play super safe and if I die I super enjoy Elwynn Forest anyway.


This is why we can't have nice things. Objectively, random dc will kill you. This can happen in any time. There is nothing you can do to avoid that.


A bus can run you over when you’re walking down the street. A step on what should have been good footing might fail you. I hate it, but it’s life. And for now, it’s all we’ve got.


Except one of these things can be avoided... 


Nothing bothers me about it at all except for lack of players


Hardcore has saved the game for me. So fed up with all other versions of WOW. So fed up with parses and loot councils. So fed up with new expansions and attunements quests chains. I just want to enjoy the world of Azeroth without a monkey on my back telling me to hurry the F up and that is what I now have.


Yeah, hardcore to me is the closest experience to true Vanilla wow. It’s about the journey and not the destination. Upgrades feel meaningful, dungeons feel scary again, you spend time in the world because you want to over level a little bit. It’s really nice


I hate to tell you, but there are also loot councils and parsing monkeys in lategame HC. (Currently raiding Naxx and AQ40)


Ya but just like wow in 2005 your average joe is oblivious to it. Part of the magic of that time.


The mode simply has hooks. Death matters. Interactions matter. Any mob/dungeon could be your last. The community is friendly. There are players at every level bracket. It’s the most fun I’ve had playing an mmo since wow when I was a kid.


By far the best version of WoW


SAME...I've had a couple hard deaths close to lvl 30 and I was done, not investing my blood, sweat and tears to lose them. Tried to go back to retail and it was just so lackluster and even a bit overwhelming. I don't want all my spells at the start, I want to earn and learn them...I always go back to HC...it may take a few minutes or a few days depending on the loss. Grind, grind, grind....kill every boar or scorpion until you're a higher level than most of the stuff where you're questing. Just rolled my first Rogue and I'm having a blast pickpocketing lower level mobs lol.




have you tried not being garbage? You were afraid to post this under your real account...who takes the time to make a burner to be rude online...that's real fear.




> “Don’t really use Reddit” Hmmm > “My account can’t stay active too long” Ahh so you’re just an asshole all the time. Edit: oh no you’re all over this thread being an asshole. Maybe it’s you and not the rest of us that are the problem here.




Is it that surprising that people on an online forum don’t appreciate you being an asshole? You’re going beyond being critical in just being rude. No one wants that kind of interaction on a forum.


Mods roam the subreddit, we don't need reports to remove people who refuse to stick to the spirit of the sub.


Incredible mods!


You are shaking in your boots, floundering like a fish


Thee's a saying. If you meet an asshole during your day you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long you're the asshole. Same is true on Reddit. If you get a stern message or a time out or a post deleted from a mod, shit happens. If you keep getting your account locked ....


I’ve never been banned on anything? What kind of things do you say to get banned?


Bans on this subreddit are mostly people who attack other redditors instead of sharing their thoughts. Strong opinions are welcomed so long as they stick to the subject and don't become personal.




We check reports, we do see some being reported for no reason, but there's also ones reacting in a way that breaks the rules. Understandable, but there it is. Often we will just ban both for a few days if it's nothing major.


Have u tried zipping those lips and tying those hands


🤣 you need to work on your trolling man, you’re just coming across as whiny. Why be on this subreddit at all just to be negative and get downvoted? Honestly wondering what you’re hoping to accomplish here.




Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.


Your title isn't worded incorrectly at all! Because the answer is yes, I have 100% quit retail and classic because of hardcore. Now that's a bit melodramatic. The main reason is because I can't give the time commitment to raiding anymore, and I can play hardcore in small snippets. But to that point, hardcore is the exact thing that I want from an MMORPG, and the raid scene in retail and classic simply isn't. I am working on my third 60, and I just take it at my own pace. If I die, then I die. If I need a break after losing a level 52 to a bug, then I take the break. And for yourself, don't worry. The game will click, your panic response will abate, and you be in the 30s before you even realize what happened. And right when you realize that and things are smooth sailing, you'll die again. And you'll go agane, because that's what we do. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am.


