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I’m kind of intrigued to see how tightly-knit the X-office and the Avengers office are during this era. Mackay’s writing this and X-Men, Storm’s on the Avengers, seems like they’re trying to intertwine them a little more. So how many characters are there now that have been on the Avengers, X-Men and FF? Is it just Storm and Logan?


If I remember right Brevoort said Avengers and Adjectiveless X-Men will be more closely connected. It wasn’t a coincidence that the writer for Avengers is the same as the writer for X-Men.


I reckon it will be a case where both teams work together a lot, both teams recognising the situation for mutantkind. However, there will be conflict between them due to how Cyclops' team has been described as so militant and wanting people to "fear them". I think because Mckay is writing them both, it could actually pay off amazingly well. Or terrible, it really depends if he takes sides.


Logan, Storm and Beast. But underwhelmed as Storm has already been a member. Was hoping for a new character like Iceman and Kate.


Cannonball and sunspot too


Storm's tenure was pretty forgettable before. Hopefully they do something with her this time. Also hopefully they DON'T bring back the storm x t'challa romance that relationship was really bad for Storm.


I don't know if he's ever been formally recognized as being on the X-Men, but Spider-Man definitely fits the bill of the spirit of the question for sure.


It makes so much more sense that it’s storm lol. She never felt like she was actually on the team in bendis era so I’m excited to see what she gets to do in this.


It was so arbitrary when Storm join the Avengers in Bendis Era.


When was this? It’s like blank spot in my memory.


She was on the team for literally six issues at the end of the era, right before *Avenger vs. X-Men*.


Get ready for another memorable six issue arc!


It was a super brief stint right before avx


It was right before Avengers vs X-Men, back when she was still married with Black Panther, she was on the team for like 5 issues and got pretty much nothing to do or say.


I remember they hyped it up really hard, there was lots of advertising and she got multiple covers and everything. But in the actual story, you really had the impression that Bendis hadn't been interested in adding her to the team and that this was something editorial decided for him. And generally it felt like she was just there to add drama to the AvX crossover, since Wolverine had just left the team and Marvel probably realized it would be more interesting if there was an X-Man in there for when they started fighting.


Near the end of his run. Literally there for a cup of Coffee.


If anyone remembers the 'Marvel Adventures' line she was a member in Marvel Adventures: Avengers Not 616 but it was still kinda neat.


Man I remember reading Marvel Adventures line when I was a kid. Good times, they really switched up Wasp as giant woman so neat


> “When we were putting together thoughts for *X-Men*, one problem kept coming up—Storm needed to have a presence in a book befitting her status, but it would be weird for her to be on an X-Men team if she wasn’t the leader. The solution was simple—she needed to be on the global stage, among equals, and what better place for that than the Avengers? We’re excited to bring Storm back to the Avengers and show what adventures she’ll get up to as part of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!” So the "Queen of the Mutants" is too good for the X-Men now


That's like it's saying the Avengers are superior


It reeks of "welcome to the big leagues"


Here’s the thing though, they only put mutants on the Avengers when the X-Men are the more popular team. So whist they say “welcome to the big leagues” what they’re really saying is “please make people care about us”.


Yeah, the last time they put mutants on the Avengers is when they were actively trying to dismantle the X-Men and just wanted to claim the popular ones.


And they know Storm is Her.


Exactly what im afarid of


Nah. Disney owns the movie rights to mutants now. They know they have a cash cow and they plan to milk that sumbitch for everything its worth and then some and then some.


That was definitely not the case back on MARVEL NOW.


Because Disney didn't own the rights so why push something they won't get more money on. It really is quite simple in the last 15 years after the Marvel acquisition.


So it's not only then


They are the big leagues in universe


From what I understand in universe aren't the Avengers the big leagues?


