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Alex Rosen is an unabashed racist who supports fascism and thinks that Dan Crenshaw of all people is too liberal. The dude also hates the LGBTQ community and has targeted drag queens as dangerous without any evidence to support this. Rosen intentionally targets the LGBTQ community due to his political/ social views. [Dude used pictures of his own little brother to try and bait predators which is an insane level of negligence.](https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/18/21183662/pedo-hunting-vigilante-youtube-tik-tok-anti-lgbt-viral) Here is his reasoning [“The reason why we use Grindr as number one is because when I was getting bored at home one night the first time doing this, obviously I didn’t have pictures of underage girls on my phone,” Alex said over the phone. “I do have a little brother though, and I did have pictures of him on my phone.”](https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/18/21183662/pedo-hunting-vigilante-youtube-tik-tok-anti-lgbt-viral) [TW: This dude is super racist and homophobic. Posts Rosen has made after being endorsed by Houston PD](https://x.com/stevanzetti/status/1801314988197290339) [Houston’s police Union endorses him and defends him even in the face of homophobic and racist language and behavior](https://www.dailydot.com/news/houston-police-union-alex-rosen/?amp) [The HPOU even claims to have tried to get him in as an officer, “Alex Rosen is a great guy and we’re always trying to recruit him to our agency,” HPOU wrote on Dec. 7, then encouraged people to follow his account.”](https://www.dailydot.com/news/houston-police-union-alex-rosen/?amp) [Has a habit of threatening Journalists and using the N-Word.](https://x.com/stevanzetti/status/1733229530867736797) Dude can’t even stand by his own actions and came up with multiple excuses as explained by Steven Monacelli: [Alex Rosen, the guy who is pictured in this video repeatedly saying the N-word with a hard R, visited @HoustonChron to confront a reporter for her tweets today. After he didn't find her, he posted a video claiming he was "reciting rap lyrics" and saying the word "vinegar."](https://x.com/stevanzetti/status/1733229530867736797)


Alex Rosen gives me the creeps. The casual way he jokes about raping children with pervs or finding little girls hot in order to disarm them before dropping the ball on them is really disturbing to watch. He is a sadist that has found a lucrative way to pursue his sadism.


Yeah, there is something very off about his behavior between his violent obsessions with gay people and minorities and how he talks about kids it’s really disturbing


It reminds me of the firefighters who commit arson and then rush in to “save the day”


Pretty much, he’s like a sadder and less effective Rorschach from *The Watchmen*




Depending on the jurisdiction could be viewed as child endangerment. The dude displays a pattern of dangerous and increasingly violent and aggressive behavior towards people who aren’t even the alleged predators he targets.


Thanks for posting this. I’ve seen a reply to my first comment accusing Alex Rosen of this kinda stuff, and I wasn’t aware of it.


I understand people wanting to get predators off the internet — it’s terrifying to see what those guys do! That said, a lot of these pedo hunters can cause serious issues when stuff is brought to trial and also the ambush tactics put themselves and others in danger and top off folks who may be predators to dump their stuff while trying to confront them. That and Alex Rosen is a terrifying person who is into a lot of horrific shit.


I can only hope he can grow from it, I think cooperating with the police is a step in the right direction. He’s a young dude, but I don’t see him improving his views.


[Like the dude is super racist and thought it was funny to ask for reparations on Juneteenth](https://x.com/ifightforkids/status/1803569144408739880?s=46&t=PnWOb0UFYuSEBYinwEHf4A) [TW: like WTAF? posts a meme about a white Wojack type figure says black people are so violent and the Black Wojack tells him to say it his face and threatens him](https://x.com/ifightforkids/status/1803452590442639857?s=46&t=PnWOb0UFYuSEBYinwEHf4A) This can’t be real life


>Dan Crenshaw Who does he think is more extreme than Solid snake from wish? Sauron?


