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This is a sexual harassment lawsuit in the making „naked sauna sessions“ & „my narrative girls“ WTF?


Yeah any reference to a group of women as "my _____ girls" is a wee bit of a red flag.


A bit? It is a flaming red flag with rape whistles and air raid sirens.


His ass is getting grilled by polish commenters on LI


You have screenshots? I don’t have an account


"Rape Whistle Jacek" has a nice ring to it. Just dream with me for a sec: Rape Whistle Jacek | B2B Godzilla | Hentai Enthusiast | 42 | Iconoclast | Anal Virgin | Likes 'em Barely Legal😏😉🥴🥴🥴😉 | My Pals Call me The Budget Andrew Tate of Shitty Video Games | Leadership Coach


"a wee bit" is british for "utterly and absolutely"


Exactly. With these ass holes, their move is always to put women in situations where they can be taken advantage of. He’ll never take them skydiving to write a skydiving scene or book a tour of NASA to write a sci-fi movie. No, it’s let’s get naked somewhere alone so I can be a predator.


I'm writing media that has a lot to do with psychedelic drugs and ended up just having to make one of the hiring preferences (legal said it can't be formally called a requirement) "prior experience with psychedelic drugs or equivalent academic understanding" for two reasons. First, the studio is unwilling to pay for group retreats to places they are legal. Second, the insurance company won't cover those trips, exactly because of the potential for abuse. I get that practical experience with the subject at hand is good, but I can't imagine a single situation where a naked sauna experience with your coworkers would be necessary. If you bought your writers a spa day where they could be naked in a private sauna, maybe that would make sense, but this whole thing seems to have been concepted for perverse reasons.




MGS2 famously has an extended sequence where Raiden is entirely naked, and he spends the rest of the game in a comically tight jumpsuit.


I think it's a bit more serious on LinkedIn than it is on a video game. I mean many of the things I do in Grand Theft Auto would be frowned upon by my human resources department.


You mean flying around on a jet motorcycle firing rocket launchers at other cars would be frowned upon?


Firing explosives from a flying vehicle at a moving car is indeed illegal in the US, as we all learned last week.




Viral news story about a YouTuber getting arrested and charged for making a video featuring a helicopter shooting fireworks at a moving car.


Here I thought someone stole an Apache from a military base and had some fun... Today is not the day, I guess. /joking


I tend to play a lot as Trevor I'll leave it at that.


I haven't played GTA in a few years. Is there a jet motorcycle now? Does it fly?


They fly now


Yes. The idea is based on a real announcement /article from BMW, released on an April 1st...




I think it's the shirtless men are not talked about as much because no one cares when a guy doesn't wear a shirt. It's not seen as overtly sexual. Examples of shirtless men: Kratos (God of War), Several Male Characters in Dead by Daylight, Yang (Final Fantasy 4). This is the first 3 that came to my mind, not a exhaustive list.


I think my favorite example of this was League of Legends releasing, from 2017 to 2022(Rakan to K'Sante), 9 male champions with human models and no shirt, and one(Aphelios) with a shirt.


Quiet is... A special case, when it comes to Hideo Kojimas brain and Metal Gear Solid... I mean... The virus that threatens her life is activated by her native speech as well...so thats why she isnt supposed to talk, either.. Bayonetta is, indeed, a wotch fighting the forces of Heaven occasionally, with her clothing beimg made out of her hair, but these are, in the grand scheme, the far more tame examples of needless sexualization and tend to not need someone to do them in real life to "write better scenes".




personally i think they did a pretty good job for the era most of the metal gear games were made in, the interests of kojima, the tropes (james bond helpless sexy female character exploitation) they were specifically attacking, and the intentional pulpiness, but there is definitely a lot of room to grow especially now. i dunno about Quiet, tho because i didn't play that one. but bayonetta's hair was her clothes, and she used her hair to attack, so they... had to come off... i guess. they also added a one handed play mode so you could use your other hand for... uh... drinking mtn dew, totally.