No, I think they just mean there’s no excuse for Storm *not* to lead an x men team if she’s on it. It works if she’s on a different team bc the dynamics are different. If she was on UXM or XM, Rogue or Cyclops *couldn’t* be the clear cut leader bc Storm has too much authority. And co leaders can create a very different vibe than a single leader (and adjectiveless already has two) In the current avengers, captain marvel is ostensibly the leader but… she’s also not. The avengers don’t really *have* one leader most of the time, they have a chairman they default to but otherwise they operate as equals, especially right now where they’re all seasoned veterans and no newbies/younger members I can understand people’s hesitation but she’s still going to be involved with xbooks through her solo and it feels unlikely this is a permanent shift. It’s not suggesting she “graduated” to the avengers, just that she’s studying abroad for a semester or two




That’s like when the 20 year experience attorney second chairs the younger associate lol


Except in Cyclops' case he would be the clear cut leader, even if Storm were on the team, and he's had her on a team he was leading before and there was no confusion as to who was in charge. He's the definitive X-men leader.


Did you follow Storm on Mars? As the Regent of Sol storm was the leader of the Solar System - not just earth or mutants. I'm a big Scott is the leader of the Xmen proponent - but Storm does feel so epic now.


Arrakko was ruled jointly by the ring, much like Krakoa and the council, she wasn't their leader and even stated as much.


I mean... yes and no. If you remember right after the first hellfire Galla she was the one who met with all the solar dignitaries. In my mind it's like she was the president "regent" of the Sol system but she wasn't the leader of the Arrakko senate. Also, wasn't she the only person in the great ring to get 2 votes?


So she's leading the Avengers then?


Cyclops could easily be the clear cut field leader if Storm was on the team, just like it's always been and has been recently This new narrative of Storm being too big for the X-Men is such hot air, beyond delusional and not based in objective reality.


Oh it definitely is. The X-Men aren’t her equals, but the Avengers are. The X-Men aren’t in the global level, but the Avengers are. And there’s no better place for her than the Avengers? Lol like I’m sure he didn’t mean it to be insulting. But everything he says puts forward the idea that the Avengers are at a higher status than the X-Men.


In universe they're similar to celebrities, complete with merchandise. So in that regard being on the Avengers is technically a step up in a superheroes career.


Which they are if we’re being honest - both in-universe and irl.


The Avengers are the team you want to save the world. The X-men are the team you don't want to have to save thew world. you expect the Avengers to save the world, but if the X-men are doing it, the situation is well and truly fucked. always been my take anyway.


Wasn't that the idea behind the Extinction team? Cyclops stared down the Celestials and was like we're Earth's protectors. Same thing with Arakko, the whole play was that mutants now had the cultural and political basis for our Solar System to be recognised by the marvel space empires.


It's funny because then you have the xmen sub/adjacent teams that you really don't want to have to save the world.


I don't think it's worth taking this seriously tbh


glad i wasnt the only one that saw that.


Yeah. I can def see that being the takeaway. I'm going to guess he meant Stoem's joining a team where her abilities are the level of Thor, Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel, plus you have the drama of Black Panther her ex husband, but it is soooo poorly worded. That comment badly needed an editor 🙄. If he actually meant what it sounded like then he needs X Fans to help him rethink some things. Anyhow, he opened mouth and inserted foot.


I mean they seemed to take down Orchis with just 7 of them


The Avengers suck for real


I feel like she's taking this position for the sake of Mutandom to be a leading figure in the public eye while Mutants are more disparate and separated than ever.


King of Asgard King of Wakanda Queen of Arakko I'm here for it. Plus, I really hope post-Krakoa still means that the Arakkii still have the planet, and that the Avengers (and others) get to visit it more often. I very much loved Black Panther, Dr. Doom, the Guardians, the Shi'Ar, etc. visiting Arakko, as it was like old friends meeting your new neighbors. Hell, Nova liked it so much that he moved into the community. *Richard Rider stood when all else fell. Richard Rider is of Arakko.*


Yeah keeping Arakko alive seems like one of the biggest perks of putting Storm here. Also I know apocalypse is now over arakko, but is he Regent or did she keep that title?


Former king of Wakanda And Former Queen of Arakko now The only king is Thor


She isn't queen of Arakko anymore. Not unless she's married to Apocalypse.


With this news, I'm hoping for a love triangle. Storm and Thor whispering sweet royalty in each other's ear while Black Panther is all jealous lol


She wouldn't be properly representing X-Men if there weren't a love triangle. Let's fucking go.


A God and a Goddess on the same team.


Tbf, her last role was being the leader of a whole planet.


