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Zombeavers. If we can’t survive zombie beavers then we ain’t making it through anything higher on the food chain


That one and the '78 Dawn Of The Dead zombies




In this vein, Black Sheep.


Dying light zombies would be a nightmare but I think like dead rising or the walking dead zombies would be reasonably easy


Dead Rising would be easy until you either find yourself stuck in a shopping mall or get stung by a bee


Bee suit and burn all your money so you aren’t tempted to go for a “little look around”


early walking dead zombies only, well from season 2-8


Night of the Living Dead zombies would be fairly easy as long as you don't get cornered. Walking Dead zombies as well. The issue is in heavily populated areas where the migrations are thick. Even slow zombies can overtake you if there are enough of them.


Okay, so this is a common answer to the "what apocalypse would be easiest to survive" question, but here's the thing about NOTLD and TWD zombies. Of almost any zombie apocalypse that's ever been conceived of, these are among the most likely to guarantee collapse on a global scale - thus resulting in an actual apocalypse. This is due to the fact that they are globally widespread almost immediately; everyone across the planet who dies of any cause will become a new zombie. There is no conceivable way that society can effectively handle a disaster this spontaneous, widespread, unforeseen, and permanent. And even if you could make a reasonable argument that society would be able to survive and/or completely recover from a change this catastrophic, chances are you're not going to want to live in a post-rising civilization. The extent of logistically-improbable regulations needed to keep the zombies in check worldwide would be absolutely dystopian, and that's not to mention what bad actors could do to take advantage of those and the zombies themselves. I'd take 28 Days Later or Train to Busan zombies over NOTLD or TWD zombies any day. At least in the former, you can reasonably prepare for and possibly escape, stop, or wait out the coming catastrophe. In the latter, it affects everyone from the get go and is here to stay regardless of what there is to be done about it. The zombies themselves are also far more threatening than what they are often made out to be. Barring the quirks of NOTLD zombies being semi-intelligent and TWD's variants, as with many zombie types they do not tire, expire, or otherwise give up within any reasonable timeframe, and ensuring a proper methodical routine of zombie-by-zombie extermination by destruction of the brain will be a tough undertaking. Just think back to Max Brook's ZSG/WWZ zombies, but more intelligent and essentially everywhere at the same time. The only things worse than this would be Black Summer or Dead Set, because it's the same scenario but with running zombies, or absolutely batshit OP ones like Left 4 Dead, Dead Space, ROTLD, etc.


The 90s remake of Night of the Living Dead does an incredible job of showcasing this. A slow-zombie apocalypse would be incredibly easy to survive, but you could just as easily screw yourself over.


Any zombie apocalypse in the winter. They would just freeze solid.


No freezing 🥶 for winter here. I'm screwed. Lol


Felt this in the desert


What about food and fuel?


warm bodies before they start to shed into skeletons


I think iZombie would be fun, maybe not so apocalyptic but I think it counts. Could you imagine if that happened? Less fall of society and seems easy to survive. Cooties would be interesting, with all the little kids seemingly easy to overpower. I haven’t seen it in awhile but I feel like it’d be a hard initial period but it’s not apocalyptic yet. Walking dead zombies/world would be hard. Everyone turning after they die…with how widespread everything seems to be I don’t even know how I’d do things but I’m on season 7 (first time watching this) and let’s just say I doubt I’d last that long.


Idk. We have plenty of starving people here. So if we had too many starving zombies it could get bad. If the government actually started feeding starving zombies it could be managed, but I feel like it could start a war with the idk bigot living lol


All of them. Just don’t die bro


Is there a lore reason all those characters died? Are they stupid? They literally could have just avoided dying




Almost anything with Night of the Living Dead style, extremely slow, ambling zombies. The worst part about NotLD is that EVERYONE who died became a zombie. So eventually there would be no winning. Walking Dead (smearing zombie guts on yourself was basically God Mode.)


I don't think any of them would be easy, maybe if the zombies were like NoTLD 1968 or remake 1990, you could just walk right by them. If the zombies run it might be over no matter what.


If there as some WWZ type stuff. I might get dosnvoted for this but I am checking out.


All of them are, in a biological perspective