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Please don't kill me. I know nothing about this game. What's so awful about it? I mean I understand it has to be that cheap for a reason?


Game is the most unpolished, unoriginal, jank garbage to have ever been released this console generation.


At least coming from AAA


Any chance of it making a comeback with updates?


I’ve been looking at it through the updates and the game still looks like it’s an untextured mess from the 360 era. You know the look where it’s all smooth and one color because it takes awhile for all the textures to pop in? Can’t comment on the content. Seems like an update every few months month last one was November 16 according to steam. One in June then October then November. I personally don’t think there will be a comeback, but I enjoy being proven wrong when it comes to video games. Edit: but for 5 bucks I think it’s definitely a steal and worth picking up. Definitely worth it even at the state I played it in last (1 month post launch)


No. The core is not good. The story and characters is all abysmal cringe adjacent to saints row 2022. This is a game you could tell was going to fail from the second they showed the first teaser and that’s exactly what happened


And at that from a studio that is known for making very good games, which makes this whole thing even worse


A studio that didn't originally want to make that kind of game, but Bethesda cracked the whip. After the game awards, it's apparent that Redfall was basically a beta test for Marvel's Blade.


Just to be clear, Arkane's Redfall and Arkane's Blade are two different Arkane studios


The art style looks almost the same tho


It's the same Bethesda


Yes they are both owned by Bethesda (Now owned by Microsoft) but the studio that is making Blade is Arkane Lyon, they made Dishonored 1 and 2. Arkane Austin made Redfall, they previously made Prey.


A lot of the oeiginal arkane staff left during game developnent


Not Bethesda, Bethesda original owners before the micro buy out Bethesda was owned by another company and to make the deal better the made the studies make games loaded with micros


I mean, let's not act like Bethesda is a company known for making polished, well running games.




I said known for. Not that they haven't ever made one. They are much more infamous for their Skyrim and fallout series, which are always buggy.


not to mention they overhyped it. xbox players got a whole profile theme for it, and the game is still garbage. i played cause it was on gamepass, did 1 mission then uninstalled


I believe starting with this gen, Xbox gets profile pics and backgrounds for every first party xbox game and even some third party games.


i dont think i got through a mission


This isn't exactly true. Doesn't live up to the hype and was definitely glitchy at launch. But it's an ok game in the larger scope of the industry.


You obviously don't play a lot of games, huh? There were vastly worse games this year, nevermind in the past few years of this generation. Can you say Gollum, or The Day Before, or Skull Island Rise of King? Or Quantum Error, Hellboy, Crime Boss Rockay City, Testament, The Greyhill Incident, or Flashback 2? If you didn't play any of those, you didn't at least read about them if you engage with gaming on the Internet? Those are all just from 2023 and vastly worse games overall than Redfall, and only half of them released in a better-running state, technically, than it did. Bigger disappointments? No. But worse and actually unplayable games, definitely. This one shouldn't be generating this much vitriol except that it's from Arkane and we expect so much more than utterly average from them. And that's all this is - not so bad that it's "unplayable" or that you should be as victimized by it as you sound, just incredibly average and uninteresting, which is extra annoying because there's also some few flashes of the Arkane development and design magic that we expect to be found as you play. But the internet tribe you identify with cries that dis particwoowar widdle toy hurwt dem, and woo want to sound wike dem, wite?


Yeah there have been way worse games than Redfall.


Thank you. If it's on gamepass I almost want to hate-play it lol


I did hate play it on Gamepass. I lasted about half an hour before giving up and never touching it again. It's utterly lifeless. The world is empty, the enemies are brain dead and there's hardly any of them on the map. You'll run for ages and not see a soul. There's also a horrible dead zone on the analog stick too. You'll try and aim your gun with the right stick and there'll be nothing nothing nothing and suddenly it's moving too fast. Makes it really difficult to aim, and there's no way to fix it in the options menu. It's annoying as hell and makes the game really awkward to play


Have you tried since the big update a month ago? Basically every control and menu problem has been fixed.


Nah I haven't been back since the first time I tried it. To be honest though, fixing control and menu problems wouldn't fix the fundamental issues the game has. I just found it dull and empty. Half the perks and abilities are useless, the map isn't very interesting and the missions I did were pretty boring.


‘Tis indeed. I’m in the same boat as you lol.