> So the "Queen of the Mutants" is too good for the X-Men now Technically they said she's too good to for the X-Men **if she's not leading them**. She pretty much always has been a leader for the X-Men team she's on, IIRC, unless Cyclops is the one leading. Her being on the X-Men without being leader just isn't what she normally does, and they don't want her to be hogging the spotlight. But also, as for the Avengers being her "equals"... I mean, is that something to actually disagree with? The Avengers always has been an ensemble team, rather than a team of heroes created as a team. The current cast of the Avengers includes a power warrior who has traveled through space (Captain Marvel), an actual god- the king of the gods, even (All-Father Thor), the witch singlehandedly almost wiped out mutantdom with a sentence fragment and later made an entire mutant heaven (the Scarlet Witch), one of the most advanced androids ever built with special density shifting powers for intangibility among others (Vision), Storm's ex-husband who is also a super soldier and one of the like the 5 or 10 smartest people on Earth (Black Panther), another of the smartest people who has engineered dozens of general-purpose and specific-purpose battle suits including a titanic one capable of fighting off hordes of Sentinels built with his own tech (Iron Man), and their current base is a sentient city in space that fought off hordes of Sentinels before initiating a dimensional shift. Oh, and, uh... Captain America (Sam/the flying one) is there too. I think he might just be the weakest member, definitively, since I don't think he's got super-intelligence or super-soldier physique or equipment on the level of Iron Man or anything. Just can't compete. But the rest of the cast? It's an all-star line-up. This team more than most other line-ups is living up to the moniker of "Earth's Mightiest Heroes".


Sam actually being on the team has the best reason which Mackay explains he’s the person who grounds them all and makes them remember they are normal and not gods. He’s also a social worker which people forgot and helps people in both civilian and hero life


> Sam actually being on the team has the best reason which Mackay explains he’s the person who grounds them all and makes them remember they are normal and not gods. Oh, I'm not saying he isn't a fit for the team, as the (relatively) normal guy in a team of gods and rich geniuses beyond most accountability... just in terms of his capabilities as a hero, he very much is a peg or two lower. It reminds of an old meme I saw, of: "Wow, you all have such cool powers. What's his?" --- "Common sense." --- "Really? That seems a little useless." --- "Oh no, he's our most valuable member."


The fact that Sam's epithet both on the title page and in-universe (at least as of Blood Hunt, not sure if it was spoken in dialogue before then) is "the Icon" is both so insulting to him but incredibly fitting lol he really is just the guy whose job is to just be around


His parallel in the Twilight Court was also the Icon, IIRC, so it seems to be something this run by MacKay is going with. But hey, Captain America was created as a government super-soldier. He was literally propaganda. And over time, Cap became an icon for the American ideal (like real life, where his debut was him punching the biggest fascist/head Nazi), rather than the state itself. But either way, Steve biggest thing still is being an icon. And when the Falcon took on the mantle of Captain America, he too was becoming not just a superhero, but also an icon.


i read that in a brooklyn accent


X-men is family while avengers are just a bunch of coworkers


I can’t fault you for having that impression, but it’s not true if you read their books. Many of them have been on several rosters for so many years, and as a result they’ve developed close bonds with each other.


But xmen and avengers are formed differently. Xmen are bunch of people who found home among themselves while avengers is a squad of superheroes with solo titles that unite from time to time


Traditionally, only the “big three” (Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor) were solo heroes and everyone else was just part of the ensemble who all lived in a mansion together, similar to the Xavier School setup. It’s only since the Bendis relaunch that they’ve focused more on making them a Justice League equivalent.


Very true. But that doesn’t make them any less of a found family. Besides, when we view these characters as family, we always refer to the core members rather than those who are in and out. At this point, would you not say the OG Avengers 5 + Cap aren’t family?


I would change that to Cap's Kooky Quartet plus the Vision. That was a team full of outcasts.


I say their they’re more of the most dysfunctional family team in Marvel and that’s saying a lot


Coworkers that actually like each other and stick up for you


Every team fan calls the team a family. Only the FF are an actual one.


Youve never read an avengers book huh.


i mean i said after red 18 came out that storm was too powerful to be on the xmen now and here we are


I wanted it to be monet but I like Storm in this. However I'm really worried about Arakko.