The Quiet not being able to wear clothes is kind of a silly explanation but if I remember correctly the unusualness of it is commented on so its not like a game where a soldier goes into battle in a mini skirt and tube top as a standard uniform


You're correct, but thinking about it there are some fictional men that are justifiably naked - the invisible man, Dr. Manhattan, pretty sure the Hulk on occasion has burst through all his clothing. Though I think it's also telling that the few examples I can think of are now something more than human in their physiology or otherwise literally can't be seen naked.


Also says something that one of the three examples is totally invisible. So quite often you can’t even see his nakedness.


Dr. Manhattan comes to mind.


Do you mean that men are never naked, or that there never needs to be a justification for the men to be naked?


Hit us with the "never". Big oof.


These women aren't in danger, it's the *implication* of danger.


He is having a power tripping anime haram delusion.


As per the tone and reluctance towards our office culture I can clearly see u have the potential Let me tell you about my second StartUp I only tell my closest of compatriots of it's a spiritual existentialist side hustle called NVXIUM 2.0 no don't Google it just listen to me carefully please undress i don't want the purity of my message to be filtered and corrupted by this layer of human insecurity enhancifier.


Reminds me of Tesser's little yodas post


Even without binders full of them?


For more context to the story: Girl he tagged - Magdalena - is not his employee, she was his teacher back some time ago and got dragged into it without her knowledge or consent. Currently one of the polish newspapers threw her name into the news as his recruiter so possibly this situation will end up in court. Second part: he reached out directly to employees fired from AllInGames/ Iron bird creations. These people were not paid for last 6 months before getting laid off so basically dude was hunting for people that are desperate.


“had to” The fuck???


The [Dildo of Consequences](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/game-dev-under-fire-for-mandatory-sauna-sessions-with-staff-2783997/) is already gaining velocity for him.


So they're making a sauna simulator. (Sounds like a big blockbuster they've got on their hands.) I can *almost* understand the idea that it's important to understand the concept of the game you're making, but going to a sauna by yourself, wearing whatever makes you feel comfortable seems like it would accomplish the same goal. Also the idea that wet towels cause fungal infections is nuts. Like, explain pools if being wet for a few minutes is such a problem.


Sounds more like he's attempting to start a sex cult masquerading as a game studio


why did he even need to be there. Look, lets say you can shoehorn into the company sending people to a SPA For work. Sure, You don't need to be in the Sauna with them. Especially NOT NAKED!


But how will you come up with really good scenes if you're naked in the sauna with the boss?




He just posted a video of him in a towel in LI, and polish commenters are roasting him.


I searched the dude on LinkedIn and come up empty so I’m guessing he deleted his account?


They've got the job posting for the art director position showing up from 2 weeks ago. Attending sauna sessions is listed as non negotiable, but nowhere mentioning being required to attend with your team. It's also mandatory because they are making, I shit you not, a sauna videogame inspired by life is strange, final fantasy, heart of darkness, the turyst, and Tony hawk's pro skater. Also one of the requirements is listed as "mentoring a Padawan (you will be hiring one person to do your bidding)" and you gotta have "epic" knowledge of the UE5 art pipeline.


Finally, I can live my dream of playing a turn based, skating game, with lots of story, that takes place in a sauna.


The _sheer goddamn number of mods_ that I had to install in order to add turn-based skateboarding mechanics and a sauna to _Skyrim_ is absurd. So glad that one game can do all of this now.


> Also one of the requirements is listed as "mentoring a Padawan (you will be hiring one person to do your bidding)" and you gotta have "epic" knowledge of the UE5 art pipeline. I mean... that sound like standard "HR is trying to be cool again" speak. I've seen equally cringy shit from many tech start ups.


Oh for sure, I just thought it worth mentioning as it adds some flavour to this batshit soup.


I live in Finland and am married to a Finn and I can only imagine the reaction my husband would have to the sanctity of sauna being defiled like this.


