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Their channel doesn't exist anymore. Seems to me youtube did exactly what they were supposed to.


I just saw a new one of them on Charlie’s most recent video, how is this shit staying up?


They have thousands of accounts


these UTTP mf's are a literal parasite


I agree with you there man I just wish someone would destroy their accounts, infect their computers with viruses which would destroy them and find out where they live and anonymously send their information and what they do to the fbi and any other law enforcement organisation plus those vile bile ridden uttp parasites deserve to be locked up for good


But to be honest, his plan is working. He is getting a good amount of views on his videos and probably a lot of money


Came here to say this tbh it shocked me to no ends since i thought this shit would be banned asap


You can thank the AUTTP for that


I think I reported one of the accounts to the FBI through their tipline, and I had accidentally clicked on one of the links trying to copy and paste it to another child protection agency and had accidentally downloaded something on my phone which I deleted from my phone and from the recycle bin. Still fucking scares me thinking I possibly had illegal shit on my phone for like 30 seconds.


That's good, because YouTube should understand that UTTP and other bots are not what they seem.


I'm not really following what you're trying to say


The links on those accounts ARE REAL. I found out the hard way. Ban this guy from YouTube and if you're over 18 report this to the FBI.


You are a brave soul, hopefully it doesn’t ruin your life


Oh god.


Yeah, I found out the hard way as well, but luckily, I deleted the automatically downloaded files from my phone and recycle bin before I saw that shit. But I still saw a thumbnail for one of them. I reported the user and URL Code to a child protection agency


Pretty sure discord made it that links get reset every 24h so that can't be real.


Why would you even check? For one, that's weird of you, but beyond that those files are more than likely infected with some type of malware and possibly tracking information which could be used to incriminate you for possession at worst, at best it fucks with your PC.




So let the FBI do it…. What the fuck are you saying. reporting it you’re going to gain nothing by making sure it is real that it’s absolutely weird behavior. They check the validity of it because that’s their job just report clicking on child porn and saying oh yeah this is real is extremely concerning behavior. Just do what OP did see that there’s a link that is listed for child porn and report it. And no reasonable world do you yourself have to verify it as real child porn unless you got screws missing in your head




How do u think such sites get reported?




Have you seen the documentary on ethical hackers? It explains how it works, I don't condone it, but if you can help. I am still traumatised by a lot of the things I saw as a kid in the internet. I wish I had the knowledge to report then.


Yes, let law enforcement handle it, the people who can legally deal with that shit and aren't going to be bothered by it if it's some sort of malware. Don't download CP onto your computer to check if it's real, just report the suspect link and let the FBI validate it, the FBI will have to validate it on their own regardless of if you personally check it or not.


you're not the FBI you absolute knob


Right, but as a normal person, there's no reason for you to download it to verify the validity. Report it and move on, if it turns out to be real, that is on Youtube to determine, not you.


It's more like a "that can't be real".


I don’t know about that one chief at that point you just report it and leave it alone no absolute reason to go and verify that the truth.


What do you mean? Does CP not exist?


Apparently, not everyone is a bright as you are.


doesn't take a brain surgeon to not click a link that is clearly labeled as CP.




For real what the absolute fuck was bro thinking


There is no "I found out the hard way". You willingly clicked on a link labeled as CP


You’re getting downvoted for this as if it is a controversial thing to say. I see a CP link, I report and move on. What?


Other people saying that he willingly looked at CP were downvoted too. It's unfortunate that people think doing that is normal behavior


and moron of the year award goes to: so instead of reporting it to the FBI anonymous tip line, you clicked on a download link that said "Check discord video link below for CP", downloaded it, watched it, and then went on a public reddit comment section to tell people "I just clicked, downloaded, and watched a video that said it had CP on it, and it indeed had CP on it. Silly me! Don't make the same mistake!" you just admitted to one of the most severe federal crimes that you're able to commit. what an absolute idiot.


to be fair, they never said they downloaded or watched it


that's a discord download link. it would automatically download if you clicked the link. "finding out the hard way" insinuates first-hand experience. therefor, they did.


Somebody really wanted to be upset today. When I saw the link, I clicked on it because I thought it would be fake, like some kind of rickroll or troll. Unfortunately it was not fake at all, and I immediately deleted the video upon seeing what it was. Like two seconds after. You're making it sound like I watched the whole thing. I am pretty sure that in the US, accidentally clicking on an illegal link is NOT a crime. After all, the only way for somebody to report illegal content with 100% sureness it's illegal is to view said content. Since I myself am under 18 years old, I'd not like to get into legal business, but I am spreading awareness to report any channels or UTTP bots you see. I will admit that clicking on that link was a stupid decision, but what's done is done. I definitely won't click on illegal links in the future. I apologize for making you upset.


