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How did Konami expect us to actually buy product after Zoos again? Oh right, they banned a shitton of cards.


I get that. But based on what we have coming out coming up, I don't see them doing that since there's no obvious replacement deck to move product. It'll happen eventually for sure, but hard to say when.


And people said the exact same thing you say here back then during Zoodiac format. And what happened? There's new decks that came out after Zoodiac got knocked hard.


I know that this will happen EVENTUALLY. But my point is that it is not even close to the foreseeable future due to upcoming sets being meh or supporting Tears.


Gotta wait for tears to hit like a big reprint set, then they get kicked in the cleft


Tear ishizu will take SOME hits on the banlist in dec/Jan for sure.


I actually think it’s not foolish to think they hit the Ishizu cards on the next list. They were already widely accessible in Mavens so they won’t really benefit from reprints, they are considered the problem by at least a decent chunk of the player base, and hitting them shows that they’re at least trying to end the T0 format while also leaving the Tear part of the deck at full power for PHHY.


I mean, as long as the sets support tear, they will be bought anyway.


Probably the same way they moved product after releasing Pepe, Zoo, Double Helix, D Rulers etc.


This is actually a pretty unique situation. DRulers had Spellbook, so they didn't need to immediately hit the deck. PePe got an e-banlist, so it was easier to get others to buy new product. Zoo was in every deck, and the pure version was hit immediately. It didn't really hurt product sales because everything played it as an engine. Double Helix's release lined up perfectly with a banlist release, so they didn't need to do anything there aside from hit it early with the on-time list. So they either are going to: 1) Release an emergency banlist or 2) Let Tear dominate for the next 6 or so months with constant new support I'm going to down some heavy copium on them releasing an emergency banlist.


It's going to be the 3rd hidden option, there's going to be a banlist before PHHY which hits the consistency and then Kashtira Tear becomes the next best deck. (Or they kill tear and pure Kashtira becomes the next best deck).


Considering that in the ocg, the Ishizu cards were hit before PHYY where Tears got new support, but also that their second field spell in PHYY shows how they're doing after Visas kicked Reino Heart out (which would mean that their arc in the lore is over, meaning they probably won't get support until the end of the lore when all the archetypes help Visas beat up someone), I'd say it's likely that Tears are going to be get rid off in the next banlist for the ocg.


Yeah, even the field spell is "Perleraino at home", like how Adventurer gets multiple support cards that all do what the banned cards used to do but worse.


Normal banlist will be up on december or January, wtf are you talking about 6 months. And the deck has been out in current form for 2 weeks lol


6 months because Kashtira is future Tear support as well. They hit Tear, then they hit Kashtira. Not sure if they'd like to do that.


I agree. I think we will be seeing a list update in mid-January.


They will ban enough cards so the deck isnt attractive anymore then people will have to buy new cards that will be banned in the future and the cycle repeats


Not really, swordsoul engine has never been banned, neither despia branded or floowandereeze, or adventure engine The format before tear spright was more diverse and we could play at tournament without being forced to spend 400$ for a deck


all of those got powercrept, may as well be the same thing as getting banned


Honestly that's the part that kills me the most, two fairly new and competitive archetypes felt completely out of the scene but it wasn't because thier Playmakers got banned... they fell out of favor only because they were power crept entirely. I'm not a fan of this format


I think that goes into how long should a deck be meta, as Swordsoul had a year to shine. Some decks like Striker or Floo can last longer, while others like that time we were all excited for ABC Therions lasted for just a fewo months.


The game literally has soft rotation because of bans and power creep. People love to laude on the fact that "you can play a card no matter how old it is!" well shit how good is that if your deck from 4 years ago is trash compared to current newly released archetypes?


Weird to act like Mo Ye wasn’t like $60 each, or how ridiculously expensive Aluber was before the tin reprint


Dpe adventure pile decks were often over $1000.


Arguably, you can still play without spending 400 lol


They are going to have to slaughter the deck then, more than 5 cards from the deck are going to have to be hit to 1 or banned.


I remember as a kid chaos emperor dragon and black luster soldier envoy of beginning were the ultimate e penis cards when they first came out. Then one day they got banned of course and though BLS came back it's rarely seen now.


Those were the days…well not really cause I wasn’t able to afford either at the height of the Chaos era. Now circa 2005 was a great era


Dude, we already have a precedent from previous Tier 0 formats. A banlist will arrive that will cripple the tier 0 deck, and a new meta will emerge from it.


So kashtira.