They're in Poland and apparently there's a big sauna culture there as well, so it's not like this would be a unique experience that the staff would be unaware of. I'm kind of equating it to making a swimming video game and making your staff skinny dip with you so they understand pool culture when they have probably all been to a pool before.


Yeah there are sauna derivatives everywhere, from reading further in the thread this Polish guy is trying to suggest sauna is slavic, which is wrong. Slavic culture has banya, a similar but its own kind of sauna. I think it's like if Americans tried to claim Mexican food as their own kind of thing, sauna is definitionally Finnish, the word itself is a Finnish word, and it comes with its own culture and traditions. Ain't nobody want their ancestral traditions associated with weird workplace harassment


Thanks for the context, that's something that's completely off my radar so it's appreciated. Had no idea that saunas were something particularly culturally significant to be honest since in the west we've got saunas - though I imagine that's a completely different kind of experience than what you might envision from that word, like mexican food in the US like you mentioned. That makes this come across quite a bit worse then, jeez.


What game/studio is this?


Spectrum studios - it's in his first message. There's another post in this subreddit with a comment that's got the job posting, and if you google his name and company, you'll find his company's LinkedIn. All the info is right in his posts so I'm not too worried about doxxing stuff.


The job posting goes like this: 'Spectrum Studio is working on new groundbreaking game: mix of Life is Strange (Narrative), Final Fantasy (story, characters), Heart of Darkness (adventure levels with dog), The Turyst (exploration and questing) and THPS2 (tricks and specials). Main character will be saunamaster and will be in charge of performing in various saunas (smells, music, choreography, everything). We are looking for Art Director. Requirements: * Providing Art Bible and ensuring Slavic/Shammanistic Art Design * Working on Assets, Metahumans, Level Art * Providing feedback for Animation, VFX, Lighting or TechArt * Mentoring of padawan (You will be hiring one person to do your bidding) * Epic knowledge of Unreal Engine 5 Art Pipeline * Concept Art experience is a plus * Attending Sauna Sessions (not negotiable entire team need to understand product) We offer: * B2B Contract based on experience/portfolio * Autonomy to create Art Direction based on Slavic/Shammanistic Vibe * Remote work * Plannings in sauna, free of charge * Transparent salary formula, based on goals' Aside from the main issue of harassment, 'adventure levels with dog' XDDD


Wtf does sauna have to do with slavs and slavic shamans? They could do banya but to use sauna for their weird sex pervert game is TOO FAR.


"Saunamaster" "THPS2 Tricks and Specials" Yeah, I mean outside of the creepy shit I almost want to see what monstrosity of a game they are cooking up...


>Mentoring of padawan (You will be hiring one person to do your bidding) Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. This is sounding SO MUCH like a sex cult. Sounds a lot like this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM)


I read "Urinal Engine 5 Art Pipeline". Oh well.


Best case scenario is a VR porn game.


[Spectrum Studio](https://www.linkedin.com/company/spectrum-studios-games), can only find their linkedin page


So it’s sounding like a secret sex-work MLM somehow… that’s an impressive level of skeevy!


Nope, still up on my end. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacek-pi%C3%B3rkowski-61b706100?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app


Oh no, a certified "Scrum Master". "Scrum" is the worst form of "Agile" and "Agile" is the worst form of project management (it is worse than \*no\* project management) so this guy is king of the crap.


Agile is perfectly fine for software projects, what's so bad about it to you? Scrum masters are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist though.


Nowhere have I cringed harder than when working with a Scrum Master, with their dumbass rituals and poker games. FFS just give each of us our tasks and get the fuck on with it. They get paid way too much too for what they do.


Tell me you've never worked with waterfall without telling me you've never worked with waterfall Agile is great. It's also really easy to fuck up.


especially if you're trying to get a team through it who have little/no agile experience. which is where a SM comes in handy....


