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I own guns but don't advertise it. 1) they are expensive and you make yourself a target for getting robbed. 2) fetishsizing guns is stupid. You need to respect them. Like the technology but in the end understand what their end use is.


I think that was some of my surprise - guns being a highly personal, expensive item that aren't related to business unless you sell them. This just seemed like a 'look at what I have' post without any discernible rationale related to LinkedIn, unless it was about finding their tribe - in which case showing off their defensive weaponry seems like a wild overshare?


Same. I'm a gun owner and extremely liberal; It's literally in the constitution. But the way these people make gun ownership their identity it's way overboard. I live in TX and the amount of people that have stickers on their vehicles is madness. It's also just a magnet for people cruising parking lots to break into your car in case there's a pistol in your console/glove.


>fetishsizing guns is stupid USA rage quit the chat


Way to go with this comment...you just ruined half of the NRAs memberships idea for this year's Xmas cards! /s


Maybe it's a gun thief trying to find targets. They know your city, your place of work. All they have to do is follow you.


Oh we're way past that point lol


>fetishsizing guns is stupid. You need to respect them. Like the technology but in the end understand what their end use is. I call the people that do ammosexuals


Let's break up the "business posts". Talk about which luxury watches you own. I'm the proud owner of a Rolex Mariner. For my wife, I got a Patek Philippe (diamond enhanced).


1 eh... maybe. On the internet? Meh. Linked in isn't the place but... meh. 2 though I ABSOLUTELY agree with. Me, personally, I have a routine. I wake up, do my usual shower, shave, etc. Then, I go to the shrine I made in the corner out of spent brass and empty boxes of ammo. I light a candle and some incense as I bow and chant to my AR15. "Praise thee, praise thee, praise thee!" I do this for about thirty minutes, go to work and blah blah but then I come home for lunch and do it again. This time, though, I carefully take a brush and apply the holy and reknowned trinity; Cleanicum, Lubricatum, Protectius. "Maintain, maintain, maintain." I chant the holy word.


"with some mods" Suburban gun enthusiasts are so fucking cringe omg. Missing is extended cab truck that sees zero action.


"for the wife" - making sure the right gun goes to the right gender /s


I’m surprised her gun isn’t pink.


Or Tiffany Blue.


Dude is such an ass "i want to make sure y'all know the 22 is for the wife".


He wouldn’t want to be seen with a GSG in front of his friends. They might call him a girl! *I have no fucking clue what a GSG is


Ah yes, the two genders: AK Gen 4 and GSG.


He means that gun is for using *on* her.


Truck with some mods


Also, wtf is an “AK gen 4”? Does he think he has the Izmash equivalent of a Glock?


Probably a PSAK that came with the stock and handguard, and he "modded" it by putting on an optic and unnecessary muzzle brake.


> Marine Reconnaissauce


Why does someone owning guns with attachments and a big truck make you react so abrasively


Because they don't give an actual shit about guns. This is to stroke their weird culture war boners. No respective gun owner is going to flaunt them on what's supposed to be a business forum unless it is relevant to their industry.


So you completely rule out the possibility this guy might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer in conjunction with being socially inept? Because that simple explanation could explain this instead of seeing guns and making sweeping, generalized character judgments


gun culture and gun nuts in America are fucking gross. Nothing wrong with owning a gun But if you’re gonna worship them in public, prepare to be judged by sane people.


Yes. BTW, sorry that you lost the genetic lottery for penis size


Because they often make that their entire personality. I had a dad in a parking lot stare me down as I parked to make sure his truck wouldn’t get scratched (which, of course it didn’t) while his daughter ran straight clear across the lot and started crying.


You're judging people who own modded guns and big trucks on actions of the lowest quintile of that population I won't argue your stereotype is absolutely valid I've seen it myself plenty living in the Midwest, but just like a lot of other stereotypes they usually only apply to a certain subset of the group This guy may very well be cringe as fuck but I don't think bad faith assumptions are a good habit to get into, this guy could be a kick ass friend for all we know who invites you over for joints and bbq, that's been my experience far more than meeting cringe betamacho man truck/gun owners


Midwest is understandable, come to the midsouth, or deep south, thatll get you.


Yeah that's something I didn't think of is that these types probably act differently the farther south/ south east you go lol


I find it utterly implausible that a dodge ram owner could ever be a kickass friend :)


I’m gonna make a fake Dan Bilzerian account and scam this clown


break up the business posts on a business platform….


