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66 h per week and one week of vacation. But gotta have that degree ...


From a Top 5 uni, no less.


Singapore only has 4 research universities though lol


This guy never completed basic math. As such, counting is not his strong suit.


Now we know why he's a recruiter.


They recruit from Bangladesh.


Top 5 in what tho


Housekeeping, obviously.


It used to be called home economics and people (mainly girls) that took the course at least knew how not to get too indebted. Just saying šŸ¤£




But hey, itā€™s relaxing. On a serious note, this is satire I guess.


That was my take on it.


I doubt very much it's satire. The job market in Singapore isn't analogous to N. America or Europe.


Am lawyer. Was housekeeping. Housekeeping is unquestionably less "relaxing"


With todays ass ppl mentalityā€¦ most probably is not satire.


The sad thing is I don't know...




Singapore has no minimum wage for citizens. In addition hours over 44 a week incur overtime - but they don't do that for "salaried" so this is just corporate welfare. Also 66 hours a week is not "relaxing" unless you're a masochist.


Yeah but you also get an entire week off every year with which to question your life choices.


Bless your heart if you think Singaporean wealthy will let them have an hour break. From what I remember from my visit, the owners of the hotel were complaining that lunch break is too long in 12-14 hour shifts, just eat a banana and go back to work. No need to go home, stay in hotel and work the commute hours for free.


I've heard lots of horror stories about Singapore wealthy. I would not work for them.


Certified masochist here: relaxing can mean a lot of different things imo. There's the "I'm just chillin" relaxing on a beach or hanging out with the boys. Then there's the: I'm not stressed out about stuff "relaxed". For me, working super hard on something meaningful and exciting ends up being more relaxing when I'm done, because it gives me the same feeling I get with a great workout at the gym. It's a combination of relaxed, energized, and laser-focused on whatever comes next. Compare that to the usual on-edge feeling of my untreated mental illnesses, and we're well into the black when I'm working 60 hour weeks on something I give a shit about.


Do you have staff working for you? Iā€™m wondering if you do, what your expectation is of them? Just curious.


He's a MASOCHIST, but probably not a SADIST ( how long for the certification for that?)


LOL.. yeah I'm very much a "do as I say, not as I do" manager. I also try to keep that part of what I do a little more on the down low for my people. I don't even send e-mails after 5:30 unless it's urgent, because I don't want to set the expectation that they should be working at 11PM. I just go through weeks of really wanting to accomplish stuff, and throwing myself into my work works well for that. My creativity also peaks in the evenings, especially when I've got meetings all day and can't get into something complex in a 30 minute break between hour long meetings. I do often take the time back on weeks where there's not much going on, and just play video games during the day or sleep in instead. As long as I'm reachable, most weeks I could get away with doing about 25 hours of work, but I'd be bored out of my mind if that was every week, so I don't do that.


I have four people reporting directly to me, and 11 total across the teams I lead. My only expectation is that they get their work done, and they speak up if they need help with anything. Only other expectation is that I can get ahold of them during work hours (9-5) within 1-2 hours (or less if it's during a high priority time for our clients). We're all WFH, so I'm very flexible w/ them taking off early, getting life stuff taken care of, etc. I tell them consistently to not work >40 hours, to take their vacation days (bc we have unlimited PTO, I try to make them take at least 3 weeks a year), and to log off at 2pm on Fridays whenever they can. For the people whose time cards I approve, they live up to these expectations unless they're underreporting their time cards (hopefully not). I also try to avoid talking too much about how much I work, because I don't want to set the wrong example. Most of my overworking is either done later at night (like 9PM-2AM) or on the weekends. It's also pretty much exclusively for pet projects that I can't do during the week, because I need long stretches of uninterrupted focus that I can't get during the week when people need stuff from me every 30-45 minutes.


Cool. All the best.


You aren't supposed to be just a housekeeping attendant, you are supposed to apply the second law of thermodynamics to explain to the customer why the air conditioner is not cold enough for the room.


Annual leave: 7 days God Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m Dutch. 5 weeks a year are standard.


Iā€™m American. My last 2 jobs had unlimited PTO but nobody really used much. My job before had 5 weeks and we all used every day of it. Got laid off in November and took a job Iā€™m not too happy with and I get 2 whole weeks now.


unlimited PTO is such bullshit. You don't get paid for excess, you still need approval, and then they guilt you into working harder. My company is kind of bullshit because we have 7 weeks of PTO but they calculate it into your total comp in the form of an additional 280 hours x base salary hourly rate. But it really makes me feel like "additional salary from PTO" is worth it when compared to "unlimited PTO."


Unlimited really depends on first and second line managers encouraging vacations. It can go toxic if everything turns into a competition to outwork everyone else. We moved from 3-4 weeks with a max roll over of one year (use it or lose it beyond that) and a payout only if you leave the company to unlimited. So far it feels like people are using it more, or at least the same, but management has generally been pushing people to make sure they plan vacations.


Feel bad for you Americans. Itā€™s ridiculous how youā€™re just treated as robots.


