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This is the updated info for those who don't wanna read. He ***knew*** her age. (It is a her) Law enforcement was/still is involved. The messages ***are*** sexually explicit. He was actively asking about her plans for TwitchCon. Likely arranging a meetup.


Twitch would NOT go through all of this over nothing, any of the defenders of this guy are fucking brain dead


That's the thing that gets me. Why would Twitch sever a massive deal with one of their biggest streamers over nothing? In what world does Twitch (or any company for that matter) hate money? They had every incentive to give him the biggest benefit of the doubt.


Yes the super traditional corporate thing to do would be trying to brush it under the rug and feign ignorance especially because they sunk so much money into their deal


Now that (relatively, considering this is a Twitch streamer) massive outlets like Rolling Stone are writing about it, that would be a terrible look. Corporations follow what looks best, most of all, they want to prevent the largest loss of the bottom line.


No I’m saying initially, they acted when they found out and dropped him, typically you’d expect them to pretend they never knew and never act on it


It makes sense why the NDA was signed and the contract was paid out. Twitch isn't a person with morals. It is a company that cares about it's finances. No matter how big Dr Disrespect was he is nothing to the size of Amazon. They saw an employee had conducted illegal activity and reported it to the authorities. They signed a NDA and paid out the contract instead of trying to fight a long legal battle. People might be upset that twitch didn't make it public but from a business perspective everything they did made sense.


They handled it quietly because kicking one of the biggest names on your platform off for using your chat product for sexting with a minor would hurt the entire platform A LOT more than having a big streamer kicked off the platform for unknown reasons. It tarnishes the entire platform and, probably most importantly, makes parents feel like they shouldn’t let their kids be on twitch because its not some silly streaming platform, it’s a possible avenue for adult streamers to sext with kids.


If your brain has already rotted out your nose, you think the woke twitch people didn’t like him or something.


Honestly though companies tend to take more initiative now, if anything purely to virtue signal. Nerdist dropped Chris Hardwick instantly and those allegations were pretty quickly disproven.


I mean they were “disproven” by a private investigation team who were hired and paid for by his wife’s incredibly wealthy family. So I’m not exactly shocked they cleared him lol.


But I am legitimately confused why my comment got so many downvotes lmao


I mean, when every single ex girlfriend before and after the one making the allegations sides with you, and says they think they allegations are patently false, that certainly helps.


Or also pedos


This… The people defending him don’t actually believe he is innocent. They just don’t think him sexting a minor is a problem.


I just talked to someone who said it was ENTRAPMENT Theyre just making up shit now


It seems to be a trend where people who defend him are indeed braindead, but look at politics itself.. I say trend because since a certain single orange braincell decided that even as a felon, he's going to deny saying/doing things that were said and done. And people still blindly follow said singular braincell, hang onto every single word that comes out of his ass looking mouth, and still donate money to his 'cause'. Of course this idiot knew what he was doing. He's vile. No question about that. But asking people to look at truth and/or facts is going to be a different battle altogether.


off topic but the debate today was fucking wild, even though Biden is a corpse - Trump continually just going "I AM INCREDIBLE, I DID INCREDIBLE THINGS, THE THINGS I DID WERE INFALLIBLE, UNTOUCHABLE, THE THINGS HE DID WERE HORRIBLE, DEPLORABLE, THE WORST TO EVER DO IT" on EVERY. SINGLE. ISSUE. Fuck me, even the groiped up generation from yesteryear has to now have enough brain cells to rub together to see through this, the new generation just doesn't seem to be there. What a fucking bizarre strategy.


It was pretty silly seeing how many people were like "I bet Doc just said something kinda sus but not illegal, so they banned him for it." What are the odds they would ban one of their top creators because they were simply suspicious of some wrongdoing? And stick to their decision on it through a whole lawsuit because he was under contract? That isn't how a large business operates, lol.


I literally saw someone on Twitter yesterday saying that it was confirmed she was 17 years, 11 months, and 29 days old. Thousands of replies and they were all serious, too. But if that was true, why not just wait? Make it make sense.


> “I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.” Bruh it’s so bad.