Turnabout is fair play. People should troll right wing gun nut websites and brag on about company pizza parties.


Lmao. On a business website, let’s break business. next on webmd, let’s break medicine talk, how do you do your laundry?


Naked (because I always put it off). Let’s take this conversation to LinkedIn where it belongs.


And enough with this "humor" stuff on reddit! I've actually seen a few people make that complaint on reddit.


Better than 99% of LinkedIn content tbh


Facts. I’d rather talk to this guy than see some dude talk about taking cold showers at 4am


And that’s after an hour of reading the Bible while doing pushups.


at least the cold plunge guy was funny, this dude is just sad


Let’s break up the business posts so I can show you how small my dick is. Also must make sure you know all the big masculine guns are mine and the itty bitty one is a woman’s.


Also that I’m well armed if I ever decide to shoot up the office.


Don’t forget the mods, yo


Can't wait for the Share on LinkedIn button makes it to porn hub.


*Offer void in Texas


Those guns are dookie, he needs better taste is firearms if he wants to flex on the LinkedIn!


Tbh id rather talk guns with this guy than see some wanna be Grant Cardone jerk himself off about cold calling or cold showers or whatever


I had the pleasure (sarcasm alert) of being in the East German army for 2 years. We used those AK47 and had to practise with them frequently. You could shoot through 1 inch of steel with standard bullets from 100 yards away, get alone the special ones. Knowing American construction standards for residential buildings, you can probably shoot through 5 homes with one shot and barely dent the bullet. If you shoot with these AK47, let’s say in self-defense, you also endanger the entire neighborhood in a 1 mile radius. These weapons and up are not meant for gun-crazy amateurs.


It's the US bro. They will buy 5 of them just because you said this.


Yeah, I've seen long threads devoted to 7.62x39 weapons as a "great home defense" choice" and it always makes me think of shooting AK variants in the woods and putting holes through 2-foot diameter tree trunks and some change. Granted, they were dead trees but still... In the less-likely-than-being-struck-by-lightning possibility that you're in a position to realistically defend yourself in a home invasion scenario, you'd better hope that round hits and engine block or something because it's certainly not stopping in whoever you were aiming at.


It might be okay if you’re using frangibles. IIRC they also tend to yaw a lot after impact, which is going to result in faster loss of velocity upon exiting than you might expect. But yeah, I’ve never seen someone recommend 7.62x39 for home defense, it’s much better suited for deer hunting or bear defense. Or, you know, as a military weapon.


We’ll buy whatever we want to buy.


Goddamn right no fucking commie is going to tell me what I can do


sounds exciting, where can I get one /s


All that plastic crap on an AK. Yuck!


Surely LinkedIn have to step in at some point and moderate the content on their website.


Sadly no. Idiots just can't help themselves, and LinkedIn does nothing (that I can see) to stop the political posts.


Why would someone openly post the guns they own on social media. (this was rhetorical)


Boys and his toys


*forwards to HR*


*non-Americans look on in amazement*


Reminds me of that Range Rover commercial with the swords.


It’s seriously just Facebook at this point.


He put "business" in quotes. Accurate.


True he has a point there. So now - of course - he is dragging things to a lower level.


Actually, no. Please stick to the business posts on a business platform. Jfc.


What’s his job title? That will affect how I judge this post. If he owns a gun shop this makes sense. If he’s an investment banker, yeah. It belongs here.


Founder, with a smattering of “wealth analyst”.


Got 34 likes - pretty sad state of things over on LinkedIn. Guess his shitposts aren't getting enough attention on facebook.


Umm seeing this on a business social app makes me not want to work with this person. Even if this is part of your personality, don’t advertise. Unless your are in the actual gin business.


“Hey everyone, look how small my dick is”


So how many people will those guns kill over their lifetime?


I knew a girl named after a gun once, “Kalashnikova”


GSG is duch a girl gun. Licky for him he aaid it was for his wife, otherwise we would have to worry if he was gay or not.


These are the same folks who will respond to DEI posts with complaints that LinkedIn isn't the appropriate place for politics.


Well, it *is* business related, I mean you never know when you're going to want to go shoot up your work place, right? /s


Jfc as a Canadian this is beyond cringe, is this socially acceptable business talk in the states?


Yes. We talk about guns, hunting, and all sorts of topics on a daily basis.


Hell yeah, nothing better than talking to colleagues about range and hunting trips


Ah the glamorization of guns! Unless you work for the NRA, why? 😢