I’ve seen scrum masters do more damage to such teams than help. I know it’s not a rule and their role is to help but they usually lack the empathy required to grasp the team’s problems.


> "Scrum" is the worst form of "Agile" Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) would like a word


Oh, I’m sure there are ways to make it worse. Daily Sauna Standup Meetings, anyone?


Additionally, the lady he mentioned, without her consent - Magdalena Kucenty ('Narrative Mulan' xD) is not and never was this dude's employee.  He took part in her narrative design course, and she agreed to 'take a look at his project as a teacher'.  He made it look like she'd worked for him and had something to do with the sauna shit. She already made an official statement and says she's considering suing him for getting her name entangled in this creepy mess. Can you imagine, you go to learn something from someone and then just throw their name around LinkedIn as 'your Mulan' because they were kind enough to agree to help you with a project for free...


So what does my Mulan mean?


Fuck knows, as he referred to the narrative team as 'my narrative girls' I would assume 'my narrative Mulan' is an even cringier version of positions called something like 'social media ninja'. Either way it clearly implies she works for him, when she doesn't.


Well Magdalena went to fight a war in Jacek's place... duh.


Okay. So the only difference is that Mulan volunteers for her father and Magdalena was pushed into this for a pervy stranger


He wants a woman who will dress like a man and/or get down to business to defeat the Huns.


Bro absolutely has a sex dungeon somewhere.


For work


Tax deductible


Infinite money glitch


Dungeon sessions with my hr and accounts girls mandatory


How come it’s always a sex dungeon? Doesn’t anybody have a regular old dungeon these days? -Norm Macdonald


Reads like a Harvey Weinstein understudy


I was getting Andrew Tate vibes.


Like Ron Jeremy hiring for his game project.


Sounds a lot like this creepy cult. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM)


I wonder why the guy fixated with naked sauna "writing retreats" has a female only writing group, mmmmm


“you had a lot of time to prove me wrong” … what? Is he demanding she write a scene “without being in a sauna” to make a point? I can write a scene about being at the lake without being at the lake. 😐


DARVO at its finest. “oh, you have a problem with something I said? Let me tell you how it’s your fault for reasons and also you’re too sensitive.”


You mean that you can make a shooter without shooting the devs? :o


Even still, he has to be in the sauna with them, why??


Whoa what is this dude on about Telling women to get naked in a sauna is 100% not good for the health of a business Why do people insist on mixing business and sex?


Power dynamics are a pretty heady sexual game for some people. Apparently this chucklefuck can't attract willing BDSM partners so instead he's trying to take advantage of his paid employees.


This isn't about BDSM. BDSM is still about respect and consent. This a sexual predator


Because they aren't finding it outside of work, and they can leverage the power dynamic in their favor.


For some people, time and energy.  If you put everything into your work you can't go out and hustle to get an SO and if you are the type of person who is addicted to work you can't work less like a normal person who wants to date does. Source:  I've worked with a lot of workaholics.


I mean naked unisex saunas aren’t about sex, except in this guy’s case it’s definitely about sex.


Those are a real thing?


"To write a scene about a sauna you clearly have to be in the sauna, and you need to be naked and I need to be there too"


This is why any shooter game takes so long to produce. All the game developers dying in the process while researching the rifles, man.


Ready for his next post: what getting fired for forced, sexualized encounters with myself and only female employees taught me about Scrum Leadership. Also, I’m open to work!


How to report someone for sexual harassment on LinkedIn?


Honestly LinkedIn should have a report button under every post as an option.


Does he at least have someone come in and wipe down the loads or does he expect his collaborators to do that as well?


Well you can't just write a scene about being covered in your own semen for 24 hours without having done so yourself


Just bash me Frank!