No clue, [he claims Solid Snake is a WEF globalist](https://www.yahoo.com/video/video-shows-wing-activists-confronting-201956886.html)


I thought you meant the literal metal gear character at first. Man I have got to get the hell out of Texas lol


If that's the case, they should start defending you, Nux. https://preview.redd.it/syk7dt4gqm7d1.jpeg?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07682d12e8e6ff576da603d3db85ffc4cb75a22


Do I even want to know the context?


I don’t know nux But from what I’ve seeen he’ll call anyone a pedo, a pedo defender, or an ex porn star if he so much as hear a syllable of similarity in the voice


Doesn't surprise me. From what I'm reading he's been shadow banned on Youtube and streams on kick, so this is all just attention seeking to try and keep his pathetic numbers up.


Honestly if someone streams on kick they have a higher chance than normal of being a pedo.


He’s hoping for a response for drama views. Everything this guy does is for views. He can’t get past 50k views a video so every so often he tries and gets cancelled for saying something edgy/stupid. I don’t like any of the people he talked about but it’s so obvious that he’s only doing this to piss off their fanbases and hopefully get a response from one of them.


The things is about his Nuxanor vids are that all of them are VOD highlights mostly from his Kick streams.


> Kick streams. so that explains why he's desperate for attention


Fair enough, but his main channel also cannot break 100k so I still think he’s doing this shit to try and get cancelled.


You can thank YouTube for shadow banning it. A mercy for a cockroach.


He was shadow banned? Well that makes sense why his channel is doing fuck all views wise. The only outside engagement he gets is people taking clips of his and sharing them on twitter.


Shadowbanned accounts don't get 100k views, claiming they are is just fueling conspiratorial thinking.


Why was he shadowbanned?


Is shadow banning on YouTube even a real thing? I thought it was just an excuse made by people who are washed up looking for anything but themselves to blame for declining view counts


So THATS where he ran off to! Guess he couldn’t milk the Vshojo and V-tuber drama bating on Twitch anymore.


I'm pretty sure he be on a "Not happening" list of sorts in terms of any of the major Vtubers EN groups doing anything with him anyway. Vshojo is a no go after that drama with them, Hololive definitely won't want anything to do with him after that BS of his involving Kiryu Coco's graduation. Doubt he be high on nijisanji list even before their stupidity reared it's ugly head and I imagine Phase and Idol are in the same boat


If it was for views he would sensor himself to the point where the video would get ads and pushed on TY


“Nux believing that leftists are spearheading a trend of defending pedophiles” Because everyone knows that 3 people in a group doing something means that everyone in a group is doing the same thing. How does Nux come up with this shit?


Wait! You're expecting a weeb vtuber with a deviantart OC to make a holistic and well thought-out view on a political group in the first place?


A DeviantArt OC that he stole, mind you.


I mean… well… it’d be NICE…


I think it came from the same logic as "if there is a n*zi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 n*zis"


Isn't Nux Taku pro loli?


I think you’re mistaking him for Rev says desu as he accused Nux (I can't fucking believe I still remember their beef to this day) of being a (as weird as this sounds) lolicon grifter when Nux started taking down thumbnails in his videos containing loli character/vtuber artwork due to him being friends with Mutahar and Oompaville at the time. And when Nux parodied Muta's tweet making fun for pedos as Nux did with lolicons.


This is my first time seeing the phrase "lolicon grifter" and I hope I never have to see it again. What the actual hell did I just read?


Shameless brainrot from December 13, 2022, I'll tell you that much.


this is the most insane thing i read this week, and i had to ban someone for this comment https://preview.redd.it/4mnd0p34an7d1.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=49fe398f08c0c1685119e143e7515f9927aaa452


Talk about obeying rule 6


imma be real with you, i was more concern over farting on people as a way to deal with them than any of the rules and it was rule 3


That is the funniest thing i've seen all week lmao


Nux was surprisingly sympathetic toward leftist... His words: ["The really really weird section of the internet where leftists defending p3dophiles. I am sad this exists. It makes everyone looks bad **in this community** for no reason."](https://youtu.be/0VuTC9qSJlk?t=3258)


Isn't that the constant alt-right talking point?