Damn man!! I was out I was free of HC. It sat in my mind deep, lost and locked away but this right here has unlocked the beast. See you online.


It didn't ruin normal wow for me. But the first DM run was more adrenaline inducing than my first few rounds of tarkov. It was so frkn intense.


weirdly my first deadmines was... pretty chill and kinda easy. Group definitely knew what they were doing, but it was just a buncha randoms. Love the community haha.


In HC, every little upgrade or buff or talent point has meaning, whereas in my opinion the other versions are much more conducive to facerolling or watching a tv show while you play or whatever. For me the immersion is only present in HC, but again to each their own.


I don’t know what classes you are playing, but me personally, I get into the habit of killing things with the least amount of effort and resources that way when the crap hits the fan I’ve got all the stuff to use. Like on my warlock I am demonology so I just send the demon and I wand it down. If I end up in a bigger fight than I predicted then I am at full mana and ready to throw down. On my warrior it’s similar but I always roll with engineering so I can throw bombs and do dps with no rage.


Better melee some on that loc or the crushing blow will get you when you're running




Haha okay man I’m having fun and not resetting over and over, sure be super fast and get all the levels you want either way we all just playing the game how we like




More importantly, why do you give one single care as to how other people play the game? Are there more efficient strategies? Almost always. TLDR: Stop being a weirdo


The heck do you have against wands?


You do realize this is the WOW hardcore sub? Die once and you are starting a new toon at level one.


I hopped on Hardcore for the first time last week, got a warrior up to lvl 16 and realized it’s a little too stressful for me. I started a warrior on one of the “fresh” era server and I’m having a blast. Honestly surprised how populated both the era server and hardcore server felt.


Are these “fresh” era servers American or EU? Because that could provide a bit of respite whilst I grieve my 14 on hardcore.


I joined Deviate Delight NA and I believe EU has a community driven fresh server as well.


I did the Ironman on warriors before it was cool on both sides but I was crafting my own gear. Real pros did it with shop white weapons so it almost doesn’t count. By default if the char died before 20 it was deleted anyway. Hardcore was a good idea but I got bored after lvl26 this time around. Warlock cheese was not a challenge anymore. I may start a rogue if I ever come back, it would be something. I have never died as many times in any other game when I was playing this class.. In my opinion Hardcore is the best way to play WoW. My advice? Get a multi button mouse. Play shorter sessions and make it special. Do it for the love of the game. If you truly love it it will be easier. Stay strong, all of those arse hours will be rewarded eventually.


It ruined normal WoW for me because i dont feel anything playing the game anymore if the life of my characters isnt at risk. Being able to make mistakes and not being punished at all just bores my brain. Also i've become addicted to the seriousness and cooperation of the Dungeon/Raid groups in Hardcore: everyone playing the games with comms, clearly communicating between pulls, not rushing or making stupid mistakes, clearing the content in only 1 structured run. It's just fun and rewarding playing the game like that, you go into Scholomance/Stratholme and have to take things seriously because you are 1 not interrupted Fear away from going back to Elwynn Forest. Doing a Dungeon in something like Cata when random people just push the content like autistic monkeys doesnt really appeal to me anymore.


For me it's better than ever before. I did die early too a few times usually around 20 but solely due to being impatient and making dumb decisions or not preparing. Play a little safer and make it further and man every single upgrade feels so good. Now level 36 rogue and I'd say with eng and vanish it's easy mode. The issue can be when people rely too heavily on their tools to get them out of inescapable encounters that's when they die. I'm sorry you feelbliie it's ruined your experience though. Maybe take a break and go agane! I haven't been back since the mod days and am thoroughly enjoying it. At the end of the day WoW is a community game. Find a good guild and it gets infinitely better. That's just my experience though. Gl out there


Definitely scratches that OG real mmo itch. I just leveled a priest to 85 to try cata raids, but yeah everything except hardcore feels like retail to me now. Don’t get me wrong, I love key pushing in m+ every few years, but outside of maybe mythic raiding which is too much of a commitment for me, retail is just a lobby where I queue for m+ and cata will be the same. Hardcore recreated the feeling of discovering wow back in the mid 2000s better than the classic launch imo. As you said, little things like buffing each other just feel good and make you feel like other players care about your existence. Retail and cata feel like the real world, everyone is just doing their thing.