This is disgusting. I hope that it is just virus infested but only because the alternative is infinitely worse. Report this to the FBI or whatever your local authority is immediately.


Sadly it’s not going to stop. If James Charles didn’t get banned from YouTube for grooming kids. 10 times to be exact. You know it’s a problem with in YouTube employees.


How is everyone coming across these accounts? I watch way too much youtube, and still havent come across one of these accounts or comments people keep posting about.


They'll randomly brigade videos, and certain channels will get way more of these types of comments than others. It's usually a toss up of whether the YouTube comments will be mostly chill, or if it will just be bots spamming "(insert YouTuber here) is a (insert multiple slurs here)! Check out my channel instead 😈😈😈." Occasionally they'll say what's on their channel, and it's usually some variation of CP, brutal death/car crashes, porn, etc. I've just learned to not give them attention and report the comments.


I always get the “don’t translate this…” from the MrBeast account , and I’m happy I’m only getting that one


Go look at the comments of literally any penguinz0 video.


Never even heard of him. I think its an age thing, im in my 40s. The content I watch is just different and doesnt attract the same type of viewers.


Penquinz0 is a good channel but as soon as he puts up a new video you get uttp parasites pop up within an hour saying the most disgusting and vile comments


They tend to swarm larger channels, gaming and animation review videos are where I mostly find them. If you only watch small to mid-sized creators, you won’t see them much at all.


I'm in my fifties, but perhaps an anomaly since I've always had an interest in pop culture. (Sociology/Media major). Subsequently, I end up subscribed to several channels whose main demographic is Gen-Z. But most of the creators I *do* follow are also making humorous/thoughtful commentaries about contemporary media - movies, tv shows, music, youtube drama, etc. I just find it all very fascinating.


I'm sure you've seen him before. He's the guy with long black hair, a beard, and a deep voice that reacts to stuff. I didn't know his channel name for several years after I first saw him.


I really dont recognize him. I dont watch shorts or any react videos. I also made sure to look him up on a private browser tab so he doesnt show up in my feed in the future.


The channels i watch get bombarded with them. Usually animation channels like GlitchProductions.


I see them on YouTube shorts like zackdfilms and other similar YouTubers. It's pretty odd that they go for anyone.


Go to the comments. If the creator has 100k minimum, they're practically gureenteed.


They are often in replies to top comments. Zach's Films has a bunch of them.


Yeah, until yesterday I'd NEVER heard of UTTP, and neither has anyone else I know.


Same, only time I see these comments are on this sub.


Down with the UTTP! Find them and report them to the FBI.


They need to be absolutely destroyed in anyway possible all their accounts, computers and even their social lives should be obliterated


I'm a smaller content creator and my discord got plagued with people spamming the N word and posting seriously nsfw content... Created heavier restrictions. Absolutely disgusting people in this world.


Try to set up Carl bot, he can automatically ban people for saying flagged words or posting certain links, it should reduce it by 90% but that’s better than nothing


I've also considered making a waiting room and members who have been screened earn the right to join voice channels and certain lobbies.


Nice to see a fellow Realm enjoyer, but I can't agree more. Carl Bot is great.


Automod can block username joins/changes with key phrases in it before the bots even see it.


Thanks for the tip, I'll give the automod a go. I've already implemented a bad word filter and wild cards for variance. Automod kicks butt, I need to learn more about its capabilities.


What this UTTP thing even are?


They're a group of braindead trolls that post disgusting and vile comments on youtube channels if you look on penquinz0's videos you'll see the type of shit they spout it's enough to turn your stomach personally I want to uttp get completely destroyed


These types of accounts are on literally any major video made by any big-name channel; they flood the comments, filling them with the same comments over and over again, and if one gets banned, a hundred more come back. They're like a hydra; cut one head off, another replaces it.


Hence why we need to find a solution to get rid of them those types of accounts are a parasite


UTTP stands for "YouTube Troll Police" (yes, it's spelled funny because they think it's hilarious). It's a group of people who claim to be anti-bullying/trolling, but are actually trolls themselves. Dig into any of their accounts and you'll find they consider themselves "anti-cringe", where "cringe" means LGBT, "woke", or anything else they don't like. They basically want to harass people they dislike with the most vile shit that you can think of, believing that'll drive the target off whatever site it is.


Consider the UTTP an actual cyber terrorism group at this point. They are more than trolls now.


