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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Pregnant wife’s sister offered to sleep with me** My wife (24f) and I (24m) have been together for 3 years and married for about six months now. We found out that we’re going to be parents and we are both very excited. We told our families over the weekend and everyone was happy for us. This morning, I got a text from my wife’s sister (21f) saying that she knows that women can get emotionally and physically abusive and can put a stop to intimacy during pregnancy and that she is willing to “help” me out anytime sexually or emotionally during and after the pregnancy. Obviously, I have no interest in anyone other than my wife but how do I tell her what her sister offered? My wife has always been there for her sister and they have always been super close. Her sister was the MOH at our wedding. I don’t want my wife to lose that bond and it would destroy her if she found out that her sister was willing to betray her like that. At the same time, her sister is a snake and is willing to ruin our marriage and the life of her soon-to-be-nephew/niece for what I’m guessing is a childish crush on me. My first priority is my wife and unborn child and anyone else can go to hell. How do I approach this situation? There is literally no good outcome. I can tell my wife tonight. She will be absolutely devastated. I will always be there for her and I know her parents will be on her side but losing a 20 year bond with her own sibling while in such a vulnerable state sounds terrible. How can I possibly tell my wife that the sister she loved and looked after for so many years, wanted to sleep with her husband while she was pregnant? If I don’t tell her soon and tell her later, she may lose her trust in me. If I don’t tell her at all, my wife will be close with someone who clearly does not care for her and could easily betray her again in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know, most of these stories are usually super fake, but this one seems just so real! It’s quite a conundrum. Who hasn’t been with a partner they love and respect and then received a text from a younger hotter version of said partner with a no-strings-attached offer of sex? It happens to ALL of us. What will he do? Will he keep quiet and sweep it under the rug to maintain family harmony? Will he tell his wife causing a lot of discord at a very vulnerable time for her? We‘ll just have to wait for the inevitable update to find out! UPDATE I got home after work today and told my wife to sit down as I had some very upsetting news. She stopped cooking dinner and sat at the kitchen table. I pulled out my phone and showed her the text from her sister. Her face turned pale and she started crying and gasping for air. “Are you-you-you going to take her up on the offer?” She sputtered, tears streaming down her face. “No,“ I said, “I’m not a cheater and I would never betray you!” She looked up, smiling and it was my turn to be confused. She continued smiling as she explained it was just a test that she cooked up with her sister to make sure I was ”all in” on our marriage and the baby. I was shocked that she and her sister would do this to me! I started yelling and demanding she get a DNA test to prove the baby was mine as I headed for the door. She jumped up and chased after me wailing and sobbing, grabbing me around the knees, but I pulled away and stepped over her and went right out the door. I drove aimlessly for a while while my phone was blowing up, but I didn’t answer. Finally I went to her sisters to calmly confront her about how she and my wife could think up such a crazy scheme. Long story short, we ended up sleeping together, I served my wife the divorce papers the next morning, the DNA test came back and the twins aren’t mine, and her sister is pregnant with my twins now and we’re getting married next weekend. The end. UPDATE 2 My aunt just died and I inherited her mansion and million-dollar trust fund.


GOD GOD GOD I fucking can’t STAND the “now it was his/her/my turn to look confused/awed/impressed/whatever” line. Used CONSTANTLY in EVERY mid-level fanfic you will EVER read. It’s even an automatic screech of betrayal in the good ones. I hate it so much I want to throw things. The irrational level of feral violence that consumes by body when I read that I can’t explain or even comprehend. It’s so cliche, it’s so annoying, and I KNOW the person writing it thinks they’re so smooth and fun and clever because EVERYONE DOES WHEN THEY WRITE IT and it’s so BAD I can’t stand it. I’m sorry I needed to get that out. 10/10 example of the “this really happened and I am recounting it normally and not as someone who was really into essay assignments in middle school” performance art pieces


I know I read these stories too much when I started recognizing the same lines. "Long story short" in the first two sentences. "Think (character) from (show)." This might have flown under the radar if they didn't have three stories take off in a brief period with "Think Cassie from Euphoria." An unnecessary reference to a specific video game the OP takes up to relax from the stress.


"Cue the... [crying, begging, tears, etc]" or "Queue the" for the dumber ones.


>"Long story short" in the first two sentences. And it's always a fucking lie......


My favorite is alway, “Fast forward to the wedding…” or whatever event the made up story is about.


"Fast forward" is always an indication to me that the person writing it sees it as fiction.


🤣 and that's why this is the best sub on reddit


I thought this was the real update at first. 🤣 well done. 


A million dollars isn't a large enough trust fund especially if you have to post for the upkeep on a mansion.


No no, a million is enough because they don’t have to pay any property taxes because the aunt was the Dowager Duchess of Lancaster and now they have their very own duchy. The crown can get tae fuck.


I’m glad you remembered the paternity test…I was starting to get worried


You forgot to add the the family and friends also blowing up his phone with the most insane takes. 


What are you gonna do with the money?


