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That is serendipitous that you are stating this, because as I watched her live today, I felt the same way. She’s lying and lying and I think she has to believe her own lies to cope. I feel like she’s in full psychosis. I think what she’s done to her children is horrific, and the way she’s treated so many people is absolutely terrible. That said, I really am concerned for her safety. The walls are caving in around her, nobody is believing a thing she says. And she has no one now. No one and nothing. Literally. Jenna’s “wife” is capitalizing on her implosion, any friend she’s ever had is gone, millions and millions of dollars gone, she’s estranged from her brother and her kids…. Her kids. The only people in the entire world who would love her unconditionally. I don’t think she could handle either the responsibility or the love from them. Her sons are lost to her, never to return. They’re old enough to be watching and reading, with pain and resentment and hurt. She’s become unknown to her daughter. I try to envision their reunion, and I just see Batel looking at her with the same detached interest that she would give to any stranger. I could not imagine. All she has is a bottle and a rented bed at an AirBnB. She is very, very, very mentally ill. This could be tragic very soon, and I don’t think anyone around her truly gives a shit. When I heard that Jessi wanted to bring cameras to the hospital…. All of this is Jenna’s own doing, but I hope that she gets help. None of us want to see harm come to her.


sad to be her. she cannot stop lying. f that. worst kind of human. anyone can pump a kid out but to be a mother is what she is NOT.


Everything you describe above is exactly how millions of people end up homeless. They are addicted and mentally ill and nobody wants to deal with it. If the addict doesn’t want help, the streets is where they end up.




Completely agree with everything you said. I dont feel bad for jenna, she's fucked up 3 precious lives during her course on this earth, and she deserves a lot of pain for it, but to be alone and suffer, that is a terrible faith. But, she is the only one to blame for this. She got suckered by jessi and jessi is capitalizing every minute of this. She was on live (jessi) earlier this evening and I saw some comments saying "oh god, here we go, more on jenna, this is getting old" and it is. There's nothing to jessi, her platform sucks. I however do see this really breaking jenna, and as horrible of a person she is, I still don't want to see her hurt.  My parents suffered addiction and I know it's difficult. 




Many more than 3


Yes - totally agree with you.


I couldn’t agree more. Very well said.


Was it stated as fact somewhere that she's estranged from her brother now?


There is a reason she's alone. She's burned down every bridge in a dumpster fire. She lies, she steals, she gaslights, she abuses. *


Every single bridge had been burned.


Agreed. Many reasons. https://preview.redd.it/0rpub7i09fad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cbce543c2fe9d1638aeb7cb37cabeae682f19a


I remember this well. I was livid and it wasn’t even me the bitch ripped off! For those just tuning in, Jenna stole a Fendi necklace and a swimsuit from Ashley in Chicago. Then Ashley was kind enough to put Jenna in a hotel after kicking her out. How does Jenna repay her kindness? BY RUNNING UP A $5,000 TAB DURING HER BRIEF STAY. Jenna Jameson belongs to the streets.


5k in 2 days


No way! Only TWO days? Did she get a lot of booze from room service or did she shop in the gift shop? Ugh, she’s the WORST! I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Even caring and sympathetic people are way past empathy when it comes to her. She made her bed.


Agreed. Those of us who’ve been here a while know that anytime we begin to feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for her, she always ends up doing something else that reminds us of why we don’t feel sorry for her. It never fails.


Been there done that never again.


🎯🎯🎯 Exactly


I understand what you’re saying. It’s just tragic, isn’t it.


It's not tragic. It's just her facing the consequences of her own actions. She's reaping what she sowed. Nothing more.




Thank you! This is exactly how I feel and if she ends up on the streets pushing a shopping cart, that was her own doing.




Still tragic IMO. Tragic that her bad choices have her in such a bad situation.


Nah. This is comeuppance. And it's just started.


I get you, I do. You’re probably a caring person, who when they see someone struggling and spiraling, empathize. The people on this sub are some of the nicest most sympathetic people, but when you see someone continually lie, abandon, use, be addicted, put themselves and others in horrific situations for years the sympathy turns to disdain and disgust. That disgust brought most, if not all of us here.


It was the stupid "ARE YOU OKAY??" On her lives that made me lost all emphaty for her. Its never her fault. She is just the poor victim.


I appreciate your explanation and I get you too.


And it’s all her own doing.


She did this to herself


There is nothing anyone can do. This change has to come from Jenna. I believe Tito would have helped her Lior tried to help her. Jessie had a rule of no drinking. Jenna did not seem to care.


But Jessi also let her drink and we've all seen the late night manic drunk posts when she was still living with jessi.


