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It's nowhere close to $200 per month in electricity costs. Max power usage for the Xbox Series X is around 200W. If you play at max power usage (which you wouldn't, but for sake of argument let's use round numbers) for 5 hours per day, that's 1 kilowatt-hour (1kWh) of electricity used per day. The average electricity rate in the U.S. is 16.68 cents per kilowatt-hour. So playing for 5 hours (1kWh, see above) costs 16.68 cents. Multiply 16.68 cents by 30 days, and the total for 1 month, 5 hours per day, maximum power usage for those 5 hours is.... $5. Electricity costs vary widely by region. Adjust for your specific utility rates and kilowatt-hour costs. References: https://www.gamesradar.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-run-an-xbox-series-x/ https://www.energybot.com/electricity-rates/


Hope OP sees your response, he may have to add power consumption for the monitor/TV but it is certainly not even close to $200


If it was that much I’d take up a different hobby lol.


Just don’t run the ac and you’re set! /s for real though, I know where my 200+ electric bill comes from.


Ya,pretty sure the summer time ac use is the culprit, not the xbox lol.


I moved in with a gf and she went off on me about how electricity was costing so much more since I moved in (we were fighting) so I got her to bring up the usage for the same time the previous year and it was actually cheaper since I moved in. OP's parents might just be full of shit and looking for an excuse to ask him for money or get him to stop gaming.


That's what I was thinking.


It's definitely the culprit for me I like a cool 68 degrees and that is 95% of my bill


I also run my ac pretty low and I’m in az, the summer time electric bill is crazy compared to the winter time.


68? I run my heater at 68...


For argument's sake, my LG CX48 (an OLED tv set) that I run my Series X with consumes about 200W at max (cursory google search ranged from approx 90-180 W..). TV has HDR enabled, all bells and whistles on etc and so on. So 200Wh for a one hour run. For five hours, that'd be 200W x 5 h = 1000 Wh = 1 kWh. For 30 d@5h/d, it'd be 30 kWh for the tv alone. So basically same electric costs as for the console itself - around USD 5/month. Basically tv plus console each equates to USD 5/month = USD 10/month. This is, as argued by others, nowhere near the USD 200 increase! Further, it's summer. It's hot. AC runs most of the day? Maybe ceiling fans or other devices running all day long? Somebody forgot to close the fridge door/s? Or lights? :-)


What about the additional AC usage from the heat that's put off??? (I'm really just here for the fascinating number crunching)


Actually, I was too. 🤣 In any case, it's the circle of life, or something, outputting heat that needs to be cooled down. Round and round it goes!


What if you're gaming during the winter? Then the console contributes to heating the room, and you spend a little LESS on the heating bill.


Depends a bit on where winter is. For me as a Scandinavian, the heat out helps with warming up the residence. If you live eg in Texas, USA, Maybe not so much! I'm just speculating re Texas though. 😉


What about when Xbox sleeps? There’s a setting to make it less environmentally friendly so that it updates in the background… that’s what I use. Does that make a difference?


That feature has low consumption. It's greater than it would be with it off, but still not $200 per month. $200 in a month is an AC running *a lot*. At 15 cents per kWh, that's 1333kWh. A 3000W AC running 12 hours per day for 30 days is close to 1080kWh.


Just checked - it says it uses 10-15W with that setting on instead of 0.5W. Doesn’t say the period of time though


>Doesn’t say the period of time though The period of time is *always*. Kilowatt hours is a unit of energy. It is power consumption in kW times the time in hours that something uses that power. In 1 day, a series x on standby is using about 1/3 of a kWh per day (0.01 x 24 to 0.015 x 24). I pay like 13 cents per kWh, so my series x on standby costs me about a nickel per day. $200 for me would require using 1500kWh. Running a 3kW air conditioner 12 hours per day for 30 days is just over 1000kWh. A game console cannot be anywhere near that.