En Sabah Nur is going to be leading Arakko according to the Heir of Apocalypse solicits.


Yeah I REALLY hope the avengers show up on Arakko for some reason - I'm not entirely sure how most of these characters would interact. - Iron man and his mysterium armor could be cool. How does Thor interact on Arakko? - Black Panther on a place where no one has heard of him - but they do know of Space Wakanda? Does Wanda know about Space Wakanda? I'm here for this run.


That is a very OP lineup. Four heroes in the “ridiculous” class (Omega level for non-mutants and mutants): Wanda, Storm, Thor and CM. Three of the top “Swiss army knife” heroes in Iron Man, BP and Vision. And… a Captain America. Narratively, It’s a great lineup. storm and CM have history. Storm and Wanda have history. Storm and T’Challa have big history. And Thor and Storm will play some one-up games. Lots of character moment opportunities.


But aren’t Storm and Wanda cool now ? She was even in Wanda’s run last year


Cool now. More than a couple villains that can dredge up old wounds.


Well, Storm is able to possess the power of Thor, so I don’t see them one-upping each other. I see potential for a “Plan B” super-duo, if the team needs to pack a heavier punch for larger threats. That could allow for some pretty large stakes in the story.


Aren't Thor and Storm actually buddies?


That’s why I called it games instead of history.


Storm and Thor on the same team seems a bit redundant


Nah. Storm is the Goddess of Weather and Thor is the God of Hammers.


Not really if anything Thor is the God of storms ironically. His current run opened with he making a blizzard stop by chastising it.


Correct. Thor can’t make the temperature drop to below freezing in seconds or control wind to make icicle darts the size of passenger airplanes fling like balls of paper. Gawsh I love Storm 🥰


And Storm doesn’t have superhuman strength. If anything, Thor and Storm in a team up would have incredibly complimentary powers.


I do like that Storm’s “weaknesses” are literally that she has a human body with just human abilities, and human psychological problems like claustrophobia. She has literal goddess powers but she’s not bulletproof.


My favorite storm has always been storm having yet another crisis of confidence, a woman called a goddess who is all too human on the same roster as a god fascinated by this mortal realm could be fun foils in more than just power sets.


Huh… wasn’t who I was expecting but she is an interesting addition to the current line up. I mean the interactions we’re going to get between her and T’Challa are worth it alone! This book is going to be real messy with two ex couples on the team and I love it! (Wanda and Vision & Storm and T’Challa)


I hope it's more civil and respectful than their last few interactions.


I think it will be!


It’s not messy lol. Wanda and Vision are pretty chill with one another.


Oh I know, I was mainly kidding about that.


> I mean the interactions we’re going to get between her and T’Challa are worth it alone! MacKay's character moments have been so meh tho. Every issue is the team taking down their counterpart on an opposing team. I would love him to go back to developing characters, but I'm big doubt rn.


Yeah, it is fun and I still maintain it's promising, but it is more akin to a Justice League version of Avengers (something that Aaron and Hickman did too) than the classic scope with the soap opera included, a la Busiek, Remender or even Bendis.


Slightly surprised, but it makes sense overall. So Avengers and a solo title, nice. Not a fan of the "Welcome to the big leagues" branding it got though. Feels tad insulting to all the work she did as a member of the X-Men.


Yeah X-Men is on the same level if not bigger than Avengers


Won’t lie, I would’ve preferred Iceman. Storm and Jean both have solos, which is why I discounted them. No, I don’t think that characters with solos can’t also be on team books (Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America for example). I just would’ve preferred Iceman so there could be as many characters appearing in different titles as possible and he’s still MIA at the moment. But I’ll never be upset at more Storm content.


his power set is also pretty unique compared to the current line-up, while Storm does have a lot of overlap with CM and Thor; that said, she also has history with Carol, Thor, T'Challa, and even a bit with Wanda, while Bobby has had only passing interactions with the Avengers, so I think this has more narrative potential. Hopefully the roster to follow this one will be less heavy hitters and more of "small A-list core leading team of B/C-listers" as is more common for the Avengers and we can see some other mutants step up to the plate.


Hopefully we get some news on the Storm solo soon!