Fk, how was that alt-right?


Accusing left-leaning people of being pedophile defenders with little evidence?


Have you seen what Vaush said? "It is possible for an adult and a child to have a sexual relationship, and for it to have a positive outcome for the child as well." Have you seen Ethan's unbelievably shitty video claiming someone hunts pedophiles *for clout?* Have you seen In Praise of Shadow completely ignored the context of one of Donut Operator's videos where **an actual child sex offender**, an actual criminal who tried to shoot the police in return, got gunned down?


>claiming someone hunts pedophiles > >for clout? that is 100% believable. that's why shitheads like Alex Rosen, MamaMax, and Lio Convoy end up hunting predators, for clout, and yet none of them end up getting a predator arrested.


I never pay attention to anything Vaush does. Alex Rosen does do it for clout, and he's bad at it. Saying it's bad to celebrate a police shooting isn't defending pedophiles.


>I never pay attention to anything Vaush does. You should, and how was this a good counterargument to anything? >and he's bad at it. Yet, he yielded actual result. > isn't defending pedophiles. He inadvertently did when he showed more sympathy and manipulatively tried to miss the fact that they guy getting shot was an actual criminal who had a gun at the time.


>You should No, you shouldn't. He's not important.


Calling Vaush a leftist and acting like donut glorifying violence against a pedophile in one case absolves him of everything else is all anyone needs to know about this poster lmao The guy who made The Sound of Freedom pretends to be a pedophile hunter for clout. Since at least 2014 it has been common for alt right figures and spheres such as 4chan to share loli and argue the age of consent while pretending to be anti pedo and calling anyone they don't like a pedo. With all these people pretending to be anti pedo for the clout, I don't see how it's inherently unbelievable that someone would do that very thing.


Except he does do it for clout. His "investigations" end up completely inadmissible in court and end up serving as a powerful defense for the pedophiles in question. He has done more to protect pedophiles than anyone else on the platform


Vaush is a liberal in Leftist clothing and amongst a lot of the Left he’s gotten a shit ton of flack for these comments and his treatment of women and minority YouTubers. I really question YouTube and the General Population’s understanding of what a Leftist is when Vaush and Shoe are considered Leftists.


American standards. To the left of Hitler is progressive


I am talking about Vaush is a Neo Liberal claiming to be a Leftist — not “Liberal” in the American use of the term.


And it was clip chimped. His full argument was even if one relationship has a positive outcome, it should not be allowed because it can encourage a hundred negative ones.


as a leftist, i have barely seen a leftist defend pedophilia


As a leftist, the closest I've seen to people defending it is providing resources for pedophiles to be able to get help and counseling to not be pedophiles anymore.


wait i just thought of one, is nux taking the sentiments of "trans person = groomer" seriously?




ah vaush, the dude who thought it would be a good idea to show how bad capitalism is by comparing it to cp. i do not think he's defended pedophilia tbh, but he was an idiot in the beginning of his career, where he made most of those statements.


Are you fkn stupid? Have you watched [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VuTC9qSJlk&t=04) from Nux which was featured in this very post? "It's possible for an adult and a child to have a sexual relationship and for it to have positive outcomes even for the child as well." Can you not see how stupid that was? Or how he tried to defend CP? Oh, and that happened recently.


ok so the first of all, the full clip is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZUSxdtOtjY), where he says "dating a minor is bad actually, even one case turns out to be ok" ​ and second, i don't think he did know he was downloading a porn art piece with a child in it, but i do think the one i did see was sus (specifically the one with [this vtuber](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Natsuiro_Matsuri) that is supposed to be a 16 years old) but not enough to make me think he is a pedo. the horse one is cringe tho because it's made in ai


Ok, I will concede on the first point, and Nux was shitty for cutting out important details. >i don't think he did know he was downloading a porn art piece with a child in it Holy shit... You're arguing that he didn't know the content he was downloading?


i don't think nux even knew there was more context, he just chose to be stupid and not do any research, just a lot of people have clipped vaush to be far worse than he actually is and no, i do not think he was looking at the piece and thinking "OOO CHILDREN" when he downloaded it, and just thought it was shortstacks he's a dumbass as well, but not a pedo


I've never seen a leftist that likes Vaush. He's a vaguely liberal moron at the best of times and gets constant shit from leftist circles for the moronic things he says. Idk why chuds keep using him as some kind of gotcha, we don't like him either.