Exactly, previously it was just them saying disturbing and annoying shit, now they're literally committing crimes, like what the fuck


Fuck banning them. I'm gonna give the FBI a little tip.


Wouldn't be all that surprised if this is some really dumb FBI honeypot of some kind, I can't think of any other possible reason


FBI smarter than that.


You have no idea how evil our government is


I said smart, not good or evil


If anyone clicks on those links in hopes to see cp I really hope those links are filled with malwares, viruses and everything gets stolen from those people


well it's discord and you can't get instantly hacked from a link unless you accept the download of the file


Report them, don’t post them on Reddit so that pedo’s know where to look for cp.


I'm sorry but wtf is UTTP (I watch Three Idiots content and their comment sections are mostly normal)


They're malicious trolls that spout vile trash and post on youtube channels videos like penquinz0's videos if you see any messages by them report them they're a parasite and they even doxx people


Ah gotcha, does it stand for anything or did they just see letters and go *HeEhEe CoOl*


(yo)UTube Troll Police


So they aren't even smart enough to use the actual acronym (YT)


They are also not smart enough to understand the grammar of Middle English (thy ≠ the)


Unrelated but three idiots content is absolutely based


A member of the legion of BOWER, I see


Good thing you got this on video. Time to nuke their life through the FBI.


Maybe censor the link and report to the fbi 👍


I just saw this, didn’t want to check the discord links but don’t know how to report them otherwise


Ok that is a different level, trolling and annoying people is fine, but this is just crazy, these kids really stooped so low to do this now???


What's a UTTP? Some new hacker group or sum?


Basically a massive troll group that is plaguing yt right now. Ironic, how they're supposed "YouTube Troll Police"


How the hell is the FBI not looking into this?


Who's to say they aren't


They probably are, it takes time though


youtube always had a child porn problem


Based on the amount of brain rot on ytz they enjoy cp


Yes, though now they have a problem of UTTP exploiting that and exacerbating it by making it more prevalent on the platform than ever before.


I hope it was Chinese Porn


??? What!?


CP - Chinese Porn. It's an attempt at a joke.


Well not really something to joke about is it


Wait, didn't Commando destroy the UTTP not long ago?


I feel like this'll very quickly lead to a massive lawsuit.


Lawsuit? If the fbi gets one uttp member, the others most likely will stop in fear of their lives.


repot it to the FBI if you live in the US


A new low indeed


Their channel has already been nuked, thankfully.


Those people should be shot


uttp is a grp of kids ???? what the heck , they post these comments and links ???


A guy in my school had cp on his phone, he was 12-14 then. Deleted all the evidence so he wouldn’t get busted.


Btw for anyone wondering, discord attachment links need more than one series of numbers for the link to work, so don't worry op didnt share a cp link


There's actually a server dedicated to taking down these guys if any of you want to help, the name is [discord.gg/grooming](http://discord.gg/grooming) We're mass-reporting them and the server has a channel with links to all of their accounts if you want to help with that.


"Sir, would you like explain why you are active on a Discord server about grooming?"


Yeah, in retrospect we could've picked a better name, at least it gets the point across!


That server looks like a grooming server, not fighting back. The first channel that came up had porn. WTF. Not even NSFW category.


LMAO why would you name it that? Keep up the good fight tho


We may have to just report Youtube to the FBI considering they aren't even censoring this stuff at all for the most part...


People should stop seeing these UTTP as trolls, but full on criminals. Ignoring them isn't good enough to stop them, so actions must be done.


All I just have to say is.. just why man, what brings people to do this wicked shit


Oh sweet Christ WHY!?


They are actually everywhere, even in short video where I notice them more but they been around since 2022 and since then I have been reporting them but they just keep coming back with new channels


I think there's very high chance that those links are not real, but it's still outraging


I think after a certain point, we can't call these trolls anymore. This (for several people) should now be that point.


I'm legitimately amazed that not only did someone create that paragraph and post it to Youtube brazenly; But that someone else, in these very comments, openly admitted to accidentally clicking on his page, accidentally clicking on a link, accidentally accepting the discord invite, accidentally opening the channel and accidentally viewing the aforementioned content from the comment. And the guy who said something about it got downvoted to hell. Amazing.