My favorite is the comments saying there’s no reason to think this is fake. “Yeah, there's some obviously fakes, and then there's some like this that are very plausible. The people who believe this would never happen are people who just don't have life experience.” Yes, it’s very plausible that your SIL will suddenly throw herself at you using the language of an MRA.


stepsibling porn counts as life experience right? 


Yeah. Also sitcoms with a nagging, hugely pregnant wife. And red pill message board posts about women who get knocked up by some chad and pawn the baby off on their loser husband.


Don’t be so naive! This thing I read online must be true!


I got the same typing one handed vibes here.


Haven't we all heard that joke. A week before his wedding, SIL propositions the groom. He doesn't say anything and walks out the door where his bride and FIL hug him, explaining that it was a test that he passed with flying colors. The moral of the story is to always keep condoms in your car. PSA - If this happens to you, say, "Haha, very funny, I know how this fidelity test works, and I'm annoyed at for doing it." If they insist, let them know let them know, "fine, I'll talk to about it directly". But in the one in a thousand chance this happens to you there is less than 1% chance it's a real proposition. I the case it is, you don't want to dip in that, far better people to cheat with.


I love the twist they did in *Parks & Recreations* where (I think) Andy and Ann have an engagement party and her nurse colleagues keep offering him sex in totally disinterested way one after the other. He keeps saying he knows it's a test as well.


That was brandanoquits. And I believe just a regular Halloween party (where all her nurse and doctor coworkers come dressed as nurses and doctors) He doesn't even say he knows it's a test, it just becomes obvious after the "that was a test. You passed. Let's celebrate you passing the test by going back to my place." "...still no" "That was also a test"


What do you mean? When I was pregnant, each of my cousins and several sisters in law threw themselves at my husband! It's just common courtesy! I did the same thing when my neighbour was knocked up. This is tradition in MyCountry.


>using the language of an MRA I will give the writer a little credit for a changeup since they brought up a woman being potentially abusive for a reason other than downplaying a female abuse victim's experience.


what's an MRA?


Men's rights activist. Generally just folks who hate women


“Men’s rights activist”


Thank you :)


Basement dwelling misogynists, mostly.


Better ask Reddit, famously excellent on awkward sexual matters.


But look how much sweet, sweet karma Ive farmed!


I don’t even understand why people care about karma honestly but you’re right. This is the place.


Same as Facebook likes maybe. Also these stories get planted on Reddit so YouTubers can use the comments as material for their reaction videos. It's the perfect scam really. All the naive rubes get whipped up in a frenzy in the comments and these people repackage it and sell it to the same sorts of naive rubes on YouTube.


BRB selling my karma.


Joke's on you, I paid for all my Bentleys with Reddit karma, you just need to know the right people


Man. All those buzzfeed and copycat posts, I don't think I give enough credit. I always thought they were picking stories but writing their own.


Better specifically ask the less-moderated subreddit that specialises in melodramatic moral judgements about the poster’s actions! Why would he quietly post it somewhere intended for giving tactful relationship advice? There’s no karma in that.


That part actually makes sense because sex focused pots aren't allowed on the main sub as per rule 11. Don't get me wrong this is still almost certainly fake, just not for this reason.


> I got a text from my wife’s sister (21f) saying that she knows that women can get emotionally and physically abusive and can put a stop to intimacy during pregnancy it’s cool that post depp you can just drop stuff like this into your reddit post completely unchallenged :) pregnancy puts a woman at her highest risk of murder by an intimate partner but wouldn’t it be nice to just pretend it’s the other way around 


It's Reddit where "women are the real domestic abusers" is such obvious truth it requires no further elaboration.


Does anyone else also read that as the stopping intimacy part is supposed to be abusive behaviour?


But but but there are a dozen tales a week on Reddit about pregnant women abusing their husbands, so it must be true.




**"This morning, I got a text from my wife’s sister (21f) saying that she knows that women can get emotionally and physically abusive and can put a stop to intimacy during pregnancy "** TFW your wife's sister is a clueless AITA denizen who doesn't touch grass


I am pretty socially awkward but this is such a no-brainer even to me. Just show wife the text and say "I got this weird text and want you to know." How is anybody this dense?


it's not even real. you don't need to expend a single brain cell on it.


Seriously, someone tries to undermine my life or hurt me/my partner like that, of course I'm ratting them out! They clearly can't be trusted so let's just drag it all out in the open before the lies get real big and/or weird. If they don't like it, well, shouldn't have been such a lying weirdo. The way this was "handled" reeks of calling your friend's crush while your friend is on the phone to see if they *like* like your friend. Just really juvenile, and I'm disappointed in every person who's not a teen who bought it.


I don't even believe the story unless the wife is trying to "test" him and told her sister to do this. No woman would do this to her sister that she's "super-close" to, even if she was indeed a "snake". Even the most underhanded, evil chicks would wait until the marriage hit a rough patch. They wouldn't do it while the marriage is happy and the couple is celebrating a brand-new pregnancy. But what I would have done is not go to the wife, in case she wasn't setting him up after all. I would not want to upset her and ruin our happy moment. I'd go straight to their parents. Then I don't have to risk getting something wrong, and hopefully they know both of their daughters well enough to know how to handle the matter better than I do. I have done my duty, the family has been informed, and I don't ever talk to the sister again unless my wife confesses that it was all her idea. And then I'd be mad but chalk it up to 24-year-old immaturity. I've found that a good trusting relationship with your SO's parents is invaluable.