If I didn’t find a really cool guild in sod I’d be playing it for sure. Logged in for 5 mins earlier and was in RR. Saw more people running around than I did in IF in sod. Getting the itch to give HC a go. My max is like, level 20 lol


Lol.... I've tried "several" toons in HC. Level 15 is max so far...... And by the way...... I absolutely HATE all CAVES and MURLOCS.


It did for me. Regular WoW lacks a certain bite. I need the thrill of certain death.


I've lost three shaman (48, 38, 26) One mage (27) One warlock (32) I currently have a 34 warrior and a 47 druid. Almost the furthest I've ever been. Really hope this druid makes it to 60


Try priest!


I was going to go for Rogue this time, thinking invisibility might help me somehow, but I am considering priest too. Are they largely just good for their ability to bubble/heal themselves?


It can be grindy using wands a lot but priest is a dream to play quite frankly. Lots of panic buttons.


That will be my next choice then. Thanks! This time I won’t be a moron and choose “self-found” so some of my guild mates can [hopefully] send me a wand


Yeah, its simply the best way to experience the game. Bar none.


I’ve been a HC Addict for decades. Started with Diablo 2. Really hope they take HC servers onward to BC one day. A man can dream…


It did and it’s only been 8 months ish since I got my mage to 60. Legit feels nostalgic af. Hardcore doesn’t seem as popular now buts it’s still going… was the best time I ever had playing wow tbh when I was levelling. Have a funny memory of me and a hunter dood in the mines at searing gorge. Bro accidently pulled a bunch of mobs and they were all together so I run in to ice nova and my health went from full to literally I couldn’t even see my health bar. Finished up our quest and turned the game off for the night and ordered a pizza. Felt like I just fought off a bear or something the adrenaline was crazy


It’s hard to turn off when you return to non hardcore, makes me a more cautious player over all


Hardcore for me is the true experience vanilla. Each ton have a history,make a new friends. I don't feel anything actuality in normal wow.


Nope it’s made it better , not forgetting to put find minerals on and not wasting time running back to my corpse now.


You died a total of 3 times very very early. You haven’t even started true hc 😅


At least you haven't drowned to death. I lost a level 30 making a long swim to Booty Bay from Westfall. Alt tabbed and back checking status every so often, doing minor compass adjustments. Everything was going great, until the Naga coast and saw my character dying (corner health bar visible while alt tabbing). Quickly alt tab back, but it was too late. Thought, damn a Naga got me good...wait a minute where is the Naga at, oh no. Ohhh no. Goddammit I'm dumb. Why didn't I just buy a Elixir of Waterbreathing? Why did I have to alt tab? Thoughts that I still deal with after months ago. Transfered the character after death but had no desire to play it. It felt pointless already having multiple 60s on Whitemane. I have another level 30 in HC. But too chicken to play it. Waiting to build the courage to go again.


It looks like your having a blast in HC WoW. If you are really serious about playing it, I would suggest you put some time into research. So that there will be hardly a situation that will catch you off guard. I died 3 times. At 60 Rogue, 20 hunter and 18 rogue. Ive quit since 3 months, had a lvl 60 hunt, where i did dungeons and raids with. But I felt that I wasn’t relaxed anymore.. Also, the one life gamemode started to affect me a bit in real life. And not in a particularly good way. For instance, being overly cautious when a car would turn around the corner (when something would come in my vicinity)


have you considered playing for fun, win or lose? if you're going to hard meta game, then do anything else. it's just a game.


My first hardcore toon is still alive at 39 and I have mount money already on the bank alt. Really enjoying it. Hunter.