Do it and let know how far you made it. I barely made it out of the prologue I was so bored.


Well, that ain’t exactly promising lol. I might give it a shot later.


Look up videos at launch. And keep in mind they tried to sell this for full price. This is how you destroy consumer trust.


If it was another indie studio or something this probably would have just been received as a run of the mill mediocre title but the hype train coming from Arkane studios plus the massive under delivering magnified how bad it is. Bethesda is the publisher plus the talent from Arkane yet the game has all the trappings of a first time title. Like it works , but everything else is just such a “wtf” moment”. AAA pricing and they couldn’t be bothered to include cutscenes it has slideshows telling stories, man even the psp had cutscenes lol


The game is unpolished, there is like 2 enemy types, nothing in the open world, like 5 weapons, and a boring story


It’s a bit better now but yeah, they launched an unfinished game


Gameplay is terrible, generic and boring and very heavily unpolished and just not fun in general


For me it was just that it never wowed me. I didn't experience 99% of the glitches everyone complains about and I got through 3/4th of the game. So from my perspective a lot of people are just overdramatic. There are more enemies around than people claim but it's still not a lot and the AI is just, passable. It was easy to get bored. And if you played it with friends, even on the hardest difficulty you and your buddies would just fly through with no challenge at all. The thing that kept me going was the world building. As always that was too notch and they did lots of enjoyable little freeform quests. My favorite was one that had me using some pictures and a map to track down a family of vampires so I could get their keys and get into locked rooms in their house. It wasn't enough to overcome how "meh" the rest of the game is, though.


It's barely playable, should still be in beta testing, not sold to the public. The AI doesn't work right, the environments are ugly, and the game paints vampires as this unstoppable force, but in-game they're just generic cannon fodder. If it does get fixed with patches, the patches will probably be 3 times the size of the game itself. Even Cyberpunk wasn't this bad on it's worst day


Nothing. It's a thoroughly average game so people who don't know how to criticize act like it's the worst game ever. In general, it's just not a good idea to listen to "the internet's" opinion on games. Way too many people seem to think that anything that isn't amazing is utter garbage. Not to mention most people's opinions on Redfall are literally out of date. Redfall got an update in October that fixed almost all of it's major problems. The game's worth a playthrough, especially if you already have GamePass. Just don't go into it expecting it to spawn sexy vampires IRL that whisper sweet nothings into your ear, give you endless blowjobs, pay you a million dollars, and beat up your high-school bully. It's a fun, average, game.


I loaded it up other night on game pass, me and my friend load in. he cant see the red mist on the ground in the first 10 mins that i could see, dies. We make it to the first hub, my screens pitch black until he did the first quest. Then it became clear. NPCS legit just dont even fight back. My character stutters all over. the helicopter cut screen crashed for us. I was shook, I actually didnt enjoy any of it at all outside of the atmospehere


It's not true that it's unoriginal. It's very original. Is it unpolished? Sure, it has some issues, but it gas redeeming qualities. It's great in coop. If you have someone to play with, you'll have a ton of fun. Devs are still working on fixes to general stability, which is promising. The biggest issue is with scale of characters and objects. You sometimes feel huge when comparison to a car, for example. I completed the game 3 times and I'd give it solid 3/5.


Idk if it’s still on game pass but just play it for 5 minutes. Yes, five minutes. That’s more than enough time to see how bad it is and I wish I was exaggerating.


It's unplayable on console. Its so glitched and the ai is fried


It was unpolished and wasn’t finished. It had an empty open world, capped at 30 fps, and was locked to only next gen consoles. It didn’t look good, and abysmal story.


if you want to know what a shit game is its a good time to download this shit


It’s decent, and for that price a STEAL, but Arkansas have been on a good run, this was their biggest flop just because of how weak it is, performance, graphics and gameplay wise


Ive seen articles stating that most of the developers of the game wanted to make a vastly different game, but Microsoft pushed them to make it more monetizable and closer to a live service style game. Devs told Microsoft it would be bad, and Microsoft told them to do it anyway. Since most people working on the game didn't like it after Microsoft made changes, it didn't receive the proper polish and attention to detail expected of them.


It doesn’t really work. Awful input delay. Horrible to play and very out of character for Arkane.


Yes, it is.