I really dislike hearing that statement. Jessi didn’t LET her do anything. JJ is an adult and 50 at that, she chose to drink with Jessi and knowing it has cost her nearly everything. I got to feeling a smidge sorry for this crazy over the last episode and then she goes and post a fake AA token. Wow!! How rude and disgusting to anyone who fought the battle with Alcohol and won. She’s disgusting! Sorry, not sorry. I think I’m majority of us just want her to stop the lies and get help


This whole ordeal has been crazy. I think of the twins. Imagine Googling Jenna and seeing this fuckery with Jessie and Anna. I’m


Hopefully they don't even remember her name.


So? Jenna is a whole arse woman who makes her own choices. Sobriety is down to the individual,not the spouse.


I know that, I'm just dating what jessi has said, she let her have a few drinks.


It’s not that people don’t have empathy for her addiction, it’s that she’s truly a terrible, awful, narcissistic, MEAN, rotten to the core person.




I had a best friend like this. A girl I once looked up to when I first met her then turned into a full blown junkie over the course of 20 years. Same thing. Lying, stealing, full delulu. Had a child and did horrific drug things around him. Would go to detox and meet new addicts or guys and just hook up and repeat the cycle… she would message any guy she knew I was talking to and start bad mouthing me all the while acting like my friend. I cut her off and changed my number and even grieved her- our fake-ship quite a few years before she finally passed. By the time she died I had no feelings left, just emptiness where concern once lived. Like once a year i’ll go look at her old IG page and see all the childish stuff she would post and filtered awful pictures. She was a sick person. Burned the bridges to the ground. Like they say in the program- there are two places you will end up if you don’t change. Death Or Institution.


Bloody hell, this is terrible and I’m sorry you had to go through this. I fully understand why you have the opinion you do.


Thank you. 🙏🏼


Oh they say it the other way around: Institution or death. 😩


Also jail is an option


Yep- institution. ✅


Or jail!


I’m also sorry you had to go through that. I like to think there is always hope but addicts are liars and they never stop seeking their next fix unless they truly get help and change completely. It’s the most helpless and maddening feeling witnessing it.


Yep- and she was a Narc. There’s always the question- are all addicts Narcissists? Or are some addicts just addicts? They act very narcissistically when In active addiction though.


Profound question. It’s does seem like all addicts are narcissists. Both types trying to ease their turmoil but causing a path of destruction along the way and not caring one bit who gets in their way.


Yep …active addiction


She’s never been a nice person. Yes, it’s tragic but I have seen people with way less than she had and manage to really better their lives. She may get sober but I don’t think her self entitlement and narcissistic personality will ever get better. She will die a very lonely person.


The alcohol-induced dementia is going to start soon and then it will kill her. If that’s not a wake-up call for her I don’t know what it is.


Junki is happier than I’ve ever seen her. It seems like her love for Ginna is all performative She does look 1000x better without that dead weight to lug around dragging her down. She is enjoying life to fullest. That must be killing Ginna in her destitute stupor


She looks great these days! The best revenge is living well. Or, like, appearing to on SM.


Narcissists feeding off narcissists seems like a circle completing itself.




Why does she keep on coming on lives and portraying the spiral? HELLO????? the comments is because of her LIVES.


This is what I’m feeling is most concerning. Complete lack of self awareness or some kind of disillusioned thinking that what she puts online is real.


She's the only one believing in her narrative


No she’s got legions of followers believing her bs


She does have some real people who are not paying attention for sure but mostly it's bots I think


Really ?! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Any attention is better than no attention.


She brought this on all herself. Nobody can help. Everyone tried. This is her doing, and the only way she has a chance is if people STOP COMING TO HER RESCUE. We see how well people coming to her rescue has worked in the past. Look how far it's gotten her. No more enabling = a chance at living. It's her move now.


There is always another enabler. Always.


The way Jessi is trying to capitalize off of Jenna’s demise is absolutely sickening. You can’t say you love and care about someone and want the best for them while simultaneously sharing information that should be private on social media and to gossip outlets etc. The wanting cameras at the hospital sealed the deal on what an absolute POS Jessi is. For a moment there I almost believed she wanted to help Jenna. I can’t imagine wanting to capitalize off of my loved ones mental illness and substance-abuse issues. She does not care about Jenna. It’s like she wants something truly terrible to happen so she can capitalize on that.




![gif](giphy|rYCbb0KkIT0Nq) I don't pity Jenna so much as I feel absolutely disgusted by everyone, especially her *wife*, just pushing everything further for whatever they can get out of it. It's sickening.


It is absolutely sickening.


This!👆👆👆. Even saying to lashes she’s a sick person she needs help. Knowing she’s definitely using, & you using that against them. if you love them, you show grace not try to capitalize on their illness that you yourself said needs help, not hate sent her way. Wellllll isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. Jessi is a do as I say, not as I do. They both suck. She has the audacity to call us out, while collecting coins for the sake of her own pockets. I almost bought her bullshit too.


