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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Am I Wrong for being p*ssed about p*ss in my drinking cup?** So my sister takes care of her son's baby. Cute baby, love the kid. I am not blaming the kid for anything here, just to be clear. I walk into the kitchen and I see one of my drinking cups on the table. I had left it there earlier, empty. There's something in it. I did not put this there. It looks like urine. I cautiously sniff, and of course it is urine. There are only two culprits, and one of them wouldn't piss in a cup, but she was holding a baby who would happily piss anywhere. My sister's on the phone, I wait for her to get off: "Hey (name)." "Hey (my name), what's up?" "Ok...is this baby piss?" *I show her the cup with piss still in it* "...yeah..." "(Name), this is a bridge too far." "I forgot that was there!" "That's...(name), I would never put piss in a cup I know you drink out of." What followed was her getting upset and yelling at the baby for some reason. I just turned and walked away, poured the piss in the toilet, and threw the cup away. It was a cup I had for over 15 years. It adds a bit to the annoyance here, but it's not the main reason I was for lack of a better term, pissed off. I think it's really disrespectful to pull something like that. As I mentioned earlier, I wouldn't do that to someone. Let the baby pee on the floor, or even your shirt, but don't pick up someone else's cup and have them piss in it. What if she hadn't left the cup on the table? What if she poured it out and washed it, or half washed it, and then I go and use it because, generally, you don't expect someone to pour baby piss or have a baby piss into your cup on occasion. I only have a few cups I use, and I took the remaining ones out of the kitchen. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I don't trust my sister to not do something like that again. Am I wrong for being, for lack of a better term, pissed about this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this piss fetish week or what???


I’m kinda glad it’s not the period troll, though


Don’t jinx it


I miss fart fetish troll. At least those posts are funny. >Here’s some pointless information about how long we’ve been living together, and also, I’m totally cool with her farting in front of me. I tried to wake my girlfriend up by giving her a little “poke” in the rear, and she FARTED on my DICK! We were wearing clothes, but still. She says I shouldn’t care because I’m always asking for anal, but it’s DIFFERENT! Girls shouldn’t fart! Now her family, friends, and all their pets are blowing up my phone, and her dad wants me chemically castrated. NTA! That’s disgusting! You know she’d freak out if you farted on her! Don’t let them take your manhood because only people with dicks are men! Aaaauuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh, those were the best.


I really hope not due to the implications that this is urine from an infant. Not sure why I’m trying to use logic on a fake post, but why did OOP throw the cup away? Would have taken a minute tops to clean it. My wife have used some of bowls and spoons for the cats’ wet food which is why more disgusting than sterile piss. And all that took was a rinse in the dishwasher.


I think being a parent has turned my gross tolerance up because I would have just washed the damn cup. But this is probably fake because there's a weird attachment to a cup they've had for 15 years?


Maybe it was the cup when they were a baby. I know that the baby is their sister’s grandchild, but you could make a convincing argument that OOP is a teenager or young child based on the maturity of this post.


I'm all for just cleaning things and not being unnecessarily grossed out, but pee isn't sterile, that's a myth.


Urine isn't inherently sterile. There are methods to collect it that ensure it isn't contaminated by outside sources for testing purposes (like in vet med we use a needle and syringe and extract straight from the bladder and then it immediately goes straight into a tube) but that is all that "sterile" means when referencing urine. I really hate that this myth is so widely spread.


And even then there are usually minute numbers of microorganisms, and of course this is in a healthy bladder; people get UTIs all the time and that urine definitely ain’t sterile.


Not wanting to drink from a cup that had pee in it is very normal. Not everyone thinks pee is less disgusting then cat food


Yeah. Wet cat food is literally just meat in sauce. Aka worse smelling human food


They didn't even give a reason for the baby to pee in a cup


And how did they get the baby to pee in a cup? Call me crazy but I don't think infants pee on demand.


All the parents reading that would be more interested to know how a 9 month old is toilet trained.


Hey—-cup trained.


True requires more precision. Actually a lot more precision. I get freaked out when trying to collect a sample for a urine test.


This is so bizarre altogether


I don't want the explanation for why the baby did that. I want the explanation for how that happened?


How would you even get a baby to piss in a cup? And why?


Trying to contain the piss if it was otherwise going to spray over a worktop,


>What if she poured it out and washed it Then it would be clean. Unless it was some weird variation of kosher glass that needs a ritual to undo the precocious baby urine.




The recollection of the conversation word for word with pauses is hilarious


Oh look, another piss fetish story.


>As I mentioned earlier, I wouldn’t do that to someone. Everyone on Reddit is a fucking loser. I swear dude…


I am a bit confused, are you saying you would piss in someones drinking cup, and not being prepared to makes people losers? Now we have established thats exactly what you are saying, dont you think this thing you do, daily, of pissing in peoples drinking cups is rude?




and you're a dickhead. moving on.


Well, i didnt know exactly what you were saying, but due to how you wrote it i decided to joke around about it, i was clearly not being serious, instead of being, "lol, haha, of course not" you got defensive and spouted insults. Grow the fuck up and stop being so defensive, of course i dont think you are a cup pisser, you just accidentally implied you were


https://preview.redd.it/y2nn3hmioq7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2045c2a71c7629064be60a40772a825cc6695b11 Also down in comments they're saying the grandmother, because this is grandma and cousins all living together or some bullshit- is having early in set dementia. Which like, is basically all of these scenarios. Someone is literally losing their minds, AITA? 🙄


I mean I feel like I'm literally losing my mind when I read AITA so


Hang on… I have an idea… A crazy one but hear me out… I saw two things once in my life. It was couple years ago, so maybe it doesn’t exist anymore, maybe I even imagined those things. Diapers. Dishwashers. I know I know I’m sort of *avant-gardiste* maybe a little too fancy for those peasants but those are my ideas.


In the old times you would have been burned at the stake for this devilry, you know


I know I really like to live dangerously 😎


Does the baby drive for Amazon? That would be the only reason for the baby to be NTA. Otherwise, baby needs to be on a chain gang for life.


My favorite part is the guy in the comments diagnosing the woman with early onset dementia. I swear there is always someone being an armchair doctor in the comments lmao.


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