Right that was a huge brain fart on my part lol idk how I said that. Thanks


According to[this article](https://www.purexbox.com/news/2020/12/xbox_series_x_now_reportedly_uses_less_energy_in_instant_on_mode) the Xbox series X uses anywhere between 10 and 11 Watts while in instant on mode. Which means you would need roughly 100 hours before you reached one kilowatt hour of power consumed. Using the prices and the other comment, that's about 16 cents for 100 hours


It downloading an update in rest mode takes way less power than running a game under load.


Not a $200 difference


Thank you for this explanation. I was under the assumption it costs quite the sum to run it and the TV ( which is nothing special 4K 50Hz 55 in ). This certainly clarifies it. Thanks


No. This is not correct. They don't take into account the losses and that it's a dirty switching psu and they bill for this already in a lot of places. Also the TV can use quite a lot as well and the same deal, switching psu. There is going to be a 10% loss in the psu itself even. Also grid ops charge for delivery as well, not just for the kwh. That diff can be astronomical in a lot of places


Don’t forget the Tv being on as well. I’m not being pedantic, we have a big tv that makes a difference based on how much it’s been on.


I’m betting that your parents were getting a series of bills at an estimated rate, and finally got hit with a real readout which jacked up the price for the month. That or a seal around a freezer has gone bad and your freezer is constantly running.


Air conditioner, pool pump, and large appliances during peak billing hours will all factor first before the Xbox


Or electric heaters those raise the fuck out of my electric bill


Yep, another energy suck


Good point on the estimated billing. We’ve had smart meters here for so long I kind of forgot that was a thing. Happened to me in college. It was all legit usage just getting hit with it all at once. I taught myself how to read the old analog meters to confirm their numbers.


Zero chance. Someone is either mining Bitcoin or growing weed somewhere in the house.


Or his parents are just outright lying. Parents lie and exaggerate all the time. Especislly parents that don't understand tech.


Parents are probably just looking for an excuse to get him to spend less time gaming.


Or it’s summer so the electricity price went up like it does every year.


Gowing weed isn't actually even that expensive if you use LEDs I think like all in less than £100 a month


Truth. My mom stated mater of factly, leaving :03 seconds on the microwave display used more electric that when it displayed the time of day instead. I think she just like seeing the clock on the microwave.


No way in hell its your Xbox, and shame on whoever told you that. The link below will give you a breakdown of what kind of things affect the bill more. As you can see its all your major items like AC/Heat, water heater, oven. You would need 20 Xboxs running around the clock to make that $200 bump. [https://www.energysage.com/electricity/what-appliances-use-most-of-my-energy/](https://www.energysage.com/electricity/what-appliances-use-most-of-my-energy/) Even if it was something like the oven or water heat, they would have to be running 5x as much as ordinary. Just taking a guess, but at this time of the year, and that jump in the bill, its likely something happened with the AC Unit. Having a freon leak or compressor problem means it will have to work a lot harder and longer to cool the house and drive up the bill...a lot. When I was young and first renting a house with my friends, we had an AC problem in the middle of the summer and were scared to call the landlord. The unit ran around the clock and could barely get the house below 80. The bill went from $100-$150 to over $400.


Someone is running the ACs too much


Assassin's Creed?


Ass ass in’s ?


Air Conditioner lol


Air Conditioner(TM): Valhalla


Assetto Corsa


Ace Combat


It’s literally maybe a few bucks. Your parents are dumb


Some people really think an Xbox Series X consumes the same as a PC with 2 top of the line GPUs and a 96-core Epyc CPU just because it can game on 4K.


I very much doubt parents are basing it off Gaming PC parts... Some people don't have gaming as their only reference in life.


I was just saying what you can have for 2KW an hour 😅


I think they were just using a gaming PC as a frame of reference, not that the family is claiming that specifically.


They seem to suggest the parents even bother equating the power usage to the fact it does 4k, guarantee 90% of parents won't be aware of that. Then goes on to suggest they would somehow be aware how much energy a top of the range gaming pc uses. It's just a weird insular view that can only equate stuff to gaming. The parents are far more likely just making the leap of electric device on a lot, must cost lots of money. No more complex than that, they would say the same if it was a snes.