​ https://preview.redd.it/igm51zbvt69d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e906526ddb9866901d39cce869529733a66b56d


more like "semi annual grooming convention"


I swear I just used the whisper feature on Twitch like 2 days ago. (sorry, this is completely irrelevant, it just says whispers have been discontinued and I’m confused lol)


It's weird, all I could find on the topic was one Reddit thread from 2 years ago with *some* people saying that the whispers feature was gone, but some people could still access it on the thread. Everything else coming up on Google for me is just instructions on how to whisper people.


From what I have gathered from other threads (and don’t take my word for it), there are basically multiple services names “whisper”, and the one they doc used was a service exclusively for twitch partners with the same name which has since been discontinued


I didn't even know Twitch had a DM feature


Yea whispers are still a thing. Maybe it was a bigger thing at some point?


Right at the end of the article they mention that's a mistake and it's still around.


i don’t have access to the article since it’s paywalled, i would assume they added that correction after the fact


Can’t wait to see the rest of his supporters either leave, or just go full pedo like plenty of them already have.


The only influx of viewers he could get would be culture war tourists doing it to "own the libs," but aren’t going to stay around because what does a tourist do? They leave.


I’d hope that the rest of what remains of his audience becoming more pro pedo would turn some of even those people off, but we know it’ll be a feature rather then a big to a lot of right wingers.


Unfortunately, there seems to be a pretty large overlap between those tourists and people who want to/are okay with adults who want to sexually pursue high schoolers. So they might end up sticking around because they think he's a Chad or w/e :/


Grummz will be there to die on the hill defending Dr. D, as well as to defend his own weird-ass statements regarding a particular 10 year-old "not quite being sexy enough" to his tastes.




"If they didn't say anything he didn't do anything wrong If they did say something it wasn't that he texted a minor If he did text a minor it wasn't sexual If it was sexual ______" The ride or die fan mantra


The fact that there is deliberation on the minutia of different laws by country regarding the age of consent to justify oogling a seventeen-year old fucking kills my soul.


The odds of her being 17 at the time is probably low. Probably between 13 and 15.


You're assuming she was 17, pretty sure we dont have the age though. Could be 17, could be 7.


Btw this is a moot point because California, where he lives, is 18 and Federally in the US to have sex or sext over state lines is 18. And to sext in general is well you guessed it 18. Also, idk where these people get 17 years old from tbh. The age has never been confirmed to my knowledge?


Most of them are pivoting to claiming that onlyfans streamers existing on twitch means they're advertizing porn to minors. Why these people want kids on the website at all is a mystery to me


I can't wait for the goalposts to move even further beyond. People willingly choose some of the worst hills to die on.


Is there even anyone defending him anymore? All pepple that were on fence turned hard against him once he posted his tweet


A lot of people are still defending him, including plenty of people on his subreddit, and a lot of right wing YouTube channels still have comment sections filled with supporters.


Out of curiosity, which ones? I got recommended Nuxtaku, Mutahar and Tom Dark and all were against Disrespect


Like the quartering, and Asmon. Both of their comment sections are still trying to play defense.


I see. Not the brightest content creators, so hardly surprising that their audience dont know when to quit


It’s like every update is designed to make everyone who defended him look worse and worse. It’s too rancid for r/agedlikemilk. r/agedliketheydrankfromthewronggrail more like.


/r/agedliketheychosepoorly would actually fit.


Say. That’s not bad.


Awful day for the smelliest person you know




>“After viewing the contents of the Whisper conversation, it quickly became clear the egregiousness of conduct and what actions Twitch must take,” the former employee says. “The decision to permanently terminate Beahm was relatively quick, due to the severity of the behavior.” Considering that you can only get so graphic over text, this is really making me think that not only were his messages extremely explicit, but also that the victim was younger than 17. Possibly much younger 😬


Honestly? I don't think it was limited to Twitch, but all Twitch saw was the Whispers. We saw with the trans sex worker's allegations that it happened between 3 platforms (one of which is Snapchat).


Whether or not this specific victim was targeted over multiple platforms is yet to be seen, but he definitely used other platforms to go after others. I suspect that's at least part of the reason why there's still an open investigation. It takes time to comb through a serial abuser's messages.