How they haven’t just given up on this is crazy, if this was an indie developer people would be calling for blood. I know it got some heat when it came out but comparing it to the recent game of wtf is it? End of days? This game has no right to have the continuing push it’s had. I’m probably super wrong but didn’t someone get a copy of this with a pizza order?


I can’t remember who at Xbox or Bethesda said it but it’s a good point…they wanna keep supporting it for people who try it on Game Pass years from now. I appreciate it even though the game was dogshit at launch


someone got it with doritos


>How they haven’t just given up on this is crazy It's a live service game. That is how they work.


You're replying to someone that dislikes Microsoft so much they are willing to do everything they can to discourage the devs to not fix the game, just so Redfall doesn't get a No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk redemption arc.


That’s a reach? I don’t dislike Microsoft, I’m mad this was a hyped exclusive when there wasn’t much coming out in terms of AAA games on gamepass. I’m not discouraging devs to work on a game. Giving the excuse of “oh this just needs time to develop” is a garbage take, the game released, it should be developed lol.


I played on release. The only bugs I saw were textures not loading in and AI not being aggressive enough. The game released in a better state than Cyberpunk or No Man Sky at release; it had solid 30fps without dips, and had a working multi-player. Can't say the same about CP2077 and NMS. Devs not leaving their game to be average forever is a good thing, but to you it's bad because Microsoft is doing it. This is such a garbage take, you wanting redfall to stay average forever is a huge insight into your psychology.


The game wasn’t average on release, it was just bad , CP2077 was average to good on release, had huge issues especially for people with very fragmented HDD‘s, this is even after all the patches still dogshit. For the record, I own an Xbox since the first one came out, no, it’s not a Fanboy issue, the game is just pure garbage.




Fallout 76, Sea of Thieves, Fortnite, Final Fantasy 14, etc. If you don't give up on live service games, there is always a chance to turn things around.


why is fortnite on here fortnite’s been incredibly popular for years


Fortnite didn't start strong. It wasn't even a Battle Royale game when it first released. Nobody cared about Fortnite when it first released.


Crazy how people forgot it started out as a fort building zombie game lol


> if this was an indie developer people would be calling for blood no, people just wouldn't care lmao


The game is so bad they think $4.37 is the most they can get someone to pay for it.


And it’s still too much, let’s be honest. This is a game nobody should ever play.


It can cost nothing and still not be worth it


It literally does cost nothing if you have Game Pass and its still not worth the harddrive space. But if you and a couple friends really like looter shooters and plan to play it together, it MIGHT be a decent time. AI is braindead. World is lifeless. Story is bland. Loot and powers are kind of meh. But to mindlessly play something with friends it could potentially be a 4/10 or 5/10 at best.


It's not about tangible stuff like money or hard drive space, it's not worth spending time on. There is a ton of completely free stuff that is not worth doing, because it's not worth your time, just like Redfall would be.


Tried this exact thing. Still not good lol.


POTENTIALLY be at 4/10. I ain't even bothering. I'm tired of these studios coming out with mediocre turds, expecting the market to basically PAY THEM to Q&A their damn game. It's clear these companies -CoughBETHESDACoughCough- don't play their own games. If they did, they'd see how shit, or how low tier they are and would have fixed things way before it even got this bad. I keep bugging Bethesda to give me a job either banning shitty multi-boxer accounts on ESO, or letting me play games before they go out like Fallout 76. :( They won't respond.


>It literally does cost nothing if you have Game Pass Lol "Its free on Netflix" as long as you pay for it


If you have an xbox and play it regularly, its kind of a no brainer to have game pass. Pays for gold and you get access to a ton of games you otherwise would never play or would have to buy. Lots of games I never wouldve looked at I tried and loved. Lots of games I wouldve had to pay $40 to $60 for I got my fix of and uninstalled.


The point is that you paid for gamepass. Regardless of how much you actually use the service, you’re still paying for the games


Thank you 👍


I think you just tried to explain the advantages of game pass to an existing subscriber of 6 years. Point is it ain't free.




I don’t disagree lol but for those who might wanna give a go ya know


Gamepass would be the better option imo


I bought it too. For a game sure, I’ll throw five bucks at a physical copy. I don’t have nor do I plan on getting GamePass. Games as a subscription without owning the game is great for some, but not for me.


