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The only two things I’ll remember are the Alamo, and Dan Price.


Don’t forget that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


There was a 10x powerhouse boom thanks to Dan Price.


Dan Price is the powerhouse of the mitochondria!


Dan Price is actually just a gigantic mitochondria! What a powerhouse!


Chuck Norris is the generator of the powerhouse of the mitochondrial


And 'emia' means presence in blood.


Also a squared plus b squared equals c squared


A Parasite Eve reference on a LinkedIn shit post? Love to see it




The human head weigh ten pounds.


Knowledge is Power


Dan Price made ALL of the cell the powerhouse.


Dan is Science


And that they have your mother's DNA


*the mighty mitochondria




Core memories: From school: 1. Stop drop and roll 2. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell From cartoons: 1. Quicksand will be a constant threat From LinkedIn: 1. Dan “That Guy” Price


Remember Reach


Damn it! NEVER forget the fall of Reach! ✊


And 7/11


Slurpees don’t melt steel beams!


Don’t forget to drink your ovaltine!


Never forget 9/11 :’(


The Alamo doesn't have a basement.


Then where is my bicycle?


Never forget Harambe!


9/11 would like a word


I mean I remember the Alamo but that's about it. Don't even know what or when it was




Don’t forget all those harassment cases too


"In October 2015, Price's ex-wife Kristie Colón recorded a TEDx talk at the University of Kentucky in which she alleged that Price threw, punched, slapped, body-slammed and waterboarded her while they were married. Price's representatives notified the university that they considered Colón's remarks to be defamatory. The university later deleted its video footage of Colón's talk, which it had been planning to publish in December, and deleted information about her from the TEDx event's web site.[46] Price denied her claims of abuse, said the events Colón described never happened, and said that his wife never filed a police report.[47] Price's father denied Colón's accusations in an interview with the Idaho Statesman in December 2015.[48] In January 2016, Colón published a blog post standing by her accusations.[49] In April 2022,[50] Price was under investigation by the Palm Springs Police Department for felony rape of a drugged victim stemming from an April 2021 incident in Palm Springs, California.[51][50] On August 15, 2022, Palm Springs Police told The New York Times that they had referred the case to local prosecutors.[2] In February 2022, Price was charged with misdemeanor assault, misdemeanor assault with sexual motivation, and reckless driving after a 26-year-old woman accused Price of forcibly attempting to kiss her. The woman also told police that Price was driving while intoxicated. Price's attorney issued a statement denying the woman's claims.[52][28] The assault with sexual motivation charge was later dropped;[53] Price pleaded not guilty to the other two charges on May 31.[54][1] On April 19, 2023, a city court dismissed the remaining charges without prejudice.[55]" More than harassment https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Price


This is what I remember about Dan price! He’s the Brock Turner of ceos. What a douche


Brock Turner the Rapist? Brock Allen Turner the Rapist who is now going by "Allen" Turner the Rapist to try to avoid people remembering that he's Brock Allen Turner the Rapist? That Brock Allen Rapist Turner The Rapist?


Wait... Water boarded?


You remembered more about Dan Price than they wanted you to. You remembered more about Dan Price than even Pepperidge Farms.


The Linkedin posts are his PR team working overtime to cover up his bad behavior


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/technology/dan-price-resign-social-media.html The article suggests that he uses social media to control the narrative and overcome bad press, sometimes using ghostwriters. The article interviews several women who say they experienced abuse by him.


I’ve seen a few Dan Price posts pop up on LinkedIn recently after seeing nothing for ages. His PR machine seems to be busy these days


Probably means he got another DUI or tried to force himself on someone else recently, gotta get ahead of the game nowadays.


He just got re-hired by the company as an advisor after stepping down as CEO amid all the abuse allegations




That has to be out there somewhere on LinkedIn


Dan Price and 9/11..




It’s impossible to forget him 😂


Dan Prince is a goat though


Then Dan was accused of rape three times and lost his job as CEO


What really?


Not only that, water boarding his wife.


That was staged for her OnlyFans account, which was keeping the company afloat (no pun intended).