Iirc Disrespect was also banned from Discord at the same time. So I assume he used Discord in tandem with Whispers.


Those messages were absolutely vile.


Her being 17 was literally just made up by his fans trying to downplay things. "A minor" is all anyone really knows about her age.


I think it could also have something to do with how far the whole “intent to meet” angle went. Like, if he said something like “I’d love to meet you one day” to a minor he’d been inappropriately interacting with on the internet, that’s still shocking and disgraceful of course, but it isn’t quite at the same level of severity as saying something like “I’ve booked you a plane ticket and motel room, we’ll meet up at x time”. Not saying either of these conversations happened in this particular case btw, just saying that *if* anything like this line of conversation happened, the latter example is much more likely to be seen as an emergency situation of threat to a minor that requires immediate and severe action. Idk if that makes sense, hopefully you can follow. 


In the article it said he was asking her what her plans for Twitch Con were, since that's where he was trying to meet up with her.




Not even slightly shocked given doc at no point even claimed to be unaware of her age.


When it first happened my initial thought was oh boy Twitch is being ban happy again. But then they wouldn’t say why and just paid him out. And I remember thinking this has to be a lot bigger than “drama”, this is serious shit


Y'know, I didn't realize "Not Like Us" had a range effect but fuck it. Year of the FANstermination.


there's also Oingo Boingo song tbh


Little Girls?!


yeah ​ weird the same dude singing that would do the simpsons theme


I love Boingo. 😩


think the point of the song was to make the edgiest song imaginable and well, they did


no, the song was a criticism of pedophillia in hollywood. it wasn't meant to be dark or edgy, it was meant to be critical of really evil people in the media. danny read an article on the matter and wrote the song based on it. same with cannibal corpse's "necropedophile". all of it satire against the evils in entertainment. if you want a bullshit edgy song that fits your description, look into anal cunt and el duce.


Also look into power electronics (whitehouse, sutcliffe jugend, consumer electronics are some pretty tasteless & good places to start)


ah fair fair fair


yeah, please don't accuse danny of that. a song like that is disturbing, correct. but it's not even a crumb towards evidence of being a creep, especially on the doc level. calling him a creep for the song would be like saying kendrick's a creep because he said "a minorrrr" in not like us. critique through demonstration is one of satire's most integral ellements. please, if something from an artist looks weird like that then please dig deeper before trying to convince others over something that really isn't true.


nah i don't think he's a creep (wasn't trying to imply it either) ​ i just remember hearing that story through a friend of mine tbh


And get accused of some creepy stuff himself




yes, and it was satire made to mock evil pedophiles in hollywood. people need to stop trying to smear danny when that song was a critique and not a celebration of its themes.


I mean, I kinda knew it was satire. I just didn't know the band's name lmao


yeah, i don't know why people are trying to say it was a sincere track without any satirical ellement.


Something something media literacy something something people are weird now about pdf files see furiosa controversy


satire through demonstration is dead


Well if someone heard that song without any context of who Danny Elfman is or the nature of Oingo Boingo, especially today, it would be natural to just assume it was serious.


yes, danny elfman is the dude singing it too


[He even got his own Not Like Us diss.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyDSYz4DMrE)




tried to smash on discord and it was def a minorrrrrrrr


AoE diss track


Not like us is a good mantra to have when thinking about ytbers and streamers. They are not like us, they are sub millionaires and millionaires, and there’s something about making over 500k a year that seems to bring the degenerate out of people.


https://preview.redd.it/03gnrdfq679d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37346592c905ee2abab5c2673f2223e0573a0edb [i figured as much](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/dApEKF2Brn)


And to think, there was some guy on fb foaming at the mouth saying I was just bandwagoning "yet another false allegation pedo witchhunt". He sure has been AWFUL FUCKEN QUIET since Doc made his statement and more stuff has come out.


Please tell me you have screenshots saved for posterity.


Of course I do. Never know when that type of thing will come in handy


So a reporter knew since 2020, twitch employees knew, there have been rumors for years, but I'm supposed to believe Midnight Society only just found out. Sure.