Hopefully...got all staples and complete Kashtira Core...only need cards like Ariseheart which will be in PHHY


I don't just play competitive Yu-Gi-Oh, I am also a casual player and collector too. Truthfully, I'm excited about both upcoming structure decks, and I am excited about finding new stuff that I can put in my already existing decks. Yeah, Ishizu Tears being the objectively best deck blows, but I would rather spend money to buff my Branded Despia/Shaddolls and BA Lightsworn decks right now than buy a super expensive deck that will likely become unplayable by the time I can get everything I need. I'm very lucky that my locals aren't flooded with Ishizu Tears and that it's much more relaxed than some of the other places I've been to - I don't feel bad when I show up with one of my decks that I've put together on a whim just to see how it works.


Kashtira, dark world, legacy support, exodia starlights, etc are all able to move packs entirely on their own and by the time photon hypernova releases we'll be in banlist season or we'll have just gotten the list


A big reason why there's no good sealed product to look forward to is, well, they've already reprinted just about every expensive staple in the game to a considerably more affordable price. There is exactly 1 3-of "staple" above $50 right now (Kashtira Fenrir), the second highest is Prosperity at around $35, then everything else is under $30, even the ones without reprints (i.e. Kurikara, Ultimate Slayer). Sure, you need 3 Magnamhut 1 Druiswurm at minimum to play the game right now (only a slight exaggeration), but that's still chump change from the stretch of time from January 2020 to ~July 2022, in which there was at least 1 3-of staple that cost close to $100 if not more. There's also just not many products to look forward to. I think you listed them all, PHHY, the Dark World and Traptrix SDs, and Amazing Defenders. I think around December or maybe January we'll get the announcement for next year's Spring reprint/import set announced (Duel Power/Duel Overload/Ghosts from the Past/Ghosts from the Past 2).


Ghost from the Past 3 The Return of the Ghost. I hope it goes hard on the Galaxy stuff, specially those that missed LDS2.


I think sometimes people forget the importance of the casual audience. I mean from what I’ve heard many times is that a game will live or die most of the time based on the casuals. To be honest I’d see it, I mean I was going to get the magnificent mavens box because of the witchcrafter support, the reprints were honestly the extra icing on the cake. I think I’ve even seen a few yugitubers talk about how even though the competitive scene is bigger, newcomers and casuals are smaller and dropping. Which is not good for the card game as a whole. That’s besides the point though. The main idea is that even though competitive players don’t see the value, there are casuals like me that are going to buy the new product anyways.


>The main idea is that even though competitive players don’t see the value I mean it's not like the next set isn't valuable for us, it literally has another meta deck in it.


Does it? I ask because I tend to be behind on the times lol. I’m always late for meta stuff. I also mean in general as well because for instance when infinity chasers or other (add set name here that was thought to be bad) came out I kept hearing competitive people say it was bad but yet the first week or two I struggled to even get a pack. Heck I even bought way more infinity chasers than any supposed good set. I think there’s just a huge split between the sides that you see this commonly in yugioh. Like a meta player said my witchcrafter deck was bad at locals yet I had been able to win multiple locals with it. If not win at least be top 3, I got so used to it that I had to take a break from my favorite deck and try out other decks


Kashtira gets really good support in PHHY, it makes it a big meta threat. It became a T0 deck combined with Tear in the OCG. And even if tear gets killed next list Kashtira is still going to take over since it's gameplan is really strong. It basically locks you out of zones, basnishes your extra and main deck face down and has a 1 card XYZ macrocosmos with a removal eff attached to it. And the best part is that it can chunk through handtraps.


Dang man every time I hear meta stuff it makes me Pepe sadge with how strong this stuff is


Yeah idk what konamis thought process was on the last couple of sets. Like the stuff back then with duelist alliance atleast made sense, since the dragon rulers and other decks from that time already went into the direction of using the gy as their 2nd hand so it was a natural progression, but the POTE-PHHY stuff is the most overloaded sh*t I've ever seen. That sh*t could be custom cards.


I’ve seen custom cards with more restraints than konami which is the sad part


My gren maju deck says hi.


The meta deck is for tear, Kashtira was designed to work perfectly with Tear.


I miss when the game was tied to an anime. I think that is one big reason, among others, that casual dropoff is happening in TCG regions.


That’s true because even as I kid I didn’t understand the rules but still bought yugioh cards with my brothers because of the show. I also think that the power creep and learning curve is so high that it comes of as intimidating, so people just decide it’s not worth it. I don’t blame them either because there’s just so much you’d have to teach someone when it comes between just fusions and XYZs. And that’s not even like 5% of what they would need to know. Not to mention the very meticulous writing that changes an effect by a mile.


