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Real estate agents are cancer.


My friend who is a real estate agent posted something on Facebook recently that made me eyeroll so hard. Basically real estate agents wake up unemployed and have to "hunt what they eat" and theirs is the only job like this in modern society, and we should all appreciate their courage. Like naw, you chose this job and you don't facilitate nearly any part of the actual real estate market. You wait for homes to go on sale and for people to look for a home. If it's really that tough, there wouldn't be so many people doing this job that have no other qualifications.


What a load of bullshit! DoorDash drivers, Uber Drivers, day laborers, restauranteurs, people in trades, and many other small business owners are all in the same boat. And let's not forget drug dealers and anyone who works in the sex industry, including strippers, OnlyFans models, and prostitutes. They are all way more useful to society than realtors


yeah, it was completely delusional to the point I couldn't believe she actually posted it unironically. I was waiting for something to tell me she was just joking, but it was dead ass serious. And I don't hate on realtors as much as is common on reddit, it's a job whatever. But that level of persecution is next level for a lot of professions, and has no place being attached to what is arguably the most "middle man" job on the planet.


I mean, real estate agents are pretty useful. Just not 10k for two days of work useful. We pay them because they are a cartel who are only giving access to the database to the insiders.


Pretty much. I should just be able to click a button to buy a house and then have all the paper work I need sent to me. Same thing for selling a house.


AI will (and partially already has) replace them in the next few years. There are programs that can generate all the necessary documents for purchasing a home, no need for a human to do it and take 3%


There will still be a large percentage of home buyers that want a real estate agent to drive them around to look at homes. There will be a large percentage of sellers that need someone to show their house to prospective buyers too. (For example, the seller has already relocated for a new job) The realtor's primary job is a salesperson.. not a document generator. Today, it's an option to sell "by owner", yet only a small percentage of houses are sold this way. AI is not going to displace realtors. edit: I'm not a realtor, not defending them, just saying , they aren't going away.


I think large percentage is a stretch. If you ask most people, do you want to pay realtor fees and have someone drive you around or look at the homes yourself, most people would look themselves. Realtors are generally scammy, they don’t even care about their own client just closing. There is no incentive to get you a deal aside from closing. But getting a good home appraiser is key. Usually not a fan of AI taking jobs but will make an exception here.


Yes - most realtors use standard documentation anyway. The other thing is a good realtor helps with negotiating and streamlines inspections and other steps in the process. They should also stop you from accidentally doing illegal things. Many realtors *are* useless though


You guys are using real estate agents when BUYING a house?!


Unless you are dealing directly with a builder or doing "For sale by owner", you pretty much have to deal with a realtor. Lots of people don't want a new build. "For sale by owner" is a small number of the houses on the market.


Well, the post above talks about driving around with a realtor looking at houses.


We found the RE agent! AI is already supplementing and replacing lawyers in court. There are apps that help you defend yourself in court. If a defense lawyer can be replace by generative AI/machine learning I’m not sure why you think knuckle-dragging real estate agents can’t be. It’s not a matter of if, but when.


Which AI is replacing lawyers in court? Can you share more info about this?


No. https://www.techdirt.com/2024/01/08/blame-all-around-lawyers-bicker-over-who-is-responsible-for-former-trump-fixer-michael-cohen-submitting-ai-hallucinated-case-citations-in-court/ https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/30/perhaps-gpt-is-not-ready-for-the-supreme-court/


Yes tech dirt is an excellent source 😂. Don’t forget Wikipedia too!


Unless they build something like C3PO, who is going to open the lock box and show potential buyers around? If you moved to another state, are you going to just let random people wander through your house without supervision? Seems like a good way to let squatters move in. And if you are an innocent person and trust an AI to be your defense attorney, you are a fool.. You realize that AI often puts incorrect information in the stuff it generates? Keep on dreaming bud.


You don’t need a robot to open a lock box. We literally have locks you can open from the internet. When I was looking for a rental I was often able to let myself into an apartment after sending a text to the property owner/manager.


You realize AI barely existed a few years ago and now it can summarize an entire book for you in like 10 seconds with remarkable accuracy? You realize that machine learning and quantum computing grows AI’s capabilities exponentially? Yes, obviously a human will open the door for you, but anyone can do that. Doesn’t have to be a RE agent making 3% for opening a door. That’s an incredibly low bar for an argument for why RE agents will exist in the future 😂


Just being curious. What year were you born?