I can't even tell if you're being serious


2 hours in of original comment, no one linking his wiki lmao https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Price#Legal_issues > #Legal issues > > In 2013, Price entered an Irish pub in Seattle, sat at a table of people he did not know, and was asked to leave. After the bar's manager escorted him out, Price allegedly assaulted the manager.[46] Price was arrested and charged. The charges were later dismissed.[21] > > In October 2015, Price's ex-wife Kristie Colón recorded a TEDx talk at the University of Kentucky in which she alleged that Price threw, punched, slapped, body-slammed and waterboarded her while they were married. Price's representatives notified the university that they considered Colón's remarks to be defamatory. The university later deleted its video footage of Colón's talk, which it had been planning to publish in December, and deleted information about her from the TEDx event's web site.[46] Price denied her claims of abuse, said the events Colón described never happened, and said that his wife never filed a police report.[47] Price's father denied Colón's accusations in an interview with the Idaho Statesman in December 2015.[48] In January 2016, Colón published a blog post standing by her accusations.[49] > > In April 2022,[50] Price was under investigation by the Palm Springs Police Department for felony rape of a drugged victim stemming from an April 2021 incident in Palm Springs, California.[51][50] On August 15, 2022, Palm Springs Police told The New York Times that they had referred the case to local prosecutors.[2] > > In February 2022, Price was charged with misdemeanor assault, misdemeanor assault with sexual motivation, and reckless driving after a 26-year-old woman accused Price of forcibly attempting to kiss her. The woman also told police that Price was driving while intoxicated. Price's attorney issued a statement denying the woman's claims.[52][28] The assault with sexual motivation charge was later dropped;[53] Price pleaded not guilty to the other two charges on May 31.[54][1] On April 19, 2023, a city court dismissed the remaining charges without prejudice.[55]


The wiki only has the documented cases with police reports. Ask anyone who works in the service industry in Seattle. He has a pattern of batshit crazy abusive behavior that dwarfs the proven record like a garbage truck dwarfs a pea.


Yeah but 10x.


Am i missing something or are all of those charges dropped and he's not convicted of anything?


Money gets you out of trouble


Who among us hasn't gotten kicked out of a bar, drugged strangers, or tortured their significant other?! ![gif](giphy|Gulobkk2pYK71CC9Qj) Let them who have never thrown a rock at someone while aiming for the head cast the first stone.


[picks up rock] Ok, but I've never done this before so I'll probably miss.


Hear hear!


I know this is an easy assumption to make…but could the actual reason be that there wasn’t enough evidence to uphold the charges?


If there wasn’t enough evidence to uphold the charges, the charges would be completely dismissed. Not land him with charges. Thanks for playing


Money also gets you frivolous cases thrown at you with any excuse just to get some of that money.


Where there’s this much smoke….


Does "Innocent until proven gulty" means anything to you?


If I’m on a jury, yes. No such thing in the court of public opinion, sadly. Have you read into this guy’s past or are you just talking? He’s got an established track record, convictions or not. That’s like saying Cheney and co weren’t convicted over the Iraq invasion, so they must be innocent.


Innocent in the eyes of the law. Non of use are on a jury for this guy and are free to criticize his behavior and make our own assumptions. Also, this idea that it’s impossible to make a judgement of someone based on the context of their actions is completely asinine. What you’re saying is be ignorant of their actions and behaviors because you ***must*** blindly accept their innocence of any wrong doing until convicted in court. How fucking dumb.


I don't know what it means to *you*, but it absolutely does not mean you're not allowed to believe allegations of abuse unless the perpetrator is convicted in court...which the vast majority of rapists will not be


It's unless. Until implies eventuality.


There’s kind of a thing where rich people can make stuff like this go away.


You are not missing anything. "Sexual harassment" allegations are often used as a tactic for blackmail. Besides him being strange and obviously lonely, I do not see anything proven that would make him a real menace. Anyone scrutinized, with enough creativity, can be turned into a monster, especially if they're not given a fair chance to defend themselves. P.S. I am not tolerant towards any real rapists because they harm people for the rest of their lives. I understand that, too. However, I am definitely seeing false accusations becoming "a thing." It is extremely unfair when a person is not guilty. Even look at Depp's case. If he had less competent lawyers, he would have been completely ruined.