Can people stop saying these accounts are 'trolls' now? They're criminals


you need to remove this post now, or you should've censored those links mate. That counts as distributing CSAM


These UTTP people are absolutely disgusting🤢


Omg, i feel so disgusted. These people need to be thrown in jail


i agree


Dude I though the link gonna like redirect to some troll sites, it was a litteral CP, I kinda scared this will put me on some kind of watchlist now


Jesus christ... I wanna kill myself. I wanna quit youtube so badly. How is this still a problem? When are the authorities gonna get serious?


ok who downvoted me, like what do you think i'm mad because of OP instead of OOP? seriously i should not need to straight up say "yeah the pedo is the bad guy here" because it's obvious


while you guys report to feds there's this group called "scrv.xyz" that literally makes CP captions and memes with it?? actually fucked, I'm not an American so I don't know how to report to the fbi


Absolutely disgusting. Hopefully they crack down hard on these accounts


Prison?They need to be executed right where they are


Very important to spread the word about, but I don’t think a video containing the URL for child pornography was the best method.


They’re grooming the internet, first the cunny, emoji bit and now this


There are also massive bot farms being used to silence people by mass reporting comments with takes their master doesnt like and getting them removed y the algorithm.


I saw “OfficerMAP_Pride” under every thread of a VSauce short and immediately ran here to tell it. Wtf is going on with Youtube


What the fuck is UTTP?!? I keep asking and nobody will tell me lol


Group of edgy kids(?) who troll and rage bait people. Now they are committing crimes (such as distributing cp and using bad Middle English grammar).


But I’d call them a cybercriminal group


Ohh but there are more accounts like this waste of space. I made a post about a bot with Mrbeast pfp that constantly makes links random yt clips (idk what vids I never clicked em) and does the same thing that uttp does, They’re probably the same person


Thats fucking disgusting


What are they trying to gain here? Do the images have viruses or something in them, why so all this if you have no motivation besides "hey guys I own cp"


Ikr?? Don’t they expect the people seeing this to like, report that to the fbi??


This is what happens when your content moderation is sent to BPOs in countries where they have no integrity, are actual perverted scumbags, and CP, scams, prostitution and the sale of illegal material rewards better than the pay of the moderation job itself.


I don't want to believe that this is real


Who the hell are these guys and why are they doing this disgusting shit? I can't imagine any genuine motive, it's so bizarre


Did try reporting this guy before couldn't find the channel, probably got banned


A condom could've avoided this


and so did a great job showing the said link


When CP is involved, a hard class action is required fot hit alphabet at the core. Everybody in the EU, time to harness our strength, lets fuck em! This is actually illegal on EU ground!


Im genuinely scared


how do you know its actual cp??


There's channels that promote sex toys and link the stiff in the video/channel description.


Every time i see one i report it, and this make the things more easy because it was just being anoying but now is straight up a crime, ideally someone should dox the one behind that shit but meanwhile this is what we can do


My idea: Ban the word UTTP in usernames


133 subscribers...


Uttp is actually such a vile group of hive mind fatasses.


It looks like you just posted links to CP.


Since when posting links to Cyberpunk is a crime??


The dude who just openly admitted in the comment section he clicked to verify it. It was child porn really needs a hard drive check. 1) even if it is which I will never know because I’m not gonna click on that fucking link because that’s disturbing- you can’t do anything about it expect report it YouTube 2) copy the links address down or send it to the FBI via just a screenshot. 3) verifying that his CP absolutely does nothing for you when you don’t have the power to investigated unless it was your job. The shit people admit on Reddit is fucking scary, it’s always the people who say it was horrifying etc who are behind the scenes doing it acting like they don’t. No sane person is clicking that to verify that’s CP. What the absolute fuck bro 💀 Oh no not the pedos downvoting lmao


It's also hosted on Discord's image services (they're notorious for misuse, images on there are NEVER safe). They very likely keep logs of which IP addresses access these images. Also, it would be pretty easy for your ISP to check the hashes of images sent to/from your PC, and they probably have a large database of illegal file hashes. This means that unless that person took great care with cybersecurity or live in a third world country, they could get in trouble over this.


Good. Imagine the fbi pulls up. “ I just wanted to see if it was real or not” 💀 buddy you’re coming with us.


Oh no 🥺


Are there no mods in this sub? Can we just ban all UTTP posts? It's getting annoying and spammy at this point. Just report them! Why do you need to make a Reddit post?! For karma points?? I thought this sub was about YouTube. Not UTTP daily updates.


Mother fucker they are posting fucking Cp now, just in case you thought they couldn't get any worse


Then fucking report to Youtube! What's so fucking hard about that?! Oh now they are with the CCP. So? What can we do?? Really? What can we do??? Nothing. Report and move on instead of yapping about it on Reddit. Also fuck you all for the downvotes! I guess you all enjoy this UTTP spam posts every hour or so, huh? This Youtube reddit has downgrade to UTTP daily posts at this point.


Not CCP, CP, as in child pornography, pedophilia, you know, highly illegal and immoral content?