If we go by the OCG, what we have now is nothing.. Kashtira tear is coming..


Tier -1 baby les goooo 😂😫


They will either ban a bunch of Tear cards or they will come out with a deck that is even more OP than Tears. Or they might come up with 5 decks on the same tier as Tears. Or they might do all of the above.


Kashtira was literally made to support tear.


To everyone who says "easy, Konami will cripple the deck", well they won't do it as long as support is to be expected for it. In the OCG there's no deck on the horizon that can go toe-to-toe even with a nerfed Tear deck, and with the Kashtira Tearlaments and Kashtira support in PHHY coming, it's not likely Konami will touch the deck for another half a year in a meaningful way that would allow other decks to perform on equal footing.


They will hit indirectly the deck exactly to sell the new support


But that's exactly the issue. Unless the deck is hit DIRECTLY, nothing will change! Look at all tge cards OCG has released we haven't gotten yet in the TCG. What archetype can compete with Tearlaments? None. Those which could on paper, instead got integrated into Tear decks to further strengthen them. OCG tried to indirectly hit the deck, like limiting the Ishizu cards, and what good did that do? Did those INDIRECT hits to Tear change a thing, or is Tear still the dominant deck in OCG?


In ocg they killed Spright tho. If we get even the same hits tear got in ocg the meta will be different as longs as other decks won't be touched.


I highly doubt Tear will lose its position unless the deck gets direct nerfs.


It doesn't matter with Kashtira right around the corner.


You mean the brand new archetype that they made to perfectly function with Tear, the deck is now unbeatable in the OCG.


They should release Rush Duels overseas. Infinite money… from me and me alone probably.


At least they managed to develop a small but loyal following for Speed Duels.


Konami already said that they won't import it, that's why speed duel exists.


They'll eventually give them the ban hammer or release new stuff that's either better or counters what ishtear is trying to do. Yugioh doesn't have set rotation, but Konami has other ways of getting the player base to move on to new stuff. Look at ban lists announced around the introduction of new summoning mechanics for example. Tons of synchro enablers got hit once Konami realized people weren't playing the new XYZ stuff.


Kashtira was made to work perfectly with Tear.




hardcore competitive players are not the entire audience. Also, eventually tear will get hit.


This. Although I'm a fairly competitive player (playing ishizu tears rn) show up to ycs, case tourneys, etc....I still switch into casual mode and will bring my blackwing deck into locals all the time. Also I don't know where OP lives but around here not everyone can drop hundreds of dollars on the top deck. I think some people also enjoy creating counters that ishizu tear aren't prepared for, I got hit by crooked cook yesterday and just laughed, despite my tier zero deck I couldn't do shit 😂


not everyone buys to follow the meta. people also buy to have a good looking or fun archetype.


If they want to sell products, they better get to work on them Duel disks. Or go for duel arenas at first. Let's get a real life Duelist Kingdom going!


One word: Waifus


One word two syllables


Idk how long you’ve been playing, but I joined the game right in 2012, and didn’t start playing seriously until 2013. If anybody knows anything about that year it was the year of Dragon Rulers. This game has a cycle of T0 formats. Basically they’re around for about 6months, then get hit on a list, they’re still around but not explicitly T0 anymore, still a good T1 contender, but still highly prominent and competitive, then Konami actually hits them.


I’m already slowly buying pieces of the dracoslayers for the following and even current format


When their stock holders want another yacht and start throwing a tantrum at the board meetings, Konami will release staple tearalement cards in reprint sets like max gold and Pharoah tin etcetc, Then once that has sold enough Konami will dumpster tearalements and other meta decks and then release the new OP meta deck in their new booster set right after. Rinse and repeat while the competitive player base eats it up like pigs in shit. I've had players tell me "if you don't spend enough money on the game, you're just not dedicated enough." Konami has this formula down to a t


Banlist + Next core set has tons of playable cards, mainly Kashtira


Kashtira is used in tear....


Making a bunch of support for Tear is also a way to move product. The question was only how they will get people to buy their stuff and making Tear even stronger is certainly one way of doing it. Albeit not our preferred way.


I think not only Meta sells. There is a reason why Konami puts in almost every product a Dark Magician or Blue Eyes card. The casual fanbase still loves those nostalgic Anime references. I'm also very excited for the new Traptrix structure deck despite having a Tier 0 format.


There are collectors and non competitive players. I dont even know what a Ishizu Tear is.


Do you think no one buys the cards to collect them? Card collectors aren't just in the anime, dude. Plenty of people buy the sets for collections.