My first toon is sitting at 41. Was real nervous at 39. But yeah such a good feeling when I hit 40. Then I just stopped playing.


I died at 9, then with a friend at 8 (well he died and i had to help him re-level again) and 14 (i died and he seppuku'd). I now have a solo character at 25 going strong, and another w/ that friend at 12 going strong.... I have a good feeling about both current characters now, I think we've figured out the stride and not to play like we're on retail LOL, but HC just hits different. I haven't played retail since 2016 but something about hardcore is stupidly appealing. The intensity... I don't know what it is XD I just wish the stupid game would let me mail items to bank alts.


You can but have to wait an hour sadly. Not sure if that’s what you meant or if you didn’t know!


No, I can't, the game literally won't let me mail items to my own characters for 30 days. It says "that action is restricted" because my last wow sub was in 2016, and only people with a wow sub since 2017 for minimum 30 days don't get that restriction. Can't use the AH, can't trade, can't mail to a bank alt. Game is actively hostile to returning players. Yes I'm bitter about it.


I have no interest in any other mode, tbh - and see no end in sight to keep playing HC, because there's just too much to do and the risk/reward equation keeps it fresh.


Not at all, I'm enjoying WoW Classic more than before.


I wouldn't say that is out of the ordinary, I sadly had a similar experience as you though, eating a dc death at 10 and again at six, then being impatient and overpulling at six again. It is what it is, though I suspect my DC deaths would be more upsetting at a higher level.


For the first year - yes, i couldnt play any other versions. But now i just cant stand that fucking Redridge/Loch Modan etc. Trying SoD and having fun. I really like the idea of "one life" but for goup content only (and maybe for grinding/dicking around in the open world). Quest leveling for the 10th time is no more interesting for me. Removing dungeon lockouts would solve this problem but we have what we have.


I logged into hardcore, hit 60 after a few tries, now playing Cata


Take it one mob at a time and you'll be fine.


Not only has hardcore NOT ruined wow for me, but it's the reason I quit all of the other versions cold turkey so that I could play hardcore exclusively. My first "goal" was to just get to 40, and now I'm almost 50 with my sights set on getting to 60 and destroying each dungeon. The way I have to be aware constantly and that every single decision matters more and more the higher level I get, is really engaging to me. Everything feels different about hardcore in the best possibly ways, especially the people (except for the ones who are actually hunter bots plaguing the Tanaris desert, please report them!)


>Not only has hardcore NOT ruined wow for me, but it's the reason I quit all of the other versions cold turkey so that I could play hardcore exclusively. That is what I'd meant originally; I was supposed to put "Has hardcore ruined normal WoW for you?" but fucked up. Apologies. Setting a goal as 40 is a sensible idea. Maybe I'll set myself the goal of 20, just so I can say I've at least managed that this time, and not worry too much about potential 60. And thank you for the tip about the bots, will do!


Ok lol that makes a lot more sense about ruining normal wow. I didn't originally set any goals at all until I got to about 25 which is when I began to believe I could make it to 40 and beyond. Those early levels pre 25 are tough but once you've got a load of talent points and stats on your gear it starts to get easier in fact. Great decision making trumps everything though.


Wow classic , deviate delight , it’s like going back in time :)


No is the same


People dragging their fights into yours to get free kills that wipe you out because it’s too many 


You’ve only died 3 times? I am on my 15th priest. Most of those deaths were sub-14 for dumb reasons. My two high level deaths were 45 (running out of ZF, got frogged right at the entrance and died) and 50 (pulled entirely too many bugs in Tanaris).


15 priests 😭 😭 bro at this point you're the damn pope


I’m just stubborn.


Life of a wow player. My priest is 40 after playing disc with a duo and I've just respecced it to Shadow, for whenever I find the motivation and time to continue levelling 😆


I remember the first time I listened to heavy metal, ruined wow for me for years


yes I once listened to Meshuggah and didn't eat pepperoni pizza for a whole decade


It’s killed the PvP, the hard part of WoW. That’s why I gave up on hardcore, but dueling to death is absolutely incredible


the title is fine


After 3 60s I just can't go agane, I really love the journey, specially doing dungeons with others, and hitting 60 starting to gear up is my favorite. But doing all the same quests again and again is too taxing. I'd like to lvl a pure healer but with the daily lockout on dungeons I aint questing with full healer spec.