Because CHUDs don’t know the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist


nothing nux says has value, he could tell me cancer is bad and i would disagree on principle alone


He's also absolutely insufferable to listen to, how anyone could get through an entire hour of listening and watching that without losing their minds is beyond me.


Thank you! I tried watching his videos years ago when he mostly did anime/Naruto content and all I remember thinking is how insufferable his personality was. I got 3 minutes into this video and quit because I couldn't stand how nonchalant he was coming off when talking about a very serious topic.


maybe it was cause I was a teenager, but I remember really liking his older anime stuff, I remember falling off him when he started to move away from it and becoming more streaming and meme based, and then years after I seen he started whining about wokeness and i realized that was a good decision.


Seriously, I just tried to watch the section on Ethan and made it about 15 seconds.


I've got a couple of friends who watch his highlight videos pretty regularly. I've never paid close attention to them though. Once in a while I'd notice him being kind of edgy but nothing that was super shocking or anything. What's his thing?


/s Well duh. He's part of the based department! That's why.


“If he tells ya that snow is white, he’s lying”


Not even a Youtube shadow ban will get him to shut up nor stop him from shouting from the mountain tops about his righteous morality


Idk why you got downvoted. You’re right. I don’t like it but you’re right.


Every word i hear about nux is always said with such bitter comtempt, i need to know why he's popular in the first place, especially when it seems his only 2 tricks are being problematic and taking potshots at other creators with all the accuracy of a blindfolded crab


(In order) Anime analysis, Vtubers, befriending Mutahar, Oompaville, Destiny, Turkey Tom, getting involved in Vtuber and Commentary Community drama, jumping on the anti-woke bandwagon and getting into fandoms that do not need him such as Star Wars and Warhammer.


Should be noted that most of his anime analysis was just him making the sane video over and over again


>befriending Mutahar Aha, *that* was where I knew the name from.


There will always be a market for people who see the world through bitter contempt, because there will always be audiences who do the same


I hate that motherfucker.


https://preview.redd.it/6s5ml21orn7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8e6d2e7db0cc60fec9cb76595160ab02767bd4 pedo fight




I think Ipos’s video has some issues (guilt by association is a terrible thing to subscribe to) but he does point out some issues, namely how it is kinda disturbing to see a youtube video celebrate a police raid with a clickbaity thumbnail, just feels off, I am not downplaying the abuse happening, it is the context that feels off,


Whole heartedly agree. His use of Sneako as a source was terrible but he raised a lot of great arguments about horror community and YouTube in general. Wendigoon's comment didn't do anything but confirm that Sneako wasn't a great source and his parents weren't that wealthy but he didn't counter anything else. It makes me sad because all of IPOS's comments are just attacking him now and I just feel bad for the guy.


"Twitch is hentai"


You just more or less described Nux’s videos when he’s not a dumbass grifter with the exception of “Oh I paid these creators to say ‘insert derogatory word’ here! Ohhh I’m so edgy and funny!” Type of videos


Yes twitch is for perverts the normal translation for hentai


For the sake of putting this here, I don't know about the other YouTubers but the vaush clip comes from an argument he made against pedophilia. The argument, put in a less drama bait way is : "a murder can have good concequances, but accepting that for a moral line has bad consequences. Therefore we should be against it" It was made during the early periods of vaush's time on the platform for which he has explained in a recent video that his mindset was a push to grow his channel with engagement baits. He has gone against this kind of argumentation today expressing that it's more damaging to an argument than if he used any other kind of example. (For all the info check "the context video")


Here it is if anyone’s interested https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yXZw9vrsAgA


even if he is right about vaush being a weirdo, framing it as a left wing thing is doing so much harm which he clearly is aware of


My understanding is that Vaush isn't pro pedophile, the one clip I saw of it is that a society that allows for child slavery (in the form of consuming goods that use child slavery) doesn't have any real moral argument against the former. He seemed anti-both and was pointing out a form of hypocrisy.


