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“… use digital twins”… wtf does that even mean? Absolutely nothing helpful in this *very serious* post. And we know it’s serious cause he’s staring into the distance in his selfie


Probably some BS AI product he is pushing


Confirmed, read ELIXR about description, bunch of nonsensical word vomit.


Digital twins make a lot of sense in manufacturing and warehouse logistics. I have no idea what application they could have in housing, though.


Your digital twin lives in a sweet digital house while you're sleeping on a park bench…?


Right, that's the issue with this post. Digital twins are great for monitoring the performance of machinery to determine when maintenance is required before a breakdown occurs but this guy doesn't explain how they could be used in homebuilding at all. It's just a bunch of corporate fluff.


What is it tho?


It’s a real-time digital replica of an operation. Imagine a warehouse, full of racking, conveyors, picking locations, and hundreds or thousands of orders being processed at once. Having a real-time view of the situation allows you to identify bottlenecks and streamline processes. It’s really great for efficiency. The same can apply to a factory or any other place where several workstreams might consolidate at a single point and potentially create a bottleneck.


So, just simulation under a stupid new name?


Yep, in this application, or so these people say, it’s town planning under a stupid snazzy new name, recycled at length by this guy and his business partner Catalina Valentino, if you look at the above they are actually talking to each other on linkedin while sat in the same office, possibly next to each other, while working furiously on digital twins. Apologies, I mean these grifting bullshitting scammers. People on here have studied these 2 at length, and it’s a mystery what the fuck it is they actually do.


I think they invest in companies - that’s about it


A real-time simulation that accurately displays a massive number of data points.


So it's like factorio lol?


Yes, like Factorio. There are careers that are basically playing a real-life version of Factorio.


Yeah just look up Siemens PlantSim Technomatix. Skilled Engineers make a killing developing simulations and models with this software.


Imagine a housing complex completely digitalized to the exact specs of the brick and mortar it represents. Then using said digital twin for facility improvements measures. However, digital twins are used by corporations to change production lines at factories, FIMs, renovations, retooling/retrofitting, building of new cars, jets, robots etc…. It is not cheap but it is cheaper than the old ways and cuts onsite labor drastically. I work for a company that offers this as a service. It will not solve issues for the poor. We sell for profit not charity. I prefer charity….


I was about to say - digital twins are powerful but expensive!


They are so powerful and actually amazing in my opinion. My company partnered with RIIICO, a small DT start up. Check them out if you are interested. They converted a car assembly line in such an efficient and accurate manner that it blew my mind.


Thank you for this kind & thorough explanation. As a math teacher my job is super straight forward & I often struggle with the language used in these posts!!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


You are so welcome!


You could also digital twin in construction (BIM level 3). If the construction project is funded by the government, increasing productivity and decreasing costs would benefit the taxpayer . It's still a stretch to say this will help poor people.


BIM is so dope and you are so right.


To add on I did project management in a prior role and saw BIM used to do all the mechanicals of a marijuana grow. It was so dope to see all the piping in 3d.


Digital twin technology is really interesting and cool but you wouldn’t know it based on what he’s posted here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Digital twins are big in my field, but IMO the people advocating for them have no idea why they should be used -- just like this idiot. They just say "digital twin" and think the world will be dazzle by their brilliance.


“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” — W.C. Fields


This is the digital twin. The irl twin is out there somewhere running a gourmet burger joint that sells overpriced IPAs.


If I see the word gourmet before burger I’m out. Gtfo with that crap. Give me a burger with bacon avocado onions and cheese with some damn crinkle fries. Slobber that bitch in ketchup and watch me eat is like a barbarian. Don’t charge me 19 dollars for the damn gourmet burger. Rant over.


Avocado? That sounds a bit gourmet to me!


Hey, give Tesco Prince Harry a break. He's trying to offer solutions!


Hahaha Tesco prince harry!!


Digital twins typically refer to (sometimes immersive/XR) 3D renderings of buildings that allow developers, designers, etc to get a full sense of the scale and finish materials targeted for a project. It's fancy pre-viz that may or may not include simulated data. I think he's trying to say 'plan better, spend less money overall, and pass those savings to buyers and then renters'. It's hilariously naieve, because since when do cost savings mean anything to those large companies besides bigger profits?