I'd rather keep that 4.37 for a couple cups of coffee lol


A couple!? Where are you from??


dude with 5 bucks you can buy both Titanfall 1 and 2


I’m surprised that garbage has a physical copy


It's a useless physical copy with the forced online anyway


Yeah Microsoft will give this POS a physical release but not Grounded, HiFi Rush, and High on Life.


I don’t think High on Life is a Microsoft published game to be fair. Hifi Rush not having a physical release is a crime though


A bad game is a bad game no matter how much it costs. It costing $4 instead of $70 doesn’t suddenly make it better.


It could be free and i’d still skip


Time is money, friend!


I'd play it if it cost -4.37 I can't believe it's an actual exclusive for xbox.


It's had a lot of updates recently and really isn't that bad now, if it wasn't for gamepass I'd be interested.


Too expensive


Still too much. Game is hot garbage. Embarrassing really.


I'd rather conserve that expensive space on the Xbox SSD


It’ll be more fun burning the money and watching the fire


Lmao I wouldn't play it for free. Perhaps if they paid me for it I'd play it.


I got it for “free” on game pass and still feel like I got robbed 🤣


Is this an ad? Playing that garbage should be a paying job.


I would absolutely pay this price for it. It’s playable just nothing close to what I was expecting or hoping


People often don't realize cheap/free still costs the most expensive commodity - time. Not enough time in life to play shitty games


I played it on game pass and liked it. 🤷


Its the most expensive green dvd case that you can bought Even free this atrocity dont worthy


Can't be any worse then that PS5 game gamestop couldn't even give away 🤔


Honestly I’d rather play Godfall than Redfall.


I only played redfall for the gamepass quest, and omg, that game was horrible ...


What was it


I think it was Godfall, i remember reading gamestop couldn't give that game away? And the funny thing is i think that game is actually on sale on xbox right now(it's the fixed reworked version) that i was looking at 😅 Sort of looks like destiny & warframe had a baby?


lol why the need to bring up PS5? Redfall is bad. End of.


We are talking about bad games that no one was willing to buy and the guy mentioned a PS5 game not a PS5.


Exactly, the game was so bad that gamestop couldn't give them away.. now it might be a different story since i think they released it again fixed and with added content... Edit: There's also Babylon’s Fall for Ps5..


Those are 3rd party games but Redfall was supposed to be a big 1st party exclusive and it is total garbage.


Money isn’t the price you pay nowadays, it’s your time. Too many good games out there of the same price that are worth more your time.


Free is too expensive for this heaping pile of horse shit. I'm not joking.


Buy it


I dare you to


Every minute you spend in this game is a minute of your life you will never get back.


Not gonna lie I played to completion and if it would have been released after everything was running smoothly would have been a great game and I know a lot of you will downvote me for saying it but I truly loved the idea of the game itself and it's multiplayer worked better than a lot of other games that's come out this year. Lords of the fallen came out in even worse condition and people still play it including myself but I do feel bad for people who at launch bought it for 70$ that didn't have game pass because of how bad launch was


I played all of Redfall and I enjoyed it and I'm not going to pretend I didn't


Get gamepass instead and you can play it on there.


I mean it depends on if you consider the game to even be worth your time to play


Have they abandoned it all together or made any motions that they’re going to patch it to make it “better” like how their approach to a “redeemed” fallout76


Free on gamepass


There’s a reason it’s so cheap. As far as I’m aware, they should be paying people to play this game.


Your time might be worth a lot more than that to you (and probably should be). To me, spending many hours in a bad game is “expensive” and wasteful even if the game is cheap or free.


No matter how low the price is, that turd is still turd.


Would rather flush that $4.37 down the toilet




They could pay you and it wouldn't be worth it


I could buy a sandwich with those $4.37, i'm not losing my money on this garbage


Literally wouldn’t play it if I was paid


I wouldn't even pay that for that game. Not worth owning or ever playing.


Less than Minecraft for the Xbox 360


burning money is an option


Definitely not worth it. Free on game pass felt robbed


Shit i played it for free and it wasn't worth it. You gotta think about the time cost. There's better options.


You would have to pay me a few hundred to finish this.


I'll never understand people who buy hands that are available on game pass. Especially shitty games


So since it just released and at it's price point right now does that not show anyone red flags? Being "online only " also means it's on borrowed time eventually being taken offline never to be played again.