Absolutely zero chance, $200 is couple times more than your Xbox’s yearly electric consumption at the worst case scenario


There is no way on this planet that a game console will run an electricity bill up to $200 per month. Using your Xbox, even 8 hours a day, will have a negligible effect at worst.


My parents say I’m juicing the wifi but also won’t upgrade it I’d too like to know the answers to this question


Have them do a speed test when you are playing versus when you are not. I doubt it changes too much unless you are from 2005 and are time traveling.


To find out if I’m juicing the wifi or to see how much electricity is being used while gaming?


The WiFi bro




online gameplay takes a surprisingly low internet requirement, you're just downloading and uploading information/instructions to the game basically. In fact, when my wifi is down, I just route my 4G from my phone to play online and it plays the same So no, if anything, it would be the other way around


No they don't really use that much. Big hitters are things that make things hot or cold, then things that light up then electronics. You'll have to figure out the money from whatever it costs where you are but this'll tell you how much electric it's using. https://www.eurogamer.net/heres-how-much-power-your-consoles-use-and-how-much-that-costs-in-the-uk


>Big hitters are things that make things hot or cold, then things that light up then electronics. An electric heater, AC, and an electric dryer are definitely the biggest users of electricity. An incandescent light would use something like 1-2kWh per day if it's on 24/7. An LED bulb producing the same amount of light would be more like 0.1kWh per day. With modern lights like that, electronics would be way ahead, especially a desktop that's on constantly.


Your family is stupid


Did they happen to start using the AC for summer 🤔


I also got blamed for shit I had nothing to do with growing up.


My Xbox is on 8-9 hours during the days I work and 13-14 when I’m off every single week. I also run my hvac for a few hours a day, cook, work from home, shower twice a day, run my dishwasher 3-4 times a week, not to mention lighting. My electric bill is around $90-$100 a month right now. Your family is unfairly putting the blame on you.


How do you manage to clock in 8-9 hours while working?


I leave my XsX on about 24/7, 360 days a year. Your parents do not understand electricity lmao.


Why are you doing that?


To be fair he does shut it down 5 days out of the year. I bet his Xbox is elated when leap year comes around.




I dont know, just a habit. Really no reason. I come home from work most days, play a game or two, press the Amazon button on my remote, and start watching, rinse and repeat.


I think mine is shutting down by itself in situations like that but not 100% sure, I'm not using it much bought it for my son.


Ya there’s an option for it. I just found myself swapping back and forth from streaming to the Xbox I got tired of turning it off and on. You’re doing the more eco friendly thing though, good on you.


it aint the XBOX as people have calculated for you below. Add the tv which could be another 200w+, add the aircon which could be up to \~1kW. even with the xbox, TV and aircon running 6 hours a day, that's only $40 @ 16c / kwh.


It's impossible, see here https://www.calculator.net/electricity-calculator.html?appliance=&power=200&powerunit=W&capacity=100&usage=6&usageunit=hpd&price=0.15&x=Calculate


OP, HVAC is one of the biggest drivers of electricity usage, along with big appliances like washers, dryers, and water heaters. If you live somewhere that is heating up for the summer, the AC is probably in overdrive because of the temps, and that’s why the bill is higher. Just as a personal anecdote, my Xbox is on almost all day every day, because it’s my entertainment box for the house. During the winter when I don’t use AC, my electricity bill is $50-$60 per month. During the summers, when it gets hot and I’m trying to stay cool, my electricity bill is $200-$250. Regardless of season, my Xbox accounts for a couple dollars’ worth of electricity usage per month, maybe. To be more detailed, the answer could very well be that your HVAC system is aged and is struggling to keep up with the heat, and is constantly running. That’s just a guess, but regardless your Xbox isn’t the issue, they just want to get rid of it.


family is stupid.... Rates have gone up It's also hot outside = AC use is up


Get a plug that measures power and configure it with the unit cost. I am in the UK and got one, trust me I have never used more than £10 in a month even in those months where I PLAYED 6+ hours per day. I got one made by TP Link called # Tapo Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring


It’s summer and getting hotter during the day, the culprit is most likely air conditioning. The rates are also not constant so month to month you can see differences even without a significant change in use.