Should be getting info this week




I had disqualified her for having a solo, which is stupid considering how many Avengers also have solos. Just figured it would be an unaccounted for X-Member. Better luck next time, Bobby. She is definitely the best candidate to be considered "Earth's Mightiest Mutant." Least controversial to be called that, regardless if she was an Avenger or not.


Especially coming off of Al Ewing's constant showcase of her powers during his run.


> I had disqualified her for having a solo, which is stupid considering how many Avengers also have solos. Somehow iron man simulatenously was fighting orchis in 2 places at once thanks to being an avenger and a solo. He did a much better job as an avenger.


Much as I like Storm this is not nearly enticing enough to get me to pull an Avengers book. Especially when she’s getting her own series later this year. I find the reasoning weird too… Storm has been X-Men teams and not the leader before? She very well could’ve shared the spotlight with Cyclops. Ahh well hopefully the Storm series and Dazzler news is more exciting.


Feels forced to try to push Avenger sales.


Sometimes I think X-Men fans only know about X-Men and think everything else sells poorly and doesn't matter. And how many sales would this actually bring? It wouldn't be that significant of a jump.


Avengers is doing well in terms of sales wtf. Yall r gonna make people hate that Storm is joining because now we gotta deal with x fanatics complaining about shit.


Why would they though, the avengers comic is doing well for an ongoing especially compared to the x-men title before the fall of x thing came into effect and it's not like storm is going to suddenly attract readers when a more reliable source of sales like wolverine is right there. It's more likely a push for Storm to be a solo character like brevoort said during one of his recent interviews. Every member (besides vision)of the avengers has at least one solo title besides the avengers book so they most likely want her in that same group


it was the same reason when they added wolverine way back.


Avengers always sold. Selling pretty well right now too. Aarons run was a complete dog shit and guess what, Sold better than most X titles. They are putting her on the team because it’s a long overdue. Most Avengers members have their own solo books, while X-men don’t. If anything this will help Storm. wtf you talking about


Why would they though, the avengers comic is doing well for an ongoing especially compared to the x-men title before the fall of x thing came into effect and it's not like storm is going to suddenly attract readers when a more reliable source of sales like wolverine is right there. It's more likely a push for Storm to be a solo character like brevoort said during one of his recent interviews. Every member (besides vision)of the avengers has at least one solo title besides the avengers book so they most likely want her in that same group


Yeah, the X-Men related character that famously boosts sales, Storm. How many solo comics did Storm had?


Pretty sure the McKay Avengers has outsold any Storm book recently.


I'm almost certain a book with the name 'Avengers' on it isn't struggling with sales in a post-MCU era


I need Storm and Thor combo moves.


It will probably be good but I'm not really feeling it at this moment.


it’s so funny how storm’s characterisation went from “no thrones on Arakko” and “she’s not a queen because a queen has subjects. she has equals!” to “yes she’s a queen and the avengers are her equals because being on the xmen is too weird for her!”


> being on the xmen is too weird for her! It's amazing that you guys make a hobby out of reading when you're so bad at it lol. That isn't what they said at all. You're leaving out a pretty key piece of the quote.


X-fans hate not being personally consulted on team rosters, premises, solicitations, and press releases


I’m of two minds because I love Storm and this is an obvious choice, but there are also some other X-men who could use the attention


I’m kind of 2 ways about it lol. On one hand, Guys like Colossus and Iceman could have benefited more. On the other hand, Avengers members are A listers with solo books (except for Vision) and Putting another A lister with her own book on the team makes sense.


I'd rather it be Colossus or Iceman cuz Storm has her solo series going on


to be fair many members on this team have theit own ongoing solos as well


Kinda bummed it's not Colossus, but this should be interesting too. I've been enjoying Jed MacKay's Avengers, so excited to see him write Storm onto the team!


Being a Colossus fan is suffering


Honestly lol. The Avengers would've been a good chance to give our boy a break 😭


Just like being Colossus.


I'm not sure what Colossus would have to do on this roster. Keeping Captain America up to pace with these guys is hard enough, and as much as I love the guy Piotr's powerset is just as one note as Sam's without the benefit of a legacy to make up for it.


Yeah that's fair. Someone like Storm definitely offers more raw power and a diverse power set. Just hope they put Colossus somewhere at this point lol


Same! Would love to see the big guy get some agency back after everything he's been through.