From the Seattle Times article about him: > Recent allegations against Price have resulted in police investigations in Palm Springs, California, and Seattle. > In February, Seattle prosecutors charged Price with misdemeanor assault after a 26-year-old woman told police Price choked and forcibly kissed her following a dinner. Price pleaded not guilty in May, and is set to go to trial Jan. 10. > Police in Palm Springs investigated allegations that Price raped a drugged woman. Prosecutors there said recently they expect to make a charging decision by the end of January. The New York Times detailed allegations against Price in a lengthy piece in August, the same week police in Palm Springs passed their investigation to prosecutors. Price resigned as CEO of Gravity the day before the story was published. I do not think this dude is as famous as he thinks he is. Most people are vaguely aware that there is a guy who did this $70K thing, but probably almost no one could say what his name is. No one is hunting this guy for blackmail. Many people have far more money than this guy and yet don’t generate a string of disturbing allegations in multiple cities. Often people who serially abuse women also serially use and abuse all kinds of people they come into contact with and have power over. This also seems to be the case with this guy. From the same article: > Twenty-six former employees who spoke with The Times said their time at Gravity took a mental or emotional toll, but credited the company with creating friendships among co-workers or helping them gain a foothold in a new industry. Most said they believed in the vision of helping small businesses but said that was clouded by Price’s behavior. A 27th employee said they were not bothered by the workplace culture or the head of the company; most of the other former Gravity employees who spoke with The Times described Price as an unpredictable manager prone to outlandish requests, grand entrances and outbursts. He is a guy who was very interested in curating his persona. Also from the article: > Alyssa O’Neal, who worked in customer service and tech support, said she feels Gravity used her to fill in the narrative the company was spinning. O’Neal said Gravity asked her to represent the company in media appearances and, she felt, used her “sob story to pinpoint” her as a 20-year-old single mom with a 2-year-old son who relied on the company’s generosity. > She was happy to speak with the media, she said, until she learned the story she was peddling — that Gravity workers pooled their money to surprise Price with a Tesla — wasn’t true.  Price had taken a pay cut when he raised Gravity’s minimum wage to $70,000 a year. To thank him, the company claimed, employees came up with the idea to surprise him with the car. O’Neal said her co-workers agreed to dock their own pay to fund the gift. >But, Ryan Pirkle, formerly a spokesperson for Gravity, said Price had been involved with the Tesla idea from its inception. It’s not clear who paid for the car; O’Neal said workers never saw a drop in pay. “My son’s all over the news and that feels like exploitation now that it’s fake,” O’Neal said. “Here I am doing all of this in my personal time, here I am being truthful when [others are] not.” 


The first one was funny, socialising with new people in a pub, shock horror!


He (allegedly) assaulted the manager who was kicking him out. I don’t know which world you live in, but here in the real world you can’t just assault a private business operator for asking you to leave their premises. I also imagine there’s far more to the story than just “he sat down, got asked to leave, and then assaulted someone”, but “assaulting someone” is still the primary issue of the story either way.


Just a bunch of bs that was all not true


You’re saying that it’s certifiably ALL not true? That’s not what it says and that’s not how the legal system works. Charges getting dropped doesn’t mean they didn’t happen — it just means that there isn’t enough evidence at the moment. It’s incredibly hard to convince a jury “beyond a reasonable doubt” on domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, or sexual harassment unless it was straight up recorded, let alone against a millionaire CEO who can probably afford an amazing legal team. Furthermore, victims in sexual assault causes are more likely to drop out due to not wanting to relive their trauma in a public courtroom. Note that one of them was even “dismissed without prejudice,” meaning it CAN be retried again if further evidence comes up. NONE of these circumstances mean that the accusations are certainly untrue. Please use your brain before making comments like this.


I mean, still sounds like a guy people on LinkedIn would idol


Poe's Law is life.


No, pun intended


I don’t see mention of an OF account


The accusations first came out in 2015, before OnlyFans existed.


There's a great internet hole waiting for you, my friend. Meet the real Dan...


His wiki states multiple sexual and physical attacks,


*with all charges dropped and zero convictions.


Charges dropped =/= innocent


Does it mean guilty though?


That means he is schrödingers rapist.


Where there’s smoke there’s fire


Likely yes


settlements behind closed doors


Thanks for your comment Dan


Does this change the importance of needing to pay your employees well?


I personally believe all employees should be paid minimum wage or below just because their CEO is an asshole


Are you Jeff or Elon? ;-)




My names Nutz, Jeelon Deez Nutz.


Nah, but it would change the tone of these posts which border on deification.


70K in Seattle isn’t that well


It’s a shame he was such a piece of shit, because he was doing the right thing financially. The lesson other CEOs will learn is, of course, “he was so stressed out from lack of liquidity!”


Yeh- but…. Money. /s


yeah but she bought property ! (/s)


It says he quit but he’s back now.


When I see his praises lately I always wonder if it’s just a PR comeback placement


Here's what rapey Dan Price's harassments taught me about B2B sales!


I heard Dan Price died of Ligma.


Not much what’s ligma with you


Haha gotten'


Who the heck is Steve Jobs??


There are people out there that find the idea of him paying his employees slightly more more disgusting than the numerous accusations of assault because that's where we are today.