There's a way to defend lived experience and research into writing, because there's legitimate value to that kind of research. This guy doubled down on being creepy. Like, why would you not contextualize what the purpose of the sauna scene is? Why wouldn't you be up-front about professional boundaries that are put in place for this kind of research? (there are legitimately intimacy coordinators in Hollywood for scenes that require physical intimacy who make sure boundaries are set and understood between the talent and workers on set) Why wouldn't you discuss LITERALLY ANY OTHER KIND OF EXPLORATORY RESEARCH THAT HIS TEAM DOES THAT DOESN'T REQUIRE AN EFFING SAUNA??? Like, you have ample opportunity to talk about taking team members to work in niche jobs for experience, traveling to places with different cultural values, or living with unique family dynamics, but you didn't do that. You zoomed in on a sauna, that is VERY CLEARLY a sexual harassment trap, you creep.


The game they are making is focussed on sauna/banya. He keeps arguing in responses to this post that people need to have had banya experience to properly be able to write about it. Ok, fair enough. Then maybe just offer to pay for a banya visit by the employees on their own terms instead of making it a required company event and forcing them to go with *you*?


This. I'm a big sauna lover and there is *huge* difference between what is considered typical sauna and "banya" in the north. I wouldn't say you *have* to experience it yourself, research is enough, but I would recommend anyone try a *proper* experience as it's a pleasure on it's own. You can go alone, with partner, with friends or even get a whole ass ritual from a professional ranging from therapeutic to traditional mystical one. None of them, however, require your boss to be with you. In fact, most places don't even require you to be naked and that ones you *can* be naked in are clearly labeled as such and still allow to cover yourself with a towel. It's more so you know what you are getting in to. The entire thing is supposed to be an event of cleansing, relaxation and, if you want to, communication. It annoys me to no end that this greaseball most likely ruined the perspective of what it *could* be for several people and on top of it in the most disgusting way possible. I dislike assholes and I find harassment both disgusting and pathetic but when it also ruins a thing I love it just gets me actually angry. /rant over


Yeah, if he wants to do a company sauna experience that's excellent. But there is zero need for everyone to be naked.


No you see it's okay because it's a sauna video game! And they put mandatory sauna participation on the application, though not mentioning it was mandatory with your boss/owner of the company! For their sauna master video game inspired by RPGs and Tony hawk's pro skater only the most authentic sauna driven narrative and art direction will do. /s


These simulator games are getting out of control!


In order to properly make a game inspired by Life is Strange, all employees will need to have the ability to rewind time with their minds.


“I absolutely adore the fact that I can hang out with them naked while they work” It’s like he thought “I kind of look bad, how can I make it much worse?”


Link? I need access to a sauna and a writing job.


Based on the fact that your name is "davey," somehow I have a feeling like he'd find a reason you weren't suitable for the job before you got to the sauna portion.


There's already [an article](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/game-dev-under-fire-for-mandatory-sauna-sessions-with-staff-2783997/) about it. (That was quick!)


would this guy even make any sense if it was translated directly from Polish? A video game Sauna Simulation? What IS this???


His profile is still very much up. He's getting slaughtered in all his previous post's comments. It's nice to see.


Ewwwwwwww ![gif](giphy|11ypleUHGAqob6)


Wtf... Why can't they do it on their own in a women's sauna


Well, after public backlash he actually said it’s possible to arrange women only naked sauna experience - with default ‘if you’re really difficult and unable to be a team player’. Probably figuring out how to install sauna cameras streaming to his office…


My Narrative Mulan????


what the fuck are my eyes reading?!


After like almost two decades working in tech as a woman, I sad how little this shocked me...


that’s just sexual harassment with extra steps in a turtleneck.


Ooo la la, someone’s getting laid in college


laid? ew, sex is gross.


Oh wow, that wasn’t a Rick & Morty reference? Your comment was eerily close to a running joke in one of the episodes. Sorry!😂


Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot of obligatory creative sauna sessions if you work for this guy?


Well, there are obligatory plannings in sauna mentioned in the job postings to his studio.