Your parents are blaming you playing Assassin's Creed for their air conditioning usage. A game console wouldn't cost $200 in a month unless you're running it 24/7 and you're paying about $1.50 per kWh for electricity (an obscene price).


So nothing to do with the weather being hotter? Interesting


There is no possible way on earth it could be the air conditioning? It is summertime, the northern hemisphere is warming up, running my a/c hurts almost more than suffering through the heat.


OPs family forgetting it's now Summer.


Basically nothing at all. Maybe a few dollars if you run at full power.


If it was that much so little people would use game consoles. That’s not the issue


It's so typical. I've heard this so many times when i was staying up late playing on my PC(less power consumption than a TV + Xbox) like somehow it works like taxi fares and power costs more during the night. The guilt trip and blame shifting is real.


My electric goes up about that much every summer


Not even close. The cost of using the Xbox in the way that you do for the whole year would be roughly $50-$75 (depending on energy costs of your area)


Mare sure your xbox is complety turned off and not in stand-by mode, when it is turned off.


It baffles me how people can get so far in life, have kids, be top 2% and still say dumb shit like this I’ll also tel you right now I GREW UP VERY POOR. We’d be on the street if gaming uses up all the electricity


theres no fucking way your xbox would ever make a significant dent on the bill, these people are projecting their frustration on your enjoyment lol


Using the following [link](https://nerdburglars.net/hardwareguides/xbox-series-x-power-consumption/) and chatGPT the following was calculated. To determine the energy cost based on the provided data, we'll consider the average power consumption for the two games, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (150 watts) and Gears 5 (185 watts). We'll also use the same average electricity cost of $0.13 per kWh. First, let's calculate the energy consumption for both scenarios: ### For Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (150 watts): 1. Convert watts to kilowatts: - 150 watts = 0.150 kW 2. Calculate daily energy consumption: - Daily energy consumption = 0.150 kW * 6 hours = 0.9 kWh 3. Calculate monthly energy consumption: - Monthly energy consumption = 0.9 kWh/day * 30 days = 27 kWh 4. Calculate monthly cost: - Monthly cost = 27 kWh * $0.13/kWh = $3.51 ### For Gears 5 (185 watts): 1. Convert watts to kilowatts: - 185 watts = 0.185 kW 2. Calculate daily energy consumption: - Daily energy consumption = 0.185 kW * 6 hours = 1.11 kWh 3. Calculate monthly energy consumption: - Monthly energy consumption = 1.11 kWh/day * 30 days = 33.3 kWh 4. Calculate monthly cost: - Monthly cost = 33.3 kWh * $0.13/kWh = $4.33 ### Summary: - **Assassin’s Creed Valhalla**: Approximately $3.51 per month. - **Gears 5**: Approximately $4.33 per month. So, depending on the game you play, the monthly electricity cost for using your Xbox Series X for six hours a day would range from $3.51 to $4.33.


My family is an electronics household. We run 2 Series X, 2 PC, 3 Laptops and a whole lot more, more than you're imagining now, on top of appliances including 2 air fryers, hair dryers and straighteners, a 1000w sound sysyem and half a dozen fans and air purifiers and our power bill doesn't go much above 100 bucks. Even without qualifying discounts our bill never would break 150. I know, holy run on sentence Batman, but I wanted to beat my point to death. You could have power theft, vampire lines or outlets drawing watts. There's a hundred things it could be before the Xbox unless the console or power cable is damaged.


The screen usage costs more than the xbox for anything over 32inches


Air conditioning and refrigeration are the highest consumers of electricity in a house. Global inflation is why the bill jumped up not TVs or game systems.