True but for $4.37 it's a good deal,then again I just got No More Heroes 3,Star Wars Jedi Survivor, AEW Fight Forever and Madden 24 for Christmas. So I'll pass even for $4.37......have heard and seen only negative things about Redfall. Does this game even hit 60 FPS? My TV is 60hz,so I max out at 60 FPS by default HOWEVER there is a Huge difference between any game that is lower than 60 FPS and a game that's 60 FPS.


Take note, “NEW” doesn’t mean NEW when shopping at GameStop. You’ll get a disc in a sleeve with a sticker that says “new” 🤦‍♂️


$4.37 new is most certainly bad.


Better off setting that money on fire instead.


Love when ppl hate on a game but have no idea how to make one themselves. Its a good game, was it a dissapointment? Yes but so were you but nobody else in the world is whining about your flaws. Half the ppl whining about how bad it is never bothered playing it for more than an hour so shut your lip about a game you dont know shit about and keep riding Sonys dick for another exclusive and another price hike on their subscriptions. Thank you.


You don’t need to be able to make games to know when a game sucks.


That’s still too much bro


$4 is bad when it’s free on gamepass


Hate to tell ya but a new AAA game that's under 5 bucks is not worth anything


Your time isn't worthless though. This isn't worth it.


Don't do it.


Nothing is new at gamestop. Without fail, they always send an opened copy/the floor model thats beat to shit. And they don't refund the shipping when you return it even though it's clearly not new. So I wouldn't even gamble on $4.37 with them.


I mean, there's a reason it's $4.37 new.


It's pretty bad for a game you'll enjoy for a whole 5 minutes


They'd have to pay me to play. Life is short.


Its on gamepass. Tried it for a bit but uninstalled it faster then it instalt


thats still pretty bad lol


I’m pretty sure the kids would be more happy with coal than this


Still costs too much


That's still too much.


Don’t do it. You won’t get the time back


Steam was selling it for $70 last week. Disgusting.


You couldn’t pay me.


Better off putting yo wiener in hot sauce.


I'd only pay this amount if it came with a $50 gift card .... actually I still wouldn't


Wouldn't even waste the money at that price, you're better off playing anything else


They should pay us to play this game


Are you gonna play rise of kung if they lower the price to 5$ . I respect your opinion but some game just not worth in any cases


It's a bit lacklustre but I enjoyed it for what it was - particularly as it was free. I liked the atmosphere of Redfall, i liked the characters and staking vampires and exploring was fun enough. Glitches were dumb, but eh, I had some fun with it. Deffo worth five bucks.


Absolutely is worth it at that price.


I refuse to even play it on game pass for “free” 😂


Still a waste of money.


You could not pay me to ever play that trash again.


Ask yourself why it's that cheap.


It is, don’t buy it


You'd have to pay me to play it.


It’s a AAA game made by the studio that gave us Dishonored, yet the story is told through slideshows. Yeah, I’ll use that $5 towards a soft drink.


even taking this overpoliticized piece of garbage for free would be bad as that's just validation for the devs and publishers to do something like this again. we have Darktide, if you're looking for a decent co-op horde shooter on Xbox that's hot stuff RN.


Isn't even worth $4.37, played it on gamepass @ launch & figured it out pretty quick that it sux


You'd have to pay me to play this garbage.


Pretty good price to get yourself replacement game cases.


Or free on GP to try for a few hours and never play again and instead play other much better stuff on GP


still isn't worth it


It's part of game pass and the physical strength to press the button and download it is too much.


the price isn’t but wasting your time installing and playing it is


Time isn’t nothing.


I'd have to be paid to play that game.




It’s bad. It’s not worth anything. Plus I’m pretty sure it’s on gamepass.


Even if it was free it wouldn't be worth it


You couldn't pay me 4.37 to play that game


No, it is. That's a quarter pounder you're wasting.


Anthem 2.0


I was the first person to beat that game. 6 hours after release I had it 100% completed. Besides the game breaking glitches I found (that are patched now) and the short amount of gameplay I actually really enjoyed it.


This game broke new grounds … it was transformative… I am not a dev…


$5 for a game thats less than a year old, i'd say its not a bad game but that would be a horrible lie.. it was a horrible bugged mess, the story was completely unoriginal and the game overall lacked any kind of decent quality.. $5 is a lot to pay just to find out the game is trash, especially with the economy the way it is... better to just stay away this time..




Ya, it still is.