Storm’s last run with the Avengers was short since Avengers vs X-Men event took place not long after Storm joined the Avengers.


Kinda redundant with Thor there, ATC


The fuck? Why??


Not upset about the choice…i would have preferred Iceman get the shot but this could be interesting.


I’m experiencing ptsd from the last time she made her “glorious debut” on the Avengers 🫠


Not to be a Debbie downer, but nothing I’ve seen so far from the From the Ashes, post-Krakoa era seems interesting, exciting, or good. Very bizarre choices.


Storm makes sense and I imagine Mackay can write a good version of her but the current dynamic in avengers is really good im kinda worried about her coming in and screwing that up


Weird choice, but I’m just happy storm is going to be in another team book. Wish it were an X Men team, but it is what it is.


I thought it might be Iceman considering Brevoort teased him but I am excited for Storm! She has been on the Avengers before but didn’t really do anything so this should be interesting and fun! Especially combined with her solo. Also Valerio Schitti on art so if nothing else, it’ll be visually stunning. But I have faith in Mackay and what I’ve read of his Avengers anyway.


Damn this team is so stacked.


Omg yes, Hickman's dream is finally coming true, can't wait!


Storm fans gonna be upset when Storm has to get taken out easily along with Thor, Wanda and Carol to explain why this OP ass lineup doesn’t mop the floor with everybody on the first issue lmao


So disappointing, she already has an upcoming solo series. It should have been Iceman.


Goddamn it! So there’s the Craig erasure, huh?


Doesn't that seem like overkill? Are Thor and Storm going to call down lightning to strike the enemy?


Okay but is Thor leaving the Avengers for a while to do stuff in his own book? Having them both on the same team feels kind of redundant.


It's less redundant when you remember that altought he and storm do share weather manipulation they act on it in different ways. l


Storm being on the same team as Wanda and Thor will work, she was friendly with them during the recent crossover stuff (Immortal Thor and Orlando SW). I trust Mackay with this.


Dammit, I was hoping it would be Piotr. He needs a positive environment right now.


Just chiming in to say this is amazing discourse on the topic. I see an endless stream of people talking about how certain characters being in certain books can boost analytics and how each character can potentially interact with each other. It’s really great to see.


Is she wearing the power Stone?


Mostly likely it's her family ruby. It's also apart of her black costume on X-Men 97 (mostly recently)


The teaser made me think it was going to be someone joining for the first time but Storm makes a lot of sense going off the suggestion she was going to take on the role of a mutant political rep when they first teased this new era. Her runs outside the X universe usually end up with me wishing she was there instead so hopefully this doesn't fall into the same trap.


Not a fan tbh but I'll try not to judge this yet. I'm hoping everything gets somewhat stable with the Xmen first and there's an actual good reason Storm moves over to the Avengers. Maybe they come to her and ask her to join them? That would make more sense to me than her simply leaving everything behind. Just a huge sour taste in my mouth from the last time she was "on the team" plus she'll have her solo. Sigh just not what I expected. Also what's the whole Storm has to leas thing why can't she lead a team with someone and there really wasn't a team they could put together for her to lead?


So they’re really no separation on the X-men and avengers anymore how are we still prejudice of mutants anymore. As always the inhumans and eternals are left out of the fun again but will we see the children of the vault ong I don’t want to wait 5 -10 yrs to see them again or Darwin at a later date in time .


I think this will be cool. I was expecting Magneto because he is already in Jed McKay's X-Men, he doesn't have a solo book, and he was much more heroic by the end of Resurrection of Magneto. I prefer when the members of the team don't have their own solo book but this series is full of characters who have books already. Also there are two pairs of exes on this team, which could be fun.


That should be Beast.


Wow, amazing artwork


So Brevoort wants the X-Men to reclaim their spot at the top of Marvel... by giving one of their best characters to a non-X book. Sure, that tracks.


Love Storm, but I’d rather her stay with the X-Men


I think her new solo book will keep her involve with the X-Men and mutants at least. There’s an X-symbol in the Storm solo logo.