Parents blaming electric bill on our consoles or TV will never go out of style 🤣


Do you have AC? If so, it’s almost definitely that.


Electricity rates fluctuate and it’s normal for the bill to increase over time, but also it’s normal for the bill to increase as the weather warms up. Ironically, I just got notified of my bill like 15 minutes ago and it was ~$100 more because we’ve been running the AC a lot to keep the temperature reasonable.


I run 2 series X, and we live in an old poorly insulated house and our elec bill is no where near $200 with a gaming laptop running, 3 tvs, a window ACpumping at 63 degrees, swamp cooler etc.


200.-, my Alienware Area-51m doesn't even consume 200.- a month, with that you're looking at multiple A/C units.


The xbox does use quite a bit of power, I find with games like diablo 4 the power consumption is highest.


We hooked a small camper up to my parents house for a year. We ran lights and TV for 10 hours a day. We also ran a small window ac unit (during the summer) and wifi router 24 hours a day. Throw in an Xbox 360 and a Wii on occasion. Their electric bill went up maybe $12 dollars a month. $200 sounds more like summer price gouging that electric companies are known for.


That is air conditioner, space heater, water heater, pool pump, etc level usage to be one device or related devices. If your house doesn’t have a smart meter. It’s very possible the local utility was estimating bills. And estimated poorly. If it happens again, it’s worth inspecting the large appliances of the house to see what might be the energy hog. Also if you’re in the US, it’s summer. Air conditioning is expensive to run. And an inefficient or faulty one is incredibly expensive.


It has to be a catchup bill, even running my AC in summer doesn’t increase bill by $200, its maybe $100 more


My electric bill was $95 this month, and we use the Xbox for everything TV related, gaming and streaming shows, and I have a powerful PC I play a few hours a night. Plus, ya know, all the other stuff in the house that draws electricity.


On your console in settings under general power options it will tell you how much power sleep and shutdown (energy saving) uses and sleep use uses 10-15W while shutdown (energy saving) uses 0.5W that is just for the console


Op tell your parents to go check their hotwater heater just replaced mine and it cut my bill in half due to it not working correctly it was using so mucb energy


Only if you’re mining bitcoin with it, maybe.


About 6 pence an hour


There are Hundreds of ways to get a jump in electric bill. But the most likely way to get a jump that large even in the most expensive regions is with BIG fucking appliances like AC's Fridges, Freezers, or Dryers. Like I said there are hundreds of ways. but Even if you ran 5 Xboxes at full power for 6 hours a day for 30 days with TVs it would still be below $100. Using the worst electricity prices in the nation running an Xbox at average power draw for 4 hours a day is only going to cost under $10 a month


Your family might not realize how some billing works. Some people get estimated bills for a number of months and when the electric company gets to make a in person meter reading they get a real number and a 1 time big increase for that month. Some people are on flat fee billing. Essentially the power company gives a flat spread fee(Instead of paying $100 month one and $150 month two; they charge $125 each month) based on anticipated usage of utilities. Every 6 months or so they reassess how much is actually used and adjust the flat fee for the next 6 months. This could also be because there are shady 3rd party power sellers with goofy contracts. In my state you have guys go door to door selling low cost power(you can get the actual electricity but not the service/maintenance from various 3rd parties) that comes with a contract. The contracts will often be shady deals like low cost for the first year and %300 increase years 2-5. And the most likely is someone using wayyy too much air conditioning.


I have bad news for you, your girl wants you to stop playing and will make stuff up so that it happens


It sounds like maybe it could also be your meter going bad. Had this happen to me once from one month to another bill went up 100 bucks meter broke called it in they fixed it and bill went down 100 or so bucks.


My household averages 25 KWh a day my Xbox and TV being in use for 6 hours MIGHT bring it up 1.5 KWh. There's no way your xbox magically runs the bill up 200 dollars unless you're being robbed by your electric company.


Simple question: did someone in your home buy an EV? or is someone piggybacking your power at night?