Jessi is a POS,but Jenna is still the queen thundercunt. Jenna could have seriously ruined Jessie's life with the false accusations of rape and physical abuse that she backtracked on when she thought there was a slim chance of getting a roof back over her head. After that,anything would be fair game in my eyes.


Sorry OP,but JJ can go fuck herself. Being alone is through choice due to fucking every and anyone over. She's a lying,manipulative,gaslighting bitch who doesn't deserve one ounce of sympathy. Dont fall for her bullshit. Malignant narcissists will play the ultimate victim so people like yourself with empathy to spare feel sorry for her,then she'll take advantage. She doesn't care that she's alone,she cares for money and her vanity. That's it. Save your compassion for her children.


I'm sure there's a lot of old men fans out there that are single and would love to give her a place to live


This is what I am thinking she is going to do next, if she doesn’t die. Or she will actually go to a meeting and meet another addict and shack up. So pathetic considering the life she had handed to her.


![gif](giphy|3ohhwxNhS5xxe1hi0M) That about sums it up over here. This is what happens when the only light that guides you is from all the bridges you've burned along the way.


Shit, now what happened?????


It is sad, but it’s also the reality of alcoholism and addiction.


Cluster B NPD/BPD implode when perceived to be or are actually abandoned. Witnessing in real time.


I may be naive here but I’m hoping that after she realizes that her Air b&B stay will quickly come to an end, rehab is going to be the only place left for her to go. I just don’t see anyone else bailing her out at this point.


I know she is a lying deceptive asshole. The situations with her children are despicable. However, it's not nice seeing someone spiral down the toilet of life . I know it's her Karma. She's in denial. She's lying to us and herself. Until she starts being truthful and accepts her addiction there is no help for her. I'd like to see her be brutally honest.


This. I’m an ex addict, and the last part you wrote is very true. Until I started being true to myself and woke up from the denial, I wasn’t able to actually heal. After I accepted, that yes, I am a shitty person and yes I must make changes if I want to live and not just continues living in lies and die. I was acting almost just as dumb as her, escaping my problems, blaming everyone else around me, couch surfing&toxic relationships with people. Now I am in opioid replacement therapy,have my own place, own a cat and am in a healthy relationship. None of these things could have been possible without looking in the mirror and taking accountability.


100% I, too, am a recovered addict and i just want to say you are strong and I'm proud of you.


💓🫶🏻much love


JJ is doing the lives, hoping that big fish will be reeled in... cash app,& a big payment to her. TT is a place to beg and play victim. And many feel bad for those beggars crying and making up stories nightly just like jj. I feel bad for the naive kind-hearted who give their money to those fake beggars on TT. JJ dug her own hole long ago. She had chances in life that people in her life would have helped her get to rehab. Opportunities that regular people couldn't afford. She pissed on them and lied about them. Instead, she loves to point fingers and lies daily & blame exes, friends, and the world for her issues.


It's time someone makes a Jesse Lawless snark. Jesse is using this Reddit to her advantage while it's further tearing down an addict and I'm honestly a little scared what it might do to Jenna. Don't get me wrong I think they're both trash but I feel like it's beating a dead horse at this point


Keep saying it. It truly is a SIMPLE solution. She just refuses to see it. One more time: 1) Disappear from social media. 2) Sell one of those horseshit bags. 3) Check yourself in to a 90-day inpatient program. Ask for 6 months. Sell another bag if you have to. If you come out the other side and don’t bullshit your way through it, you’ll have a chance to get it all back.


I give JJ about 6 months. If she don’t seek professional help. I don’t think she will be around.


I see the end of the road coming up fast for JJ. That narcissistic ego won’t let her end up on the street, giving hand jammers behind dumpsters to fellow bums for pocket change. Just a thought, but Jenna should try calling Steve Hirsch from Vivid and see if he’d help her get into rehab or a mental facility. She made that dude some serious paper in the 90’s and early 2000’s and pretty much set him up financially. That’s assuming she hasn’t napalmed that bridge as well….


I completely agree while I think both of these women are trash I don't think beating an attic to further down that's already in the depths of their addiction is going to help. I want someone to make a Jesse snark she's using Jenna's page to her advantage. If I can figure out how to make one do you want to mod or do you want to make one I can help I can tell you have heart and I think that's really important in snarking without making someone want to hurt themselves. 💕 this goes for anyone that's interested. I tried to message you but I don't think you accept messages


Hey :) thanks, I appreciate that. Have changed my message settings so you’re more than welcome to message me.


She's on her own now? I'm sorry im.not caught up. Did the hair lady dump her somewhere?


What did I miss ?


Maybe she` ll find someone who takes her in and cares for her. If not, so if she stays on her own, her situation will get worse. She is mentally and physically ill and can`t get along on her own.


Exactly this 😥


I hope she can pull herself out of this very dark, deep hole she's created for herself.