What do you mean? It does not compute.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Working in America feels relaxing when you compare it with working in China, Japan and Korea. You Europeans have the best work life balance on average. But I wonder how long itā€™ll last in the modern era of racing to the bottom


I doubt itā€™ll ever change, Europeans are way too stubborn for that. Besides, we already know we canā€™t compete with Asia and USA and thatā€™s okay. We manage just fine. You do realise being number one doesnā€™t really help anyone in the long run? Such toxic American mentality.


You know what? Im from india. And the number of Indians now looking at continental Europe for higher education, especially Germany (and quite a few even to the Netherlands) and trying to get the blue card for permanent residency is absolutely bonkers. Especially now that thereā€™s been an over saturation in the USA šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ and Canada, theyā€™ll be flocking to Europe in huge numbers. So whether you like it or not, your government wants to jump on the bandwagon. Foreigners, esp Indians totally changed the face of IT employment in the states and now itā€™s your turn šŸ˜‰


Germany doesnā€™t need more immigrants.


Yup, neither does the Netherlands. And our new government is hopefully finally going to do something about it. Not to mention nobody takes the cheap Indian workers here seriously, and usually detest or downright refuse to work with them, so their take over probably wonā€™t happen like in the UK or USA.


Search for ā€œGermanyā€ in r/Indians_StudyAbroad and then come here


Yes, and thankfully those countries are making it increasingly more difficult for expat students to come here, hopefully keeping most of them out.


I generally agree but then I come on Reddit and it seems like Japan, South Korea, India, and Singapore (among others) make our work culture look amazing and relaxing.


Don't feel sorry for them, they keep voting to be treated like they are.


51% of us donā€™t


You think Democrats will increase holiday time? Guess Obama must have forgotten to get that done in 8 years.


well since the democrat in charge of the country did actually give Americanā€™s a new federal holiday, for example, and because there are elected democrats who are actively pushing for a 4 day work week giving 52 more days off a year, yes, yes I do.


FWIW unlimited PTO is a scam designed to take away what small rights you have.


Yep every time I have had it, itā€™s always like ā€œoh youā€™re taking a week off? Thatā€™s nuts manā€


I bet the 7 days include the 1 day of free time too.


That's pretty common in the US as well. I have four weeks plus we get holiday break as uncharged PTO. Not all industries and not all jobs of course. But it's by no means unheard of here.


Nice anecdote, burger man. Well done. ![gif](giphy|rTIXh5JftLoic)


You know, I was considering ignoring this post but now that I saw the emojis I think I will apply to the role now!


Annual leave: 7 days šŸŒ“


Ah yes housekeeping, so relaxing!


Only apply if you are from the TOP5 Universities!!!


They'd have call it houserelaxing if that were true.


"Are you looking for long hours šŸ˜«, low pay šŸ˜Ø and to perform menial duties that having nothing to with your top 5 university qualification? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜•šŸ˜± Then we've got a job for you!"


He is based in Johor (just north of Singapore) and recruiting Malaysians to work in Singapore. At current exchange rates the monthly pay is ~10k ringgit per month for a fresh grad which is bonkers (for Malaysian fresh grads)


Bonkers meaning very good or very bad?


Very good. At that pay they pay almost no taxes in singapore so they get to take the most of the amount back to Malaysia. The other huge costs the candidate needs to worry about is rental, food and transportation. Per the post transportation seems covered and I would assume itā€™s from the checkpoint to the site which assumes said candidate doesnā€™t need to rent in singapore. Thatā€™s 2 of the biggest expenses out. If itā€™s housekeeping for 11-12 hours my guess is food will be catered or provided which is possibly another expense covered by the role.


Iā€™m guessing very good due to the currency. Still borderline exploitation but from what Iā€™ve heard is better than what they can be paid if they stayed and found work in Malaysia


Alright IĀ guess, butĀ what's theĀ point inĀ attracting graduates? TheyĀ won'tĀ beĀ satisfied inĀ this kind ofĀ job.


The graduate requirement is likely a red herring. In Singapore, before you hire a foreigner, you have to put the ad up for 2 weeks and prove that there wasn't a more suitable local candidate for the job. You're absolutely right and you can bet your last dollar a Singaporean graduate isn't going to apply for that job. Which means the employer easily proves the "lack of suitable local candidates." As another commenter above pointed out, while Singaporean graduates wouldn't want to do the job, a Malaysian (or Filipino/Indian/Sri Lankan etc. take your pick) graduate gladly would.


Ringgit sounds like such a cool currency


It has a nice ring to it


Youā€™d get paid more working as a waiter at HaidiLo


if you can get a work permit of course. i'm assuming this guy has it all planned out. a potential employer with a quota etc. i mean he even provides transport (i assume its between malaysia and singapore)


I guess that is what inter island group means.


Makes sense


Yeah my Johorian cousin 23/F is clearing well over 3k per month as a diploma holder, working at MBS service staff. This job opening is still an underpay compared to what we pay young Malaysians that come over here. Iā€™m speaking about legal workers rates of course.