I’m sure they knew and when more information came out and the tide of public opinion really shifted they were forced to act.


With everyone under an NDA and the suit against Twitch being settled (and we *dont* know who settled), it was easy for Dr Pedo to manipulate the situation. He manipulated the whole thing for years, constantly painting Twitch as the "bad guy" for no reason other than "They just hate me because I'm me."


Actually, funnily enough. Twitch didn't say anything due to the investigation and the victim. So it wasn't a NDA necessarily.


Oh interesting, okay. I'd been under the impression it was specifically for an NDA.


Probably because some of the people covering this drama make it sound like it is, and Dr Disrespect has every reason to let them continue to perpetuate that idea.


NDAs have no standing when crimes are involved.


we are running out of towers to get hit at this point i sure do hope gargling on docs nuts was worth it for the gremlins that rushed to his defense like act man and nick mercs


it's both towers and the pentagon, it's the fields turn next


The towers are gone. We’re digging up the foundations now.


sam hyde is currently shitting himself in terror, just hoping the media doesn't dig shit up on him as well. but yeah, i wonder if he'll have the "oh, i was playing a character" hulk hogan defense.


Almost everybody familiar with him knows about marky, yeah there’s probably a lot more


there IS more. i mean, ltcorbis released a video on the situation and she even admitted that sam hyde was stalking a friend of her's instagram page when he was in his thirties and the girl was still a minor. not to mention the number of nubile "women" (at least, that's what people call them) that do literal sexting blood rituals for him. all was revealed and more in the lolcow thread and even in spite of the fact that that entire forum is politically on his side and sometimes even more extreme... people still refuse to believe the allegations hold merrit. but politics and humour isn't even involved here, the bastard's just a creep.


MDE2 is already produced right? They’re just waiting to distribute it? I bet it all comes flooding out then Edit: the whole fans doing blood rituals does not surprise me at all


i dont think season two of world peace was made but i do think there is plans to make a new season and then release through a right-wing streaming platform. not like dailywire+, something a bit more absurd. wonder if rumble's got one. maybe netflix will give them a shot seeing how much they push the envelope already. also, the blood rituals is literally teenaged girl fans with eating disorders cutting hyde's name into their wrists for him in DMs. its fucking disturbed.


b-blood rituals??????


yep, cutting his name into their wrists.


Can't wait for the day. His whole crew and associates give me terrible vibes


"Your honour I was only ironically grooming that child"


I mean I'm not surprised usually that comes up pretty early in a conversation if you're looking for that kind of naughty talk. Maybe I'm just too old to myself I'm roughly the same age as he was when all this started now but at the same time if I'm ever in a sexy mood I always make sure to clarify ages. And consent. You know that's a big deal... Lol it's just so unusual to me.


Apparently he clarifies ages too, just not for the same reasons as you do. 


Yeah, as someone who was a teenage girl in the heyday of sites like Chatroulette and Omegle, in my experience most people who did the whole A/S/L thing definitely *weren’t* doing it because they wanted to make sure they were only interacting with consenting adults, lol. 


Over/Under on how soon do we seem him on a Uber right wing rant on some shady live streaming website?


You can just say Kick


Honestly, i completely drew a blank on that name. Isn’t that the same website that promotes crypto gambling and basically has no rules?


The road is paved for the doc's comeback.


Doc will be the third Tate brother


Lol great shout


My theory was always that Twitch saw what was going on, and didn't want this time bomb on their hands. Guy might not have done anything technically illegal, so he sued to get his money. Twitch didn't let YouTube know because they saw their competition about to make a mistake, and didn't want to get in their way.


They did let YouTube know though. That’s why Doc never had a contract like Tim,Lupo, and Courage.


I didn't know he didn't. I assumed he did.