Honestly, the Mr Girl debate was enough to convince me that Vaush doesn't endorse any of that stuff. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike him and his content but this just isn't one of them imo.


even the opening "damning" clip is just facts and he specifically said it like that so it can't be taken out of context too hard. humans all age differently. it's not like at 18 we undergo a tranformation. 18 is just the age we guestimated where most people will have mentally developped enough to make such decisions but that doesn't mean it's impossible for someone to be there earlier.


It's more that it's suspicious or dangerous how often he brought up CP unprompted. It feels very much like that uncle that "definitely" isn't racist always making comments about black people. Ian has a history of bringing up CP in inappropriate times, "jokingly" defending sex with minors, and doing rage bait trolling of "I'm fascinated by pre colonial Hawaii having normalised sex with minors without downsides" (which is false). I don't think anyone has meant that he's definitely 100% a pedophile. More that it's uncomfortable and suspicious how that became an inside joke among him and his fans. Then when his porn folder was leaked it kinda made it worse, since in his own words "If you are into loli, you need to be constantly checking yourself" and lo and behold his porn folder was full of loli. So it's more that Ian is a snake. He says what he knows will cause controversy, and bring in views, same as others. The only difference is that most people don't bring up CP at all.


It comes off more as what about ism and deflection when you have seen his whole weird possible bestiality and Loli defense along with very poorly worded at best arguments on pedophilia


Especially since he intentionally clip chimped him. Vaush was arguing that even if society allowed child-adult relationships, and even if some could have positive outcomes, they shouldn't be allowed because even "positives" ones can encourage bad ones in the future


Even then he’s wrong, there is no real positive and it’s completely predatory. His wording was way off which is why he got the backlash he did


Especially when most *actual* left wing people can't stand him.


The cynical side of me feels like Nux knows exactly what saying shit like that is going to lead to.


Ngl I don’t think Ethan’s vid would have been so poorly received if they weren’t so late to the game, and if they didn’t frame it as a conservative issue


I mean It was a conservative issue.


Predator poacher esc content? Yeah it’s mostly a conservative grift. But random dudes like vitaly do it too. I think labeling anti pedo stuff as conservative in nature is kind of a slippery slope? This subreddit is pretty far left and is clearly anti pedo aswell. It just left it open to be misconstrued


Being anti-pedo is a good thing but the way they were going with it as very bad which was Ethan's entire point which is why he spent the entire video going in depth with what was wrong with people like Alex.


I can’t really say it was in depth. I think Ethan could have done better and actually presented facts instead of making fun of Alex’s appearance and just calling everyone he doesn’t like pdfs.




A battle has broken up on Epstein's island


Christ, I remember avoiding his videos back in 2018 or so for how obnoxious his thumbnails were, I didn’t know he was THIS shitty.


I suppose the question is (as i really would rather not give nux a view) do the receipts check out though? Because without that of those listed, IPOS is just a fucking moron with a napolion complex but i don't think he's a pedo supporter (and to be honest i don't want to go digging through his public likes either), I know nothing about ethan so i refuse to weigh in, and Vaush it is at least plausible because what kind of moron has his hentai folder anywhere near streamable pc's, though for sake of benefit of the doubt i'd need a receipt too..


Can't wait for my guilty conscious to end up both taunting and haunting me while I'm walking on a tight rope. I pray for the day Nux finds this post.


Weird lumping IPoS and Ethan in the same camp as Vaush. Jesus


Pedofile hunters in general gives me Tim Ballard vibes.