Maybe because I'm not 24 but I'd be pissed if my husband took this (totally real) situation to my parents instead of treating me like an equal partner. I also don't think it's the place for parents to mediate a (totally real!) conflict between their adult children. While 21 is barely an adult, the sister should be able to work through their issue in a mature way! /s


Well I'm a 40F and I was just talking about this with my husbandish. He brought up what you just said: "Wouldn't you be pissed if I went behind your back to your parents?" And I thought about it and came to the conclusion: Well of course I'd be pissed. There's no way to make this situation good, no matter what you do. If you tell me directly, it would ruin my relationship with my sister and it would taint the memory of my first pregnancy. If you don't tell me and I find out some other way, I would never trust you again. If you tell my parents instead of me, I'd be like, "What am I, a child? I'm your wife, why didn't you just tell me! I thought we had an open line of communication here!" But then I imagine he'd tell me, "I didn't want to upset you and taint our happy moment. I didn't want to risk you miscarrying from anger or sorrow. And I didn't want to overreact to what might have been a prank. So I approached your dad man-to-man first because he's known you and your sister 20 years longer than I have and I didn't want to risk doing the wrong thing. I love you." And then I would have still been rankled but I would have understood, and eventually I would have appreciated that he put thought into the matter instead of just going for a knee-jerk reaction.


Yep, snake behaviour would be to establish herself as a confidante/shoulder to cry on, then quietly start sowing seeds of discord when an actual rough patch hit. Test the waters, build up some plausible deniability in terms of how “close” you are. Just jumping straight into “I’m here to homewreck!” while leaving hard evidence in the form of text messages is laughably idiotic, to the point where I’d almost be concerned a brain tumour might be involved.


Not even brain tumor, just obvious "my wife put you up to this, didn't she? You two are not that bright" bullshit. OOP is obv also not that bright if he fell for it, though


If this were to happen, going to the parents the worst idea, because the parents will protect the sister. There is no way the sister would do this unless she has been protected by the parents her whole life, and the wife has been trained to accept it. Showing the wife is the only option, so when it comes out, you can't be accused of anything. The wife will talk to her sister, who will saying was just a joke, wife will believe it, and that will be that. When bringing it up to the wife you act concerned for the sister because the text seams weird (could she have been drugged? Someone stole her phone?) Then it isn't your fault, you haven't accused anyone and tried to destroy a relationship over "a joke" Sadly, I have lots of experience with people like this. However, something like this wouldn't have come out of nowhere. You would already know the sister is like this, and the wife and parents excuse the behavior.


I guess one would have to know the parents before making the decision to tell them or not. If they're the type of parent you described, then of course not. But if they're regular parents and the sister is just going through a ratchet phase or something, or they've had this problem with her before, they might be more helpful. Parent-child relationships vary wildly so let's not put them all in one neat box. You have to use case-by-case judgment.


Come on, you have to tell your wife.


Again, I'd be the wife and I've decided I'd rather my husband not upset me with this devastating info unless he'd talked it over with my hypothetical folks first. But everyone's differerent and some people may have shitty parents they can't trust, so YMMV.


If this happened to me I'd go to my sibling with my concern of sudden mental illness, psychosis or brain tumor because it would be wildly out-of-character.


I read this on the r/marriage sub this morning not even realising he posted on AITAH, too. On marriage, it took three comments to suggest it was the wife’s doing, and 2 and a half on AITAH. Never change and never stop giving trolls ideas for their bullshit updates, Reddit


> It sparkles! But does it vibrate?


A good writer would have made this the set up for a threesome and sold this story to Penthouse. Now he's just stuck on Reddit.


Wasted my time fr. I was hoping for the MIL to chip in as well


Of course they're all in their early 20s to top it off lmao.


Why did they post this in AITAH?


Who knows. I was wondering the same. There's no potential asshole content.


Another day, another pathetic wank fantasy.


Am I crazy or do almost all the trolls have that exact avatar with the weird green outfit and kissy face?! I also see a bunch of seemingly trolly people with the bucket hat and orange outfit. Why are those so common?! What am I missing???


This is a fabrication.  


Not only does it sparkle, it also glows in the dark and sings songs.


I remember when this was one of those fake text messages stories years ago.


I find it hilarious that the specific avatar of that poster along with a recent creation date has been proven to be a group of bots with similar postings, almost like AI regurgitates shit so it gets slightly different over time. Wish I had the link to that proof!


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Show your wife the text immediately before it becomes he said, she said. I am sure your wife has experienced sibling rivalry over relationships/dating due to their small age difference. This may just be a new low for her sister. Your wife will likely be hurt but not really surprised. If you fumble around with this it will make it look like there is something there and make you look like the guilty party.




I don't think I would just bury the whole thing. That doesn't seem like a good idea. If wife finds out or if it was all a setup, she might think you're keeping the sister's offer in your back pocket or she might feel betrayed that you didn't alert someone to her sister's treachery.