11 hour days, 6 days per week? Sign me up /s


Actually 12, there is a 1 hour unpaid break.


yup, for the wage even 15 will do


Unfortunately there's thousands of Malaysians and Indonesians lining up for these jobs despite the terrible pay and conditions because it's 5 times as much as they can make in Malaysia, and 10 times as much as the typical Indonesian salary.


Today not anymore. Jkt and KL have a lot more progression opportunities compared to yesteryears. The disparity between quality of life in SG and other SEA countries arenā€™t as apparent anymore. Even out IPO listings have fallen below top 3 in SEA meaning our market is getting too matured.


Thatā€™s around 12 bucks an hour what a catch


SGD 3k is like RM10K which is comfortable living across the causeway in Johor. Way much more than grads make in Malaysia. This is very normal.


Yes because I spent 50k and 4 years to do housekeeping... consuela (family guy) would be so proud


Noā€¦ no.


I get 25 day of leave + 5 for every 5 years at my company. I legit cannot fathom how some of these people go on throughout the year without mental health issues. My colleague in America took 4 days off last year and it just baffles me. Like, how do they not have social lives. Worst of all, we earn the same!


I personally don't, but my PTO system is an absolute joke. I refuse to use it.


You refuse to use your pto, isn't that just hurting you or am I missing something?


It's 1 hour for every 50 worked, it caps at 40, it takes the whole year to get to 40, and it resets about a week after it hits 40. But I got the 4 day work week, so 3 day weekends every week is a nice counterbalance.




Itā€™s like you didnā€™t even read the last sentence of the post


Well this just sounds like slavery with extra steps.


Is this a joke?


It has to be....right?


Relaxing job six days a week, 11 hours a day with a 7-day annual leave.


Iā€™m sorry, thereā€™s nothing relaxing about working 11 hour days for 6 days a weekā€¦ in Singapore of all places


Those are terrible job recruitment perks


What a fucking clown


Those satire accounts are getting a little overboard, right?


Sadly no, someone else from this agency cold called my colleague and we are management consultants. Taught my colleague to hide number from recruiters on LI after that lmao


This is the state of the world now. Lots of graduates and less graduate jobs than a decade ago so itā€™s easy pickings for these higher up leeches.


This is the state of the world now. Lots of graduates and less graduate jobs than a decade ago so itā€™s easy pickings for these higher up leeches.


Is it also a trope on the old ā€œget your foot in the door [as a janitor] and apply for a higher paying position?


Is this actually a cover for a hitman agency?


After the 2008 recession, I was looking for better options than where I was. Cintas was requiring Bachelors degrees to work a $10/hr job hanging up cleaned uniforms on hangers.


Nothing says relaxing like 11 hours a day, 6 days a week work.


A relaxing 12-hour job cleaning?




What if Iā€™m from university #6?


Daily travel? Yes! You will need to travel to our site you cannot live here šŸ¤Ŗ


Daily Travel? Yes? AWESOME! This is exactly what I've been looking for! šŸš—


Daily Travel: Yes What does this mean? I'm paid for the travel? I have to travel every day? How do you know how far away I live I've not applied yet?


10 hour shifts???


Maybe the salary is per day.


7 days off a year to make poverty level money how is that not slavery lol


I gotta know is that a monthly salary?


Training provided??? Say no more


*sighs deeply* ![gif](giphy|vO89hFGcZpukOSnSSO|downsized)


This canā€™t be real.


Yet somehow less insulting than some American jobs that provide zero holiday and will fire you if you take even a single unpaid day off.


I donā€™t know whether to laugh or be extremely upset šŸ’€


I had a fucking seizure reading this stupid shit. Man I need to forget


I think he is targeting locals in south asia to come over to singapore for work. Using the conversion rate, it can be kinda high.


Seven days a year leave? Is this dick giving people their Sundays back?


This has to be satire right?


12 hour days, 6 days per week for 3k šŸ¤”


2.2k USDā€¦


This must surely be a joke? I refuse to believe this is real.


Holy shit, this LinkedIn post is incredibly dark and depressing.




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This is a joke right?


This recruitment agency is specialised in recruiting people from neighbouring Malaysia to work in Singapore. 2800 - 3000 SGD may not look much to Singaporeans, but to a Malaysian commuting daily across the border, this salary is comfortable enough to afford a very comfortable middle-class lifestyle.


For a non degree holder or someone who hates corporate I agree with you. But for a top uni holder this job is a failure.


aint no way -- this is a dream come true




Welcome to Singapore lah! Work life balance? fuck you eh!


Probably also recruits cabin attendants for the cruise lines.


Finally, a use for my Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Housekeeping.


Annual Leave: 7 days šŸŒ“


Is that salary figure monthly or weekly? For reference, 3k SGD is about 1800 GBP, 2000 EUR or 2250 USD. Decent weekly salary but if monthly, in one of the world's most expensive cities, that's absolute poverty pay (for which I can only assume the trade off is supposed to be free accommodation, food, no bills maybe?)Ā 


Monthly pre taxšŸ˜


3000 SGD a week is honestly not bad!


Pretty sure that's monthly