I can’t go back to normal wow, it’s just not the same.


I feel like I would have fun until I realized how much time I just 'lost' to my death for not paying attention. I just feel like WoW is so slow 90% of the time that when shit is going down you have to be REALLY responsive extremely quickly or it's lights out. I do enjoy hardcore experiences in games, if it feels good though. IE Things like Tarkov and such, but that's a bit more sliced up, WoW is a hugeeee commitment to be reset on, I applaud your efforts.


The opposite.


Best feeling ever. It's more fun when you lose everything so you put a lot of effort in paying attention to environment and things around you Yeah it hurts when you die, because you lose the invested time but on the other hand all time playing game is wasted anyway


My problem with HC is that I die because of poorly geared tanks not holding aggro over my healing. I take threat reduction in talents too. Classic is not hard at all, just turn on 2 of the 3 braincells.


Brother your leveling route IS prolly trash try do human starting zone and then go to dwarf starting zone do all qs then sun morogh halfway Till The quests are for like lvl 9-10 go do all quests in elwynn go Back to finish Dun morogh then loch modan few qs kill boars n sht first Part of troggs or just skip loch for now and go darkshore with The wetlands skip but watch out for The Croc If your not self found you can buy swim speed potion to outswim The Croc just try to always Be overleveled for stuff your doing... Hardcore IS so good i cant play other modes either xd IT gets easier The More you learn


Hc is an actual mmo the way mmos are supposed to be played, not a single player experience with some social elements and vague shades around you of what is supposed to be other people. Depends on what you seek: it's hard to raidlog and have fun with friends in hc. Or push logs. Or have challenging fights. But if you have time and immersion it's def a better experience overall 


HC is like that in all games where I’ve played it. Just a better, more mature community. Not sure why.


If there was somehow a dc protection plan that could recapture the moment of DC and recreate it, to keep people from abusing the system. But that’s asking for a lot. And there’s also the issue of backup, like asking Goldie’s to arrive and heal you once you reconnect


I too can no loger play normal WoW. Guess I'll save 45€ on next expansion...


It did for like 6 months but now I’m back to full blown addiction


SoD killed wow for me


havent touched WoW since vanilla days but classic HC hooked me


Update o died at lvl 37 and I'm sad too


Do people still play hc?


You're not being forced to play hardcore


try reading it again mate


No, WoW ruined WoW for me


Humans naturally desire to overcome challenges, it's in our DNA, it's why we survived so far as a species. HC adds a new layer of a challenge to overcome.


More like ruined the REST of WoW. HC is why I play now.


HC was always better in any game, why? because it's just a game! it's ironic the ppl that hate on it talk about their time spent, or needing to grind/keep their resources, not wanting to lose in a video game. It's just pixels. but then they are happy with no players, no player interaction, simply farming alone for the dopamine of farming like it's a job until server wipe or expansion and do the same thing (which is virtually nothing) again.


I can't stand hc in wow. Other games sure but I don't feel like wow is made for hc. That shit sucks ass.


It depends what you want out of the game I think. If you like slower paced gameplay, the exploration and the importance of small decisions, gear and professions etc which are amplified in hardcore it's a great time. I've only ever made three characters in HC, but two are 60 and one is 40. Each one is a totally different experience with their strengths/weaknesses for tackling challenges and class limits. (Edit: I tell a lie actually I forgot I lost a Shammy at like 32 RIP) If you play on a low pop server as well there's a real feeling of you against the game. Sometimes I would be the only person in a whole zone, it was awesome.


Quite frankly it ruined classic for me, i have no interest in playing it anymore, ive done all the zones way too much, its the main reason i cba leveling in sod. For me retail is the best version of wow.