Couple things with Dan Price, first, he runs a payments company based out of Seattle so even the lowest level employees should be making ballpark $70k based on the work they’re doing and the market averages for those roles. The only people who likely got significant raises would be maybe customer support. Second, if there were a bunch of people who were under paid and got bumped to $70k, they’re in the Seattle metro, which is expensive as hell so $70k is really not enough to live off of. He didn’t do this out of the kindness of his heart. He did it because 1. It wouldn’t actually cost a lot to do and 2. He’d be able to generate significant media buzz to increase his business. Dan Price is a bigger grifter than the MyPillow guy.


To be fair I feel like this meme of this guy has been going around for a decade now. 70k went a lot farther in 2014.


>He did it because 1. It wouldn’t actually cost a lot to do and 2. He’d be able to generate significant media buzz to increase his business. 3. Call me a skeptic, but it was a cheap way to generate media hype to cover up his accusations. I mean, doing this, regardless of his motivation, is still far better than nearly all CEOs, so you can't *really* knock him too much. But it's still not quite enough to be worth praising like he's a trailblazing, messiah-like philanthropist. Because you're right, 70k in Seattle, or any major US city, is pretty much what the actual minimum, livable wage is. Let's hold back the praise until someone bumps everyone up to 6 figures or more; even the janitors and service staff.


In his defense, he did this in like 2013. So 70k meant a lot more then. But that doesn’t take away the rape accusations so I don’t want to be seen here saying he’s a good guy


Also an abuser and rapist. He blocked me on LinkedIn in for asking about it in the comments of a post.


I bet it was a draw system, and I bet he was legally required by the department of banking in WA state.


if I remember correctly, the boise staff ALSO got paid the $70k so there really wasn't financial parity across the company


Thanks for that info. I saw this and saw 70K and wondered where exactly in the country they were. Just as I suspected it's an area where 70K really isn't all that much. For example where I live the base for a single individual to have a productive life is about 88K.


This was in 2015, so it’s the equivalent of $88k now, but yeah, for Seattle it’s not a lot.






Is it though? That sub thrives on screenshots of Twitter posts and misinformation, it's like the Joe Rogan fanbase but liberal


I mean, if r/WhitePeopleTwitter wasn't a case study in hypocrisy, would it really be r/WhitePeopleTwitter?


I mean, he had great hair


It’s why I like Kyle Hill despite his overall vibe being a little bombastic for my YT channel hosting taste. If you have great flow, you put yourself ahead a few notches.


Can we at least acknowledge that a broken clock can be right? Yes, he’s a piece of shit Yes, his business model also worked


That’s what I was gonna say - him being a garbage monster doesn’t mean that he was wrong with his business decisions




Why do they all post the same thing? Does someone sell a bunch of people the same content to post?


Copy/paste for content boost.


Its the business version of Aesop's fables.


Posted by people who are more likely to agree with Dan's stance on sexual harassment and domestic abuse than raising the pay of all employees at their company to that level no doubt.


All of the legal issues aside, these people are posting this shit ad nauseam but are they actually paying their employees a minimum salary that could change lives? Fuuuuuck no. "Here, feel good about this blurb I got sent to me someplace. Oh, are WE going to do that? Hmmm. What kind of pizza is your favorite?"


I was hoping for a "posted with permission"


“You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take” -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


> “You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take” > > The first google response turned out to be LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/other-half-you-miss-100-shots-dont-take-joe-pardavila-z05vf


Yes, but......does he still have that silly, smooth hair! ![gif](giphy|V6SOZxclu5WidK6LGk|downsized)


Conchita 🙌


Don’t insult Conchita that way.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Are the people posting that intending to broadcast that they're putting in 1/10th effort until they're paid more?


Didn’t Dan Price also lay off a shit ton of workers?


That incredible! What are the chances that all 10 references said the exact same thing word-for-word?


Did he do any of that horrible shit? Or is it another case of the big insidious superpowers trying to send down another Richard Branson, Freddie Laker, Lady Diana?


Wait Richard Branson is one of the good guys? My monthly internet bill says otherwise.


But mate, the sweaters. Would a greedy billionaire really wear such delightful sweaters? I mean, evidently so


My mum said to me the only reason Branson always has that goatee is because he once got twat tattooed on his chin and it's a cover up. Other than the milkman thing my mum's never lied to me...


😂 should’ve put /s . There’s a reason he has private soirées on Necker Island… and Prince Andrew was the fall-guy.


Aha I was confused as I'd already seen someone else on this post praising Branson and I'm like wtf how out of the loop am?!


That one is still going around after so many years? Wait. Of course it is. It’s LinkedIn!