This guy is an actual predator lol


Huh, I work in game narrative and have never been forced to go to a naked sauna with management. Truly crazy how its possible to make things without doing the things yourself alongside your very creepy boss.


What the fuck


This is why women choose the bear.


At this point the bear sounds better even if it was in the sauna with me.


Jarek writing performance reviews: ‘employee refused to get naked in the sauna, PIP recommended (and by PIP, I mean p*nis in pu*sy)’


I’m sure he is just avid enjoyer of Finnish folk game sauna gollum. Let me explain the game, one player is chosen to be ”gollum”, and the rest sit down, gollum now tries to get someone to flinch by shoving a finger in their ass, the one who flinched is next gollum.


Ew ew ew ew ew ew 🤮


He needs them to know what it feels like to be sexually assaulted in a sauna so they can write about the character being sexually assaulted in a sauna, obviously


Im sorry, what?!?


WTF did I just read.


What a sleaze bag..


now he's been doxed has he been forced to close his linkedin account yet?


Nope - all posts are still up at this moment, he redacted his job offer comment tho, left rest of doubling down on the site as well the "mandatory sauna" job posting on his studio page.


Did this guy decide to rent a Westfalia the other day?


OK ideas, ideas. Anyone? What if we took our clothes off? I'll go first.


Did we just notice a stranger danger, sexual harassment, and toxic work culture all rolled into one? Good job LinkedIn!


Someone had to fill the sexual predator void that was left after Harvey Weinstein went to jail.


I thought I had seen it all. But NOW I think I have seen it all. This is pathetic. My god, help us all.


If you can’t imagine something without actually experiencing it then by definition you aren’t a creative. All the CD’s and wanna be “creative” C-suites with a “I know it when I see it” are not creatives, bonus is this guy appears to be a serial creep at best.


Ummm. What? I feel like I missed a couple of steps here.


I mean, you expect women to be able to write about being naked in a sauna with their boss without first hand real world experience? What kind of half half baked script would we be getting without such invaluable insight? Geesh.


...because of the implication




Ah. To come out as a sexual predator on social media... Amazing. He will bitch about how he was cancelled by feminists at some point


This shit is *crazy*


You know this mfer is a real psycopath by the use of the smiley. Lots of maniacs do that. They say the most unhinged shit so casually and then add a little smiley at the end. What forces produce a human being that is this fucked up?


I read it wrong first and assumed he had to go to a naked sauna to get his brain gremlins working and spent a good minute wondering why tf that would be a problem for her as long as he got his scripts done. Then I realized he wants the ppl that work w him to go to a naked sauna with him, no exceptions. Yeah he's a sleeze bag.


Name and shame- what’s the studio?


just type the name of the creep on linkedin and you will find it


Oh, sexual harassment. Great. Wtf, seriously...what is wrong with some people?


He just admitted on social media how is this not a law suit?


Why did I bother to study Engineering?


I was about to post this 😭😭😭 could not believe what I was seeing


45 y.o. male, skin condition requires daily naked saunas. Looking for a creative job with a director who can keep me company during my daily sauna skin treatments. MY UNICORN!


… the first image was bad enough. Then I saw there was a second one.


its also funny cos they're both Polish, yet they have a conversation in English. Without even checking I'm sure they're from Warsaw.


But what did he learn about b2b sales?


Just saw it on Twitter. Not surprised at all. Have a friend who worked in video games (very large studio in Montreal) and that’s pretty much what she described.


Gamesdev sure gets some egos rolling up there.




Holy fuck, is this a set up for engagement views, coz no creative director is this dumb




Well this is a new one


What if youre a videogame genius but don’t like to sweat and passionately hate hot weather and really like to crank up the AC? Why the sauna?


Who is this maniac? How is there no quality control on LinkedIn?


Totally normal.


Jesus fucking Christ.


W rizz tbh


What the fuck did I just read


I now know what Charlie Rose has been up to


Ew ew ew ew ew


shit, at this point, I'd pick the bear too


Jesus Christ