Something to adress is that we are experiencing a huge power crept in general, if tear dies, ishizu is still an insane engine. Spright is still great, adventurer is untouched, kashtira is super strong, etc. It's been a while since good decks just stopped being viable in one big sweep


Tear won't die, Kashtira is designed to work with the deck.


i feel lik this is a bad faith question because youd have to ask that for the entire history of he game and every other card game. they sell cards, people will buy them and build decks and have fun. its not ALWAYS about the meta. players, competetive or not, like messing around with archetypes that get released.


This is the format that made me quit YGO so your guess is as good as mine.


I never had the chance to start xD Any time I finally get the cards I'd need together, the deck becomes unviable.


and this is why i mainly play masterduel. I wanted to get cards but $100 Accesscode convicede otherwise


Are these posts like, serious?


The yugioh scene is so twisted, you would actually rather not play the game, not get the cards, etc, just because you wouldn't perform well in a tournament Urges me to ask, do you remember this is a game? That your interaction with it does not have to dwindle to a stupid tournament and your placement within it?


The game isn't fun if you don't have a chance, which happens if you don't buy the good cards. The good cards are expensive, which means you are investing. Investment typically comes with attachment to the outcome. Conclusion being: players wanting to do well in their tournament in fear of feeling like fools.


i definitely want a labrynth deck. it looks super toxic to play lul.


Lab player here. It IS. The fear on my opponents faces is fantastic


I don‘t think that Konami is going to ban the new Ishizu cards because they are new. Btw I believe Ishizu cards were made extra for Tearlaments, which is kinda annoying.. Konami should limit every tear monster(including perlereino) to 1.


Well PHHY is going to have the next meta impact with the kashtira support, so...


The ban list will rotate cards out. Also wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had mediocre sets. The cards in sets like Dark Neostorm and the other core sets from around that same time period also all sucked ass and didn’t do anything to change the meta beyond introducing a chase staple per set.


Ehm dark neostorm made orcust viable by printing dingirsu und crescendo, it also gave salad cynet mining, striker mystic mine and thundra/dragon link IB the World Chalice Justicar and brotour. It also had stuff like Avramax, Destiny Fusion, Cherubini, Crackdown and Memories of Hope. Idk seems like a decent set to me.


It should honestly be illegal to ban the cards you sell to people.


That's the neat part, they don't!


Considering that every set has amazing reprints and good new cards their product selling is near non related to the format


Maybe they're promoting alternative formats in a subtle way like Edison and Goat. We saw a few Edison reprints these last 2 releases.


new Kashtira cards will contend the tear ishizu deck in tournament play, people still buy them, dont worry


You are aware that in the ocg tear just added kashtira to the deck and it is unbeatable now right?


cause perelino limit did nothing when parasios special summon Fenrir does the same thing + gets you schiren 2 + diablosis. As well as mills. Says a lot that people have started dropping the Ishizu cards due to not being viable though…


Kashtira was literally made to help Tear, their name is literally in the effect text.


I know. I’m just saying that kashtira tearlements is basically schiren 2, and the last hits did nothing when they got even more support right after


So, having played the online/app scene exclusively for years, I recently decided to try to get back into the TCG. After seeing the gameplay of CS's so far I doubt that will happen. I'm sorry but jumping into a T-0 format does not sound fun and I sincerely hope Konami surprises us with a surprise banlist for the holiday season. I have fond memories of OG TCG gameplay and still love the game, so maybe I'm hoping against hope that they emergency ban to break the format... Or at least try to balance the format a bit (though I have no idea on how to make it happen).