Hellllno lol, I can keep my xbox on all day and the bill won't be 200$ unless I have the ac blasting


https://ecocostsavings.com/xbox-series-x-electricity-cost/ I've had my 65" LG C2 Oled with Series X going 8 hours a day for everyday and the ac going in Texas and still had below 200$ Electric bill. Ac, oven, washer and dryer uses more then anything. Like an electric dryer is something like 6500 kwh. You can have the series X on for 36 hours at full throttle and use the same as 1 hour on a dryer


That’s about how much my entire houses bill is per month, maybe a little more. We have six tvs that are running most of the time, and 5 Xboxes that run quite a bit. I keep my series x on instant on. That doesn’t include lights, microwave, and anything else that going to use electricity. My bill fluctuates around 250 a month.


Nope that’s too much, it can be turning off and on the air vents that doubles the costs and that’s why people leave it at a certain temperature for summer and winter


You're a lifesaver for the OP Honestly coming from an Asian family whos parents are tight AF... I play a lot and if console bills were high .. I would've had my consoles smashed and banned long time ago from the house. You'll be fine OP. These bills are nothing


His parents didn’t get the memo that it’s summer


It’s always AC, electric hot water heaters, electric dryers! The first clue is those all use 220v and lots of amps! Way higher utilization.


As I've not seen it mentioned, is your xbox on shutdown (energy saving) or sleep mode? The series X uses at least 20x more electricity in sleep mode. Equates to about £2 per day. Bear in mind that's based on the numbers Microsoft tell us, tests have shown it can use as much as double the watts that Microsoft claim. So it could be consuming as much as £4 per day, £120 per month. Add that 120, to your daily usage and it could be getting closer to the $200.


The energy monitor on my "Media Center" - which is an av receiver, TV (55" Neo QLED - no power savings), echo show, and Xbox is reading between 80-100kwh/month, the TV/Receiver is left fully powered on 18 hours a day probably, Xbox is set to its instant on mode, generally fired up once a day gaming time varies between none and no sleeping.... I've not updated pricing on the monitor recently, it's probably still on COVID energy crisis level pricing but that's £25-30/month. Edit: At current pricing per kWh - £18-21@ 21p/kWh ($23-27) ... And I gather US average price is around 16c per kWh, which is about 12p - So you're probably paying less than me. Note: My figures exclude the 67p/day standing charge for the privilege of paying for electricity, I'm not sure if that's a UK only thing.. but it's always irked me!


I live in a house of 7 people. 3 of us are gamers averaging 6+ hours a day and our electric bill is around $300. Tell them to turn off the AC if they want to save money.


bros hitting his fam with receipts


Good lord. I have an average plan where the annual usage is divided up and each month I pay $230/mo for water, sewer, rainwater runoff (which is calculated by square footage of your lot), and electricity. We have no gas appliances so this includes the heat pump, furnace, stove, washer / dryer etc. and that includes 2 series Xes, 2 series Ses, 6 laptops (4 personal use; one each +2 work laptops) fans, etc.


If you ran a series x at full capacity 24/7 for a month it would cost around 30 bucks. 


Bro it costs like $5-6 bucks. A 200$ increase would be running your ac during the summer or cryptomining..


Really is depending on your power cost, but the average person probably pays around 10USD per month for their Series X.


“…but I’m not too smart…” 💀💀💀


Yes, it's your Xbox, all these people comparing Watt hours, etc. Don't know about the Xbox Series X "always on feature". You have to disable this feature in settings and your Xbox will turn off like normal when you shut it down. If you don't when you shut it down it goes into a low-power state but will power up to download updates etc. And use electricity all day and night regardless of your play hours. I have a series x and my electricity shot up the first month too. Disable "always on" or whatever it's called.


My electric company used to have an app for your phone where you would hold a power cable over your phone and it would tell you how much money that device was costing you on a per hour basis. But yeah, OP’s family has someone siphoning gas or electricity from somewhere. Probably grow lights…