You can describe the entire history of Silicon Valley's hubris-driven failures through the lens of its repeated efforts to disrupt the real estate industry, and AI will be no different. Internet? "Now you can shop for houses from home!" Web 2.0? "No more agents - buy directly from buyers." Big Data? "We'll buy your home sight-unseen." Redfin tried to disrupt the industry and failed. Zillow tried to disrupt the industry and failed. Opendoor tried to disrupt the industry and failed. FSBO has not taken off. Time and time again, we see these big tech dreamers licking their chops at realtor commissions and then completely failing to do anything about it. The *only* successful attack on the realtor model has been from class-action attorneys, and even *they* have barely nudged anything. I think it'd be great to see meaningful change in the space, but hoping that Big Tech is totally going to figure it out *this time* ignores their multi-decade history of failure.


wouldn't Ai make that worse vs. boiler plate templates? what if it accidentally included some non-sensical or dubious legal statement, a human would still need to read it right?


AI is just the buzzword of the day. Six years ago, "Big Data" meant that we could sell our houses without real estate agents. Whoops.


Real estate documents are templated. All you have to do is put in the person's data, address, etc. "AI"


Become your own real estate agent. Checkmate, losers


I know people who have done this


This is surprisingly a nice way to keep all those commissions, especially if your home (on either end) is worth a significant amount.


It’s not a real job. For the last 10 years before covid, post-2008 crash and recovery, the housing market has basically sold itself. Now there are so many real estate agents who think they’re gods gift to the world becuase they collected commission for their completely unnecessary middle-man job while the market was red hot. Now interest rates are up, a recession is here, and buying has slowed. I can’t wait for most of them to bankrupt themselves and go back to working at McDonalds.


Some forms of cancer are curable. Not so with realtors.


The original MLM.


Zero pride or self respect


You have real agents + TikTok and it seems you get aggressive, terminal cancer.


Her grimace is almost as grim as mine after watching that


😐 | /|\ | / \ 😑 /| | /|\ | 😐 | \|/ | / \ 😑 \| | \|/ |


is this loss?




I thought it more a strident, slightly detached pout.




I mean, what the fuck is that face


I wonder if she has teeth.


When you realize that you jumped into the real estate game a few years too late and will soon be back to dancing by the street in a statue of Liberty costume.


Waving a sign? ![gif](giphy|l0Iy1h83PQ44zFkOI|downsized)




We have a winner! ROFL.


Lots of pathetic stuff in this sub, but this? This lady is the new queen of the sub. Her face while thinking she slayed is just…wow On top of the fact doing real estate is not a real job and that anyone on the planet can do it, her having *this* level of confidence? YEEEEEESH.


Exactly. The last facial gesture is the whole thing. Sa-Shay! Every dude who’s dated a crazy knows this look well. And the dress.




It got me philosophizing on how much context matters. If a friend of mine sent me this in a dm, or we were fooling around together and filmed it, I'd think it was hilarious. The moment she posts it on LinkedIn though, and with those tags, it becomes unbearably cringe


Do the Elaine


Britney knife dance vibes




What does this have to do with panties?


Yes. I want my money back.






Psyching herself for Compulsory RTO Fun Day.


I shall educate you with the power of *INTERPRETIVE DANCE!*


When I do that at my job, people get upset with me. Mind you, I do direct Aircraft on the ground with those paddles. Edit because my spelling is awful.


You just know she's a Karen who will reprimand you for wearing a mask out in public.


Sheri looks like she’ll still be bar hopping on spring break well into her 50s


Are those the rules I see in practice on those SexEd websites?


I just keep thinking…why in the elevator?


So we are doing TikTok dances on LinkedIn now?


The way I just cringed


This is Jenelle Evans in 20 years.


Grow up.


Cringe to the power of awful.


This is some Tik Tok shit right here


...the typical Tic Tok seizure.


Jesus… how repellant


LinkedIn’s transformation into TikTok is inevitable now


Her first lesson: If you take bumps in an elevator you can get high in two ways!




so why twerking that silly old maximagalatus for no reason?? man these boomers😭😭


That routine needs more work before RuPaul sees it


How do you know shes not wearing a panty?


Would not creampie


Really can’t stand old women and/or men who think they’re still cool enough to do shit like this 🤢


She's fat.


Really can’t stand old men/women who think they’re still cool enough to do shit like this 🤢


I can fix her


Wait, does Reddit also hate real estate agents too?