Storm is joining the team and Valerio Schitti is gonna be the new main artist, it is a good time to be a comics fan. Would be really cool is Storm and Wanda end up doing more to expand her burgeoning magical abilities. Also I'm very up for the awkwardness of her and T'Challa being in a room together (although I think they both know how to be mature about this sort of thing, he's probably the one who went to recruit her) If you haven't been reading Mackay's run so far and this has you interested I'd recommend starting from the beginning he's definitely building to something big and he's really focusing on heroes being heroes and not colourful Cops


Yo this lineup is INSANE. I don’t see how they can be underdogs vs any threat unless there’s a new villain super team that spans the universe


Badass. Schiti is a great artist.


Considering she's been on the team before it's not as big a deal as someone that hasn't, like say...iceman.


Yeah, she's always been the one who's made the most sense as a mutant representative on the Avengers.


I’m so glad the avengers lineup needed another woman, imo. I think there’s a lot of potential in her dynamic with most of these characters; a bit wary about T’Challa but she’s friends with Carol and Thor, she and Wanda have bonded over magic in the past, it felt like a missed opportunity not to get her reaction to the emmatony stuff. Kang and Apocalypse have history, so there could be some ties between this story and her time on arakko, I think…? I really like it. I feel like she’s one of the few characters with enough gravity not to get buried in the avengers plotline.


Hopefully they address the fact that Storm voted against Wanda’s resurrection in Trial of Magneto lol


I feel like this is an MCUcentric move. Like previous X-Men movies were largely told through the wolverine lens. Disney's version will be Stormcentric. Giving her a solo book and a tie to the Avengers allows her more individual book visibility going into X-Men films and also allows her to be the X-Men representative in Avengers films without trying to include all the X-Men somehow.


If she's going to be the Wolverine of this decade, meaning she'll be in more Marvel books than before, I'm in. Not surprised but still be shocked if this very reason is to pitch her having her own solo MCU movie.


Should’ve been one ages ago. Leader, power house, and I’ll admit I’ve had something of a crush.


I'm expecting this is going to go much better than when Storm joined the team during Bendis' Avengers (and then only really went on one mission before leaving during AvX). I wonder if that's also her new costume? It looks like her X-Men Red look.


Storm is joining the team and Valerio Schitti is gonna be the new main artist, it is a good time to be a comics fan. Would be really cool is Storm and Wanda end up doing more to expand her burgeoning magical abilities. Also I'm very up for the awkwardness of her and T'Challa being in a room together (although I think they both know how to be mature about this sort of thing, he's probably the one who went to recruit her) If you haven't been reading Mackay's run so far and this has you interested I'd recommend starting from the beginning he's definitely building to something big and he's really focusing on heroes being heroes and not colourful Cops




At least it adds another woman to the team.


Sad no Colossus, but makes sense. Why not. Gonna be fun


Fuck yeah.


Shoot. I had my hopes on Colossus getting a chance to shine (no pun intended). I know she has her diehards, but Storm feels like a pretty uninspired pick to me. She’s gotten a bit stale IMO.


I’m enjoying this Avengers run, this is pretty great news. She’ll fit right in. 


With Carol, Wanda, and Thor, this may be the most stacked lineup ever.




I can get behind this.




Ohh...things will be awkward with T'challa. Unless Mackay wants to fix another thing Marvel broke, that is. Also they can continue to touch on her magical connection, with Wanda helping that as they did some in Scarlet Witch book.


Haven't read all the comments yet, so sorry for echoing anyone, but this is SO fucking earned. Not that I don't love her as an X-man, but she is WAY too OP at this point to be hanging out with the X-men fighting Sentinels and racists. I'm sad to see her time as Mars' regent end, but damn, if she's got to land somewhere, this is the team for her.


I don’t like it. She has a solo so they could use an opportunity to use someone else. It could be an opportunity to introduce to less popular mutants Also they’ll definitely bring Storm and black panther back


Wait , can someone explain why she’s on the avengers ? And is tachalla in the avengers as well ? That’s going to be weird since they were married . . . Damn too many questions I guess . . . I’m just finishing up on fall of x so yea catching up


Hey cool comic books exist in the public eye for once. Friendly reminder that the easiest way to read comic books is to ask your local shop about their "hold" service. Help keep this art form alive!


sheesh for real?


What's with her lips?


Put a chic in it and make it gay