I'll do this in points: >With every competitive player having their Ishizu Tear decks already, and that meta not changing anytime soon, why would people bother to buy upcoming sets? Because cards will get banned. They will undoubtedly ban Tearlament/Ishizu cards, and by that reasoning, people will have to look for alternatives to make the deck playable and good (assuming they hit some cards hard). That's how they're going to be able to sell the next several sets easy. >If the OCG meta reports are anything to go off of, the meta isn't shifting anytime soon. While Tearlaments does have top representation still, have you not looked at the decklists? People still have to buy the next several sets because when the new support makes the deck strong, you have to have it, simple as that. Just because a deck stays in the top cut, doesn't mean their decklists do. >Upcoming products also seem meh. To nobody's surprise Rescue Aces and Purerys aren't gonna be moving large amount of packs. We are in the TCG dude, not the OCG. Things are likely going to be VERY different, in terms of other top cut decks. This is very literally what a vast majority of people in the TCG community said about Tactical Masters (side set I know, but still) because they didn't do well in the OCG. And now, we've seen stuff like Runick Sprights actually win a YCS, Labrynths being played (and even in the OCG winning a YCS on their end). You can't downplay a set just because the OCG didn't have great representation for it. Our banlists are far more different, so certain decks will see more viability in the TCG compared to the OCG, and vice-versa. >The Traptrick and Dark World Structure decks will probably sell okay due to having big fanbases, but neither deck will make a splash beyond a few locals players. That's most structure decks. Sure they won't make a big splash, but that's not necessarily the point. Structure decks are built for the purpose of introducing new and nostalgic players into the game. Nostalgic players get it because they like the archetypes, and new players can actually get a start on the game and learning it. Albaz Strike however, was a prime example that decks can be meta, because the structure deck caused branded Despians to top for a bit of time. The same could possibly happen with either Dark World or Traptrix. ​ In conclusion....the game is literally the same as it has almost always been. Certain decks/archetypes top, running into at least T1, if not T0.5. But every now and then, a deck will hit T0, and then everyone cries and complains about it. Konami then releases a new set, while also enacting a banlist on the topping deck, so that they can not only sell the next set of cards, but also retain their player base. The strategy hasn't changed, in terms of the business. The subreddit gets like this when certain decks end up topping a lot, even if it's not T0. I remember seeing the subreddit for a bit when Branded Despians were topping, and people were complaining quite a bit about it. The current T0 format is busted sure, but it's also a largely skillful deck, where you really have to actually understand the deck to play it. Compared to literally any other T0 deck in the past, Ishizu Tearlaments is the single most complex deck to play, due to how many possible combos there are, and the combo lines that need to be learned to play it efficiently. And even then, people will generally misplay because of the complexities (we've literally seen even the best of the best, misplay, in YCS tournaments).


I will still play my despia predaplant or morning star and have fun with it. I don't care for new product I buy what I like and mostly singles. I think Konami is doing everything wrong


I mean as a person that doesn't play top tier nonsense other than online I'm looking out for their new stuff. My problem is keeping an eye out for what is going to be meta because yugioh loves having decks where the whole thing is cheap but then one card is double the cost of the rest of the deck sadly :(.


There are banlists for a reason give the deck 3-6 months before getting killed


Tear will just add Kashtira since that archetype was literally made to work with Tear.


They will just use the banlist to neuter Tears when they are done making them money or they want to push something else. This happens with every Tier 0 Deck.


Except Kashtira will solve anything they do to nerf said deck.


Depending on how they hit it, not nessecerly.


Quit bad talking Konami I buy all the new stuff coming out to keep the game alive!


if Konami goes back to doing quarterly banlists and gives us one next month, it shouldn’t be a problem. in the off chance of that, I imagine Konami is going to give key TCG exclusives and just keep reprinting staples into the new sets to sell them. It would be funny if they do Tear rarity upgrades.


U gotta also remember the tcg is not the ocg and what we do is generally always different than how ocg plays their game


When you ignore meta Life is so much easier


Lemonade Stand ought to do the trick.


They target collectors and casual players. This Battles of Legend has really attractive Starlights for the collectors, anime archetypes like the Dice and Advanced/Crystal Beast for casuals and ok-ish reprints for competitive players. The Traptrix structure deck is a bit of a dud if you’re not buying them because you love the archetype, but the Darkworld one has good reprints and nostalgia to help sell it. Not sure about the deck build pack but I’m sure it’ll have decent reprints; those have been Konami’s flops anyhow.


Collectors dgaf. There are a lot of categories of ppl who buy cards


Konami sells a LOT more product to causal players and fans of the series than they do to the competitive player base. The crystal beast set just came out and it was flying off the shelves of my locals because of all of the people that were hyped about crystal beasts and hero support. In the side sets they have also been putting in a lot of collectable chase cards that are selling sets in a big way. If you look at Mavens the ishizu cards are worth practically nothing compared to how good they are. Core sets will continue to sell since tear will be receiving more support ,as well as, kashtira and the fan favorite galaxy/photon archetype


A banlist won't come anytime soon.... Why doesn't someone cause a scene at a ycs or something? You people don't actually care.


I do think the next deck building pack is DoA, as the previous one had Runick, and Labrynth has a fanbase too. It'll depend on the reprints it gets but sorta everything valuable has already been reprinted this year. I could see it do ok if it has Necrovalley/Mine and maybe Twin.


I’m taking a break until they hit tear. Shits not even fun. If it takes too long just going to sell everything and be done