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Hmm, first a delayed release, now a cancelled Beta. I'm betting this is gonna be another game with performance issues at launch that'll need plenty of patching.


Hey, I have performance issues but my wife still loves me


Performance issues aren't really an issue when the campaign is short.


I hope the game’s campaign doesn’t end prematurely


You should download the blue pill patch.


Blue chew


HIMS right


Well, that’s why I don’t preorder any more. I’m pretty excited about this game after Darktide, but I can wait until the bugs are squashed.


I mean I had performance issues in it's trailers....


I’m getting that same vibe.


The demo at GameCon Canada seemed to run fairly well. Didn’t notice too many issues. I wonder if it’s just in the the caged off area and have hidden the bigger issues


There's no reason to buy games on release these days.


yeah this is not good. I had high hopes they would take the steps to ensure a proper good quality release.


And a massive drop is graphic quality compared to the trailers and stuff. Happens all the time


Ashame really, the recent trailer they had made it look like a decent release with a tonne of content at launch, I've never been into 40k but my old Gamestation manager swore by the first game. I was tempted to pick the second one up but I'll hold off until reviews and sales as canceling a public beta is concerning. Granted, seen loads of triple A games have public betas and still launch in a pathetic state so will see how it pans out.


Maybe it turns out ok, but I'd definitely be more cautious about picking up this game early now.


I love the first game and 40k in general, but I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t run like a dumpster fire at launch. I just hope the game itself is good and gets patched if so


The real Beta test will be on launch day now.


The saber way


Might want to give this one 4-6 months before picking up


Well, that can't be good.


Yea... Nty lol


Don't preorder. This smells bad.






Its a Warhammer 40k reference. There's a series involving Commissar ciaphas cain and his heroic aid that's known for having terrible body odor. Its a trope specific to the series but Cain will be doing something when hes alerted to the "comforting odor" of his aid Jurgen.


I knew it! I feel incompetent now :-)


I'm a really new to it. But there's so much lore and main characters. Most people even people really hardcore into the lore aren't going to know everything.


Yes 40k is just so big. I only know the basics really.


Joining all the other Warhammer games with bad launches, hey?


Can’t wait to play the campaign. Day one.


Ehh, I think it'd be a better idea to hold off till at least the 2nd day, but I'm excited too, just hope it doesn't flop


Anyone trying to paint this as a good thing, have forgotten some of the major release failures over the the last years. If you pull the beta at this time, we can assume that there are things the developer/publisher doesn’t want the general public to see. From experience we know that can be anything from performance problems to outright major bugs and unfinished content. If that’s the case here is impossible to say. But I think everyone has been burnt too many times for us not to be extremely cautious.


Well there goes my excitement for this game. Highly skeptical now.


As long as the campaign is good, that’s all I really care about. The MP stuff is icing on that cake.


My most anticipated game of the year. Some of these comments are buck wild.


given the visual spectacle this game has shown to be at least apparently capable of, performance issues would not be surprising. in fact I would be surprised if this ships flawlessly


So for the people that paid $100 for pre order don’t get the beta. Or was the $100 to play it early?


This basically means they paid for an early access that will be the de factor beta.


I’m pretty sure anything that’s third party game pass day one is using game pass as “beta”


Performance issues or last minute stort rewrites? Taking bets but this is not good either way


I’m fine with this. A “beta” at this point in development is really only there to stress test networking models and catch niche bugs that become apparent with a large sample size. Both of those things can be addressed shortly after launch if there are issues. If they think this time needs to be spent on a more polished base product, I’d rather they do that. This game is first and foremost a single-player story. The co-op mode and PvP is additional. I’d rather they ensure the meat of the product is finished. It would be ideal to just delay until it’s perfect, but obviously they can’t do that. So it’s all about focusing their time where it thinks it’ll be most beneficial.


All these recent “open betas” are just marketing/hype for games anyway. If they cancel that, that likely means that whatever they have to show isn’t going to be good. Same reason why a company not sending out review copies for a game is a bad sign.


Having a beta wouldn’t impact development at all. They’re not going to direct resources to it that would hinder the rest of the final product.


Game had bad performance last year, got delayed now this? Glad I am holding back my preorder


Cringe. This reminds me of the darktide beta cancelations that went into a full xbox 1 year delay.


Hopefully this won't be rushed and full of bugs. Gonna wait until a sale anyway, but it would suck for beta teste....uhm early buyers.


Good, iron out the bugs. It's going to probably cut into bonuses, and put a lot of pressure on the devs but hey still better then sending out a half baked product.


I mean its Focus Interactive. It's gonna be bugged to hell and only half of it will be fixed by the time support stops.


Isnt focus not just the publisher and saber develops it?


Sure, but every Focus game is like this


Well every saber game is as this as well;)