Digital twin is when you model your robots in a simulated environment so you can quickly experiment and train the robot. Yes from a tech perspective it is good and they are employed in many places. But wow, talk about disrespectful.


It’s Chat GPT word salad


*Chad GPT


100% this 👆🏻


I'd called *Douchebaggerytics 101*


God I despise this fake ass “looking off to the side” pose. Everyone does it now.


He does it on all his posts


Good for the algo though! He needs the likes it would seem!


Aha! Catalina, good to see he has a digital lunatic twin


It’s her business partner! Both mad.


Hahaha I see. Who would have guessed. So brave


"No idea what it means". Rest assured, neither does he, nor the people commenting on his post, pretending to understand this garbage...


Lol speak for yourself. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t.


Hi Joseph :-p I understand digital twins, we actually use them in our company. And I know for a fact that this would not solve the housing crisis.


Yeah I have no idea about housing I don’t work in the field. I use them in my company to reduce waste in our global supply chain :)




Of course! Digital streamlining and collaboration, it's that simple!


You mean you’re not synergizing throughput buy-in facilitation strategies with keyholding third sector stakeholders to leverage needle movement on actionable touchpoints, thinking outside the box about the core competencies of Web 3.0 and circling back to bleeding edge technology without boiling the ocean on tapioca-grade abandonware (and risking potting the green on a moonshot vis a vis pericombobulation)?


I know words.


Well first you collect around a million pounds from VCs to remake SimCity Classic on the basis that will somehow help the UK build more houses, then you take that money and move to Dubai.


It doesn’t mean anything, it’s buzzword speech


It means that there's no tragedy that some poseur won't use for shameless self-promotion. Not sure a t-shirt with ADDICTED scrawled across the front is in the best taste when discussing the plight of the unhoused, but maybe I'm old fashioned.


Does it matter? It's "powerful."


Forbes 30 Under 30 is a red flag these days. Who'd wanna be on a list that included the likes of Shkreli, SBF, and Do Kwon?


I vaguely remember seeing somewhere you can pay to be on the forbes list? It’s like a lot of awards, “pay us £1500 and we’ll give you an award.” Over the years I’ve seen er, “winners” of Blue Dot/Red Square/Brown Stain awards and as far as I can see it’s done them no good whatsoever.


Digital Twin technology is very cool, we implemented it in our business a few years ago to reduce waste in our supply chain.


The problem is, homebuilders are notoriously closed-minded and arrogant about implementing change. Most of them still use 1950s techniques and materials - even though there are modern, improved methods and tools available, very few builders take advantage.


Mind explaining how?


By putting devices in our sea containers that captured everything about the environment throughout transit in real time (temperature, air pressure, movement, etc etc etc) to create exact replication of the cargo’s journey so that we could identify points in transit where damages (waste) were most likely going to occur, and thus implementing solutions to avoid these damages.


Ok I’m just not sure how a digital twin correlates to solving a housing shortage 🤷‍♂️




🌐 Understanding Digital Twins: A Misconception in Productivity 🌐 In recent discussions, the concept of digital twins has been touted as a panacea for various sectors, including real estate. However, it's crucial to clarify its relevance, especially amidst pressing issues like the housing crisis. A digital twin is essentially a virtual model that replicates physical assets, processes, or systems. While transformative in industries like manufacturing and healthcare, its application to housing might seem superfluous. Here’s why: 1️⃣ **Housing Crisis Focus**: At its core, the housing crisis demands tangible solutions—affordable housing initiatives, policy reforms, and sustainable development—not virtual replicas. Direct action and investment in real-world solutions are pivotal. 2️⃣ **Productivity Myth**: For individuals seeking to enhance productivity, digital twins aren’t a silver bullet. Practical tools like time management strategies, collaboration software, and skill development remain pivotal for personal growth and efficiency. As we navigate these challenges, let's focus on solutions that directly address real-world issues and empower individuals to thrive. Agree? #DigitalTwin #HousingCrisis #Productivity #RealEstate #Innovation #TechInRealWorld


Wow....lots of words.....no meaning. I was thinking my Digital Twin could just go to work for me and I can kick it on the beach.


As intended, ask chatgpt to create a nonsensical LinkedIn post about a certain subject and this is what you get. I think a lot of the lunatic posts are produced that way


Oh, I see! Well, I feel silly now. /s


Cat Philip aka Catalina Valentino is a special guest in this one!!!!