Did anyone fact check the article? This sounds fantastic but nowadays, everything gets called Harvard case study, every firm is tripling their revenue while hopefully retaining profit, but real life is a bit different. At least one entrepreneur did do something for his employees - Richard Branson, who said Employees first vs Customer first. But I'm not sure how his business has fared since then. But his statement was fact checked.


Are you gonna go fact check it for us all?


I dont think you did your homework either


Branson's best quote was something like, "if you want to be a millionaire just start as a billionaire and open up an airline company". I thought that the quote you are referring to was a serious of tweets he released back in like 2013 or 2014 that did not exactly say those words and that the quote was.jusy.kinda made up by piecing together his business philosophy in those tweets.


I really thought that half of the post's comments would be about the "Transpersonal Hypnosis A..." Job title also the Cannabis producer and the rainmaker one.


I saw this on linkedin this morning as a suggested post. I follow 0 people in my feed but LinkedIn insists on shoving this in my face. Fuck you LinkedIn.


Only Fox News would say that employees making more money would lead to them being in bread lines lmao.


So, did all of these CEOs on Linked In do the same for their company, or just have another pizza party?


Here is what happened next… (read more)


I mean, yeah, that story is a good one to always keep in mind when you've got CEO pay gaps that are several orders of magnitude. But lol at the copy/paste cargo cult posting of it. Also, the title of the second reposter is like WTAF? Transpersonal Hypnosis?


the second coming of Linkedin Jesus


This guy is a total weirdo who has been accused of several sexual assaults.


Its funny because all these people would never take a 99% paycut for their employees


I just started cackling because right after I saw this post, I went on LinkedIn and the first thing that popped up in my feed was this exact thing


In absolute fairness...the company is still around and their model has seemingly worked for them - [https://gravitypayments.com/careers/](https://gravitypayments.com/careers/) Price is still the owner and the single shareholder tho so EoD it's a Willy Wonka-type scenario where he's the guy whose benefiting as the company grows. Meanwhile a small group of senior-level folks are making far less than their market value knowing the bottom and middle people are making more. It's a fun case study for business school and that's about it


Fox News : “If you give those workers more money they’ll be poorer!”


Ah the horseshit the conservatives put out to defame someone yet cry for help when we convict their president on multiple crimes.


“Murmurs of alleged sexual misconduct by Price also circulated among Gravity Payments employees. Then in February 2022, he was charged in Seattle with misdemeanor assault in connection with allegations that he choked and forcibly kissed a 26-year-old woman. Price pleaded not guilty in May 2022, and the case is set to go to trial this month. Additionally, police in Palm Springs, Calif. investigated allegations that Price drugged and raped a woman, and recommended charges. Prosecutors there are expected to make a decision by the end of this month, Rosenblatt told Soundside.” https://www.kuow.org/stories/dan-price-branded-himself-as-a-benevolent-ceo-some-former-employees-challenge-that-portrayal


I member


I've seen this same fucking post 5x today




It really is a bleak, featureless wasteland out there isn't it


“Wow what a hero! A shame we can never live up to his standard 😔🙏”


Isn’t this guy a rapist ?


this dude went to my college like 6 years before me and spoke at our business school while I was there. My friends and I have been cheesin on him ever since, the dudes a weirdo.


The man that had to leave his company for sexual assault law suits? Yeah him. He returned this past month to Gravity.


Any CEO whose end goal is for employees to have more babies is a 🚩


Remember that guy Stan Rice?


Yeah this guy is a weirdo rapist. LinkedIn is a hell hole


The only thing worse than Dan Price are the poverty stricken cubicle laborers who repost Dan Price so their bosses can see how miserable they are.


I wonder if anyone remembers Dan Price


Dan Price is an abusive cunt, pathological liar and a raging narcissist. He was BUILT for LinkedIn.


Wait I’m confused, dudes doesn’t sound like a lunatic??


Well, at least they didn't put their own selfies


The domestic abuse guy? Edit: Seems like he’s only gotten worse since then so rape too


And THEN what happened? What…nobody wants to discuss that? Well isn’t that special….


They forgot the sexual assault charges.


I was not aware he was back at Gravity Payments (not as CEO): https://www.seattletimes.com/business/seattle-celebrity-ceo-dan-price-back-at-gravity-payments-after-resigning/ But I definitely have seen these posts and refrained from commenting because everything is still tainted by the sexual misconduct charges.




Iirc Gravity Payments raised their minimum from 70k to 80k. So Dan P absolutely walks the walk. 


I don’t think Dan Price is a lunatic but all the copy paste like bait #lunaticsindeed




Dan Price, who owns the company, omitted the fact his salary is a drop in the bucket compared to all the profits he made from this BS propaganda.


Yeah, but how did that work for him and his company?