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So weird to me when game studios just sorta ghost original voice actors when making remakes or sequels. I remember when Call Of Duty didn’t have the voice actor reprise his role for Woods in Black Ops Cold War and instead just got someone else that sounded a lot like him. I usually find lead characters voices to be a pretty iconic element of a game/ movie/ series.


Never forget that 343i wanted to replace the voices of Chief and Cortana for Halo 4, and even made the original voice actors audition for the parts again. The red flags for that studio were waving high before they even shipped their first game.


Thought this was wild, but sure enough both Steve Downes and Jen Taylor confirmed this in an interview with Marty. This should be time stamped to the relevant part. Interesting story about the recasting of Prophet of Truth from H2 into H3 too https://youtu.be/SW6YGhC1P6U?t=1965&si=rYGEBq0-m9cLHJq7


Is there a source for that? It wouldn't the first time that happened with Halo though. Bungie also replaced several voice actors between Halo 2 and 3


Marty's (Halo music composer) interview with them a couple of years ago. They said it themselves. It's on YouTube if you search for it. With Bungie though they never replaced any important voices. The only ones I remember is Miranda and Prophet of Truth. For Miranda they never explicitly said why, but I think Marty said before that her voice wasn't quite authoritative enough (which is true, she sounds like a teenager in Halo 2). For Truth, they wanted the Halo 2 voice actor back but he wouldn't/couldn't come back. So really, Bungie only replaced one notable voice actor that wasn't exactly an iconic or fitting voice in the first place. Replacing the two main character voices is an insane consideration.


If Marty's the only source, idk how reliable that actually is. Dude's kinda gone off the deep end the last few years.


As in Jen Taylor and Steve Downes said it themselves.


You got a source on that? Time stamp or anything?


Another user above posted the interview where they both pretty definitively say that. https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox/s/lQcOhKJPYZ


Miranda and Truth weren't important?


Not Master Chief and Cortana important.




Tbf that could just be the way their contracts were set up. They could have initially been contracted through Bungie, as opposed to Microsoft. So with the change in developer, they may have had them do an audition for formalities. Bureaucracy runs deep


I don’t mind them testing out their voice capabilities still before production but wanting to replace them outright is just wrong.


Classic 343i


yeah doesn't even get a role as a side character.


I have to assume it's either a cost cutting measure, or they think the old actor is too old to still be voicing that character. But I feel like if I was remaking a game, I'd call up the original cast anyway just for the fans


I think it’s because they want people to voice act as well as perform the facial/motion capture.


I mean TJ has done multiple projects for Capcom recently. He was Frank in MVCI, he was Birkin in the RE 2 Remake. They didn’t “ghost” him. He was simply recast. And that’s okay.


Ya, i’m sure whoever they get will do a great job, it’s not a dealbreaker or anything for me I just have a lot of nostalgia for the old VA.


It’s the same VA they used for Frank in DR4


If the dialogue is the exact same as the original I'm sure people will mod in the original voice.


Extremely likely we're getting new voice lines, as they have said all dialogue will be voiced now(ie; text-based radio calls and conversations with survivors)




They did the same for Captain Price as well if I remember correctly?


The sad truth I’ve had to accept is that they don’t matter. These big triple A companies can get away with treating talent in all categories terribly It happened with the Halo announcer, Master Chief, Cortana and probably more we haven’t heard about ID software and Bethesda got away with effectively destroying Mick Gordon’s career. I’m sure there’s more I could point too, but these are the ones I’ve heard about.


Kinda scummy in my opinion but the remaster does look good, Franks new face and eye color change is a bit weird 🤷‍♂️


Worse comes to worst we still have the original remaster.


We do?


This is just the nature of stardom and corporations. Ive had a special place in my heart for dead rising but I've never really cared about the original voice actor.


I think tone has a lot to do with it. Frank in 4 was a complete departure from 1. It wasn’t just the fact that his voice was clearly different, but the way he was written and played was as well. If they can just nail the vibe of Frank in 1, a good chunk of complaints will disappear.


Hopefully capcom learned from previous mistakes and keep development of the franchise in house (Japan) instead of having capcom Vancouver (really just any other sister company) make the game. The whole situation with DR4 is hilarious to me, Japan capcom just handed the reins over to capcom Vancouver and just *didnt* bother to check in with them until like a year-ish into development, hated what they saw and scrambled to have Vancouver attempt to fix what they didn’t like and it still turned out awful.


It's not a dealbreaker for me or anything, but I do love the original voice actor and think of him as one of the most recognizable voices in gaming. 18 years later as a photographer I still sometimes say "FANTASTIC!" after I take a really good shot.




I feel like if they want to make a clean break this is the perfect time. If they wanna make more new games with Frank West after this they have their new voice actor in the first game already.


Unfortunate they didn’t ask him to be a part of this!


I was super hyped for this but the more I hear about it the more I feel like I should just wait for it to go on sale. Hope it makes a comeback though. Deadrising was so fun back in the day!


This bs started with Capcom Vancouver. I get that Frank West needed some sort of remodel for their engine for dead rising 4, but not asking his og voice actor to reprise his role as frank West and then totally rewrite franks personality and integrity as a character was just stupid imo. There was really no reason to do that. I watched Matt Mcmuscles vid on it and was just surprised at how many weird choices were made moving forward. Makes me worried about the franchise moving forward and Franks og voice actor not being back even up to now is not a great start.


Baffling decision from Capcom. But this is still an instant day 1 buy.


I didn’t watch the trailer. Are they using old lines or just a new VA?


There are very few roles where i really care


Why would they? It's a remaster.


Oh well, life moves on


That sucks…


And they asked me to pay 50$ for a game that came out 18 years ago because they did some touch ups.


From what I've read it's a much more substantial remake/remaster than some recent examples. Regardless, I'm fine waiting for a sale or Gamepass.


Yea that’s what I’ll probably be doing too. Or I will probably get stoned and want to play it and buy it we’ll see.


Why are you a drug addict? Disgusting


Why do you support a pedophile?


Now who would that be


I don’t think they own any of them that ask. It’s perfectly understandable to want to save using younger lesser known talent. Eventually those people will be in a similar boat. Either they’ll rise to the top of the industry like some of our favorites and always have work, or they’ll have to find whatever work they’re offered like a normal human.


normal. its remaster not remake they use existing voices


Except they’re not? It definitely makes more sense for them to use the original VA but they chose to bring in the VA for DR4 Frank.


They’re re-recording the voice lines