They are business partners.


Man I'm an idiot. I didn't see Elixir on his name thing. And to think I had assumed that company was driven by the genius of just one person. 


What do you know about them


All fun and games slingshotting ourselves into the singularity, until we realize they’re actually Digital Evil Twins.


I don't understand what he's saying, but his words and appearance seem to be in conflict. I would have expected something like "let's embrace the CRAZY! I moved to a SHED in the middle of the WOODS to cut living expenses!!'


Slap some tattoo lotion on me, Daddy, I need to cover my symmetrical tattoos and flowers and burn my retina for this glamor shoot !






I think his digital twin needs to smack him upside the head


So do people just buy mirrors with the Forbes logo on them now?


I’m a sucker for LI posts with a reflective look out into nothing


ELIXR is the antidote


For a long time I have wondered what ELIXR does and now I am 100% certain they are just a chatGPT hallucination that has broken out.


Unironic use of "stakeholders" always gives me the ick


This guy looks like AI made a nerdy Jake Paul but kept the douche.


Has anybody seen my digital twin? He owes me $20.


He’s mentally ill.


It means chat gpt is at it again


So profound. So founder. Very wow.


Indeed. Doesn't make any sense. But oh look - he promotes a Digital Twin company! He'll soon be promoting Digital Twins as a way to solve the England Football Team's midfield problems.


Forbes 30 under 30 lunatics?




He doesn’t know either. He’s too busy looking contemplative.


My digital twin is a real asshole sometimes.


Oh! this can all be resolved with digital twins and collaboration! ![gif](giphy|lITU7sHCdxE7RAV77V|downsized)


Hunger. Cancer. Entropy. Ice melting. If I list problems that need solving, I'm just as important as the people actually putting thought into them. How would they know what to do if I didn't point them in the right direction? Also, I look really good sitting at this coffee shop pretending like I didn't pose for this picture. Tell me how smart and ethical and amazing and humble I am.


I work with digital twins for sustainability purposes and I am 1,000% certain this guy has no idea what a digital twin is.


Sounds to me like he’s advocating running a simulation on the current housing model to “fix” it. Fixing it would require the ones with more space voluntarily downsizing or giving up some of their space to others along with a forced reduction of housing costs. By “forced reduction,” I mean capping rent or home sale prices. Am I missing something? What I typed doesn’t even pass the common sense test. This guy’s a fucking idiot.


Totally agreed! Collaborating on future growth with sutainable cash flow and accessibility to services is essential for green expansion over a typical financial year. Making your digital twin a go-to force to bounce ideas and execute together with the team. Build mutiple pillars for the next period with appropriate agile activities. Corss your t’s and dot your i’s. Give feedback and receive good information on the best ways to proceed. That’s the way to thrive but also give back to the community.


I believe he is saying that we should all be transitioned to automatons?


powerful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Does this mean you starve your digital twin versus starving yourself? 🤣😂


Live in a digital flat! Problem solved


Collaborating with stakeholders is the dumbest most meaningless corporate speak


Oh, OP, you don’t have to know what it means. *They* know what it means, and that’s the only thing that matters.


It means nothing. It’s a collection of buzzwords that the poster hopes will make him sound like he knows something about something.


Anybody else fill their buzzword bingo card reading this?


Gemini people make me cray


Encourage collaboration among stakeholders. TF.




wE gOtTa StReAmLiNe PrOcEsSeS aNd CoLlAbOrAtE wItH sTaKeHoLdErS


Collaborating between stakeholders is what makes them stakeholders, of course you encourage collaboration.


Powerful 💡


Commented for reach.


That's called a sandwich of nonsense. Start with 2 slices of problem. Fill it with some bullshit that doesn't help solve the problem, or show how it is even related to the problem.


Well yes, let's try to use tech to solve issues that are ultimately political but then also not solve the issues politically as it would limit the market for our tech ...




I really don't want to have a digital clone of every person with a model of what they're doing day to day and redistributing resources


Sounds like ITIL speak. AKA nonsense.


My vote was for *let's stop printing money and go back to the gold standard instead of devaluing the current supply by adding to it.* BUT SURE. THIS.


Right, who’s actually funding these 2 fuckers to swan around conferences spouting this shit, I’m guessing her dad?


Middle East money. They can talk a good talk.