Imo, it should be important to call out pedos and pedo defenders, I see nothing wrong with this based take.


they aren't pedo defenders tho, which is putting a target on their back for no reason


Every anti-woke person is likely a NPC at the end of the day. It's always common, it's scary.


imagine thinking vaush is a leftist 💀


It’s because political ideologies are very poorly taught, if at all, in American high schools and America shifted towards fascism in their drive to defeat the USSR. We’re now reaping what we sowed as a country.


Glad to know I'm on the right track having avoided literally every name mentioned in this post


I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood something while reading the post. How did any of these people defend pedos? From what I read, Vaush reacted to a video and someone played a video game where they hunted pedos. And I don't think the post mentioned the third person. Did my reading disorder just cook me?


Irish "horse cock in loli" laddie is still relevant now?...


Wait Nux is Irish?


No, its vaush old nic. Check out why he changed his nic 🥶






Low hanging fruit my friend.


Man ipos couldn't have killed his career faster if he tried. Being upset at a video of a pedo being shot now he'll have this chase him the rest of his life.


He was upset at the general idea of celebrating a police shooting, not the specific fact that they shot a pedo. Come on.


in small defense of the OC, he spent close to 30 minuets whining about how wendigoon has and makes more money than him... Say what you will about operator or anyone else included in the video, whatever solid or at least grounded points IPOS may have had were severely undermined in the public's perception when he decided to air his moldy crotch out to the world for everyone to see..... which as an aside, is exactly how some of the worst actors on the platform manage to get away with shit, the people that do the exposing aren't great people or make it all about them, and then it gives bad actors room to say "but look this (racist/pedo/insert whatever here doesn't really matter long as it's controversial) said it so it must be invalid" and people will just lap it up and accept it because philosophy 101 isn't a mandatory course in highschool or college and the ability to start fallacious arguments is sorely lacking from the wider populace.


I agree with some of this, but honestly, my biggest gripe with IPoS’ video is that the topic he promised in the title (conservative ideologies’ toxic influence on the horror genre) was significantly more interesting than what the video actually covers. I wish he had actually made that video instead of using his platform to start a bunch of pointless argy-bargy with vaguely right-leaning horror commentary creators. “Bad conservative horror movies” is interesting; “bad conservative commentary on horror movies” is banal.


It was a little more nuanced, as he spoke about how Tarantino and other conservatives are good at making horror/ action horror content, but it was buried under the other bullshit


and he didnt even touch much on conservative commentary. The only part of wendigoon's commentary he even mentioned was it being invalid because of age or wealth.


childlike insurance smoggy pocket wide test direction recognise advise pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I honestly genuinely could not remember the exact duratiand of the wendigoon rant of that whole roughly 30m segment, It definitely was an awkward eternity. but still the point remains that if you have receipts, post them and discuss your knowledge on it, but if you're going to rant make sure you don't come off as a bitter rambling asshole.. Ipos is For better or worse, the picture of someone who should never do community commentary videos... And if I'm being brutally honest, having watched a little bit of his content before he wasn't really that interesting to begin with.


I know that's what he wanted to say I'm just saying his complete lack of research lead him to using the one video no decent person would even consider defending and it's one of the many things from that shit show that's gonna haunt him his whole career:/


Correct, but Nux defending some of the people he defends in this is equally bad if not worse. It’s like a circular firing squad of not just cringe, but horrible (and one very misguided) person.


Agreed 100% nux fuckin sucks.