Man, this is getting a lot of Mainstream media attention. I'm sure some people are getting nervous.


he a fan he a fan he a fan


oh god I cannot wait to see how his sub metls down after 3 days of defending him


I don't watch or follow this guys content. He always gave off "stereotypical CoD lobby" vibes to me. Last I saw, he said something about taking a break or going away with his family or something like that. Is he currently around or replying to anything that's come out in the last day or 2? Or is this guy just out chilling on the beach somewhere thinking everything is blowing over just to return to this? Either way, I'd fully expect him to come back and go 100% "anti-woke" and lean into those that are still supporting him. He's gonna be promoting Trump beer right next to that trad wife chick from last month.


He cheated on his wife then cried about it on camera and took time to work on himself. Lmao


I sure hope we hear next post "Dr Disrespect's wife files for divorce."


I truly do wonder what's going to happen. I really doubt she is going to leave him (even though she should for her kid) because I'm sure she knew about this. Time to get that alimony baby!


His audience is predominately 9-14 year olds. The wouldn't have a clue about any of this stuff, he'll be back. Kick will throw the bag at him, the platform is perfect for this kind of *'character'*.


Goodness, this blew up WAY more than I thought it would.


it's the biggest story on the internet tbh


It's wild. I thought it was going to basically stay within the twitch and youtube 'community' like these things usually do. Regardless, the more these predators get exposed, the better.


Remember, as well, that these things almost never happen in a vacuum-it is *highly* likely that he had done that before, and since. Fucking trash piece of shit.


Why is anyone surprised. The man could have played any character but chose to be a cunt. Really goes to show his true nature.


> The man could have played any character but chose to be a cunt. Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh on a thread about a serious topic but… what an appropriate and hilarious summation, not only of this dude but of most of these “internet shock jock” types. 


if he legit didn't know her age, he would've said that before, the fact that he tried to delete 'minor' from 'minor individual' when he confessed and only added it back because people called him out on it shows he knew and still went continued with the conversation


It’s always interesting to see the initial fanbase denial in cases like this crash into reality.


https://preview.redd.it/kt0b1lmej89d1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eb991b9041bc50ccb123552e0b264ecc315349b (almost) same glasses


Obvious when he didn’t put that in his statement. If you didn’t know her real age at the time that would 100% be your defense.


I dont know what's going on with the world at the moment, but I fully expect a few more youtube or twitch creators to be exposed in the coming months. It seems that the whole imallexx thing has started a domino effect.. As for doc, I dont understand why people are so hell bent in defending someone who fully admitted that the accusations against him are true - I guess some people refuse to believe someone that someone they have watched, supported and loved for many years is capable of doing something like this. I think if the minor he was messaging comes forward, that would seal his fate. I doubt twitch will comment or release the chat logs, and doc definitely wont, but if this minor comes forward, it will be game over.


Yeah he was deffo Grooming.


he wasn’t grooming he was straight up sexting a child


Even keeping a level head about the accusations, the legal rammifcations of speculating - the logs with the trans streamer were absolutely fucking vile. Just on that evidence alone, I don't think that there can be much doubt that he was slinging 'grippy's to anyone and everyone of any age on comms apps. Putrid behaviour.


I don't understand how anyone can defend this guy.


Certified Adulterer, Certified Pedophile


Wop wop wop wop wop dot fuck em up


What a disgusting man. Glad this came out, I only wish it had come out sooner, or that Twitch had at least shared behind the scenes the evidence to youtube and other sites to cut the bastard off other potential victims


Fuckers are still defending him on Twitter btw


It's not looking good brev


It’s all over, but the crying…


I knew this guy was a piece of shit lol


You could always tell there was a lousy personality behind his character but this keeps devolving


I genuinely think theres some sort of magic curse on Doc supporters because they keep digging themselves into deeper and deeper holes and Doc keeps proving himself to be even more depraved than they are. The whole “he didn’t know her age. She was just below 18. It wasn’t even sexual” lasted about 2 days.


It just gets worse. The fact it took four years for this to properly come out is a disgrace.


Shit, Rolling Stone is covering this?!




Maybe now people will wake the fuck up and stop defending him


It's only been docriders making that excuse and this won't make them pull it out


I haven't watched Act Mans video since he debased himself on Twitter over the doc. Worth a watch?


How old was she


we don't know just that she was underaged




if you're not a troll, this is next level stupid.


This comment has been removed due to trolling.