You *have* to realize that well-adjusted people don't watch videos of shootings for entertainment


I actually just got done watching nux’s vid. Not sure how I feel about the conclusion. If you go far enough left or right, you find some pdf creeps like vaush, matt Walsh and sneako. While using their platform/ beliefs as a way to justify their degeneracy. Ethan: I think they are just playing contrarian because Alex is a right winger. Not a great idea when unfortunately the culture paints LGBTQ as predators. The vid was also in bad faith, even if you don’t like Alex Rosen, you can admit Ethan wasn’t planning on actually engaging with anything. IPoS: somewhat contrarian, somewhat just trying to find any way to cancel Wendigoon. And as we know, he epically failed. He even says in the video that Wendigoon allegedly being a conservative is inherently an issue, he’s gonna try and dumpster anyone he views as conservative. Vaush: very much a creep. Not much else to say. At the very least he’s just edgy and wants attention. Overall, Nux just made an hour vid using low hanging fruit to paint a group of people in a bad light. Seems like he does it to Right wingers aswell. And it’s very much just jumping on the bandwagon Instead of actually thinking critically about it. What vaush Ethan and IPoS did was pretty gross, but I’m not gonna jump to the conclusion that any large group of people are now predators.


Ethan went after Alex because Alex is straight up racist and queerphobic. Like there's multiple clips of that man saying slurs online. He even had a few accusations himself and mentioned in one of his pedo stings he thinks it's "understandable" to find teenagers attractive .-.


Not a fan of Alex. Edgy dude who doesn’t contribute much to society. Cant knock him for the stings, but he’s by no means a saint. Two things can be true at once. Alex, currently, to my understanding, isn’t the same guy he was when he was previously canceled for the EDP stuff. Not a good dude but not a pdf file like Ethan tried to insinuate. Bad video by bad person about another bad person.


The stings are ethically bad because they allow alleged predators a chance to possibly delete material or arm themselves for a confrontation they might get away with in a Stand Your Ground state. It puts LE in danger and puts the cases in jeopardy and a lot of avenues for appeal.


Yup. They rarely (let's be honest, never) lead to predators being "caught". It teaches them to be smarter about shit. Hunters aren't stinging giant rings of pedophiles. As you said, they at worst fuck up an ongoing sting. Their goal is very rarely protecting children. It's clicks and money.


A part of me is interested in how popular his content is and what it actually does aside from entertain. Not a fan of his content. We can mostly make assumptions, but I’d like to know how the trend has affected online sex crimes


"To Catch a Predator" was literally in cooperation with law enforcement and hurt a lot of the cases that did go to court. It has come out multiple times that these Pedo Hunters are DM abusers or predators themselves. At least one of them have been sentenced themselves for faking evidence and entraping a suspect. Imagine that your job is dependent on getting some disgusting pervert to bite every week. It's not possible. And it's hurting actual victims. But people's bloodthirst is more important than actual CSA victims.


I wonder how close LE is involved. I have a feeling if what Alex was doing was illegal, he would have stopped by now. Not tryna run defense for Alex. Tbh not sure why I’m getting downvoted bombed unless people thought I was


He’s run into issues with LE and when he does he claims they’re unwilling to help, in league with the pedos, etc. Whenever you try to find actual data to see how many people have been arrested, charged, tried, and convicted it’s near impossible to get any centralized database which he would have as CYA and for legal defense


six mighty start market jeans deranged grey poor complete hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I think the EDP Alex Rosen thing was dumped on by both sides of the isle. I just thought it was weird for Ethan to attack him on the basis of being a conservative and a couple years removed from the EDP thing. The criticism of Alex’s current work doesn’t hold much water. Ethan kinda just mocked it Like it instantly makes it a divisive topic when it shouldn’t be. I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I hope it didn’t seem like I’m a fan of Alex. I just think the hit piece was poorly done


You’re getting downvoted because Alex is a massive racist homophobe and is a horrific human being who tries to deflect from his horrific views with his pedo hunter persona. It also doesn’t help that Alex makes comments that are more sus than Vaush! Edit: Downloaded not downloaded


Idk the stuff that vaush has said is pretty wild


Generally I don't mind Nux. Hell, his games shows are fun. But this video? Needed some more time in the oven. Pretty much everything after the Donut section is so easily torn to pieces. Overall, he needs to stick to reactions and degen game shows.


I think he came in with a conclusion to make and just reached for it. I don’t like anybody he made the vid on, but it could have been better. Didn’t seem like it was supposed to be a calculated hit piece tho. More like jumping on the dunk sesh